Newsletter - The Loaded Brush


Newsletter - The Loaded Brush
The Loaded Brush of NW Louisiana
February 2015
Frances Carson
1 Vice President
Sara Byrd
2nd Vice President
Edna Dockery
Betsy Levels
Susan Pelezo
Gloria Peters
A chapter of the Society
of Decorative Painters
Saturday, Feb. 7
Birdhouse Candlestick
Surface costs $3.00
Deco Art Americana
Antique Gold
Black Green
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Celery Green
Country Red
Deep Midnight Blue
Honey brown
Lamp Black
Light French Blue
Neons Firey Red
Olive Green
Paynes Grey
Russet Sable Brown
Spicy Mustard
Titanium White
Additional Supplies:
Wood Glue
Stain (optional)
6.5 inch battery operated taper candle
Paint Adhesion Medium
Mini Star Stencil
Pot Luck Lunch—bring a dish with something in it!
Don't forget to bring canned goods for the food pantry!
January 3, 2015 meeting minutes :
Edna's Challenge:
Meeting was opened. Present were Edna
Don't forget to bring a show and tell
Dockery, Sara Byrd, Frances Carson, Susan item for your photo album—Edna will
Pelezo, and Betsy Levels. There were no
have her camera with her for her photo
minutes from December's meeting as it was challenge to everyone!
the Christmas party; the treasurer's report
was given and it was announced that we
have $1757.88 in the treasury at this time.
Officers for the new term were confirmed:
President Frances Carson, 1st Vice
President/Membership Sara Byrd, 2nd Vice
President/SDP Communications Edna
Dockery, Secretary/Newsletter Betsy
Levels, Treasurer Susan Pelezo, Seminar
Chair Gloria Peters. Edna presented her
challenge project to the club—each week
every member will bring a show and share
object and Edna will photograph it and put
it into the photo album she provided—let's
try to all get a full album as a great
keepsake for the year! The club agreed
unanimously for Gloria to contact Naomi
Brown about pricing of a Monday or
Tuesday seminar to be scheduled right after
her weekend seminar in Quitman. Also,
Betsy agreed to contact Nancy Martin
regarding cost of her coming to Shreveport
and would she mind staying at Susan's
house for a 2-day seminar and if she is free
in October. A tentative calendar of
programs for the year was reviewed and
accepted as follows:Feb: Birdhouse candle
holder, March :Sara will teach glass candle
holder, April, Susan will teach a project
TBA, May we will do a project from the
Sandy Aubuchon DVD, June: Betsy will
teach something TBA, July: no meeting
August: open September : open October:
try to arrange for Nancy Martin, December:
Christmas party. There was discussion
about possibly having the group go to
seminars hosted by area chapters. Also
discussed were fundraising ides, including
Taste of Blanchard, which Edna is still
gather information for us on.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsy Levels
President's Perks
I would like to encourage recruiting new
members and touching base with former
members. We need to build our
membership. We also need to continue
nurturing the membership we have--sharing our talents, having fun meetings
and producing fun projects .
Quote: " Art washes away from the soul
the dust of everyday life".-- Pablo Picasso
Frances (President in name only)
Treasurer's report
Beginning Bal.
Disp: G. Peters (president gift) -$25.00
Christmas Dinner
(Ralph & Kaccoo's)
SDP Chapter Fee
Service Fee Bank
Dues Sara Byrd
Ending Balance: 12/31/14
The Bluebonnet Chapter in Arlington,
TX will host a Rosemary West seminar
Thursday, March 26-Friday, March 27.
The surface will be vintage silver
coffee pots. Available spots will be
open to members from outside
chapters starting Feb. 5. For more
information contact Diana at
News from Nancy in Texarkana:
Just a few things-- February 18 is Third
Shara Reiner is coming to Yellow
Thursday Experimental Day at the Artist's
Hideaway. Cost is $15. Lunch is provided.
Rose March 28 and 29, 2015. The fee is
You need to call by Tuesday the 16th to
$40 per day plus $10 per day for a catered
reserve your spot. Nancy Martin and Betty
lunch should you want that. The Snowman
Miller will be leaving for Las Vegas on
piece is Saturday and surface is your choice
February 19th, where both will be teaching
and should be about 12x12. The Autumn
at the Creative Art convention. They will
piece is about 14x18. Both pieces can be
return to Texarkana on March 01. Friday,
made smaller or larger to fit your surface.
March 13, Nancy will be teaching a one day
If you wish to come, please send checks
wc batik class-9:30-4:00. Cost is $50.
made out to Yellow Rose including name,
Bring brushes, paper towels, wc palette,
mailing address, email address and phone
water container and something to share for
number for each attendee.
Once your
lunch. Nancy will provide rice paper, paints, checks are received the pattern packet will
wax, freezer paper, wax paper, and pattern. be sent to the addresses indicated. If you
On Thursday and Friday, March 26-27,
have any questions, please do not hesitate
Nancy will be teaching a 2 day wc batik
to call or email me.
workshop at Bossier's Creative Art
Connection. You will need to check with
Sharron White
them for cost and supply list. (editor's
709 Colonial drive
note: see below)
Garland, TX 75043
Nancy Hall Martin
The Artist's Hideaway
Texarkana, Ar 71854
The Creative Art Connection of Bossier
City will host a watercolor batik
workshop with Nancy Martin March 26
& 27. Cost will be $65 to CAC
members and $75 to non-members.
Contact Kathleen Pate at 318-8284425 (
Information about booth space at the
Bossier Festival of Arts on the
following pages:
Saturday, March 21,2015
10:00AM- 6:00PM
10'' deep x 12' wide (OUTSIDE Festival)
Green space directly across from the Bossier Arts Council
630 Barksdale Blvd. Bossier City, La. 71111
Saturday, March 21, 2015
$25.00 no electricity (only 2 ARTISTS PER BOOTH) each
additional artists in
10:00AM- 6:00PM
same booth $15.00 per person
Must be completely set up by 9:00 AM
Saturday After 6:00 P.M
Saturday March 28,2015
Rain Date :
►Vendor spaces will be assigned by the Creative Art Connection Committee based on the type of art items
to be sold.
►Vendors must furnish canopy or tent, tables, chairs, and etc. All vendors are responsible for their own
equipment. Some rental available.
►The festival committee reserves the right to have vendors remove unacceptable or inappropriate items, or
to relocate or dismiss any participant. No alcoholic beverages are permitted within the festival.
►An application is a commitment to the Bossier Festival of Arts . No refunds will be made for
cancellations. Rain Date: March 28,2015. The booth fees will not be refunded in that event or
other cause which could not be avoided by the Creative Art Connection, City of Bossier, Festival
Committee. Return Check Fee: $30.00.
►I understand that Creative Art Connection, City of Bossier, or the Festival Committee and/or Sponsors
are not responsible for damages caused by extenuating circumstances such as weather or acts of nature.
Also, these parties mentioned above will not be liable in any way for damage or loss of inventory or work,
or injury to persons participating. If insurance is desired, it must be secured by the individual vendor.
►Vendors are to be completely set-up by 9:00 A.M. and have all vehicles, trailers, campers, etc. moved
from the festival area to the designated vendor parking area. Vendors are required to remain set-up until
the festival closes at 6:00 P.M. Vehicles are not allowed in the festival site before this time to ensure the
safety of festival goers. It is important that all workers and helpers are made aware of the set-up and
breakdown polices.
►Upon Vendor Check-In, you will receive your booth assignment and a festival map. A schedule of events
and tax information with envelopes will be delivered to your vendor space.
►State Law requires a 9.25% tax within Bossier Corporate Limits. Sales Tax must be collected and
reported. If you file your taxes monthly or quarterly you are still required to fill out the envelopes,
include your sales tax ID number if you have been assigned one, and turn them in before you leave the
►Vendor Contact Information: Contact- Kathleen Pate at (318-828-4425) or Deborah
Mullinnix at (318-773-3990).
Specify vendor type: □ Arts
Please Print
Name of Business________________________________________ Contact Person_______________________
Address________________________________ City & State ________________________Zip Code_______
Day Phone #__________________Evening Phone #___________________Alternate Phone#_______________
BOOTH FEES: □ $25.00 (before) □ $30.00 (after) (1) additional person $15
Booth Size: 10’d x 12’w (only 2 artists allowed per booth)
# OF BOOTHS __________
Amount Enclosed: $_____________
Be specific in listing what items you will be selling.
Each vendor acknowledges his agreement to the rules and regulations listed on
the Vendor Information Sheet by payment of booth fee and signature below.
Cancellations will not be refunded. Rain Date : March 28, 2015
Signature (Required)_______________________________ Print Name: __________________________
Application Deadline: March 6, 2015
Make Checks or Money Orders Payable to. Creative Art Connection
Mail fee, application, and any other required documents to: Creative Art Connection c/o Shirley
Koval, Treasurer - 630 Barksdale Blvd - -Bossier City, La. 71111. All applications and fees must be
received at this address in order to reserve a vendor space.
Festival Committee Use Only
Paid by Check, MO #____________________ Date Rec'd ______________Photo(s) Enclosed________
Approved By ___________________Date Confirmation Sent___________