Vega 100G and Vega 200G Gamma Config Guide


Vega 100G and Vega 200G Gamma Config Guide
Vega 100G and Vega 200G Gamma Config Guide
This document aims to go through the steps necessary to configure the Vega 100G and 200G gateways to be used with a
Gamma SIP Trunk.
When a SIP trunk is provisioned by Gamma a list of information will be provided an example list is show below:
The Public IP that the SIP trunk communicates with
DDIs allocated to the Trunk
Gamma SIP Trunk Source -
Gamma SIP Trunk
VEGA 100G or
To help make this example guide more complete we will use some example network configuration:
The Example Gamma Trunk Telephone number 01258 159826
The example installation public IP -
The default gateway IP for LAN –
The Vega gateway LAN IP address -
Gamma SIP Trunks are normally IP Authenticated, this means that SIP Registration is not used.
The Gamma VoIP servers are located at (SIP) and (Media), if the installation environment is
behind a NAT both of these IP address will need to be port forwarded in the router to the internal Vega IP Address.
The setup procedure that follows will focus on the configuration of the Vega for basic operation behind a NAT,
Configuration of the Vega to operate against the Gamma SIP Trunk and a section for configuring the Vega to work with a
generic E1 PBX.
STEP 1: Log into the Vega gateway using the WebUI interface. The default user is admin and password is admin.
STEP 2: As the Vega gateway WebUI loads up the Status page as shown below.
Once the page has finished select the "Quick Config" menu option as shown below:
STEP 3: The WebUI will present a warning message please read the message and then select "Continue" on the screen
STEP 4: Once the Quick Config UI has loaded select the "Basic" Tab.
This is where the Country localization, IP address and Ethernet configuration is entered.
To setup for Gamma only IP Address changes should need to be made
LAN 1 Configuration
The default setting is for LAN to be configured by a DHCP server
To setup a Static LAN configuration untick the RED highlighted tickbox and fill out the IP address Table config (the IP
Address parameters become editable after disabling DHCP).
Country - Changing the country configuration may require the current changes to be re-submitted to the Vega and may
result in the Topology being changed from E1 to T1.
The standard setting is “UK” which should not need to be changed NOTE You must specify the correct country for the
Vega to use the correct PRI topology(E1 or T1) and for the correct network tones to be configured.
STEP 5: VoIP Configuration
Once the Basic config is completed select the "VoIP" tab. The screen shot below highlights the most important fields.
NOTE – This STEP covers the basic VoIP configuration for Gamma – there an additional SIP setting that must be set, this
is covered in STEP 9
SIP Domain: This is should be configured as
SIP Server Address: This is should be configured as
This is the Gamma SIP IP Address that the will communicate with.
Outbound Proxy address: Not used
Registration mode: Must be set to OFF (off is default)
Registration and Authentication ID: When Registration Mode is set Off these parameters are greyed out
This is not used with the Gamma SIP Trunk.
Authentication Password: This is not used with the Gamma Trunk.
STEP 6: E1 Configuration
Once the VoIP config is competed select the "T1 or E1" tab. A screenshot below gives the example of an E1 tab.
Telephone number list: This is configured as " .* " which is routing terminology for any telephone number character
with any length of characters.
The field defines which telephone numbers the Vega will route from SIP out to the E1/T1 trunk interfaces.
The Telephone number list will need to be configured for EACH E1/T1 port that is being used, in most cases “.*” is all
that needs to be configured for each E1.
NT? : Tick box should be Ticked
Defines whether each Vega E1 interface will emulate NT or TE modes.
Normally the Vega will connect the Gamma SIP trunk to an ISDN PBX
Each E1 that connects to the ISDN PBX will be emulating a Telco E1 and should be set to NT
This field should be configured for EACH E1/T1 port that is being used (by default E1/T1 interface 2 is set for NT mode)
Protocol: This defines E1 protocol being used. Which protocol is used will depend on what device the Vega E1is plugged
into most European TDM PBXs will use ETSI.
For E1 the following protocols are supported: ETSI (EURO ISDN), QSIG, VN, CAS-R2, CAS-PW, arinc, 1tr6 and
Other E1 TAB Config Notes:
All E1s or T1s present on the Vega will be enabled by deafult.
Both Vega 100G and 200G support two E1 interfaces however a Vega 100G is provisioned for 30 VoIP channels and the
Vega 200G supports 60 VoIP channels.
The E1 interface pin out for Vega 100G and 200G is fixed and staggered:
E1 interface #1 has the pin out for TE operation (to connect to a Telco E1)
E1 interface #2 has the pin out for NT operation (to emulate a telco E1 and connect to PBX)
STEP 7: Confirm Settings changes
The parameters to be configured by Quick config are complete - select the "Submit" button.
NOTE The Quick Config Submit creates a popup Click "OK" on the next window to apply the settings.
STEP 8: Quick Config Steps Complete
Select the Continue to return back to the Vega “Status” page
This concludes the Vega WebUI setup, there legacy PBX may require additional configuration depending on vendor
specific requires, but for most E1 PBXs the configuration setup above will be sufficient to enable normal operation of the
PBX with the Gamma SIP Trunk.
STEP 9: Expert Config – SIP From header domain
One of the requirements for setting up the Vega for the Gamma SIP Trunk is for the Vega to fill the SIP From header
with the Vega public IP, to do this use the WebUI and Navigate to > Expert Config > SIP > SIP Profile (modify)
Following the example configuration stated at the beginning of the document
Local Domain: This is configured by Quick Config and should not be changed
Alternative Local Domain:
This should be configured with the Public/ WAN of the Vega, the example config used for this guide is shown in the
screen shot.
From Header Host: Alt Local Domain
This is the final SIP configuration that will need to be made.
After the config changes have been made the changes will need to be submitted, the RED arrow indicates “Submit” to
change the settings – please note that an “Apply” and “Save” will still need to be carried out for the config change to
become permanent.
STEP 10: Optional – If behind NAT configure basic Vega NAT Traversal please follow this instruction step if not please
got to the next step.
If the Vega is not assigned a WAN IP address and is behind a NAT the Vega LAN NAT Profile will need to be configured,
please navigate to > Expert Config > LAN/WAN > NAT configuration (NAT).
From the NAT page please select “Modify” for the “LAN 1 NAT Profiles” table - The External IP will need to be
configured with the Public/WAN IP for the Internet connection being used the guide example uses
After the config change has been added to the field this will need to be submitted, the RED arrow indicates “Submit”
button to change the settings
Please return to the NAT Page (> Expert Config > LAN/WAN > NAT configuration (NAT) )
Next the NAT Configuration will need to be Enabled via the “LAN 1 NAT configuration” “Enable” tickbox
After the config change has been added to the field this will need to be submitted, the RED arrow indicates “Submit”
button to change the settings
STEP 11: Optional – PBX Trunk CLID replacement
If the Gamma SIP Trunk CLID is different from the ISDN PBX Trunk ID and the PBX settings cannot be changed it is
possible to change the CLID presented by the Vega gateway to match the ID for the Gamma SIP Trunk, to do this we
would use the Vega Dial Plan to over write the outbound (To_SIP) CallerID.
Navigate to >Expert Config > Dial Plan > To_SIP (modify)
After selecting the To_SIP dial plan enter the following “ ,TELC:trunk_id_number “ (an example is show in Green below)
After the config change has been added to the field this will need to be submitted, the RED arrow indicates “Submit”
button to change the settings
STEP 12 Apply and Save
Changes in Expert Config must first be submitted using the “Submit” buttons for the different Web tables
For the changes to be made to Running config the left side “Apply” button must selected, this button will be highlighted
RED when this operation needs to be carried out.
For the changes to be Saved back to flash the left side “Save” button must selected this button will be highlighted RED
when this operation needs to be carried out.
This is the last step for configuring the Vega Gateway for operation against a Gamma SIP Trunk
Appendix 1 Capturing Traces for Tech Support Analysis
Below are a series of steps to run in order to capture vega debug information to send to Sangoma Tech support.
Support information is made up of two parts a “debug” trace collection and a “show support” collection, both of these
should be collected issues relating to Vega behavior.
For config questions a show support would be sufficient to give the support engineer a background of how the Vega is
currently configured
All General capture trace scenarios
STEP 1: Run the below series of commands in WebUI
debug enable router rs
debug enable _isdn 89
debug enable _logger i
log display v
sip monitor on
log display off
debug on
a) Log into the webui http://<IP of Vega>/
b) Navigate to >Expert Config -> Advanced >
Enter the commands from the grey text box
<At this point please reproduce the issue that you are experiencing>
After the issue behavior has concluded please enter the command “debug dump” to the CLI.
This will fill the popup window with the debug traces please copy all text "ctrl->A" (select all) and paste this into a txt file
please name this file “debugdump.txt”
Finally then type the command "show support" in the CLI Command window and select “Submit”.
This will popup a new window with the output of the command. Copy all text "ctrl->A" (select all) and paste this into a
txt file please name this file “debugdump.txt
With both of these files please navigate to and raise a ticket providing a description of the
issue and the trace files – a Sangoma Support engineer will then help you with your issue.
Appendix 2
Below is an example of a Gamma provisioning Email
IPDC Order Confirmation Email
Your Order Details
Order ID
IPDC Endpoint Name
Your CPE IP Address
<your WAN IP Address>
Channels Created
DDIs Allocated to this endpoint
Configuration - Ports & IP
Traffic on the following ports must be
forwarded through relevant routers
and firewalls on the customer premises
Signalling:UDP port 5060 egress/ingress to:-
Media: All UDP ports between 6000 - 40000 egress/ingress
Configuration - SIP Headers
The SIP headers originated from the
CPE should be set as follows:-
Request-URI Header
The number within the Request-URI is used for routing calls and should contain the called number. The format of this
number can either be UK national format (with leading zero) or full e.164 format (with leading +).
INVITE sip:+441618777148@ SIP/2.0
INVITE sip:00441618777148@ SIP/2.0
INVITE sip:01618777148@ SIP/2.0
TO Header
Header must contain IPDC SIP gateway address and the called number. The format of this number can either be UK
national format (with leading zero) or full e.164 format (with leading +).
To: <sip:+441618777148@>
To: <sip:00441618777148@>
To: <sip:01618777148@>
FROM Header
The user part of the SIP URI within the 'From' header must contain the Calling Line Identity of the originating device. This
identity must be a number registered to the endpoint. The format of this number can either be national significant (with
or without a leading zero), or in full e.164 format. The domain part of the SIP URI within the 'From' header can contain
either the IP address of the public facing interface or a customer-defined FQDN. Gamma will not use this FQDN for any
From: <sip:+441618777148@> or using FQDN From: <sip:+441618777148@your.domain.local>
From: <sip:01618777148@> or using FQDN From: <sip:01618777148@your.domain.local>
From: <sip:1618777148@> or using FQDN From: <sip:1618777148@your.domain.local>
PAID Header
The format of the PAID number can either be national significant (with or without a leading zero), or in full e.164 format.
If no PAID header is provided, Gamma will insert a PAID header with the default network CLI.
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:+441618777148@>
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:01618777148@>
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:1618777148@>
Important Notes
Number Porting
If you require to port numbers to the IP Direct Connect endpoint, this process can only commence once the new IP
Direct Connect node has successfully been provisioned and tested.
Quality of Service (QoS)
For connections to IPDC via public internet, Gamma will not support or deliver marked voice traffic (Signalling or Media).
For connection to IPDC via private interconnect, QoS markings will be agreed during the interconnect establishment
Service Acceptance Tests
The Endpoint is now in a position to be tested, can you please undertake the pre-defined Service Acceptance Tests that
were outlined in the e-mail that Gamma forwarded to you on Order Acceptance. (The tests are included in an
attachment to this mail for your information).
Technical Support
If you have technical issues or service problems with IP Direct Connect Service or require an issue raised during the
testing of the connection, please contact our technical support on 0808 178 8000 (Option 1, Option 1 and then Option
We have published a list of 'Frequently Asked Questions' and a SIP A to Z to help answer any queries you have around
the service you have ordered, or SIP in general. You can find this on the Gamma Portal under 'Channel Partner Support >
Knowledgebase > SIP Trunking > Technical Support'.