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Nomura |
Info Edge
Info Edge INED.NS
21 January 2015
Key takeaways from Zomato analysts’ call
Quick Note
Deepinder Goyal, co-founder of Zomato, hosted an analysts’ call yesterday.
Below is some background on Zomato and key takeaways from the call:
About Zomato
Zomato is an online restaurant search and discovery website and mobile
application. Zomato is present in more than 500 cities across 22 countries
and has listings of over 1mn restaurants. Zomato employs over 1,100 people
and was founded in July 2008 by Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah
(who were colleagues at Bain and IIT Delhi alums).
 Zomato’s revenue was USD5mn in FY14 and it has cumulative loss of
~USD10mn over FY12-14. Info Edge (INFOE IN, Buy) which owns 50% of
Zomato, indicated that Zomato would likely post revenues of USD13-15mn
in FY15F and expects similar growth rates over the next couple of years.
Global Markets Research
23 January 2015
Target price
INR 945
Closing price
21 January 2015
INR 799
Research analysts
India Internet
Ashwin Mehta - NFASL
+91 22 4037 4465
Pinku Pappan - NFASL
+91 22 4037 4360
 Today, 70% of Zomato’s revenue is from India and 30% from Dubai.
Management believes India and UAE will continue to contribute the bulk of
Zomato’s revenue in the near term.
 Beyond India and UAE where Zomato is profitable, four other markets are
doing well in terms of sales - Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa and New
Zealand. Zomato hopes to breakeven in these four markets in the next
three to six months.
Business model
 Zomato revenue is primarily from advertising – by leasing out space on its
web/mobile interface to restaurants that place banner ads.
 Zomato does not do preferential search – except in the category search
where the top three results could be paid (Featured ads) and these ads
would be clearly marked as such.
 Zomato charges its clients an upfront subscription fee on a quarterly basis.
Price revisions happen periodically. Rates vary from INR2,000 to
INR100,000 a month. Zomato offers no commitment to the restaurants in
terms of clicks or leads.
 In India around 10% of the listed restaurant base is monetized. Within
India, Zomato is monetizing only seven to eight of the largest cities.
 Zomato’s clients are largely owners of one to ten local restaurants.
Revenue from large branded restaurants (chains) is not material.
 Its clientele churn rate is very low and largely attributable to restaurants
going out of business and not because clients don’t find Zomato value
Benefits to restaurants
 Zomato provides various metrics to restaurants with a dashboard which
provides details on page views, calls, map views, menu views and number
of searches.
See Appendix A-1 for analyst certification, important disclosures and the status of non-US analysts.
Nomura | Info Edge
23 January 2015
 The key metric that restaurants track is the number of calls through
New features likely to be launched by Zomato
 Zomato is looking to enter into transaction based businesses and offer
online food delivery as well as payment support. Table reservations are an
area the company is still considering.
 Cashless payments – which will enable users to pay through the Zomato
mobile app, is a new feature that it is launching in Dubai in February 2015.
 Zomato management was confident of achieving success in online food
delivery as they have good relationships with the businesses as well as
good user traffic. In addition, the company is open to partnerships with
food delivery players to expand reach.
Cost model and strategy
 Management expects that any major city will take two to four years to
become profitable, depending on existing competition in a particular city.
 The company believes that having a local field sales force is its key
advantage in scaling up new locations. According to management, Zomato
has a strong local team in all its foreign locations and is not constrained on
management bandwidth yet.
 Zomato’s advantages in a new market are 1) the product, 2) traffic on its
site and 3) the field sales force – which is able to educate businesses who
may not be tech savvy about the benefits of using Zomato.
 Zomato believes they can be the top restaurant discovery provider in
every market they enter. In the markets where they have been present for
a while, they are significantly ahead of the competition.
 People and real estate are 90% of Zomatos’ costs.
Zomato want to own the communication channel between consumers and
Traffic statistics
 Zomato (with Urbanspoon) attracts 80mn+ visits per month and has
upwards of 48mn user ratings.
 45% of the traffic is from the mobile app while the rest is from desktop and
mobile web. Mobile web and app constitutes 70% of the traffic. This figure
was close to 50% a year ago.
 Nearly 30% of traffic into Zomato is from Google, while the rest is organic.
Mobile traffic is nearly 70% and close to 45% of overall traffic comes from
mobile apps. This figure has increased from ~50% a year ago.
Acquisition history
 Zomato has made six acquisitions in all, with the latest (and largest) being
Urbanspoon which is based in the US.
Fig. 1: Zomato acquisitions
New Zealand
Acquisition value (USD m n)
Lunchtime and Obedovat acquired
together for USD3.25mn
Source: Company data, Nomura research
Urbanspoon acquisition
 Zomato acquired Urbanspoon for USD52mn in January 2015.
 Urbanspoon is the number one restaurant discovery service in Australia
and Canada while also being present in the US.
Nomura | Info Edge
23 January 2015
 For Zomato, the immediate focus is on monetizing Australia and Canada,
while in the US they will run a few pilot projects initially before expanding.
In Australia and Canada Zomato will look earn revenue through own
listings, while in the US they will consider monetizing the traffic.
 Zomato estimates that they will need between USD2mn and USD10mn to
scale up the operations in Australia; Canada too has a similar scale as
 On the question of why Urbanspoon was acquired for valuation less than
that of Zomato (which was valued at USD660mn in recent fund raise),
management commented that valuations were a function of growth,
product and competitive scenario. The founder members of Urbanspoon
had left the company while its owner IAC was looking to exit.
 Zomato management indicated that over the long term they would phase
out the Urbanspoon brand, though no decision had been made.
 Zomato management indicated that they would need another round of
funding but have not decided on when or how much.
 Over the next six to nine months, the company is not considering entering
any new markets, as they are focusing on monetizing Urbanspoon.
Fig. 2: Zomato funding history and investors
Total funding
Funding (USD
m n)
Post m oney
Investors valuation (USD m n)
Sequoia Capital and Infoedge
Sequoia Capital, Vy Capital and
Source: Company data, Nomura research
Implications for INFOE (INFOE IN Buy TP INR945)
 We like the scalability of the Zomato model and the success it has
achieved in a short span of time to become a global player with presence
in more than 500 cities across 22 countries. Zomato contributes ~INR166
per share or 18% of our INR945 TP for INFOE, and we believe further
valuation increases/scale in Zomato would be accretive to INFOE.
 However, given that Zomato will need additional funding, there is a chance
that INFOE might not be able to retain its 50% stake in Zomato unless it
decides to raise further capital or divert some of the USD125mn raised
from the recent QIP towards Zomato. (The QIP money was raised by
INFOE with the intention of investing into 99acres which is the real estate
classified business). Post the last round of fund infusion into Zomato
(which was in January 2015), INFOE would have ~INR10.6bn in cash (of
which ~INR7.5bn is earmarked for investment into 99acres).
Nomura |
Info Edge
21 January 2015
Appendix A-1
Analyst Certification
We, Ashwin Mehta and Pinku Pappan, hereby certify (1) that the views expressed in this Research report accurately reflect our
personal views about any or all of the subject securities or issuers referred to in this Research report, (2) no part of our
compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this
Research report and (3) no part of our compensation is tied to any specific investment banking transactions performed by
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The term "Nomura Group" used herein refers to Nomura Holdings, Inc. or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, and may refer to one or more
Nomura Group companies.
Materially mentioned issuers
Info Edge
INR 799
Info Edge (INFOE IN)
Price date
Stock rating Sector rating Disclosures
21-Jan-2015 Buy
INR 799 (21-Jan-2015) Buy (Sector rating: N/A)
Rating and target price chart (three year history)
Rating Target price
Closing price
For explanation of ratings refer to the stock rating keys located after chart(s)
Valuation Methodology Our TP of INR945 is based on SOTP valuation methodology. We value the recruitment business at
INR546 per share based on implied P/E multiple of 30x on FY17F earnings of ~INR2.2bn, the real estate business at INR84 per
share based on 6.5x FY17F sales of ~INR1.6bn and the matrimonial business at INR10 per share based on 3x FY17F sales of
INR407mn. We have valued the investee companies at INR197 per share on the basis of last known valuation or invested
amount. Cash at the end of FY16F yields value of INR108 per share. The benchmark index for this stock is MSCI India.
Risks that may impede the achievement of the target price (1) Info Edge remains a levered play on the macro-economic
condition of the country and hence, if the economic revival is delayed for any reason, there may be a risk to our assumptions;
(2) we have built in a gradual reduction in EBITDA losses in the real estate solutions vertical; however, there could be a risk to
that assumption, given the strong competition and fund raising by newer players.
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Nomura | Info Edge
23 January 2015
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23 January 2015
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23 January 2015
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