Wellsite Geoscience Services


Wellsite Geoscience Services
higher standards
Wellsite Geoscience Services
informed decisions
Bringing advanced formation evaluation techniques
from the lab to the wellsite.
Weatherford Laboratories Wellsite Geoscience Services (WGS) brings advanced, laboratory-based formation
evaluation techniques to the wellsite, enabling faster and more informed reservoir development decisions.
Near real-time organic geochemistry, advanced mud gas detection, mineralogy and elemental composition are used
to make informed drilling and completions decisions, maximize production, and provide more cost effective and
efficient completions.
Wellsite Geoscience Services (WGS) incorporates advanced and portable technologies, each one designed to quantify
a variety of formation attributes: the proprietary GC-TRACERTM surface gas detector and Source Rock Analyzer
(SRA), together with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) instruments. These technologies provide
direct measurements of formation gas, hydrocarbon content, rock mineralogy, brittleness and enhanced wellbore
positioning through the elemental data (chemostratigraphy) all at the wellsite.
Rock Solid Analysis
Core analysis will always provide the most extensive reservoir evaluation
program, but budget constraints, wellbore conditions and the time
required for lab analysis can limit the number of wells cored. WGS
provides comprehensive measurements at the wellsite, relying on
rock cuttings and formation gases that come to the surface as natural
byproducts of the drilling process. The data from the cuttings analysis
can also be integrated with that of the core to identify reservoir
heterogeneities that exist between those key cored reference wells.
problems solved
When time is money,
Wellsite Geoscience is money well spent.
• Provides answers in near real-time versus 6-8 weeks at a lab.
• Helps map the geological formation of an entire leasehold or basin,
providing more effective exploration programs.
• Decidedly less expensive than coring, while providing data
from real rock.
• Supplies information to locate the more favorable areas to drill.
• Provides more accurate and far less expensive data than
• Provides organic richness and thermal maturity measurements,
wireline in horizontal wells.
which help prove there are hydrocarbons in economically
producible quantities.
• Can provide a description of the entire wellbore, which is not
possible even with core.
• Helps companies evaluate the production potential of old wells by
analyzing cuttings from the past.
• Supplies better understanding of minerology and
geochemistry, helping pinpoint pay zones.
• An excellent source of data to integrate with wireline and
• Helps maximize production of vertical wellbores by immediately identifying the most attractive intervals for hydrocarbon
mud logs to affirm or redirect decisions.
production including potential by-pass pay zones or secondary pay zones.
• Provides data that helps engineers make decisions earlier,
• Helps maximize production of horizontal wellbores by accurately identifying the proper depth at which to land the lateral.
reducing costs in the long run.
• Confirms zonal containment while drilling horizontal wells, thanks to better understanding of stratigraphic position.
• The WGS team is led by some of the most experienced
geologists in the world.
• Helps minimize completions costs by identifying the more brittle zones ideal for fracturing and more ductile zones to
potentially avoid when staging fractures and stimulations.
• Helps establish the best chemicals and fluids to utilize during fracturing based on the type of rock encountered.
key technologies
Source Rock Analyzer (SRA) – Programmed Pyrolysis
surface Logging Systems’ revolutionary GC-TRACER surface gas
detector leverages a unique, patented extraction technology
enabling you to accurately and consistently characterize
GC-TRACER™ – Advanced Mud Gas Analysis
formation gas samples (methane to octane) and equate them
Weatherford Laboratories’ proprietary Source Rock Analyzer
to actual reservoir compositions regardless of mud type, flow
offers insight into a reservoir’s expected hydrocarbon
rate, gas solubility or temperature in the flowline. Applications
production. While this type of analysis is routine in the
include estimating fluid type; supporting geosteering operations;
laboratory, the SRA is the industry’s first wellsite pyrolysis
locating hydrocarbon-rich and hence more producible zones; and
instrument. It can be used to provide organic geochemical
identifying “sweet spots” in shale to optimize well placement.
parameters for a variety of applications.
All reservoirs
Identify bypassed pay by analyzing rock chips in the drilling
fluid as the well is being drilled to target.
Assess reservoir potential earlier in the development process
by providing operators an estimate of how much oil resides
in the reservoir.
Shales and tight sands
Optimize hydraulic fracture placement by pinpointing the
location of oil in shale plays and tight sands. Save money by
identifying optimal zones for fracturing.
Heavy oil
Identify sweet spots to determine the best location in the
heavy oil column (highest API gravity).
Identify deepwater asphaltene zones that can damage
equipment and result in significant lost time and related
Source Rock Characterization
Extracting and analyzing formation gas entrapped
in low-tempature mud
In deepwater, the cooling effect on returning drilling mud typically renders
conventional surface gas detection and analysis tools ineffective for this
environment. The GC-TRACER system makes the extraction and accurate
characterization of formation gas feasible, despite low mud temperatures.
Extended-reach and
Distinguishing between hydrocarbon-bearing
and nonhydrocarbon-bearing zones to support
Real-time data from the GC-TRACER system prevents straying too far above or
below a target zone – a potentially costly error when drilling extended-reach or
ultra-extended-reach wells.
Extreme downhole
conditions (such as
HP/HT), tortuous well
Obtaining critical reservoir data
Wireline logging in extreme downhole conditions and highly tortuous well
paths can require the use of specialized tools, rendering these operations cost
prohibitive. Wireline logging in these conditions can also be unreliable or even
impossible. As a surface logging technology, however, the GC-TRACER system
can supply reservoir data in the absence of wireline or LWD logs.
Shale plays
Identifying prospective zones (sweet spots) and
most “fracable” zones
The GC-TRACER system enables you to identify sweet spots and the zones most
conducive to fracturing. As such, it helps determine optimal well placement to
enhance stimulation programs critical to shale development, contain costs and
ultimately maximize recovery.
Organic carbon content
Oil content
Remaining hydrocarbon – generation potential
Thermal maturity
Organic C02
Reservoir Rock Characterization
• Oil yields
• Viscosity and API prediction
• Tar, bitumen, pyrobitumen content
• Pay zone identification
Ultraviscous hydrocarbon Distinguishing between extra-heavy oil and tar
The GC-TRACER system can detect elements in formation gas (such as benzene
and toluene) that indicate the presence of tar zones. Consequently, it enables
you to avoid tar mats, which can severely impair well performance, and to target
associated extra-heavy crude.
MPD/UBD operations
With a custom-engineered bypass manifold, the GC-TRACER system makes gas
monitoring on MPD or UBD operations possible. Specifically, it enables you to
collect and measure representative gas samples upstream of the degasser and
separator. As a result, it helps avert kicks to enhance safety and increases your
understanding of the reservoir to inform critical decisions.
Site Remediation Studies
Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)
Total organic carbon (TOC)
Gas monitoring
The X-ray Flourescence (XRF) delivers a compositional
measurement of 32 elements (12 major and 20 trace
elements) in core and cuttings samples in approximately 25-
X-ray Diffraction – Mineralogy
X-ray Fluorescence – Elemental Analysis
elemental data than can be acquired by conventional wireline
Weatherford Laboratories’ X-ray diffraction (XRD) service is
elemental capture tools – and without the risk of downhole
the industry standard for providing direct measurement of
tools. Elemental analysis provides a better understanding
formation mineralogy through an analysis of rock cuttings.
of reservoir stratigraphy and rock properties. This aids in
These high-quality data help identify formation tops and
wellbore positioning, helps optimize geosteering, and
compositional variations within the formation. Furthermore,
identifies brittle zones to inform hydraulic fracturing design.
the quantified mineralogy can be used to calculate a relative
XRF elemental data can also estimate organic richness of
brittleness for each sample which aids in selecting the most
shale using trace element proxies.
appealing interval within a pay zone to land a lateral section
and assists in understanding variations in mineralogy and rock
mechanical behavior along the lateral to optimize completion
and hydraulic design.
All reservoirs
• Direct measurement of mineralogy for accurate lithologic assessment and more informed stratigraphic correlations.
• Calculated proxy brittleness for identification of most appealing intervals for lateral drilling and vertical/lateral
fracture treatment.
• Data delivered in near real-time allows for more informed drilling and completions decisions on a per well basis.
• Direct knowledge of variations in diagenetic mineralogy facilitates optimal choice of completion fluids.
30 minutes – providing a significantly greater range of
• Optimize vertical completions or lateral drilling target by identifying the most brittle interval which is most closely
associated with the hydrocarbon bearing intervals.
• Allows for customized completions plans designed to group associated lithologies for similar completions
• Determination of feldspars, total clay, and carbonate minerals in sandstones allows better understanding of
provenance, diagenetic history, porosity evolution, and reservoir quality.
• Determination of calcite, dolomite, and siderite in carbonates permits better understanding of diagenesis and
reservoir quality, as well as constraining log interpretations.
• The quantification of total clay, pyrite, and anhydrite in both sandstones and carbonates aids in log interpretation,
such as calculation of porosity and bound water.
• Direct measurement of mineralogy from cuttings samples requires no downhole tools to provide accurate lithologic
assessment and brittleness, in near real-time, with no capital risk.
All reservoirs
• Direct quantification of up to 32 elements, including 12 major elements and up to 20 trace elements, allows detailed characterization
of reservoir sequences.
• Elemental chemostratigraphy enhances and improves stratigraphic correlations, leading to better understanding of reservoir extent,
continuity, and architecture.
• Chemostratigraphy in near real-time at wellsite aids in identifying casing points, coring points, and TD in vertical wells.
• Chemostratigraphy in near real-time at wellsite facilitates better wellbore positioning in horizontal wells.
• Quantification of K, Th, and U yields a spectral elemental gamma ray (EGR) curve for comparison to LWD-GR, of particular importance
in hostile wellbore conditions where the downhole LWD tool may fail.
• Increases rig safety as XRF elemental determinations do not require a downhole nuclear source.
• Monitoring changes in elemental composition while drilling lateral sections to better maintain wellbore placement in relation to the
target interval.
• Understanding the geochemical variation of the rock matrix allows for customized and more effective completions strategies.
• Deterministic modeling of elemental data delivers an assessment of organic content and mineralogy.
• Quantification of thorium, potassium, and uranium offers a spectral elemental gamma ray log in addition to a total gamma ray log.
• Run in lateral sections with no added risk to the well or lost in hole responsibility.
• Forward modeling of elements to minerals along with elemental spectral gamma provides improved identification of heterolithic
zones as opposed to using only logs.
• XRF analysis on cuttings while drilling can detect subtle stratigraphic differences in the inorganic mineral matrix, thus improving
confidence of rock composition.
• Minimize drilling out of zone, loss of drilling time and side-tracks by detecting faults.
• No added downhole risk.
• Rapid measurement of elemental composition provides accurate chemostratigraphic correlations, in near real-time.
• Accurate quantification of thorium, potassium, and uranium can provide a spectral elemental gamma ray log as well as a total
gamma ray log.
optimizing production
Weatherford Laboratories has deployed Wellsite Geoscience Services in a wide range of reservoirs, with impressive
results. Typical applications include:
highlight smaller intervals for more intensive and comprehensive analysis, including identification of locations for
rotary side wall cores or full cored intervals.
Unconventional Reservoirs
Conventional Reservoirs
The heterogeneity, both vertically and horizontally, of unconventional oil & gas plays bring a host of new challenges
Weatherford Laboratories is also applying its Wellsite
to the construction of high-quality, highly productive wellbores. Our data enables operators to streamline their
Geoscience Services in conventional reservoirs. For
exploration projects by identifying the sweet spots (the optimal combination of minerals and hydrocarbons). The
example, identification of core point and total depth
timely nature in which the data is provided allows the selection of the appropriate landing zone and aids in
in vertical wells can be challenging in formations
maintaining correct wellbore placement and, ultimately, to optimize hydraulic fracturing operations to significantly
comprised of inter-bedded sand, silt and clay and more
reduce costs and improve production.
conventional correlation techniques may not provide
definitive solutions. This problem is especially prevalent
Geochemical screening through pyrolysis and TOC
in areas with faulting, poorly defined formation dip and
measurement for organic matter type and quantity as
expanded, missing or condensed sections. Analysis of
well as thermal maturity and available hydrocarbon
cuttings by XRF while drilling can detect differences in
content are critical to reservoir assessment. While
the inorganic elemental geochemistry of different sands, silts and clays to aid in pinpointing the stratigraphic position
directly measured mineralogy through XRD has long
of the wellbore. Being independent of other correlation tools, it can provide improved confidence in making expensive
been the industry standard, complimenting this data
drilling decisions.
set with accurate elemental composition provides the
opportunity for much more detailed chemostratigraphy
While drilling deviated and horizontal wells, conventional correlation techniques may fail to detect faults, especially
and more informed decisions on a per well basis.
in the presence of sand-to-sand or clay-to-clay contacts. XRF analysis has been successfully applied in a number of
different reservoirs globally, to help minimize time spent drilling out of zone and avoid costly side-tracks. XRF analysis
These direct measurements on physical samples of
has also been proven in HP/HT wells since surface-based tools are not subject to the same hostile conditions as
the reservoir provide screening over large intervals to
downhole tools.
Fundamental to all cuttings based analysis (whether XRD, XRF and or SRA) is determining the accuracy of the
analysis has been successfully applied in a number of HP/HT reservoirs, assisting in wellbore positioning in complex
depth where the cuttings samples come from. The XRF calculates spectral and total gamma ray responses from
structural areas, identification of casing and coring points, and determination of total depth (TD) of wells where the
measurements of potassium (K), thorium (Th) and uranium (U) in cuttings. A good match between this Elemental
trace element inorganic geochemistry has provided enhanced stratigraphic correlations.
Gamma Ray (EGR) log and the MWD and/or wireline gamma ray log confirms the samples are on depth and
representative of the interval drilled. The EGR also provides a valuable backup to gamma responses obtained from
wireline and LWD tools, especially in hostile wellbore conditions where the downhole sensors may fail.
Carbonate reservoirs present geosteering and formation evaluation challenges that can be significantly different than
those seen in sandstones and shales. This is particularly true for clean carbonates containing only small amounts of
High Temperature Reservoirs
silt and clay, which nevertheless may be critical to understanding stratigraphic position, adjusting wellbore trajectory,
Wellsite Geoscience Services goes where
and assessing reservoir quality. LWD gamma tools often cannot resolve the very low gamma responses typical of
conventional logging-while-drilling (LWD)
clean carbonates, while the technologies employed by Weatherford’s Wellsite Geoscience Services are well-suited to
and wireline tools can’t, providing real-time
tackle the challenges.
reservoir information in high-pressure/hightemperature (HP/HT) environments – where
The XRD can accurately identify mineralogy changes, such as the relative amounts of calcite and dolomite, to help
ambient temperatures exceed 325°F (163°C).
evaluate diagenetic facies and reservoir quality. While the XRF can measure major elements such as SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3,
Weatherford Laboratories’ Source Rock Analyzer
and K2O down to 0.1 wt%, and many key trace elements such as Sr, Rb, Y, Zr, Nb, and Th down to 10 ppm or less for
(SRA), XRD and XRF technologies provide
calculation of minerals not precisely quantifiable by XRD analysis. This sensitivity allows even small amounts of silt
in-depth analysis of total organic content (TOC),
and clay (<2 wt% total) to be exploited for chemostratigraphic zonation, with some correlations possible for tens
kerogen type and quality, and a thorough
of kilometers with a field or basin. The chemostratigraphic signals contained in very small amounts of silt and clay
understanding of cuttings’ mineralogical
provide a better understanding of stratigraphic position while drilling.
Additionally, tar mats are a common problem encountered when developing clean carbonate reservoirs, and provide
Operators can use this data to update seismic
barriers to both injection and production. Confident detection of tar mats from cuttings can be accomplished using
models and verify their location in the
SRA pyrolysis, particularly in combination with XRF measurements of V, Ni, and S.
stratigraphic sequence to stay on course to
their desired target in the reservoir. XRF
rock solid expertise
We expect more from ourselves
so you can expect more from us.
An Integrated Focus on Formation Evaluation
Weatherford is a leading, global provider of formation evaluation services. In addition to our laboratory services, these
include wireline logging, logging-while-drilling (LWD) and surface logging. Integration is an integral part of our
formation evaluation approach. Rather than merely provide services on a piecemeal or stand-alone basis, we offer
comprehensive evaluation solutions that draw from our many complimentary product lines. And, our people have
the knowledge and experience to best implement these services in order to help you gain valuable insight into your
reservoir, at every stage of its producing lifecycle.
Laboratory Analysis
Weatherford Laboratories combines an unsurpassed global team of geoscientists, engineers, technicians and
researchers with the industry’s most comprehensive, integrated laboratory services worldwide. From core analysis,
sorption, geochemistry and isotopic composition to detailed basin modeling, we provide you with the real reservoir
rock and fluid information that hasn’t been distilled by a simulator or iterated by software.
We are committed to Higher Standards, continually moving beyond conventional solutions to find new and better
ways to optimize oil and gas production. We expect more from ourselves so you can expect more from us.
Surface Logging
With a team of more than 1,500 specialists, Weatherford is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing providers of
surface logging services. Our offerings range from conventional mudlogging to advanced wellsite analysis. We take a
modular approach to surface logging, and help you choose the best logging options from a vast array of systems and
services to address the specific needs of your exploration, development or infill-drilling operation. To learn more about leveraging Weatherford Laboratories Wellsite Geoscience Services to make informed drilling and completions
decisions, to maximize production for the well and minimize completion costs, visit www.weatherfordlabs.com.
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