This weeks bulletin - Our Lady of Guadalupe Church


This weeks bulletin - Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
In today’s bulletin you’ll find the semiannual parish finance report. Although
the Diocese only requires that we publish
a report on an annual basis, I think it’s
important to be fully transparent – and
make figures available to you for perusal
on a more regular basis.
On the report you’ll notice a few
figures in red. Ordinarily, on a finance
report, you always want to be in the black; red is indicative of deficit
spending. Know that this deficit spending is intentional … both last
fiscal year and this. Why? Because we’ve undertaken a number of
pre-planned capital improvements which required that we spend
from the savings we purposefully accumulated. In the 2014 fiscal
year, we replaced the shingled roof at a cost of slightly over
$80,000. Thus far this fiscal year we’ve repainted the worship
space ceiling, re-carpeted the church, relocated the choir area,
renovated the front gardens, and completely rebuilt a boiler.
Please take time to review the parish finance report. If you have
any questions, feel free to contact Deacon Dave Govern
(330.468.2194 x3) who is the parish business manager and chair of
Parish Finance Council (PFC). Additionally, you may speak with
any member of PFC (all of whom are listed on the front cover of the
In coming weeks you’ll notice a few web cameras being installed
around the building (hallway, foyer, church, etc). As we know alltoo-well from media reports, not everyone who enters a building
does so with the intention of using it for its intended purposes. It is
hoped that a few strategically placed web cameras will allow the
parish secretary, who can only briefly glance at people as they enter
the building, to be more attentive to the whereabouts of those whom
she might not recognize.
Additionally, because I live at St. Rita’s and am required travel to
OLG to investigate any nighttime alarm, having remote access to
these web cams will allow me to immediately ascertain any latenight need for a police response.
Save the dates for 2015 Vacation Bible
School...July 6-10th. VBS will be held from
9AM to 11:30AM. Registrations will be in
May 2015 for participants as well as teen
and adult staff. Teens will be able to earn involvement hours for
both school and Confirmation. We hope to see many students
there! Questions? Call Connie Blust at 330.468.2194, Ext. 34.
Sunday, January 25
Mass..............8:00 am, 9:30 am, 12:00 pm
PSR (All Rooms) .................10:5-11:45 am
Monday, January 26
Morning Prayer.............................. 8:15 am
Mass.............................................. 8:30 am
PSR (All Rooms) ...................6:15-7:15 pm
Adult Chime Choir, SC .................. 6:45 pm
PSR (All Rooms) ...................7:45-8:45 pm
Tuesday, January 27
Morning Prayer.............................. 8:15 am
Mass.............................................. 8:30 am
PSR (All Rooms) ...................6:16-7:15 pm
Wednesday, January 28
Morning Prayer.............................. 8:15 am
Mass.............................................. 8:30 am
No Scripture
Rosary, CH.................................... 6:00 pm
Thursday, January 29
No Morning Prayer
No 8:30 AM Mass
Cantor Rehearsal, SC ................... 6:30 pm
Choir Rehearsal, SC ..................... 7:00 pm
Friday, January 30
Morning Prayer.............................. 8:15 am
Mass.............................................. 8:30 am
Saturday, January 31
Office Closed
Adoration Concludes, HF .............. 8:00 am
Confessions .................................. 4:00 pm
Mass.............................................. 5:00 pm
Spirit Day Retreat ............9:00 am-8:00 pm
Souper Bowl Collection ............. after Mass
Sunday, February 1
Mass..............8:00 am, 9:30 am, 12:00 pm
PSR (All Rooms) ...............10:45-11:45 am
Souper Bowl Collection ......... after Masses
Youthful hearted young adults are looking for
focus. Are you looking, too? Join us Tues,
February 17th from 7:45-9:00pm. Grab next
weeks bulletin to learn more. Or contact
Francis Szekeres at 330.217.9122.
JANUARY 25, 2015
OLG Church Cleaning Team
This week’s cleaning team will be
Kathy Jellison
Monday, January 26
8:15 am ........................................................Morning Prayer
8:30 am ................................................. Alphonzo Saracusa
Tuesday, January 27
8:15 am ........................................................Morning Prayer
8:30 am ............................................... Joseph Hieu Nguyen
Wednesday, January 28
8:15 am ........................................................Morning Prayer
8:30 am ........................................................ Dorothy Holzer
Thursday, January 29
8:15 am .................................................. No Morning Prayer
9:00 am ..................................................................No Mass
Friday, January 30
8:15 am ........................................................Morning Prayer
8:30 am ....................................................... Robert LeBlanc
Saturday, January 31
5:00 pm ..................................... Andrew & Isabelle Kanapky
Sunday, February 1
8:00 am ......................................................... People of OLG
9:30 am .......................................................... Socola Family
12:00 pm ......................................................... Doris Walczak
Readings for the Week of January 25, 2015
Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20
2 Tm 1:1-8* or Ti 1:1-5* /Mk 3:22-30
Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35
Heb 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20
Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25
Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Mk 4:35-41
Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28
You asked for it, you've got it! Back by popular demand,
another Attic Sale is slated to take place again this year on
November 7th with active donations in October.
consider donating to the sale when putting away Christmas,
spring cleaning, downsizing, etc., and choose our sale for your
donations. There is limited space for storage if necessary.
What's In Your Attic??
Questions?? Call Don Grabowy at 330 468-2194 x 39 or Joyce
Reeves at 330 963-3287.
OLG is in desperate need of a few
volunteers to help clean the church on
a weekly basis. If you’re interested in becoming a
church cleaner, please contact Jackie Cackowski at
330.468.2194, Ext. 22 at your earliest convenience.
St. Barnabas School will be offering open registration for
Kindergarten, preschool and Grades 1-8 at the Open
House on Sunday, January 25th from 1:15-2:15 p.m. in
the School Office. Your child MUST be 5 years old by
September 30th to be eligible for Kindergarten. You will
need to bring with you a copy of your child’s birth
certificate, baptismal certificate, a CURRENT utility bill to
show proof of residence, legal custody papers if
applicable to your child and one check payable to St.
Barnabas School in the amount of $155 (all fees are
NON-refundable). For further information, please contact
the school office at 330.467.7921.
The 2015 Catholic Charities Annual
Appeal invites us to open our hearts to
live joyfully and generously! Dignity,
Hope, Concern, Justice and Generosity
are the values of Catholic Charities.
Through the grace of God and the
generosity of donors. Catholic
Charities, Diocese of Cleveland is a
beacon of hope, helping people in need.
Many parishioners received letters in January, inviting
their support of the Annual Appeal. You can help others
change the course of their own lives. There is joy in
serving and joy in giving. Please give generously to the
2015 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal and prayerfully
consider an increase over your last year’s pledge.
Liturgical Ministers - January 31 & February 1, 2015
5:00 PM
Terry Lubrano, Pearl Metzger, J. R. Ratkovsky, Joseph Rock II, Rose
Triggiani, Mary Ann Tutokey, Edward Uschold
Kathleen Dalrymple
Michael & Christian Le
8:00 AM
Eugene Bittner, Adam & Mary Gockowski, Carol Henn, Rosemary
Angela Pace
Michael Secora &
Michael McConnaughey
9:30 AM
Kathy Ashurst, Deacon Dave Govern, Joanna Janisz, Joseph Kost
III, Bill Kubrak, Dottie Rule
Ronald Reichwein
Jacob Grams & Peter Hawersaat
12:00 Noon
Sherry & Mark Farley, Gregory Knapik, John & Mary Leben,
Carmencita Roxas
Edward Tilisky
Aimee Flores &
Daria Gitiforooz
Like us at:
Open the eyes of
my heart, Lord!
January 18, 2015
Sunday Offering ..................................................$4,530.00
Vanco (EFT) General Offertory (1/12– 1/18) ......$1,268.00
Total Offertory .....................................................$5,798.00
Rejuvenate, Replace, Repair ..............................$2,080.00
Vanco (EFT) RRR (1/12 - 1/18) .............................$163.00
Total RRR donations ..........................................$2,243.00
89 Vanco EFT participants
Thank you for sharing that
which God has so generously shared with you!
Anyone wishing to enroll in EFT may do so
by visiting
LENT: What Are You Going To Do About It?
Lent is fast approaching...are you going to do anything about
it? Like pray or fast or give alms? Here are some
suggestions for Lenten practices, find what you fits you and
stick with that very faithfully.
Fast with one meal a day, no snacks, one day a
Skip meat an extra day a week.
Give up alcoholic beverages
Give up coffee (or reduce to one cup a day)
Give up all unnecessary shopping
Fast from music in the car
Begin the daily Rosary
Meditate for 10 minutes a day
Choose one extra devotion per week (Stations
of the Cross, Adoration or a weekday Mass)
January 25, 2015
All three readings this Sunday involve interruption of
business as usual and a call to change one’s ways in light
of a new situation.
Jonah was told by God to go to Nineveh and tell them that
in 40 days this city will be destroyed because of their evil
ways. At first Jonah fled and didn’t want to do as God
asked. We all know the whale story so Jonah obeyed
God and goes to Nineveh.
Paul tells us time is running out and the world in its
present form is passing away and we need to repent and
reform our lives.
Mark tells how Jesus tells us the Kingdom of God is at repent and believe in the Gospels.
Jesus calls the first apostles to come follow him
interrupting their occupation and all their relationships.
They had enough faith in Jesus to leave their activities
and follow him. This shows what repentance is. What
does this mean for us? Stop and look into ourselves, look
at our life, our beliefs and how we treat others. We need
to change our ways. With the coming of Christ and his
teachings, a new way of life began. There is a need to
repent and believe in the Gospels and the messages they
present to us. Our life here on earth is short. Put your
hope into action. Believing in the Gospels, put belief into
practice. It’s not hard, a smile, a kind act, respecting
human life and all God’s creation, being a friend and not
being afraid to share your faith. Believe in the Gospels!
Written by Spiritual Life Committee
Visit a nursing home with your children
Forgive someone and patch things up in a visit,
or, if necessary, by phone or letter
Say a kind word to everyone you meet
pay a significant compliment each to each of
your children each day.
Visit an elderly friend or relative
Save up a significant amount of money for a
deserving charity or apostolate.
For Young People:
Restrict TV, Internet or music time
Restrict your phone time
Be a friend to a shy person
Give up that bad place, person or thing
Choose a favorite toy, book or piece of clothing
and put it away until Easter.
The weekend of February 7th and 8th,
the OLG Ministry for Those in Need will
be welcoming in 2015 by collecting
NEW sweat shirts and pants for adults
and children. These items which can be
used for sleep and street wear will be
donated in your honor to local families
and shelters for clothing during our cold
weather. Monetary donations will also
be gratefully accepted in lieu of
garments. Thank you for your continued
support and generosity.
Sunday, February 1, 2015, is Super Bowl
Sunday and we will be gathering with
friends and family for fun and of course the
special foods! How can we bring together this midwinter
spectacle with the social Gospel? “My heart is moved with pity
for the crowd, because they have been with me now and have
nothing to eat.” Let us be mindful of the poor and the hungry those who are without even a bowl of soup to eat! On Super
Bowl Sunday we are asking you to please give $1.00 for the
Holy Spirit Church Hunger Center located in Garfield Heights.
As you are leaving church, there will be a soup tureen in the
foyer in which to place your $1.00. God bless you!
Nancy Freibott, Spiritual Life Commission
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015, 5-8PM
Saint Mary Seminary invites you to a
Mardi Gras Celebration at the Center for
Pastoral Leadership. There will be homemade gumbo,
delicious desserts, 50/50 raffles, music, games for the kids,
and SMS jackets for purchase.
Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids (under 12)
and will be available at the door. Proceeds support the
seminarians’ student Activity Fund, which supports cultural
events and human formation for our men in formation for
the priesthood. Saint Mary Seminary is located at 28700
Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio. Call 440-943-7600 with any
Eucharistic Adoration at OLG is a
wonderful way to escape to the serenity
and peace that await you as you spend
time with our Lord. Please consider
giving one hour of your time at any of
the following open hours:
11AM-Noon, 4-5PM Needs a Partner
3-4AM, 6-7AM, 11PM-Midnight
9-10AM, 11AM-Noon-Needs a Partner
3-4PM, 4-5PM
Contact Deacon Dave at 330.468.2194, Ext. 3. All are
January is the month we remember
the Supreme Court’s decision to
legalize abortion and EWTN will have
extensive coverage of Pro-Life
events. On January 27 EWTN covers pro-lifers who walk across
the country to Washington, DC to protest abortion. More
information on
THE ROSARY…..and priorities….
Stress can take a heavy toll on you if you’re not careful.
What a bizarre world we create...seemingly, success and
stress go hand in hand. We willingly agree to take on
horrible stress so that we can be a success...then we buy
lots of stuff we want...not need...causing more stress….
yes, to prove we are a success. Finally, we eat and drink
in excess because we can’t figure out why we’re
stressed...and can’t find PEACE.
We say “God, please help me.”
Well, He will. But first you must
recognize that the good life is not
about power and materialism. Work
to store up treasure in Heaven, not
on earth. You can’t take a U-haul
full of earthly things to your grave.
Make your FAITH number one.
Don’t worry about tomorrow, God is
already there, watching to see if you really did figure out
what is important today. Sit down and talk to Our Father,
give Him a quiet period to talk to you. Maybe say a few
Hail Mary’ will be amazed at the feeling of calm that
comes over you. God Loves You! His arms are
outstretched to YOU.
Remember, you and your family are always invited to
take part in our parish Rosary Group every
Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Church. Come and join
us….what’s stopping you?
Knights of Columbus Council
#11831, will host a pancake breakfast on
Sunday, February 8th after the 8:00 am
and 9:30 am Masses at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.
Breakfast includes: pancakes, sausage links, crispy
bacon, orange juice, and hot beverages of choice for only
$5.50 for adults and $4.00 for children under 10.
The proceeds from the breakfast continue to support
parish related projects. Thanks for your support.
School-Age Servers Needed
The Our Lady of Guadalupe Server ministry
is providing our youth an opportunity to take
part in the liturgy in a meaningful way. By
serving with reverence, respect and attention,
the altar servers are an important service to
our faith community and an act of faith and
love that draws the server closer to God.
Boys or girls interested in serving must be in
the fourth grader or older. We are ALWAYS
accepting new servers!!
Training is
provided. For more information, contact the
Parish Office at 330.468.2194, Ext. 22. Or send an email
JANUARY 25, 2015
Mark 1:14-20
Fishers of Men
FEBRUARY 7, 2015
7:00-9:00 PM
All girls four years old through
high school are encouraged to
invite their dad, grandpa, uncle or
godfather to the Father/Daughter
Dance which will be held on
Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 7-9PM, the cost is $5
per dad. We have a professional DJ {Tim Yokiel} and ask
moms to provide a plate of appetizers or desserts to
share that evening. OLG will provide the festive punch
and paper products. Please fill out the registration form
below and return it to the PSR office no later than
January 25, 2015.
Tom Ballard
Cary Beilstein
Al Bolek
Tom Brew
Mary Butkovic
Dale Cackowski
Don Cackowski
Lottie Cimaglia
Sharon D’Angelo
Della Ehrman
George Ehrman
Evelyn Eyring
Gary Fiktus
Fr. Robert Friedel
Robert Furlong
John Gable
Douglas Hornik
Barbara Johnson-Batson
Alex Kane
Kellen Kolozvary
Kathy Koren
Brian Kowalski
Eleanore Kronjak
Sally Kubrak
Marian MacDonald
Mary Malley
Steven Malley
Thomas Mikolay
Abigail Miller
Bob Owens
Colleen Percival
Barbara Roberts
John Schultz
Paulette Stofko
Kathleen Suchocki
Jennifer Tatar
Shirley Tirone
Patrick Wills
Dan Zeman
Joe Ziegler
(Note: To keep the list current, names are placed on the list for 4 weeks.
On the fourth week the name will be put in “italics” to let you know
that it is about to be removed. Please contact Jackie Cackowski at
330-468-2194, x-22 to keep the name on the list, or to add or remove
Baptism Preparation Class: Our
next baptismal preparation class will
be held Monday, February 16th at
7:30 p.m. in the Marian Room.
Please register for the class if you are
planning to have your child baptized
soon and have not yet participated in a
preparation class. If you are not able
to attend this class, the next one will be held in May.
If you have any questions, please contact Nancy
Freibott at 330.468.2194 x-23.
Father’s Name_______________________________
First/Last Name of Father, Grandpa, Uncle, etc.
Girls Name
Girls Name
Girls Name
Girls Name
Mother’s Name_______________________________
Phone #____________________________________
Baby’s due date or date of birth__________________
Is this your first child?_________________________
Moms...we need help! (Your Info Below)
Decorating on Saturday Morning
At what Church are you registered?______________
Please place the completed form in the collection
basket or drop off at the Parish Office.