For a copy of the Weekly Notices (25


For a copy of the Weekly Notices (25
St. Andrew’s Church, Biggleswade;
Worshipping God with joy, growing in faith,
serving with love, welcoming all.
Sunday Services:
25th Jan
P Rutt
B Marshall
I & R Drakes
J Black
Not needed
P Saunders, A Scott,
D Whinnett
P Canty, J E Dilley,
C Dixon
L Dilley, B Dixon
Not needed
M Dominey, E Crowe
L Dilley, M Hardy
A & A Maynard, P Williams
G Dilley, R Jopson,
S Oldroyd
D Whinnett
R Steele
Crucifer and
N Gurney, O Dilley,
A Pennant, J R Dilley
D Crowe
N van de Weerd, Y Gray
J Walters, M Dominey
J & W Walters
G Hibbert, T Haygreen
1st Feb
Thursday Service
A Maynard
C Strange
B Dixon
C Elcombe
Children are welcome to stay throughout the service. Toys are available in front
of the Trinity Altar (for under 5’s), where parents may sit with their
children while continuing to take part in the service. Please ask about our
Sunday School and crèche facilities which operate during school term times.
If you use a HEARING AID, please tune into
the Church’s LOOP SYSTEM by switching
your hearing aid to “T”.
TRANSPORT is available for services and
events. Please contact Vivienne Gayfer
on 225898.
1st February
A Gurney, G Whinnett
8th February
N van de Weerd, Y Gray
31st January
J Gardner, V Whiteley
7th February
G Whinnett, M Lloyd
If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to increase the value of
your offering, please complete a Gift-Aid envelope inside the
wallet on the pew shelves, or at the entrances, and place it in the
available on request.
Please join us for refreshments in the Chapter
House after our 9:30 service on Thursdays &
our 10.00am service on Sundays.
Vicar: Rev’d Guy Scott (Tel: 01767 312243)
Assistant Curate: Rev’d Rachel Pennant (Tel: 01767 315032)
Reader: Colin Dixon (Tel: 01767 317245)
Sun 25th
Mon 26th
Tues 27th
Wed 28th
Thurs 29th
Fri 30th
LARGE PRINT service sheets are
Sat 31st
Sun 1st
Holy Communion
Parish Communion
First Step’s Baptism Course
Advent and Epiphany Course
Little Explorers
The Room
Holy Communion
Growth & Mission Team Meeting
Funeral: Eileen Hambleton R.I.P.
Holy Communion at Biggleswade Hospital
Holy Communion
Holy Communion at Abbotsbury
Choir practice: Junior followed by full choir
Prayers for St. Andrew’s in Church
10.00am - 12 Noon Chapter House Coffee Shop
Holy Communion
Family Communion
Evensong with incense
As we explore the season of Epiphany when the significance of Christ’s adult
ministry is revealed to us and the whole earth, we pray for grace truly to welcome
Christ in to our hearts and lives, that we may work to build God’s kingdom here and now.
We give thanks for the love-filled gift we receive in Christ, and we pray for grace to
accept and to proclaim God’s love to his world. We pray for justice mercy and peace
throughout God’s world, especially in areas of conflict, committing ourselves to living in
peace with our families, our friends, our communities and all with whom we share our
lives and God’s world. We pray that we may be thankful for all God’s blessings and we
pray for a deeper openness to God through prayer, scripture, worship and sacrament, so
that we may worship with joy, grow in faith, serve with love and welcome all. We pray
too that all our relationships and our actions may be guided by God through openness to
the Holy Spirit, that we may be united in our love for him and one another. We pray for
all Christians in Biggleswade, for Trinity Methodist Church, for St. Peter’s Roman Catholic
Church, for Biggleswade Baptist Church, for the Pentecostal Church and for the New Life
Church. We also pray for all those who profess themselves to be Christians, but do not
see themselves as part of Christ’s body, the Church. We pray that we may ever widen our
vision about what ‘Church’ is, and commit ourselves to celebrating its diversity, while
honouring and preserving its unity. We pray for all in need in our community, pledging
ourselves to relieve need wherever we can by generosity and action. We hold before you
all who are suffering in body, mind or spirit, and all who are grieving, and we bring
before you all who care for them. We give thanks too for those who are recovering from
illness and crisis, that they may continue to know your love and help in their lives
Needing Our Prayers: David Day, Margaret McInnes, Stan Durrans, Paul Whiteley,
Audrey Huckle, Margaret Thomson, Jean Whittam and Molly Murphy
Continue to Pray For: Janice Haygreen, Suzanne Chidley, Joanna Friend, Rebekah Pickles
and Holly Jopson
The Departed: David Regan, Eileen Hambleton
Year’s Mind: 25th Ann Skinner, 26th Beatrice Nicholl, 28th Wyn Mayston,
Ian MacDonald, 30th David Oldroyd, George Mayston
Please see the Vicar to have names added or removed from the prayer list
CHRISTIAN MISSION GIVING - This Christmas the collections amounted to £1407.18. Gift Aid
of £341.92 was added, as well as a donation from St Andrew's Lower School of £104.65,
making a grand total of £1853.75. This money has been shared between three charities:
Preen £ 500; Shelter £ 676.88 and Hands at Work £ 676.87. Thank you so much for this
amazing fundraising effort. Nettie van de Weerd
PALM CROSSES – As we are approaching Ash Wednesday, please bring in your Palm Crosses.
NOTICES -Don’t forget that copies of our notices and details of services and events are
available on the church website at
SUNDAY SCHOOL HELPERS - Please could you consider becoming a Sunday School helper
during the 10.00am service, being part of the team supporting the teacher of the 6-10 year
old group, which is now regularly 15 strong. The commitment would be for two sessions per
school term, no preparation necessary - just turn up and lend a hand. This is a great chance
to get to know some of the children better and support a key element of our morning
worship. Julian Pennant
THE CHILDREN’S SOCIETY – Calling all box holders. Thank you, in advance, to all at St.
Andrew’s who support the Society using the Home Collection boxes. I hope to complete the
annual collection of these during February and will be calling to collect your box within the
next few weeks. You may wish to leave your box at 250 London Road (I would be very
grateful) or ring me on Biggleswade 312160 to arrange a convenient time to you for me to
collect. Gill Hibbert
DAYLIGHT – BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP - After a number of years of ordering and
distributing the Daylight books, for daily bible readings, Elaine Martin is passing the role on
to someone else; we take this opportunity to express our thanks to Elaine for all she has
done. This does mean that there is an opportunity for a volunteer to take on this valuable
task, which involves ordering the books annually and distributing them three times a year. If
you could fulfil this role, or would like to know a little more, please speak to John or Richard.
Daylight books for the coming year need to be ordered in the next month, if you would like
to begin a subscription (about £13 per year) please let us know - a copy is always on the
table in the Chapter House entrance if you would like to see one. This is a good way of
following daily bible readings, with a thought for each day too! John Dilley and Richard
MARMALADE MAKING - I am just beginning to make the new season’s Seville orange
marmalade, and would be most grateful if you could give me some help. Gifts of sugar,
oranges or cash, also clean one pound size jam jars, (could you please remove the labels). As
you know, all the proceeds are given to the Preservation Trust which has constant calls upon
its funds to help maintain the church building. Sylvia Rutt
SUNDAY @ 8 - Our next Sunday at 8 will be on Sunday 8th February and will take the style of
a Taize service. The service will reflect on how Christ reveals himself to us. We hope you will
be able to come along. Chris Parker
VISITORS who usually receive communion in their own church are welcome to
receive Communion here. If you do not yet receive Communion, please come
to the altar rail for a Blessing, and carry the service book with you as an indication.
Thank you.
NOTICES -Please no later than Wednesday 11.00am. Hand written items to the
Secretary or Thank you.