a communication skills learning system
a communication skills learning system
A COMMUNICATION SKILLS LEARNING SYSTEM MULTI-MEDIA FEATURES Comprehensive communication curriculum • 42 Modules: see contents, overleaf More than 400 videos • Unique synchronized skill annotations Special interactive features • Quizzes, feedback, grades • Available on smart phones and tablets Worldwide use • 30,000 have used DocCom • Japanese translation available • German translation in process Evaluation • Medical Teacher 2010;32:1-10 • Patient Education and Counseling 2010;80:345-50 • Journal of Communication in Healthcare 2009:2;159-172 ECONOMICAL! • Typically $40 or less per user BETTER COMMUNICATION STARTS HERE “ ” We use DocCom as part of our required curriculum, and have used it for remediation as well. We would be glad to talk to anyone who wants to make DocCom part of their communication curriculum. — Robert Arnold, MD Professor of Medicine, Leo H. Criep Chair in Patient Care University of Pittsburgh, Section of Palliative Care View Demos and Free Trial Offer: http://www.aachonline.org/?page=FreeDemonstration The American Academy on Communication in Healthcare, in partnership with Drexel University College of Medicine, publishes this e-learning resource. AACH, established in 1978, is a non-profit interdisciplinary group of healthcare educators, researchers and clinicians dedicated to improving healthcare relationships and communication. 2 0 1 E a s t M a i n S t r e e t , S u i t e 1 4 0 5 , L e x i n g t o n , KY 4 0 5 0 7 | 8 5 9 - 5 1 4 - 9 1 6 8 | A A C H o n l i n e . o r g TABLE OF CONTENTS CORE CONCEPTS 1Overview Geoff Gordon, MD, Oregon Health & Science University 2 Mindfulness and Reflection in Clinical Training and Practice Ron Epstein, MD, Rochester University 3 Therapeutic Aspects of Medical Encounters David Brody, MD, University of Colorado; Dennis Novack, MD, Drexel University* 4 Balance, Self Care John Christensen, PhD, Legacy Health System, Portland, Oregon ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Structure and Content of the Medical Interview Auguste H. Fortin, VI, MD, MPH, Yale University; Francesca Dwamena, MD, Robert C. Smith, MD, ScM, Michigan State University Build a Relationship Julian Bird, MD, Kings College, London; Steven Cole, MD, SUNY at Stony Brook Open the Discussion Beth Lown, MD, Harvard University; Ron Saizow, MD, University of Oklahoma Gather Information Beth Lown, MD, Harvard University Understand the Patient’s Perspective Beth Lown, MD, Harvard University Share Information Beth Lown, MD, Harvard University* Reach Agreement Beth Lown, MD, Harvard University Provide Closure Beth Lown, MD, Harvard University ADVANCED ELEMENTS 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Responding to Strong Emotions Barry Egener, MD, Legacy Health System, Portland, Oregon* It Goes without Saying: Nonverbal Communication in Clinician-Patient Relationships Cecile A. Carson, MD; Jeannette M. Shorey II, MD, University of Arkansas Communication across Cultures Calvin Chou, MD, PhD, University of California, San Francisco; Ellen Pearlman, MD, New York University; Cathy Risdon, MD, McMaster University Promoting Adherence and Health Behavior Change Michael Goldstein, MD, Brown University; F. Dan Duffy, MD, U Oklahoma, Tulsa; Rob Shochet, MD, Johns Hopkins University* Informed Decision-Making Clarence Braddock, MD, Stanford University Exploring Sexual Issues Rich Frankel, PhD, Indiana University; Elizabeth Edwardsen, MD, University of Rochester; Sarah Williams, MD, New York University Exploring Spirituality & Religious Beliefs Shimon Waldfogel, MD, Thomas Jefferson University COMMUNICATING IN SPECIFIC SITUATIONS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Family Interview Kathy Cole-Kelly, MD, Case Western Reserve University; Tom Campbell, MD, Rochester University Communication and Relationships with Children and Parents Elizabeth Rider, MSW, MD, Harvard University The Adolescent Interview Ken Ginsberg, MD, Oana Tomescu, MD, University of Pennsylvania The Geriatric Interview Brent C. Williams, MD, MPH, University of Michigan; James T. Pacala, MD, MS, University of Minnesota Tobacco Intervention Michael Goldstein, MD, Brown University and Institute for Healthcare Communication; Susan Swartz Woods, MD, Oregon Health & Sciences University Motivating Healthy Diet and Physical Activity Geoffrey Williams, MD, Rochester University Anxiety and Panic Disorder Steven Locke, MD, Harvard University Communicating with Depressed Patients Steven Cole, MD, SUNY at Stony Brook* Domestic Violence Nielufar Varjavand, MD, Drexel University and Dennis Novack, MD, Drexel University* Alcohol: Interviewing and Advising William Clark, MD, Harvard Medical School; Sharon Parish, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine* The Clinical Assessment of Substance Use Disorders – NEW in 2010: Video interviews of real patients who discuss their illness and recovery! Barbara A. Schindler, MD, Drexel University College of Medicine; Ted Parran, MD, Case Western Reserve* Medically Unexplained Symptoms and Somatization Francesca Dwamena, MD, Michigan State University; Felice Milan, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Auguste H. Fortin, VI, MD, MPH, Yale University; Robert C. Smith, MD, ScM, Michigan State University Advance Directives Robert Arnold, MD, University of Pittsburgh; Krista Hirschmann, PhD, Lehigh Valley Hospital Network Giving Bad News Timothy Quill MD, Anthony Caprio MD, Catherine Gracey MD, Margaret Seaver MD* Communication near the End of Life Muriel Gillick, MD, Harvard University* Discussing Medical Error Peter Barnett, MD, University of New Mexico Terminating the Doctor/Patient Relationship Peter Lichstein, MD, Wake Forrest University COMMUNICATING WITH COLLEAGUES 37 38 39 40 41 42 The Oral Presentation Alicia Monroe, MD, University of South Florida and others Communication within Health Care Teams Cathy Risdon, MD, McMaster University; Marla Rowe, MD, Wayne State University; Zeev Neuwirth, MD, PhD, Harvard University; Anthony Suchman, MD, Rochester University Talking with Impaired Colleagues Peter Barnett, MD, University of New Mexico Giving Effective Feedback Burt Landau, PhD, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia* Professionalism: Boundary Issues Elizabeth Gaufberg, MD, MPH, Harvard Medical School* Effective Clinical Teaching Dennis Novack MD, Allison Ferris MD, Burton Landau PhD, Drexel University Colllege of Medicine, and Ronald Saizow MD, University of Oklahoma 2 0 1 E a s t M a i n S t r e e t , S u i t e 1 4 0 5 , L e x i n g t o n , KY 4 0 5 0 7 | 8 5 9 - 5 1 4 - 9 1 6 8 | A A C H o n l i n e . o r g