the full symposium schedule here
the full symposium schedule here
THE THEATRE WAR SYMPOSIUM OF 22 – 24 January 2015 schedule (01) 87 87 222 THURSDAY 22 JANUARY 2015 THURSDAY 22 JANUARY 2015 TIME EVENT LOCATION 10.00 –13.00 registration Abbey Foyer 13.00 –13.15 Welcome from Fiach Mac Conghail Abbey Auditorium 13.15 –14.00 TALK: SPEECH: RECASTING THE RISING 1916 ON THE WORLD STAGE Prof. Luke Gibbons: Professor of Irish Literary and Cultural Studies, Maynooth University. This talk will recast the Easter Rising from a Romantic to a Modernist idiom, proposing that this international turn transformed 1916 and the Irish Revolution into world historical events. Abbey Auditorium TIME 16.40 – 17.30 18.00 – 20.00 PANEL: THE THEATRE OF CONFLICT PART 1 ARTISTIC RESPONSE TO CONFLICT AND WAR Theatre director Conall Morrison reflects on his journey with Sophocles’ ANTIGONE, from Ramallah to Stormont, and explores how classical drama can help order our understanding of the intensities of modern conflict. Eisenhower Fellow and leading playwright Ruwanthie de Chickera will speak about Stages Theatre Group of Sri Lanka, a company she cofounded in 2001. The company is committed to producing socially and politically conscious, original Sri Lankan Theatre. She will discuss the challenges and triumphs of devising theatre in a post-war situation. Susannah Tresilian will talk about Project Ariadne. Named after the woman who gave the thread that led out of the maze, Ariadne looks at the relationship between war, women and the arts. Why is it important to put the spotlight on the women making theatre in conflict zones around the world? Conall Morrison: Theatre Director Ruwanthie de Chickera: Playwright, Screenwriter, Theatre Director. Susannah Tresilian: Theatre Director and Artistic Director of Project Ariadne Abbey Auditorium coffee break 15.50 –16.40 TALK: SUBJECTIVE DOCUMENTARY A WAR ARTIST’S ENGAGEMENT WITH FALSE NARRATIVES AND ILLUSIONS OF TRUTH Prof. David Cotterrell: An installation artist working across media and technologies to explore the social and political tendencies of a world at once shared and divided. moderated by sarah glennie (director of irish museum of modern art) Abbey Auditorium & broadcaster) RETURNING TO HAIFA (Rehearsed Reading) Adapted by Naomi Wallace and Ismail Karim Khalidi from the novella by Ghassan Kanafani, Returning to Haifa is a haunting tale of the repercussions and residues of dispossession and loss in Palestine/Israel. DISCUSSION AFTERWARDS see page 8 for more details Peacock Stage not included in symposium ticket prices 21.00 – 22.20 OH MY SWEET LAND (Performance) see page 7 for more details not included in symposium ticket prices moderated by ruth mcgowan (literary assistant of the abbey theatre) 15.30 –15.50 LOCATION TALK: THE RISE OF THE ISLAMIC STATE Patrick Cockburn: An Irish journalist who has been a Middle Eastern correspondent since 1979 for The Financial Times and, presently, The Independent. Patrick will talk about how an organisation that is a mixture of religious fanaticism and military expertise created a new state in the Middle East in the space of a year and asks the question. What are the chances of this state surviving? moderated by olivia o’leary (freelance political writer moderated by fiach mac conghail ( director of the abbey theatre ) 14.00 –15.30 EVENT Yeats Lounge Abbey Auditorium Peacock Stage FRIDAY 23 JANUARY 2015 TIME FRIDAY 23 22 JANUARY 2015 EVENT 09.00 – 10.00 coffee and scones 10.00 – 11.30 PANEL: THE THEATRE OF CONFLICT PART 2 ARTISTIC RESPONSE TO CONFLICT AND WAR John Scott will speak about his artistic breakthrough through making dances with survivors of torture. Dijana Milošević, co-founder of DAH theatre in Belgrade, will talk about her work with the theatre. Hope Azeda, one of the leading figures in contemporary Rwandan theatre will speak about Mashirika Creative and Performing Arts, a leading theatre company in Rwanda. Hope will talk about her work with Mashirika with reference to the productions of Africa’s Hope, Bridge of Roses and Shadows of Memory. Naomi Wallace and Ismail Karim Khalidi will read from her play One Short Sleepe. John Scott: Choreographer, performer Dijana Milošević: Theatremaker, Co-founder DAH Theatre in Belgrade Hope Azeda: Writer and Director Naomi Wallace: Playwright Ismail Karim Khalidi: Playwright LOCATION TIME Yeats Lounge 14.30 – 16.00 Abbey Auditorium TALK: THE FRAGMENTATION OF PALESTINE A UNITED NATIONS VIEW FROM THE WEST BANK Ray Dolphin: Researcher and Writer currently based in East Jerusalem, working with the UN office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA). The presentation will show how a combination of Israeli physical obstacles and bureaucratic constraints are undermining Palestinian access to services, livelihoods and resources and the territorial integrity essential for a Palestinian state 16.00 – 16.30 coffee break 12.15 – 13.15 TALK: NATIONALISM AND THE POLITICS OF SPIRITUALITY IN INDIA AND IRELAND Prof. Gauri Viswanathan: Class of 1933 Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University Abbey Auditorium 13.15 – 14.30 break TALK: ‘WHAT’S THE STORY WITH THE IRISH CIVIL WAR?’ Dr. Anne Dolan: Lecturer in modern Irish history TCD will speak about the nature and legacy of the Irish civil war. The consequence of violence at a political and at a personal level and in placing the Irish experience in a wider context. Abbey Auditorium 16.30 – 16.45 coffee break 16.45 – 17.30 WAR CORRESPONDENTS (Performance) HELEN CHADWICK SONG THEATRE War Correspondents is a collaboration between composer Helen Chadwick, Olivier Award winning choreographer Steven Hoggett and creative associate Miriam Nabarro. The company will perform extracts from the songs, followed by a question and answer with composer/creator Chadwick, and the five actor-singers. see page 7 for more details Abbey Auditorium Yeats Lounge 18.00 – 20.00 SHIBBOLETH (Rehearsed reading) BY STACEY GREGG A co-commission between the Abbey Theatre and the Goethe Institut, Dublin, Shibboleth is at once a symbolic homage to the common man and a sensitive exploration of working-class Belfast life. see page 8 for more information Peacock Stage Abbey Auditorium Yeats Lounge not included in symposium tickets prices moderated by prof. declan kiberd (keough naughton professor of irish studies at university of notre dame) Abbey Auditorium moderated by fiach mac conghail ( director of the abbey theatre ) moderated by fiach mac conghail ( director of the abbey theatre ) 12.00 – 12.15 PANEL: BARRIERS RESPONSES AND REACTIONS TO WALLS, BARRIERS AND BOUNDARIES Dr. Brendan Ciarán Browne will speak about the ‘peace’ walls in Belfast and also the challenge of commemorating the Easter Rising in that City. Stacey Gregg, Belfast playwright, will speak about her play about Belfast called Shibboleth. Leading emerging Palestinian theatre director and writer Amir Nizar Zuabi will talk about his work with ShiberHur theatre company on political/poetical theatre and the effort not being reduced. Dr. Brendan Ciarán Browne: Assistant Professor of Transitional Justice at Al Quds (Bard) University, Jerusalem Stacey Gregg: Playwright Amir Nizar Zuabi: Playwright and Director LOCATION moderated by shona mccarthy (director of shona mccarthy consulting) moderated by aideen howard (literary director of the abbey theatre) 11.30 – 12.00 EVENT 21.00 – 22.20 OH MY SWEET LAND (Performance) see page 7 for more information not included in symposium tickets prices Peacock Stage 24 JANUARY 2015 SATURDAY 22 TIME EVENT 9.00 – 10.00 coffee and scones 10.00 – 11.30 PANEL: THE THEATRE OF CONFLICT PART 3 ARTISTIC RESPONSE TO CONFLICT AND WAR This is a simultaneously translated panel in which we hear from Frédérique LeComte, who is the founder and main facilitator of the Theatre and Reconciliation method speaking about her work. Vladimir Shcherban, director and co-creator of Belarus Free Theatre will speak about his work with the company. Iman Aoun who is artistic director of Ashtar Theatre in Ramallah and a major Palestinian actress will speak about her work in the West Bank and Gaza. Frédérique LeComte: Sociologist, Writer and Stage Director Vladimir Shcherban: Theatre Director (translated by Sasha Padziarei) Iman Aoun: Artistic director of Ashtar Theatre LOCATION Yeats Lounge Abbey Auditorium 11.30 – 11.50 of drama & TALK: ART, BEAUTY, WAR A LOOK AT HECUBA, CLYTEMNESTRA AND ANTIGONE AS DIFFERENT MANIFESTATIONS OF WOMEN IN WAR THROUGH THE LENS OF ART AND BEAUTY. Marina Carr: Playwright, English lecturer at Dublin City University/ St Patrick’s College Drumcondra This urgent and extraordinary play exploring the crisis in Syria through the stories of its two million refugees is brought to Ireland for the first time by London’s award-winning theatre, the Young Vic, in a co-production with Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne. Abbey Auditorium OH MY SWEET LAND (Performance) see page 7 for more information not included in symposium ticket prices P E A C O C K S TA G E D A T E S : Tu e s d a y 2 0 – S a t u r d a y 2 4 J a n u a r y, 9 p m T I C K E T S : €18 – €2 5 / C o n c . €13 – €18 Abbey Auditorium helen chadwick song theatre (extracts) WAR CORRESPONDENTS ‘I keep hoping that some day, if we keep telling the truth, it will be better for all of us’ Kenneth Best, Liberian Journalist War Correspondents is inspired by recent interviews with journalists covering conflicts from Bosnia, Iraq, Chechnya and Liberia. Interviewees discuss the guilt of filming people when they are at their most vulnerable, censorship, the increased dangers of working in the field since 9/11 and the personal cost to those reporting. moderated by fiach mac conghail ( director of the abbey theatre ) 21.00 – 22.20 CONCEIVED BY CORINNE JABER They came from Damascus, from Halab, from Banias where the bombs fall day and night and the wounded children look like sleeping angels. Now they live in camps and abandoned buildings in Lebanon or Jordan. Now Syria is just a distant memory, a home forever lost. moderated by aideen howard (literary director of the abbey theatre) 11.50 – 12.30 OH MY SWEET LAND ‘They call it a civil war, but there is nothing civil in this. Nothing civil at all.’ theatre studies at nui galway ) TALK: ‘HOW WAS THE COMMEMORATION OF THE LOCKOUT FOR YOU?’ Pádraig Yeates: Journalist, publicist and trade union activist recounts his first- hand experience of organising a major national commemoration young vic / théâtre de vidy-lausanne co-production written and directed by amir nizar zuabi moderated by prof . patrick lonergan (prof. PERFORMANCES Peacock Stage Sections of these interviews have been transformed into song. War Correspondents is a collaboration between composer Helen Chadwick, Olivier award winning choreographer Steven Hoggett and creative associate Miriam Nabarro. As part of the symposium, the company will perform extracts from the songs, followed by a question and answer with composer/creator Chadwick and the five performers, Helen Chadwick, James Lailey, Michael Mears, Oliver Senton, Rebecca Thorn. Lyrics by Chadwick from interviews with journalists. For the interviews, we are deeply grateful to the following journalists: Shakh Aivazov, Margarita Akhvlediani, Goga Aptsiauri, Martin Bell, Ramzy Baroud, Leli Blagonravova, Sofia Chaava, Kate Holt, Larry James, Salome Jashi, Ewa Jasiewicz, Jana Javakhishvili, Maggie Kane, Temuri Kighuradze, David Kvijinadze, Giuliana Sgrena, Vakho Shalibashvili, Jack Shenker, Nino Shushania, Vaughan Smith, John Spaul, Chris Stephen, Guram Tsibakhashvili, Nino Zhizhilashvili, Zoriah, and anon as well as to Giorgi Gogia of Human Rights Watch and to the Tim Hetherington Trust and Stephen Mayes for permission to quote Tim Hetherington. With much thanks to Steven Hoggett, Miriam Nabarro, Penny Mayes, Natasha Chivers, Pete Malkin and Andy Shewan of the production team of the staged version. A B B E Y S TA G E D A T E S : Fr i d a y 2 3 J a n u a r y, 4 . 4 5 p m T I C K E T S : Ti ck e t s a r e f r e e a s p a r t o f Th e Th e at r e o f War Symp o s i u m REHEARSED READINGS RETURNING TO HAIFA adapted by naomi wallace and ismail karim khalidi from the novella by ghassan kanafani directed by raz shaw When he reached the edge of Haifa, approaching by car along the Jerusalem road, Said had the sensation that something was binding his tongue, compelling him to keep silent, and he felt grief well up inside him. A stage adaptation of one of the most iconic works of Palestinian resistance literature, Returning to Haifa tells the story of two Palestinians returning to the home they were driven from twenty years ago. It is a haunting tale of the repercussions and residues of dispossession and loss in Palestine and Israel. P E A C O C K S TA G E D A T E : Th u r s d ay 22 January, 6pm T I C K E T S : €6 / Conc. € 4 a co-commission between the abbey theatre & the goethe-institut, dublin SHIBBOLETH STACEY GREGG directed by maisie lee Belfast construction workers Alan, Mo, Corey and Stuarty– the “Brickies” – are building yet another so-called “Peacewall” in the city to separate “Themens” and “Usens” from each other. Polish-born Yuri arrives to take his place amongst the Brickies, who regard him with great suspicion at first, but eventually welcome him in as one of their own. When Yuri admits his anguish to them about his daughter Agnieszka having been beaten up by her Belfast boyfriend, they rally around with their support. This results in a deception, and a tragic casualty. Shibboleth is at once a symbolic homage to the common man and a sensitive exploration of working-class Belfast life. P E A C O C K S TA G E D A T E : F R I DAY 2 3 January, 6pm T I C K E T S : €6 / Conc. € 4 Did you hear something interesting? join the debate @AbbeyTheatre #ToWS2015