CPD Opportunities - Digital Learning Team
CPD Opportunities - Digital Learning Team
CPD Opportunities All courses (unless otherwise stated) are held in our training rooms in WHEC Places can be booked through myHR or your CPD Coordinator or via the link provided Digital Professional Development Jan – Mar 2015 Exploring Meraki—Getting the most out of your network CF0112 28 January 2015 4:30pm-6:30pm Course Tutor: Anna Mitchell This course is for staff with responsibility for the setting up of and/or managing iPads in their establishments. The course will give you an introduction to Meraki, an overview of the features and time to work on your own Meraki network. If you want to attend but do not have a Meraki network please contact digital@ea.edin.sch.uk ICT Coordinators’ Exchange (Session 2 of 3) CF1402 (Early Years, Primary, Special) 3 February 9:00am– 11:00am & 14:00pm— 16:00pm and 4 February 2015 9:00am– 11:00am CF1403 (Secondary) 4 February 2015 Course Tutor: David McKee Specifically designed for ICT Coordinators, this course will keep you up to date with local, national and international ICT developments. A representative from every establishment should attend these meetings. Microsoft Office 365: Part 1 Supporting your Establishment 9 February 2015 4:30pm-6:30pm Course Tutor: Richard Burgess This is a train-the-trainer course designed to help one person from each school learn more about Office 365 to enable them to then support their own school. Please click on the link below to book a place on this course: http://tinyurl.com/feb365part1 Digital Learning Team | WHEC | 5 Murrayburn Drive | Edinburgh | EH14 2SU CPD Opportunities Jan 2015 digital@ea.edin.sch.uk @DigitalCEC digitallearningteam.org Digital Professional Development January - March 2015 Book Creator for iPad CF0070 11 February 2015 4:30pm-6:30pm Course Tutor: Anna Mitchell An introduction to the Book Creator App. Explore how to create and collate content in your book. Publish your finished book to iBooks and beyond. iBooks Author for iPad CF0248 24 February 2015 4:30pm-6:30pm Course Tutor: Dave McKee An introduction to iBooks Author. To explore how to create content using a variety of media in iBooks Author. To export finished work as books to iBooks and beyond. SRD Admin Training CF1814 11 March 2015 1:30pm-4:00pm Course Tutor: Dave Mckee This course is for staff who will be using Admin rights for BT computers. Delegates will be given an overview of what changes and updates have come into place with Admin rights post-refresh. Delegates will be able to work with the new Admin rights during the hands-on part of the session. iPad Forum CF1273 24 March 2015 4:30pm-6:30pm Course Tutor: Nadia Kettles Join us for an update on iPad developments in the City of Edinburgh and beyond. We will look at examples of best practice both local and international, but the best part is sharing our own hints and tips. So come along and share your favourite App, feature or iPad trick! Keep up to date with our latest developments follow us at digitallearningteam.org and on Twitter @DigitalCEC Digital Learning Team | WHEC | 5 Murrayburn Drive | Edinburgh | EH14 2SU CPD Opportunities April 2014 digital@ea.edin.sch.uk @DigitalCEC digitallearningteam.org Digital Professional Development January - March 2015 Please note the following are Apple Professional Development (APD) full day courses that will require the permission of your Head Teacher to attend iOS Creativity 27 January, 24 February & 17 March 9:00am-4:00pm Course Tutor: APD Trainer Suitable for staff in all sectors who have a basic iPad knowledge but want to learn more about how to use the iPad creatively to enhance learning and teaching. 27 Jan: http://tinyurl.com/iOScreate1 24 Feb: http://tinyurl.com/iOScreate2 17 Mar: http://tinyurl.com/iOScreate3 iTunes U 3 February & 3 March 9:00am-4:00pm Course Tutor: APD Trainer Suitable for staff in all sectors who want to use iTunes U to create and publish a course of work for pupils to access on the iPad. 3 Feb: http://tinyurl.com/iTunesU1 3 Mar: http://tinyurl.com/iTunesU2 iOS Devices 10 February & 10 March 9:00am-4:00pm Course Tutor: APD Trainer Suitable for iPad beginners. Covers the following:iOS basics, Device Orientation, Navigation, Apps, iBooks, iTunes u and learning resources, Acessibility features. 10Feb: http://tinyurl.com/iOSDevicesp1 10 Mar: http://tinyurl.com/iOSDevicesp2 Keep up to date with our latest developments follow us at digitallearningteam.org and on Twitter @DigitalCEC Digital Learning Team | WHEC | 5 Murrayburn Drive | Edinburgh | EH14 2SU CPD Opportunities January 2015 digital@ea.edin.sch.uk @DigitalCEC digitallearningteam.org