September 2007 - Christian Healthcare Ministries
September 2007 - Christian Healthcare Ministries
September 2007 In This Issue AFCM shares the message 1 Meet the Prayer Page participants . . . . . . . . . .1 Under His influence . . . . .2 Regional meetings announced . . . . . . . . . . .2 Dr. Jacobson update . . . . .3 Healthwatch . . . . . . . . . .4 Member recognition . . . . . .5 Letters to CHM . . . . . . .6 Prayer Page . . . . . . . . . .7 Christian Healthcare Ministries is a Biblebased, voluntary medical cost-sharing ministry that fulfills the command of Galatians 6:2, that Christians carry each other’s burdens. AFCM employees share the message of Christian Healthcare Ministries at annual conference Employees of the Association of Faith Churches and Ministers International (AFCM) handed out numerous Christian Healthcare Ministries Information Packs to attendees of the AFCM annual conference recently held in Minneapolis, Minn. “We have been working on getting the message out to all our participants, which include pastors, ministers and missionaries,” said Annette Rice, AFCM employee and CHM member since 1992. During the conference, AFCM ran short of Information Packs when attendees quickly claimed all available folders. “People were so interested in the CHM program that we had to take down addresses to mail Info Packs to them later,” Rice said. “That showed us that people know they need to do something about health care costs, but often don’t know that there is a faith-based alternative to paying expensive health insurance premiums.” AFCM began in 1978 when founders Jim and Kathleen Kaseman felt the need to promote fellowship and unity among ministers. With more than 1,000 members in more than 100 countries, AFCM has offices in Canada, Australia, Peru, Kenya and the United Attendees worship God through song at the AFCM annual States. AFCM members are conference recently held in Minneapolis, Minn. encouraged to form relationships across national, geographical, employees for many years,” Rice said. “Our and denominational lines while reaching founders believe in the program and the their communities, nations and the world unique way it serves Christians. We heard with the Good News of Jesus Christ. about the program at a time when we had “We have offered CHM membership to our traditional health insurance and premiums see “AFCM annual conference,” page 5 Christian Healthcare Ministries® A voluntary medical costsharing organization giving members an opportunity to practice the New Testament principle of carrying each other’s burdens. Meet the Prayer Page participants (part 3) Your giving helps them meet their medical bills Editor’s note: The following individuals are listed on the monthly newsletter Prayer Page, another vehicle by which Christians help Christians meet medical needs. Executive Director: Rev. Howard Russell Chief Financial Officer: Roger Kittelson Editor: Lauren Selleck Assistant Editor: Michelle Rhoads Contributing writers: Rev. Howard Russell, Dr. Michael Jacobson, George Korda, Lauren Selleck, Michelle Rhoads The Prayer Page is primarily for bills for preexisting conditions, which do not qualify for sharing under CHM Guidelines. All newsletter readers are invited to give to Prayer Page needs (over and above regular monthly gifts) as they feel led. See page 7 for more details. 127 Hazelwood Ave Barberton, OH 44203 Mary Trotzke Dot Lake, AK Amount of original need: $16,142 for foot surgery Bill reductions: $10,000 Prayer Page gifts received to date: $2,012 Need remaining: $4,130 Phone: 800-791-6225 330-848-1511 Fax: 330-848-4322 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-Noon, 12:30-5pm E-mail: free from pain in my feet. I developed bunions as a result of wearing ill-fitting shoes. I experienced many years of pain walking long distances: to school, to the market, to church, and to catch the bus for work. When my husband and I joined Christian Healthcare Ministries, a glimmer of hope entered my heart. I thought I might be able to have surgery to correct the problem. Ample investigation helped us find a skilled doctor who daily performed the surgery I needed. Unfortunately, he practiced medicine in a different state. We feared that travel costs and related expenses would make treatment impossible. Events were set in motion when we asked CHM member Mary Trotzke of Dot Lake, AK As a child, I dreamed of someday living see “Prayer Page participants,” page 3 2 Christian Healthcare Ministries · September 2007 LOOK INSIDE MY HEART by reverend A LOOKAINSIDE MY HEART by howard russell howard russell Under His influence In his book “Under the Influence,” author Alvin Schmidt draws a striking contrast between civilization prior to Jesus Christ coming to earth and civilization today. When Jesus came to earth He began history’s largest cultural revolution. His words were that we should love the Lord our God with all our being and our neighbors as ourselves (my paraphrase). He told His disciples that believers would be known as His followers because of the way they love one another. Reverend Howard Russell Executive Director, Christian Healthcare Ministries The disciples got the message. After Pentecost they set a precedent for another. A result of being so gently referenced is that it is possible to overlook the importance of these Bible verses. However, the impact of those words is magnified many times over when considering how people treated one another before Christ came to Earth. Alvin Schmidt draws the picture. In the world before Christ the weak were pushed aside. Helping them had two negative results: it weakened society and prolonged the misery of the afflicted. Only the strong had a right to survive. The prevailing attitude was not charity. Regional meetings announced! Certainly not everyone was heartless or unsympathetic. We can find examples of individuals who tried to be charitable and merciful. But that was not part of the culture. It was the message Jesus brought that turned the world upside down. The next Christian Healthcare Ministries regional meetings will take place in Texas this October. “Christian Healthcare Ministries is [a] pioneer in modern relation to health care costs...Twenty-five years ago we embarked on a national scale to fulfill Scriptural instruction to care for the needs of the afflicted.” -Rev. Howard Russell, Executive Director Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Verse 10 adds a priority: do it first to the believers. Christian Healthcare Ministries is the pioneer in modern times for this concept in relation to health care costs, a devastating reality in today’s America. Twenty-five years ago we embarked on a national scale to fulfill Scriptural instruction to care for the needs of the afflicted. Regional meetings enable members to meet CHM leaders, ask questions about ministry operations and programs and learn how to tell others about CHM. They also are a great outreach tool for members’ friends who need this biblical solution to health care costs. The schedule is as follows: Monday, Oct. 22: First Baptist Church in McKinney (33 miles from Dallas) Tuesday, Oct. 23: Central Baptist Church in Bryan (86 miles from Waco, 102 miles from Austin) Thursday, Oct. 25: Sagemont Church in Houston Friday, Oct. 26: Radiant Church in San Antonio (78 miles from Austin) All members are invited to attend and to bring friends interested in hearing about CHM. Registration will be at 6 p.m. Each meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and will last approximately one hour, with an optional question and answer session following. There is no cost to attend the regional meetings; however, R.S.V.P. is required. Christians to adhere to throughout history, confirming and following Jesus’ teachings at every turn. Immediately after the marvelous work of the Holy Spirit in the upper room, Acts tells us the disciples went into the streets and preached the Gospel. Thousands were added to the Church each day. For more information or to R.S.V.P. for any of the meetings, e-mail phenneman@ or call 1-800791-6225, ext. 5795. A few other organizations have copied our model. Some even went so far as to copy our Guidelines and put their name on them. That’s all right. We are serving the King, not building an empire. CHM is not a business trying to make profits and control larger assets. Instead, we are trying to spread the message that the Body of Christ has an extraordinary way of caring for its members. Allow me to be a bit radical here. We spread the message of salvation. Seeing souls rescued from hell and saved for eternity in heaven is critical to pleasing God. But the second most important thing we should do is spread the word that God provides for the needs of His family in this present age. We should make people aware of the mechanisms God has put in place to help us traverse this weary world. I maintain that Christian Healthcare Ministries is among the most meaningful. He taught that we should place the weak at the top of the list for care and Scripture tells us that Christ’s followers consideration. immediately pooled their resources and He told us that their needs were met. That part of the story God was keenly This isn’t to suggest there should be a is a brief, almost matter-of-fact addition to interested in the contest about which priority should come first or second. Our calling stems from the the narrative, possibly because it is just a well being of the maimed, the burdened natural act of faith that members of the and the lonely. see “Under His influence,” page 5 Body of Christ uplift and support one Christian Healthcare Ministries · September 2007 3 Prayer Page participants (continued from page 1) God for direction. In a few months I found myself in the office of that doctor, who seemed perplexed about why we had traveled so far. We explained that our extensive research led us to believe he was the man for the job. He agreed to perform the surgery on both feet at the same time so it would be less expensive. Although I was a little nervous about the procedure—some acquaintances who also had it done said they had continuing foot problems—we decided to move forward. I felt reassured because the doctor was very knowledgeable and had taken time to explain everything thoroughly. It has now been a year since the surgery and I have no pain in my feet! I can walk and run long distances and now enjoy a very active lifestyle. Although the medical bills were overwhelming, I thank God that I am listed on the CHM newsletter Prayer Page and that my fellow Christians have stepped in to share this need. It is a miracle and a great blessing to receive cards and words of encouragement as I watch the amount due decrease each month thanks to members’ financial gifts. I thank God for you, my fellow CHM members, who have shown such compassion and have given me the gift of painless feet. It is a dream come true and you are all in my prayers. Thank you for being an instrument of God’s lovingkindness. pursuing training at a Bible college in Pensacola, Fla., where I took some classes as well. The next year our son, Jeremiah, was born. He was followed by seven more children—Cyrus, Elisabeth, Deborah, Lydia, Martin Joshua, Abraham, and Lillian-Rose (Lily). Two weeks after Lily’s birth in 1996, I was hospitalized 10 days for severe headaches that caused unstable balance and speech and vision deterioration. None of the tests doctors performed revealed the source of my pain. I was in no condition to care for my newborn daughter and seven other children. After praying for hidden things to be revealed, we finally received an explanation after a new diagnostic test was performed. Doctors told us that arteries and blood vessels in my brain were constricted and inflamed. They informed me that without immediate intervention I would probably have a massive stroke that would either paralyze or kill me. At that time we were not members of Christian Healthcare Ministries. We joined the ministry and, although bills for my we still have nearly $19,000 left to pay, we are so grateful for the help we received. It is worth more than I can say. Several years later, changes in our business compelled us to discontinue our CHM participation. It wasn’t until 2005 that we were finally able to join again. Around that time I was diagnosed with anemia, which was pre-existing and also was listed on the Prayer Page. I thank God for the help we have received with that need and for the opportunity to share this part of my story with CHM members. Editor’s note: If you are listed on the Prayer Page and would like to see your testimony featured in the newsletter, please contact the editor at or 1-800-791-6225, ext. 5796. For other questions about the Prayer Page, e-mail or call 1-800-791-6225 and ask for the Prayer Page. Every day I realize what a miracle it is that I am able to walk, talk and perform routine tasks. I thank God that I am not bedridden and that I can live life fully with my husband, children, and grandchildren. I have had the privilege of working with Positive Approach to Teen Health (PATH), a program that conducts seminars educating children in schools about abstinence. I also spend my time writing music, ministering at church events, and helping with many weddings taking place in our family. Dear CHM members: I just took over as Flight Commander of the Flight Medicine Clinic at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia. It is the most challenging and complex job I have ever had. It involves patient care for aircrews as well as flying with them. I am also responsible for supervision of clinic personnel, oversight of the on-base food, water and workplace safety, flight line shop visits, the altitude chamber and attending or scheduling tons of meetings. I’m involved in an on-base Campus Crusade Bible study and am enjoying every minute that I can Lea Glennon Valparaiso, IN Amount of original need: $3,814 for anemia Prayer Page gifts received to date: $1,012 Need remaining: $2,802 have with my family during evenings and weekends. I am currently scheduled to deploy overseas in September. Thank you for your prayers, I came to know the Lord in 1977 during a revival that swept through the nation. I was a rebellious, ignorant, and arrogant young woman amazed to learn that the Son of God gave His life for me. As if that wasn’t enough, He polished, pruned and protected me and gave me a life worth living. He is an awesome God! Soon afterwards I married a young man medical treatment were not eligible for the regular sharing program, $40,000 was listed on the newsletter Prayer Page. Through medical bill reductions and the generous gifts of CHM members, nearly $20,000 of my bills was met! Although 4 Christian Healthcare Ministries · September 2007 · PROMOTING BIBLICAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS by dr. michael jacobson, d.o. A LOOKHEALTHWATCH INSIDE MY HEART by howard russell How to protect yourself from noise-induced hearing loss A flight line is a very noisy place. Therefore, it should be no surprise to learn that hearing loss is the number one disability problem for Air Force service members. Apart from a military environment, the same problem is characteristic of many American workplaces - and even personal lifestyles. When a person experiences noiseinduced high frequency hearing loss, the lost hearing never returns. Dr. Michael Jacobson, D.O. Medical consultant Christian Healthcare Ministries 127 Hazelwood Ave. Barberton, OH 44203 Phone: 800-791-6225 Fax: 330-848-4322 E-mail: Health education resources at: healthinformation.asp This article will focus on strategies recommended by leading occupational health organizations for preventing and minimizing noise-induced hearing loss. include headaches, fatigue, elevated blood pressure and nausea. It can reduce job performance and be just plain annoying. There are four basic strategies for reducing hearing loss risk. These actually apply to any hearing threat at work. 1. Substitution. Is there an absolute, mission-critical need that the person be exposed to the threat? For example, if it is a very noisy machine, is it possible to substitute it for a quieter model or for a different process that does not involve noise? If this is accomplished there is no need for other strategies. First of all, let’s define noise, and do it with numbers. At 50 decibels (dB), noise intensity is high enough that it interferes with conversation. Noise at 120 dB causes physical discomfort. Tissue is damaged at 170 dB and noise at 180 dB can result in tissue death. Continuous noise at 85 dB may permanently damage hearing. Therefore, in the Air Force, anyone who experiences noise levels of 85 dB or higher on a fairly continuous basis (for example, an eight-hour workday) must be part of the hearing conservation program, which includes wearing hearing protection on the job. Maximum levels and time exposures for noise considered safe are eight hours for 85 dB, two hours for 91 dB, and 15 minutes for 100 dB. When the 85 dB threshold is crossed, the maximum allowable time for safe exposure is greatly reduced. For every 3 dB of increase in noise above 85 dB, the maximum safe exposure time is cut in half. Noise can have several other detrimental effects apart from hearing damage. These workers are allowed a maximum of four hours of unprotected noise exposure. 4. Personal protective equipment. In other words, use hearing protection. In the Air Force, the most commonly used equipment is expandable foam earplugs and headphones. Each dampens noise by approximately 25 dB. Relying on personal protective equipment to reduce the threat to workers is considered the least effective and desirable strategy because it is dependent upon individual worker compliance. The good news is that if you have noiseinduced hearing loss it does not have to continue deteriorating. Many people believe that hearing loss is progressive. That is not necessarily the case. Progression can often be stopped at any point. The issue is if noise exposure continues. If a worker has moderate hearing loss, but then faithfully eliminates noise exposure through the above measures, he or she can expect hearing loss will not get any worse, even for years. Decibel levels (DB) of common sounds 2. Engineering controls. These are methods implemented at an engineering level to isolate the noise from the worker. For example, can the noisy machine be put into a room separate from the worker? Can sound-absorbing material be placed around the machine to dampen it and reduce noise intensity? Also, noise sometimes indicates maintenance is needed. 3. Administrative controls. This involves limiting exposure through worker schedules, such as rotating shifts, etc. For example, if the noise level is 88 dB, Other components of a good hearing conservation program are inspection and monitoring. Get your hearing checked periodically to ensure the prevention you are practicing is actually working. Hearing is a gift from God. Don’t lose it unnecessarily. See page 3 for an update on Dr. Jacobson’s work with the U.S. Air Force. Christian Healthcare Ministries · September 2007 5 AFCM annual conference (continued from page 1) were going through the roof due to some employees’ health problems. CHM is inexpensive, Rice added, and AFCM was amazed by the low financial gift amounts asked of members. The monthly gift amount seems small when compared with the importance of having help meeting health care costs. AFCM founder Jim Kaseman “Since we are an organization that works with ministers all the time, we are aware of many pastors, traveling ministers and missionaries who do not have any kind of health care cost assistance,” she said. “They often remark that it is too expensive or that God will take care of them. Our belief is that CHM is an affordable tool God has provided expressly for that purpose, so we do all we can to encourage our participants to join.” She also said that AFCM employees have submitted a variety of bills—ranging from organ transplants to knee surgeries to maternity needs—to CHM over the years. “In every situation, CHM has come through for us and has been a tremendous blessing.” Editor’s note: For more information about CHM’s Share the Message outreach, visit chm.asp or contact us at or 1-800-791-6225, ext. 5233. To learn more about AFCM, visit Under His influence (continued from page 2) fact that we were created to bring glory to God. We can and do in both cases. I Corinthians 10:31 is my life verse: “Whatsoever you do, whether you eat, drink or sleep or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” Let’s bring glory to God by spreading the whole message brought by Christ. Not only did He bring salvation, He brought all that is necessary to make it through this troublesome world. He took the world by surprise, and mutual Christian care as depicted in Acts 2 and 4 was a result. It is a huge thrust of Jesus’ teaching. Member recognition Welcome to the member recognition section of the Christian Healthcare Ministries newsletter. This section periodically gives special thanks to participants who have “gone the extra mile” for other members and for CHM. Congratulations to the following people for bringing two or more new member families into CHM through the Bring-a-Friend program since January 2007: Rennie Baker Roger Boyer Shane Claiborne Waxahachie, TX Rural Retreat, VA Greenback, TN At CHM we have a mechanism to fulfill that cultural change Jesus brought to civilization. Our model goes back to the first century. The insurance industry copied the model of the early Church (after adding profit into the mix). When you compare the two, I would argue that the CHM God-inspired model is superior to the profit-driven insurance model that turns people away or raises their premiums if their illnesses become expensive. God’s culture. He turned the world on its head. Join us as we continue that task. Editor’s note: To learn more about how you can share CHM with others in need, visit or contact us at 1-800-791-6225, ext. 5233. God changed the culture through Christ and His followers. CHM is part of that reality. To help the weak is a sign of strength in Don Davis Donald Davis Joel Ehst David Fitch Robert Fletcher Brian Gilbert Thomas Goynes Harry Grothjahn David Kirby Lee Lantzer Curtis Martin Betty Moore Joel Nabors Darrell Orange Ray Pennington Vic Porter Alan Potts Steve Rufener Peter Schwartz Leslie Schweitzer Robert Self Sturgis, KY Harrison, AR Stover, MO Anoka, MN Hickory, NC Tyndall, SD San Marcos, TX Alcoa, TN Anaheim, CA Dillard, GA Denver, PA Douglas, WY Lumberton, TX Deweyville, TX Staffordsville, KY Nixa, MO Belgrade, MT Sterling, OH Jackson, OH Milford, NE Jasper, GA Ronnie Shelton Wayne Shirk Hilton Smith Elmer Stoltzfus Conrad Swartzentruber Gwilym Thomas LaVerne Tripp Andrew Weaver Kathy Wickey Joshua Winings William Young Joelton, TN Centertown, MO Rough And Ready, CA Paradise, PA Lenhartsville, PA Seymour, IN Gallatin, TN Windsor, SC Lagrange, IN Holly Hill, FL Sulphur Springs, TX Our staff encourages each member to bring at least one friend into CHM by January 2008. You benefit by receiving one month gift-free for each new member family after that family has paid three monthly gifts. Remember, the faithfulness of participants is what allows CHM to grow. God bless you for your generosity and willingness to serve. Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded (2 Chronicles 15:7). Questions about member recognition or Bring-a-Friend? Contact the Ministry Information department at 1-800-791-6225. Ask for April (ext. 5798), Kim (ext. 8042) or Sherri (ext. 6800). 6 Christian Healthcare Ministries · September 2007 A LOOK INSIDE MY HEART by howard russell Letters to Christian Healthcare Ministries Just as the church of Christ is not a building, Christian Healthcare Ministries is not an office in Ohio. You, through your collective and faith-based sharing and support, make this ministry possible. We are privileged to serve you. We are privileged to serve Him. These letters represent what you who participate in CHM are accomplishing for each other and for the cause of Christ. Editor’s note: In 2001 the ministry’s previous management team was permanently removed for abusing members’ financial resources sent to help I recently received a letter in the mail from Christian Healthcare Ministries. Before I opened other Christians in need. A 2004 court judgment found in favor of the new management team, which the envelope I thought it might contain an has implemented numerous internal controls to ensure update on ministry programs or some kind of that members’ resources are handled with integrity. appeal for help. Imagine my surprise when I Although not legally bound to do so, the new opened it and found a check for my year 2000 management team pledged to meet all of the unpaid medical need! medical needs left by the previous managers. For more information about CHM controls and accountability, Years ago when the ministry was experiencing see your CHM Guidelines or contact the chief problems with its previous management, I felt led by God to remain a member and trust Him financial officer at to provide for me. I didn’t look elsewhere for help. When my husband passed away in 1998, I had only the Lord to turn to in my grief. Relying completely on Him helped me grow Dear Ms. Kabellar: and taught me to trust Him more. Thank you so much for sending the Needs Processing Form and the accompanying The check from CHM came at just the right time. I am grateful to God for taking care of me information. Thank you also for answering my by having the check come at a time I needed it. questions regarding the CHM maternity program with such patience and kindness. I appreciate your guidance. This event has helped increase my faith in Christian Healthcare Ministries. Previously, I had a difficult time recommending the Unfortunately, we will not be using the CHM ministry to others, but I am now able to share maternity program at this time. I experienced a the message with others in good faith. miscarriage early in my pregnancy. Although we are greatly saddened and disappointed, we are grateful that there were no major medical We really do need our government and elected complications to add to our burden. officials to represent this biblical way of meeting health care costs. I know that this ministry is blessed by God. Thank you for your Above all, I would like to thank you and CHM stewardship and for guarding God’s people for the service and peace of mind this against high insurance costs. We are an example organization provides. The world often is to the world. unkind and unforgiving to believers who make the decision to live their lives according to God’s will and direction. We appreciate the Your sister in Christ, relief that CHM provides to believers in the area of medical care. You truly are serving the Thelma Schembre Body of Christ in a unique way. Crystal City, MO Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: We’d love to hear from you! Send us your letters: Christian Healthcare Ministries Attn: Editor 127 Hazelwood Ave. Barberton, OH 44203 Editor’s note: Letters sent to CHM and printed on this page may be edited for length or grammar. – Rev. Howard Russell Again, thank you and may God bless you and CHM in the work that you do in His name. Sincerely, Jennifer Braden Ontario, OR Editor’s note: Beth Kabellar works in the CHM Needs Processing department. Dear Christian Healthcare Ministries members and staff: I want to thank each and every one of you involved in this ministry: Rev. Russell, the office staff, and every member who gives so diligently to others in need. Most of all, I want to thank Jesus Christ, my savior and Lord, for all He did during my times of medical problems. The medical bills I faced were like a great giant of financial debt. I clung to the promises of Isaiah 40:31. I felt a little like David when he faced the giant Goliath. With God’s help, the giant went down and was utterly defeated! Thank you again for helping me take down this giant in my life. Thank you for your prayers, letters of encouragement, and for being there when I needed you. God is so good! Sincerely, Pastor Wayne D. Pritchard Macon, GA PRAYER PAGE NON-ASSIGNED NEEDS: 35. Patty Loper: 130 Jimmy Love Lane, Columbia, SC 29212-3160 After reductions, Patty has bills from a dental need totaling $2,000. UPDATE: Patty has received $1,727 towards her bills, bringing the total amount needed to $273. 36. Glenn Boyd: 557 S Ragsdale, Apt. 110, Jacksonville, TX 75766 Glenn suffered from a heart attack while teaching in the Dominican Republic and had to be life flighted to the U.S. to receive the medical care he needed. The cost of his flight is $16,700. He would appreciate your gifts and prayers. UPDATE: Glenn has received a total of $3,158 in gifts, bringing the amount needed to $13,542. PRAYER ONLY: 37. Mary Jane Mathena: 2752 Country Rd. 210, Rifle, CO 81650 Mary Jane recently had her big toe amputated and she now has an infection that requires operation. Please remember her in your prayers. 38. Allen Jantzi: PO Box 3293, Homer, AK 99603 Allen requests prayer for his wife, Sarah, who had ovarian cancer. They thought she had recovered, but a case of pneumonia revealed that it has spread to her lungs. 39. Tehsin Paul: c/o Ron Weber, 1111 Jefferson Dr., Lake Charles, LA 70605 Tehsin is 38 years old and needs both a liver and pancreas transplant. He lives in Canada and is having difficulty obtaining medical care. Please remember him in your prayers. 40. Bruce & Judy Mansfield: 4498 Revere Lane, Vidor, TX 77662 Bruce has prostate cancer and recently underwent surgery. The cancer has been removed and he is recovering well. He thanks everyone for their prayers and encouraging cards. 41. Donald Jaquez: 303 Foltz Lane, Muskogee, OK 74403-6122 Donald has to have knee replacement surgery on both knees and asks the CHM family to pray for him. Christian Healthcare Ministries · September 2007 7 Prayer Page IMPORTANT! Giving to needs listed on this Prayer Page is not your monthly gift. It is an opportunity to give over and above your gift amount. We urge you to send cards of encouragement even if you are unable to contribute financially. We suggest the following: If you are a single unit member (1 unit): Send $5 (or more) If you are a multiple unit member (2-3 units): Send $10 (or more) Individuals listed on the Prayer Page must report what monies they receive each month by the 15th (or the first business day after the 15th) of the following month. Mail in your Donor Information Form, e-mail or call 800791-6225 and ask for the Prayer Page. Giving Guide AL AK AR AZ CA CO CT DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS #15 #14 #26 #18 #01 #04 #25 #10 #33 #20 #08 #24 #03 #14 #13 #33 #12 #23 #07 #28 #30 #20 #34 #32 #05 MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY #23 #11 #31 #18 #29 #16 #27 #02 #21 #32 #22 #34 #22 #08 #06 #17 #19 #32 #07 #20 #29 #34 #09 #11 #23 In the Giving Guide above, find the abbreviation of your state. You are encouraged to send to the need number which corresponds to your state. For example, if you live in Louisiana, you would send to need #23. These directions are only suggestions; you are in no way obligated to send to these needs. If you feel led by the Lord to give to a need other than the one suggested, please do so! Prayer Page contact: 800-791-6225 (ask for the Prayer Page) Prayer Page needs do not qualify for sharing under Christian Healthcare Ministries Guidelines. 1. Daniel Wagenmann: P.O. Box 914, Darby, MT 59829-0914 (cancer) UPDATE: Daniel’s wife, Connie, went to be with the Lord in January 2005. He still needs your assistance to meet Connie’s bills. He has received a total of $18,476 in gifts, bringing the total needed to $9,539. 2. Marc & Katharine Sinnock: 600 N. Eustis Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46229 (pre-existing condition) UPDATE: The Sinnocks have received another $120 in gifts, bringing the total amount needed to $1,018. 3. Linda Fox: 3411 Deerwood Ct., Lebanon, OH 45036 (heart condition) UPDATE: Linda reports another $110 in gifts and $1,753 in added bills, bringing the total needed to $1,911. 4. Gwynneth Preston: 1943 Forest Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139 (tachycardia) UPDATE: Gwynneth reports $3,986 in gifts, reducing the amount needed to $6,014. 5. Shelley B. Ford: RR1 Box 275, Rome, PA 18837 (fibroids & pre-cancerous cells) UPDATE: Praise God! Shelley reports $5,375 in bill reductions and a total of $5,359 in gifts, reducing the amount needed to $7,007. 6. Darrell Johnson: 60 Country Oaks, Woodward, OK 73801 (prostate cancer) UPDATE: Darrell reports a total of $3,807 in gifts and $8,861 in added bills, bringing the total needed to $12,507. 7. Carrie Hipley: 2852 N 500 E, Kendallville, IN 46755 (maternity) UPDATE: Carrie has received a total of $415 in gifts, reducing the amount needed to $1,680. 13. Janice Eakins: 28158 Hwy 2, Bloomfield, IA 52537 (kidney stone condition) UPDATE: Janice has received $1,723 in gifts, bringing the total needed to $12,775. 14. Patricia A. Casteel: 5382 W 116th Circle, Westminster, CO 80020 (chest pain) UPDATE: Pat has received another $220 in gifts, reducing the amount needed to $15,822. 15. John Puskar: 331 East Pike Street, Houston, PA 15342 (sleep apnea) UPDATE: John reports a total of $4,106 in gifts. His charges are now $3,807. 16. Janet Bean: 1206 Minnesota Ave., St. Cloud, FL 34769 (cataract surgery) UPDATE: Janet reports a total of $925 in gifts, bringing the amount needed to $2,925. 17. Pastor Craig Bostian: PO Box 92, Warner, SD 57401 (hernia surgery) UPDATE: Pastor Bostian has received $582 in gifts, bringing the total needed to $3,300. Prayer Page need rotations $8,573 in bill reductions and $13,470 in gifts! He has added another $13,444 in bills, bringing the total needed to $15,461. 24. Nancy Reynolds: P.O. Box 98, Lamar, SC 29069 (brain surgery) UPDATE: Praise God! Nancy has received a $19,981 bill reduction! She also reports a total of $7,264 in gifts. Her total need is now $2,432. 25. Rebecca Cooper: 61 CR 8401, Rienzi, MS 38865 (acute bronchitis) UPDATE: Rebecca received a $1,351 reduction and $50 in gifts, bringing the total needed to $501. 26. Ruth Heyer: 105 N. Oak St., George, IA 51237 (bladder repair & hysterectomy) UPDATE: Ruth reports a total of $7,652 in gifts and has added another $1,628 in bills, bringing the total amount needed to $7,765. 27. John French: 53 Pete Canada Rd., Trenton, TN 38382 (kidney stone condition) UPDATE: John has received a total of $2,074 in gifts, reducing the amount needed to $1,595. Some Prayer Page needs are not listed this month due to the large number of eligible needs and limited listing space. 28. Lea Glennon: 538 N 325 W, Valparaiso, IN 46385 (anemia) UPDATE: Lea has received a total of $1,012 in gifts and has added $1,175 in bills, bringing the total need to $2,802. Needs that have been listed consecutively for the longest period of time have been removed for the month of September and will be re-listed in October. If necessary, other need explanations will be rotated in future issues. 29. Paula Byler: PO Box 45, Apple Creek, OH 44606 (pre-existing breast cancer) UPDATE: Paula reports $575 in gifts, bringing her total to $991. Prayer Page needs will only be rotated when it is necessary to conserve space. 30. Robert Welker: 8682 Mason-Lewis Rd., Maysville, KY 41056 (heart condition) UPDATE: Robert has received a total of $3,130 in gifts, bringing the total needed to $2,416. 18. Sandra Thrash: 190 Gilmers Chapel Rd., Conehatta, MS 39057 (gallbladder removal) 31. Frank Neumeister: 28 Frank Lane, UPDATE: Sandra reports $550 in gifts, bringing 8. Beth Kabellar: 3010 Wadsworth Rd., Ashland, PA 17921 Frank has incurred bills Norton, OH 44203 (arthritis) UPDATE: Beth the total needed to $9,450. from a pre-existing heart condition for $1,122. reports a total of $390 in gifts, bringing her need He asks for your prayers and support. 19. Diana Manners: 2244 Woodsdale Rd. to $450. 32. Billy Cox: 4390 Liberty Lane, Conway, SC Apt. B, Salem, OH 44460 (gallbladder 29527 Billy incurred bills for $70,663 for a precondition) UPDATE: Diana reports $1,537 in 9. Christine Hewett: 118 Forest Dr., existing artery blockage. He trusts God to meet gifts, bringing her total bills to $10,370. Shallotte, NC 28470-4454 (Carpal Tunnel his need and asks the CHM family for help. Syndrome) UPDATE: Christine reports $360 St., Stump: 342 N Walnut Myron 20. Rev. in gifts, bringing the total needed to $3,536. 33. James Blades: 1733 Hillcrest Dr., Union City, OH 45390 (heart surgery) UPDATE: Rev. Stump has $20,228 in added bills. Carthage, MO 64836 James recently underwent 10. Genie Plumlee: 1105 Independence He reports $2,394 in gifts, bringing the total needed total knee replacement surgery. After receiving Springs, Sherman, TX 75090 (knee injury) to $27,478. reductions and help from his church, he has UPDATE: Genie reports a total of $1,118 in gifts, $29,000 in remaining bills. 21. Mary Trotzke: PO Box 2283, Dot Lake, bringing the total needed to $1,170. AK 99737 (bunion/foot surgery) UPDATE: 34. Kathleen “Angie” Lyons: 37053 Birchwood St., Soldotna, AK 99669 Angie Mary has received a total of $2,012 in gifts, 11. Leon Baertschi: 3793 N State Hwy AB, recently gave birth to her son, Levi Paul, and has bringing her need to $4,130. Springfield, MO 65803 (quintuple bypass pre-existing maternity bills for $13,917. She heart surgery) UPDATE: Leon reports a total of 22. Peter Heaton: 19874 Hwy 24 #0, would appreciate your prayers and gifts. $6,484 in gifts and $6,543 in added bills, Leadville, CO 80461 (congenital condition bringing the total need to $23,627. [pectus excavatum]) UPDATE: Peter reports a Daniel & Melody Clendenen: 11 total of $6,318 in gifts, bringing the total to 12. Rev. Tommy Smith: PO Box 403, Kensington Blvd., Bluffton, SC 29910 $28,090. Gibson, TN 38338 (heart catheterization) (infant condition) The Clendenens request UPDATE: Rev. Smith reports $2,033 in gifts, 23. Jobe Reynolds: P.O. Box 98, Lamar, SC that their need be removed due to a change in bringing his bills to $7,507. 29069 (heart condition) UPDATE: Jobe reports their financial situation. They are thankful for all of the help they have received. The non-assigned and prayer only needs appear on page 6. Christian Healthcare Ministries September 2007 In This Issue AFCM shares the CHM message at annual conference • Meet the Prayer Page participants (part 3) Under His influence • Regional meetings announced • Dr. Jacobson update Healthwatch • Member recognition • Letters to CHM • Prayer Page Christian Healthcare Ministries (hereinafter “CHM”), a not-forprofit religious organization, is not an insurance company. No ministry operations or publications are offered through or operated by an insurance company. CHM does not guarantee or promise that your medical bills will be shared or assigned to others for financial gifts. Whether any CHM member chooses to share the burden of your medical bills will be entirely voluntary. As such, CHM should never be considered as a substitute for an insurance policy. Whether you receive any financial gifts for medical expenses and whether CHM continues to operate, you are always liable for any unpaid bills. Especially for Florida Residents: A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free, within the state of Florida. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State of Florida. 1-800-435-7352 Our Florida registration number is SC-03543. CHM has not retained any professional solicitors or professional fundraising consultants and 100% of each contribution is received by our organization. Especially for Kentucky Residents: Notice: CHM is not an insurance company. CHM’s related operations and publications are not issued by an insurance company and they are not offered through an insurance company. CHM does not guarantee or promise that your medical bills will be shared or assigned to others for financial gifts. Whether any member chooses to share the burden of your medical bills will be totally voluntary. CHM should never be considered as a substitute for an insurance policy. Whether you receive any gifts for medical expenses, and whether or not CHM continues to operate, you will always remain liable for any unpaid bills. Especially for Maryland Residents: Notice: CHM is not an insurance company. CHM’s related operations and publications are not issued by or offered through an insurance company. CHM does not guarantee or promise that your medical bills will be shared or assigned to others for financial gifts. No other member will be compelled to contribute toward the cost of your medical bills. Therefore, CHM should never be considered a substitute for an insurance policy. This activity is not regulated by the Maryland Insurance Administration, and your liabilities are not covered by the Maryland Life and Health Guarantee Fund. Whether or not you receive any financial gifts for medical expenses and whether or not CHM continues to operate, you are always liable for any unpaid bills. Especially for Oklahoma Residents: This is not an insurance policy. It is a voluntary program that is neither approved, endorsed or regulated by the Oklahoma Department of Insurance and the program is not guaranteed under the Oklahoma Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association. Especially for Pennsylvania Residents: Notice: CHM is not an insurance company. CHM’s related operations and publications are not issued by or offered through an insurance company. CHM does not guarantee or promise that your medical bills will be shared or assigned to others for financial gifts. Whether any member chooses to share the burden of your medical bills will be totally voluntary. As such, CHM should never be considered as a substitute for insurance. Whether you receive any financial gifts for medical expenses, and whether or not CHM continues to operate, you are always liable for any unpaid bills. Especially for South Dakota Residents: CHM is not an insurance company. CHM’s program is not an insurance contract. This plan does not fall under the jurisdiction of the South Dakota Division of Insurance and the plan is not covered under the South Dakota guaranty fund. Especially for Wisconsin Residents: Attention: CHM is not an insurance company. CHM’s related operations and publications are not issued by or offered through an insurance company. CHM does not guarantee or promise that your medical bills will be shared or assigned to others for financial gifts. Whether any member chooses to share the burden of your medical bills is entirely voluntary. CHM should never be considered as a substitute for an insurance policy. Whether or not you receive any financial gifts for medical expenses, and whether or not CHM continues to operate, you will always remain responsible for the payment of your own medical bills. Permit # 1075 Akron OH 44309 US Postage PAID Nonprofit Org.