
Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth
THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Information: Bulletin submissions:
1531 Grafton St. Halifax NS B3J 2Y3 (902) 429-9800
#201, 65 Green St. Yarmouth NS B5A 1Z6 (902) 742-7163
n November, Pope
Francis declared a
Year for Consecrated
Life. During this year,
Catholics everywhere
are called to recognize, appreciate and pray for
the ministry that consecrated women and men
provide around the world. In our local Church of
Halifax-Yarmouth we have 15 groups of women
and men who live this vocation. Join members
of these communities as they gather with Archbishop Mancini on February 2 for World Day of
Prayer for Consecrated Life at the 12:15pm
Mass at Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica.
Let us pray for all consecrated women and
men that they may have the courage, as Pope
Francis exhorted, to “wake up the world”!
hank you for
your generous
support to our
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal! To
date we have collected over $300,000 and your
parish will share at least 20% of the total collected until the end of January.
Please note that all donations received on or
before January 31 will be included in your parish
total and benefit your parish. If you have not
given there is still time. You can donate by depositing your gift in the parish collection, or go
online to and click
on the “donate now” button. Your gift will make
a difference as we move forward through our
gatherings, our growth and formation as well as
our outreach efforts.
If you have any questions please contact Cathy
Driscoll-Cainen at 902-429-9800 ext. 308.
Vol. 50, No. 9
re you looking for an opportunity to meet
new people, learn more about yourself,
and, most importantly, grow deeper in your relationship with God?
Come to Steubenville Atlantic 2015!
Steubenville Atlantic is our annual high school
youth conference.
Steubenville Atlantic is a weekend conference
featuring amazing speakers, dynamic talks, and
radical encounters with Christ through the sacraments. You’ve never seen Sunday Mass like
this before! It’s a chance to learn and grow in a
fun, high energy environment.
Steubenville Atlantic is for everyone – for
those who are searching for God, and those
who have already found Him.
To learn more about this year’s conference,
watch the promo video, and register online, visit, or
When: July 3-5, 2015
Where: Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
Cost: $225 – or register before March 31 to save
But you don’t have to wait until the summer
to experience Steubenville Atlantic. Come to the
Steubenville Atlantic Launch Party on Friday,
January 30 at McNally Theatre, Saint Mary’s
University at 7:00pm. Get a feel for the energy
and excitement of the unique experience that is
Steubenville. Can’t get to the party in person?
Join the party online by livestream:
JANUARY 25, 2015
The kingdom of God has come; Repent, and believe in the good news. Mark 1:14-2
ften we hear, “All
good things must
come to an end.”
Today a long standing publication in our Archdiocese is
ending. Today we say goodbye to the archdiocesan
bulletin started 51 years ago in the former Archdiocese of Halifax. We acknowledge the good
news – literally and spiritually — shared in the
archdiocesan bulletin over the years. It has
been a key method of communication in our
Archdiocese for a very long time — a method to
keep connected. We want to build on that connection and hopefully strengthen it by introducing two new ways to keep the faithful of our region up-to-date.
Halifax-Yarmouth News Service
This is a weekly information service containing
news items such as:
 Announcements from the Archbishop and
diocesan offices, diocesan liturgical events,
 Important announcements and information
from the Pope, Vatican, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and other sources
regarding the life of the Church universal
 Parish happenings related to our key pastoral
themes of mission, community and formation
 Parish events
 Announcements from affiliated groups, such
as: Knights of Columbus, Catholic Women’s
League, local religious orders, etc.
This is a monthly journal containing articles
aimed at deepening the reader’s understanding
and knowledge of our rich Catholic tradition.
Sections of the journal will include:
 From the Desk of the Archbishop – reflections
from our Archbishop on a current topic in the
life of our Archdiocese
 Our Journey of Transformation – information
and inspiration around our journey to transform our local Church in light of our Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter and our challenge to develop and pursue a Pastoral Action Plan in each
parish and region
 Our Church – news from our universal Church
that reminds us that we are a part of a large
Catholic family
 Our People, Our Parishes – a glimpse at who
the people and parishes are that live, work
and worship in the Archdiocese of HalifaxYarmouth
 Our Faith: Quo Vadis – articles that deepen
our understanding and knowledge of Catholic
teaching to help form us into disciples of
 The Word – reflections on a Sunday Gospel
 Vocations – articles highlighting vocations in
the Archdiocese
 Youth – articles highlighting young people and
youth ministry in our Archdiocese and beyond
These two instruments of communication will
be sent electronically to all our parishes. However, you can also have them sent directly to
your own email inbox!
Subscribe at
St. Agnes & St. John The Baptist
St. Agnes Parish—6903 Mumford Rd,
Halifax N.S. B3L 2H4
Phone: 902-454-8200 fax: 902-455-3831
Weekday Masses: Wed. & Fri . 12:10 pm
Tue & Thu
4:00pm (anticipated)
8:30am & 10:30am
Confessions: Saturdays 3pm – 3:30pm.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesdays 10-12
Pastor: Fr. Paul Morris
Assistant Priest : Fr. Raymond Odumuko
Pastoral Associate: Annie Kulczycki
email :
Religious Ed. Dir: Tanya Thomson
Direct ph # (454-8281) or
Office Administrator: Marlene Turpin
Parish Office Hours: 7:00am – 3:00pm
Pastoral Council Chair: Valerie Bobyk
Finance Council Chair: Andrew Miller
Music Coordinator: Gregory Doyle 902-488-0794
St Agnes Church has a designated Scent Free area
on the front right hand side of the church by the
tabernacle in the first 6 rows. Signage is visible.
St. John the Baptist—26 Purcell’s Cove Road,
Halifax N.S. B3N 1R4
Phone: 902-477-3110 fax: 902-455-3831
Weekday Mass: Tue , Thurs & Fri 9am; Wed 7pm
4:00pm (anticipated)
9:00 & 11:00am
Confessions: Sat 3– 3:45pm & by appointment
Religious Education Tish Sachetti
Financial—Susan Hann (477-3362)
Pastoral Council Chair: Brett Woodbury - 477-9358
Finance Council Chair: Al Driscoll - 477-3318
Marriages: by appointment only. 1 year notice must be
given. Please contact the office.
Baptisms: Take place on the last Sunday of every
month. Please Contact the office.
RCIA: Please contact Fr. Paul Morris 454-8200.
Hall Bookings: St Agnes call Marlene 454-8200
St. John the Baptist call Susan 477-3362.
25th January 2015
Religious Education News:
Please note the next Friday Fun
Night is FEBRUARY 27th 6:00 –
8:00. No January Fun Night.
Saint Agnes Confirmation Meeting
for Parent and Candidates – Sunday Jan.25th 11:30 in the auditorium. This meeting is to discuss what
it means to be Confirmed in Christ,
who can be a sponsor and how the
candidates can participate in service and ministry. If you are unable to attend this meeting kindly
let Tanya know and we’ll ensure the meeting material gets to you.
Saint Agnes Youth in Ministry New Lectors Meeting – Sunday
Jan.25th 11:30. New Youth Lectors are asked to meet Ann Marie
Sautiere in the church after the 10:30am Mass. Thank you for participating in Youth Ministry as a Lector. Proclaiming God’s Word is
a wonderful gift and we appreciate you taking the steps to learn,
train and to grow closer to Jesus.
Steubenville Pizza Party / Launch – Friday Jan. 30th 5:00pm in the
Saint Agnes Leo Day auditorium for Pizza Supper, then we’ll head
to SMU for the 7:00 pm Launch Party. Please come and see what
this great summer youth conference is all about!! Steubenville Atlantic Youth Conference July 3rd – 5th at Dalhousie University. Special invitation to our Steubenville Alumni – hope to see you!
3rd Sunday Ordinary Time
St. Agnes Parish Friday 12:10 Mass will include the Sacrament
of the Sick.
St. Agnes & St. John the Baptist
Upcoming Events.
Sacred Heart School Entrance Scholarships are available for
Grade 7-12 applicants! Application deadline Saturday February
28, 2015 Call for application details! 902-422-4459 or
Sunday January 25
SA—Confirmation parent & Youth Mtg. 11:30am
St. John The Baptist CWL: - We need women or men who
would like to cook for Hope Cottage once a year. Recipes provided. Please contact Sylvia @ 902 477-0755.
Tuesday January 27
SA—Meditation Campbell Centre 1:30pm
SA—Acts—St. Agnes Rm 2:30pm
SA—Joy of the Gospel—Campbell Centre 7pm
St John The Baptist CWL – Do your bit for the environment. There is a container in the church porch to collect pop
top pull tabs and plastic bread clips. These are used to provide
rulers to third world schools and wheel chairs
Our 4th Annual GIRLS NIGHT OUT will take place Friday, February 6, 2015 at St Agnes Parish, Msgr Leo Day Auditorium. It is
an evening for girls 19-199!! The entertainment for the evening
is TONIC. As every year we have plenty of chocolate, desserts,
door prizes, raffles, and a cash barTickets are $15 and are available at our Parish Office or call 454-8200 #3 for further information. IT’s THAT TIME AGAIN…. Girls Night Out is soon approaching … Each year we ask for donations of ladies items for
our Girls Night Out Raffle. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO if you received a gift this year that you already had….please feel free to
donate it to us!! We are accepting donations from now until
January 25th!! Call Annie 902-454-8200 #3 or drop off at the
Parish Office.
Wednesday January 28
SA—Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament 10am-12
SA—Mothers Morning out—Auditorium 10-12
SA—Bible timeline—St. Agnes Rm 12:40pm
SA—Prayer Warrior Group—Fr. Frecker Rm 7pm
Thursday January 29
SA—Meditation– Campbell Cent. 1:30pm
SA—Prayer Shawl Ministry– Campbell Cent. 2:30pm
Friday January 30
SA—Sacrament of the Sick 12:10 Mass
SA—Steubenville Pizza party 5-7pm—Launch SMU
Sunday February 1
Saint Agnes First Reconciliation Parent Meeting – Sunday Feb. 1
9:40am, please meet in the church. At this parent meeting we will
talk about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the preparation outline and what to expect on sacrament day. If you are unable to
attend the meeting, please let Tanya know so that you receive the
meeting material.
St. Agnes Women Walking with Christ 2nd Movie Night.
Sunday February 15th 6-8:30 pm in the St. Agnes room .Movie
is Giver. So Ladies bring a blanket, wear comfortable clothing slippers even. We supply the popcorn.
All Ages Cape Breton Ceilidh – Saturday Feb.7 6:00pm – 9:00pm
in the St. Agnes Leo Day Auditorium. Instructional Square Sets,
Open Talent Showcase, Step dance Showcase, Music provided by:
CASSIE and MAGGIE MACDONALD, with guest fiddler and pianist
CELINE and DANELLE DOUCET. Admission $7, Family Rate $20,
Children under 5 free. There’s a great CANTEEN and 50/50. Adult
accompaniment required for children under 16, Smoke Free ~ Alcohol Free. This is wonderful family fun for all ages !!
SA- Calling all Baptized!! Calling all Baptized!! Our Baptismal
response to ministry is very important to the workings of our
parish family. We are in great need of Ministers of Holy Communion, especially at the 4pm and 8:30am Masses and Greeters
for the same two Masses. We have revamped our Baptismal
Preparation program and are looking for couples who would
like to assist. Is there a ministry that you think that we need
that we don’t have? It would be great to hear your idea and
help you put it into action. For further information please call
902-454-8200 #3.
Mom’s Morning Out - gatherings resume Wednesday Jan.21st
10:30am – 12:00pm. Grown-ups, toddlers & babies invited for a
time of sharing in faith and fellowship. We have coffee and tea
and appreciate any snacks or sweets you would like to bring. Hope
you’ll come for visit.
2014 Giving Tree— We wish to thank all those who have given
the gift of love to those who have none. Through your generosity St. Agnes once again provided many gifts through our giving
tree program, to those who otherwise would have little, if not
any. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by all.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast at St Agnes
March 14th , all men are invited and bring
your son, grandson or a friend with you
to join in faith and fellowship. We will begin with
Mass at 8:30pm, followed by a MAN-SIZED Breakfast.
Following the Breakfast Phil Brown from St Michael’s
In Spryfield will share his faith journey with you. Tickets are $15 and are available in the St Agnes Parish
office. The caterer will need a head count please get
your ticket or reserve it as soon as possible.
Admissions Open House on Tuesday February 10th. Join us
from 8:30am to 10:00am or 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm to
tour campus, meet staff, parents and students! Drop
in or RSVP by contacting Robyn Erickson, or 902-422-4459