to the application


to the application
2015 Call for Entries
Awards Competition
All Entries Are Due January 23, 2015
To be considered for a DBIA-Upper Midwest Region Design-Build Award,
projects must demonstrate successful application of design-build principles
including, but not limited to interdisciplinary collaboration in the early stages
of the project and the acceptance of single-entity risk. The goal of completing
projects on-time and on budget (and with no litigation) is not a criterion for
winning an award; it is a minimum standard for all projects submitted. Winning
projects are honored for the advanced and innovative application of total
integrated project delivery and finding unique solutions for project challenges.
Projects deserving a regional award should exemplify the principles
of interdisciplinary teamwork, innovation, and problem-solving that
characterize design-build delivery. These projects frequently “break new
ground” in their approach and accomplishments.
The DBIA-UMR Awards Ceremony will take place on March 18, 2015, at the
Midland Hills Country Club in St. Paul, MN.
The Upper Midwest Region of the Design-Build Institute of America
is accepting submissions for the Design-Build Project Awards competition.
Completed entries and entry fee payments must arrive at DBIA no later than January 23, 2015.
All submitters must select one of the following ten categories.
Projects that did not win previously may be resubmitted.
Civic Buildings (federal, state and municipal)
Rehabilitation/Renovation/Restoration Projects
Industrial/Process/Research Facilities
Educational Facilities
Commercial BuildingsTransportation Projects
Office BuildingsHealthcare Facilities
Correctional FacilitiesWater/Wastewater Projects
A non-refundable entry fee payment (check) must accompany the submission.
The entry fee is $200/members or $250/non-members with checks made payable to: DBIA-UMR
• Project was completed and owner-occupied after January 1, 2011.
• Project was completed using a single point of responsibility contract.
• Project was on-time and on budget.
• Project was completed with no claims or litigation.
• Project met or exceeded owner expectations.
• Project demonstrates successful application of design-build best practices.
NOTIFICATION: DBIA will notify all submitters of their status no later than February 27, 2015.
Project submissions will be evaluated primarily on:
Success achieved in attaining the owner/user’s project goals
Success in implementing design-build “best practices”
Special emphasis will be placed on the design team’s use of innovation to add value. “Innovation” includes the use of new systems, methods, and
processes that benefit cost, efficiency/speed, safety, quality, and use of technology in executing the project. The design quality of the project is
also important, specific areas of review will include integration of aesthetics, functionality, and life cycle considerations.
A jury of impartial experts drawn from the DBIA membership, project owners and the industry in general will judge the submissions. The
jury determines the winner of the UMR Design-Build Award based on the total points awarded to the project. Awards will be conferred at
the following levels: Merit Award, Excellence Award, and Best Project. No videos will be reviewed by the jury. At the discretion of the jury,
additional awards may be presented.
DBIA and DBIA-UMR reserves the right to publish any and all entry materials submitted or any part thereof without compensation. This includes
photographs and names of any and all entrants and projects submitted to the awards competition. DBIA shall not be responsible for returning submitted
award candidate binders. The DBIA-UMR Awards Ceremony will take place on March 18, 2015, at the Midland Hills Country Club in St. Paul, MN.
The following must be provided on a single CD or flash drive and in hard copy for each project submitted. Project submissions with missing
elements will be disqualified.
COVER PAGE — A single page entitled, “2015 Design-Build Awards Competition” with the name of the project, the company name and the
project category.
COVER LETTER — A signed and dated cover letter on the submitting firm’s letterhead must accompany the submission reiterating this
paragraph verbatim: “I understand that the contents of this entry become the property of DBIA and DBIA-UMR and will not be returned.
I further understand that DBIA and DBIA-UMR shall have the right to make all text and photographs available for publication without
compensation, real or implied, and without claim by contestants against the judging committee, DBIA or its staff, or individual DBIA members.”
With this statement, entrant is extending DBIA unlimited license to use the photographs submitted with the entry.
ORGANIZATIONAL CHART — Showing the design-build team’s structure and contractual relationships.
CONTACTS FOR COMMUNICATION/INFORMATION — Contact information for the person completing the entry (should we have questions).
TEAM CONTACTS — Provide details of the design-build team. File should include one primary contact for each company associated with the
project team (including the owner) and include address, email and phone number.
75-WORD OR LESS PROJECT DESCRIPTION — The description should be as you would like it to appear in the printed program and verbal
description should your project be selected as a winner.
Photo credit and captions must be provided as a separate sheet.
THE ENTRY FORM (cumulative 115 points) — Addressing each of the following:
1. Project Overview (15 pts)
2. Owner’s Letter (5 pts)
3. Photos (5 pts)
4. Source Selection and Contracting Approach (10 pts)
5. Teaming (15 pts)
6. Schedule and Cost Performance (10 pts)
7. Design-Build Best Practices (15 pts)
8. Design and Quality Approach (15 pts)
9. Innovation (10 pts)
10. BIM and Sustainability (10 pts)
11. Safety (5 pts)
Entry Fee: $200/members or $250/non-members
A non-refundable entry fee payment (check) must accompany the submission.
DBIA-Upper Midwest Region
2015 Design Awards Competition
ATTN: Gloria Grove, Executive Director
4248 Park Glen Road | Minneapolis, MN 55416
p: 952-928-7471 | f: 952-929-1318 |
Thank you for your Design-Build Project Award submittal. Questions or comments should be directed to Gloria Grove at
This form can be found at
Please furnish the following information in the order asked with each section tabbed alphabetically, paying particular attention to the maximum
page count noted.
1. Project Overview - Maximum of 2 Pages (15 points)
Provide a narrative description of your project that addresses or at a minimum, the following: Scope of work; description of project challenges
and goals and how they were met by the team; and additional value to the owner over and above what was included in the contract.
2. Letter From The Owner — Maximum of 2 Pages (5 points)
Provide a letter from the owner stating how the completed project met the owner’s goals. The letter must be submitted on the owner’s
letterhead and may be addressed to the DBIA-UMR Design-Build Awards jury.
3. Photos — Seven to 10 Images – (5 points)
Provide 7-10 high-resolution (300dpi) project photos in JPEG or TIFF format. A CD with digital photos of the project is required.
Printed photos should be to at least 5.5 x 7 in. Both in-progress and completed project photos are highly encouraged.
4. Source Selection and Contracting Approach - Maximum of 7 Pages (10 points)
a. List the owner’s evaluation factor: Completion Schedule, Energy Conservation, Fee, Image/Character of Design, Operation &
Maintenance Cost, Quality of Materials/Systems, Construction Cost, Environmental Sustainability, Financial Capacity, Management
Plan, Past Performance, Technical Solution, Other.
b. Identify the method the owner used in the RFQ/RFP process to communicate their requirements: Performance Standards? Prescriptive?
Functional? Combination?
c. Was the contract based on an industry standard contract document form? If so, which (e.g., DBIA, Consensus docs)? If not, please
describe the source of the contract language.
d. Briefly describe the risk assumption and equitable risk allocation. How did this benefit the project?
e. What awards and incentives were employed? Were they shared among team members? If yes, how were they distributed?
5. Teaming Performance - Maximum of 5 Pages (15 points)
a. Describe how and why you selected your teaming partners on the project and at what point they were brought on board.
b. What methods or approaches were employed to engage and interact “as one team” collaboratively throughout the design AND
construction phases of the project?
c. Describe how the owner, various client stakeholders and end users were engaged as part of the team throughout the design and decision
making process.
6. Schedule and Cost Performance - Maximum of 5 Pages (10 points)
a. Complete the table below:
Start Date
Completion Date
Project Cost
b. Describe any special or unusual challenges involved in meeting the schedule. Explain any scope changes required.
c. Describe the approach and methods that were employed to facilitate and manage the “design to budget” throughout the design phase of
the project.
d. Describe the methods that were employed to establish and maintain alignment between the design schedule and the construction
schedule throughout the design and construction process.
7. Design-Build Best Practices - Maximum of 3 Pages (15 points)
List the design-build best practices applied to the project from the RFQ/RFP stage through the post-award phases of design and
construction (DD, CD, construction and commissioning). Discuss how information was shared across the team and how stakeholders were
engaged throughout the process.
8. Design and Quality Approach - Maximum of 4 Pages (15 points)
a. How did you provide the owner with “best value for dollar spent”? Provide specific examples of “value adding” elements or factors that
you/your team brought to the project. These may be quantitative or qualitative in nature.
b.Describe the quality assurance/quality control process used on the project and how it was implemented across the design and
construction phases.
9. Innovations - Maximum of 5 Pages (10 points)
a. Describe significant innovations developed through this project.
b.What innovative systems, and/or materials improved the project or the delivery of the project?
10. BIM and Sustainability - Maximum of 3 Pages (10 points)
a. Was Building Information Modeling (BIM) used on the project? If yes, at what stage was it implemented? Did the owner request any
BIM deliverables and, if so, what were the owner’s requirements associated with BIM?
b.Did the project achieve LEED certification?
If YES, what level of certification?
Describe how design-build played a role in achieving or exceeding the owner’s LEED requirements.
11. Safety - Maximum of 3 Pages (5 points)
a. Fill out the table below:
Total hours worked on the project
Duration of construction (in months)
Cases with days away from work
Cases with job transfer or restriction
Other recordable cases
b.Describe your safety program, including any regular safety meetings held, innovative elements, special incentives, etc. Was this a
standard safety program or was it developed specifically for this project?
c. Was safety “designed” into the project, either from a construction operations perspective or from an end user perspective?
If yes, please describe how.
Contact the DBIA-UMR office at (952) 928-7471
Design-Build Institute of America
Upper Midwest Region
4248 Park Glen Road
Minneapolis, MN 55416