1/25/2015 - St. Agnes Catholic Parish


1/25/2015 - St. Agnes Catholic Parish
JANUARY 25, 2015
Sunday, February 1-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 a.m. Joe Roberts
9:30 a.m. Margaret Brossart
11:30 a.m. Betty & George Read
Sunday, January 25
9:00 a.m. Rosary - Church
10:30 a.m. RCIA - Rectory Conf Room
1:00 p.m. Baptisms
7:30 p.m. Rosary for Peace/Enlisted-Adoration Chapel
Monday, January 26
2:30 p.m. Girl Scouts (BR) - Murphy A & B
5:30 p.m. 1st Place 4 Health - Rectory Conf Room
Gift Bearers
7:00 p.m. CCD - School
4:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul - Rectory Conf Room
7:30 a.m.
Tuesday, January 27
9:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m. 1st Place 4 Health - Rectory Conf Room
10:00 a.m. Prayer Group - Chapel
Wednesday, January 28
Special Ministers of the Word
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts - Murphy A & B
4:00 p.m. S Osterhage, L Ransdell
7:00 p.m. Choir - Church
7:30 a.m. M Maier
Thursday, January 29
9:30 a.m. J Melching, D Dickhaus
11:30 a.m. Anointing of the Sick following Mass
a.m. J Lawrie, S Flanagan
Friday, January 30
Saturday, January 31
Eucharistic Ministers
8:10 a.m. Sung Morning Prayer - Church
4:00 p.m. J Bayer, O Ward, M Pennington, L Wilder,
9:00 a.m. Confessions - Church
P Adams, S Gleeson, C Hill, A Emerson
Sunday, February 1
7:30 a.m. J & C Brueggemann, B & D Tepe, D & I Mai
Coffee & Donuts after 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30
9:30 a.m. M Brungs, T Fischer, P Metzger, A Dickhaus,
Blood Pressure Screenings
M Green, MA Schuh, M & W Witt,
9:00 a.m. Rosary - Church
T & R Lonneman
9:00 a.m. Hoxworth Blood Drive - Parking Lot
L Clements, D & G Travis, MJ Rose, D Able,
1:00 p.m. Baptisms
S & R Averdick, B Chambers, P Johnston,
7:30 p.m. Rosary for Peace/Enlisted-Adoration Chapel
M Spare
Ministry/Volunteer Schedule
for January 31st/February 1st
Mass Intentions
Sunday, January 25-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 a.m. Dec’d of Bauereis & Bannon Families
9:30 a.m. Dec’d of Pohlabeln & Thomann Families
11:30 a.m. Jeanne King
Monday, January 26-Sts. Timothy & Titus
6:30 a.m. Vincent Gegg
11:30 a.m. Warren Cook
Tuesday, January 27-St. Angela Merici
6:30 a.m. People of the Parish
11:30 a.m. Intention of Ralph & Peggy Hoffer
Wednesday, January 28-St. Thomas Aquinas
6:30 a.m. Leona Becher
11:30 a.m. Charles Brungs
Thursday, January 29
6:30 a.m. Intention of Dan & JoAnn Glazier
11:30 a.m. Intention of Elaine E. Cetrulo
Friday, January 30
6:30 a.m. Dec’d of Leubrecht, Ruberg & Seibert
8:00 a.m. Ralph Racette
11:30 a.m. Dec’d of Jack & Helen Grayson Family
Saturday, January 31-St. John Bosco
8:30 a.m. Intention of Bill & Grace Poncer
4:00 p.m. Gary Fewell
4:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
I Ward, N Shea, G Wainscott
R Ruwe, A Ruwe, B Shields
L Marino, J Marino, M Marino
J Seither, J Schulte, A Shelton
6:30 a.m. – Servers:
Jan. 26th-Paul Kleier
Feb. 2nd-Steve Lorenz
Rosary, Sunday, Feb. 1st at 9:00 a.m.: Tony Summe
Highland Crossing, Feb. 1st: Deacon Gary Scott
Vocation Chalice Program Participants
4:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Bill & Janet Rolf
Loretta McKinley
Tony & Tanya Fischer
Phil & Lisa Horney
4:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Betty Peeno, Della Weis, Molly Eilerman
Daryl & Blanche Tepe, Paul & Amy Kindt
Steve & Maria Elkins, Dan & Joan Savage
Heather & Mike Monson, Tom Kramer
To learn more about the Catholic Faith
or about joining our parish, please call
431-1802 or email
Staff Article
The Price of Knowing
by Msgr. Don Enzweiler
The promise of something for nothing never loses its
appeal. It captures us over and over again. Our
suspicions give way to the chance of being on the
receiving end of a good deal. Oh, we get lucky once in
a while, but more times than not we wind up empty
handed and disappointed. We’re reminded at such
times: everything in life has a price.
Discipleship is no exception. The price of following
Jesus is awareness: accepting God as mystery;
realizing the more we learn, the more we don’t know;
realizing that for the Christian, life is never finished.
Regardless of our capacity to love, God wants us to
love more passionately. Regardless of our ability to
see, God wants to bring our vision into sharper focus.
Regardless of how many times we have died, God
wants us to die again. Regardless of the truth we’ve
come to know and embrace, there is still more truth to
be had. Regardless of how strong our faith has
become, God calls us to a more profound faithfulness.
God’s offer of eternal salvation is not free. We are not
being given something for nothing. Embracing the
promise of God comes at a price: self-surrender,
sacrifice, the struggle of discernment; the
inconvenience of changing deeply rooted attitudes and
patterns of living; the risk of letting go of long held
Here’s an old Arab proverb to consider: “Those who
know not and know not that they know not are
foolish—shun them. Those who know not and know
that they know not are simple—teach them. Those
who know and know not that they know are sleeping—
wake them. Those who know and know that they
know are wise—follow them.”
When it comes to Jesus Christ, may we be counted
among those who are “in the know!"
Parish Worship
Faith Sharing Questions
Theme of this week’s Gospel: Jesus calls on the
first disciples to abandon their nets and follow
Adults: Where are you in your “journey” as a disciple
of Christ? If you look back, were there turning points in
your journey?
Teens: When do you take the time to open your heart
to Jesus? What can you do this week to become
closer to Jesus?
Children: What is the first story you remember hearing
about Jesus? Do you think about Jesus each day?
Next Sunday, February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time,
Cycle B
We have a few weeks of the Liturgical Season called
“Ordinary Time” between the end of the Christmas
Season (the last day is the Feast of the Baptism of the
Lord) and the beginning of Lent, which begins on Ash
Wednesday (February 18 this year).
We are in “Cycle B” this year, and so our Gospel
reading on Sundays will usually be from the Gospel of
Mark. However, there are some exceptions when the
Gospel reading will be from the Gospel of John.
During Ordinary Time the first reading, from the Old
Testament, is chosen because of a thematic relation to
the Gospel reading. During Ordinary Time, for the
second reading we read semi-continuously from a
New Testament letter (currently 1 Corinthians).
Gospel Reading (Mark 1:21-28) This passage is at
the very beginning of the Gospel of Mark. We see
from the beginning that Jesus’ ministry is astonishing,
and all too quickly will become controversial. Jesus is
depicted here as one who teaches (and acts) with an
authority that comes from within and from God...
apparently in stark contrast to religious leaders of His
day who normally attributed their authority to others.
Like the early witnesses to Jesus’ ministry, and all
readers of the Gospel of Mark, we are invited to ask
ourselves, “What is this? A new teaching with
authority...” and to investigate further by reading on in
the Gospel of Mark. Our readings from the Gospel of
Mark throughout this year will reveal more of this
“teaching with authority” to us.
First Reading (Deuteronomy 18:15-20) The Book of
Deuteronomy is a collection of texts from various
periods in Israel’s history. Deuteronomy presents
much of this content in the form of “final addresses”
given by Moses to the Israelites, just before they cross
the Jordan River (without Moses) and enter the
Promised Land. This reading is from a section devoted
to the organization of the religious life of the
community. Roles for priests, judges and kings are
described... and in the text of today’s reading:
prophets. This reading assures the community of the
legitimacy of the prophetic tradition in Israel, linking it
Parish Worship continued
to Moses himself. “A prophet like me [Moses] will the
Lord, you God, raise up for you from among your own
kin; to him you shall listen.”
Second Reading (1 Corinthians 7:32-35) In this
passage, Paul reflects on the practical value of
celibacy, in an age when it was believed that Jesus
would return and the world would end in the near
future. Then and now, celibacy finds its value as a
particular type of witness to the kingdom. Obviously,
this does not exclude other types of witnesses,
including that of married couples.
Blessing of Throats Next Sunday
JANUARY 25, 2015
Discipleship Committee Thanks
A special thanks to the members of our
Discipleship Committee who helped with
the Christmas gift that we gave out this
year, the CD of Father Larry Richard, “The
Mass Explained.” A special thanks to the
families of Joe Lawrie, Paula Fritz and
Paul Kleier for coordinating the effort to prepare the
gifts and the Christmas message/card that went with it.
(They had a lot of help from their families and friends
as well.) Thanks also to Paul Kleier and Joe Lawrie for
speaking at the Masses on Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day.
February 3rd is the Feast of Saint
Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. We will
have the individual Blessing of
Throats after all of the Sunday
Masses next weekend (January 31st/
February 1st). “Through the
intercession of Saint Blaise, bishop and martyr, may
God deliver you from every disease of the throat and
from every other illness: In the name of the (+) Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Status of Sunday Collection
Advent/Christmas Church Decorations:
Thank you so very much for your generosity to St.
Augustine Parish Center and our clients. Because of
you compassion and gifting through the Christmas
Giving Tree, you helped many of our residents, and
especially the children, have a happy Christmas. To
those of you who have donated food, used clothing,
toiletries or used furniture during the Christmas
Season, or anytime throughout the
year, we also say a big thank you.
With sincere gratitude,
Sr. Ellen Marie Eckerle, CDP, Director
Our church is very pretty to begin with. But the
decorations during Advent and especially Christmas
make it even more beautiful! For this, we have to
thank a lot of people, beginning with our sacristan,
Walt Witt. Walt coordinated the decorating and did
most of the day-to-day things as well. Walt had some
help with the Christmas decorations from his son’s
family: Mike and Margie Witt, and Robert, Jacob and
Sarah. They did everything at Christmas from placing
the figures in the cribs to hanging the pine roping on
the choir loft, to arranging the poinsettias and
decorating the window sills. We also have to thank
our maintenance man, Rick Wolking who put up the
trees, the crèche and the roping on the lamp posts.
We also thank Steve Lorenz, who helped Rick put
things up and take them down, as well as move
everything to and from the bell tower, where most of
the decorations are stored. Thanks to everyone for
helping to make Christmas special! –Fr. Mark Keene
Adoration of Our Lord
Being in the presence of our Lord is the perfect way to
meditate on the sufferings He endured for our sins.
Visit Him in the Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel. Call
859-496-4149 for more information.
Actual Collections (July thru 01/20/15)
Budgeted Collections (July thru January)
Budgeted Collections for Fiscal Year (2014/2015)
Thanks From Saint Augustine Parish
Thanks From Birthright
Dear Saint Agnes Parish Community,
On behalf of the Board of Directors
and staff of Birthright of Greater Cincinnati, I want to
say thank you for your generous 2014 Advent Giving
Tree donations to our agency. Your generous
donations of baby clothes and items are most
appreciated and needed during this holiday season.
We also received $1,330.00 in cash/gift card donations
from parish members. We are very grateful for [your]
support. Chris Gramke, Executive Director
2014 Tax Statements
Tax statements for 2014 were either emailed or mailed
to all parishioners. If you did not receive a copy,
please contact the Parish Office.
We Are His Hands
Thanks From Rose Garden Home
Dear Friends, God Bless each of you! Thank you for
your donations and all you do to support the Rose
Garden Mission... We couldn’t do it without you and
others who are so kind. Respectfully Yours, Mother
Seraphina Marie, fdm (Each month our parish sets
aside 10% off the top of our offertory gifts for outreach.
Of that 10%, 7.5% is given to the Rose Garden Home
Mission each month. In recent months this has
amounted to anywhere from about $700-$1000.
Saint of the Week
Saint John Bosco
The future saint, John Bosco, was born
on August 16, 1815 in the Piedmont
region of northern Italy. His father was
a farmhand on the farm of a noble of
the region. John’s father died when he
was two, leaving his mother,
Margherita Occhiena, to raise him and
his siblings. Her strong character was
an influential force in the future saint’s life.
John was 9 years old when he had his first of a series
of dreams. It was the dream of a group of poor boys
that were playing and swearing, and a man told him
that he would have to win them by love and not by
force. At the age of 12 he sought work as a farmhand
and ended up at a vineyard. His schooling suffered
until a priest, the future Saint Joseph Cafasso, noticed
John’s natural talent and encouraged his schooling. In
1835 John Bosco entered the seminary and six years
later was ordained.
He established an Oratorio to help the poor boys of the
city of Turin, Italy in 1847. He began with 36 boys and
in 1861 was sheltering 800 boys. Despite the
opposition of authorities and people in Turin, as well as
some other clergy, John Bosco continued his work with
the boys. He also had several attempts on his life. In
1859 he established the Society of St. Francis de Sales
(Salesians) to continue his work. He worked with the
boys through what is called the Preventive System,
which is made up of reason, religion and kindness. He
died on January 31, 1888. He was beatified in 1929
and canonized in 1939.
As said above, Saint John Bosco had a series of
dreams. He had a vision of hell and also a well-known
vision in which there are two pillars in the sea. On top
of one pillar is a statue of the Virgin Mary and on top of
the other is a Host with the motto “Salvation of
Believers.” On the sea is a ship that is the Church
steered by the Pope. The ship is attacked and the
Pope is killed, but another Pope takes the ship through
the pillars and the enemy is destroyed. The two pillars
are seen as the pillars of the Church.
Parish News
New Email Address
The new email address for the Parish Office is
Family of God
We welcome into the Family of God the following infant
who was baptized recently at St. Agnes:
Isabella Katherine-Anne Rosing
Child of Nathan & Leah Rosing
Next Sunday: have a donut
Next Sunday, February 1st, you are
invited to Murphy Hall immediately
following the 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m.
Masses for donuts, fruit, coffee &
juice. Sponsored this month the Boy Scouts.
Blood Pressure Screenings
Blood pressure screenings will be taken by nurses
from our Parish Wellness Committee after all Masses
next weekend.
Cans for Kids Next Weekend
Please remember that next weekend is the monthly
collection for “Cans for Kids”. Bring in your nonperishable items to donate to a worthy cause.
New Parish Directory
Life Touch will be taking pictures for our new Parish
Directory the weeks of April 27th, May 4th and May
11th. Volunteers are needed to register families
online, greet parishioners on photography days and
help with the directory design. Anyone interested in
helping please contact Beth at the rectory office at
parishoffice@saintagnes.com or Linda at
jlshelton@zoomtown.com. Thank you!
Blood Drive
BJ David is organizing our semi-annual
Hoxworth Blood Drive. It’s scheduled
for Saturday, January 31st from 10:00 –
4:00 p.m. Though walk-ups are
welcome, appointments are
appreciated. Help save a life! Email or call BJ to sign
up. bj@mellaservices.com or 859-743-0467.
JANUARY 25, 2015
Parish News continued
Our RCIA candidates know that loving Jesus
requires a change in our relationships, in our
use of our possessions, in what we
celebrate, in what we mourn, and in how we
live each day. They are learning that if we
choose to wholeheartedly follow Jesus, nothing in our
lives will be untouched. Please pray that our
candidates will have the courage to continue to follow
Jesus into the Catholic faith.
Men’s Christ Renews His Parish
Saint Agnes is offering a Men’s
Christ Renews His Parish
weekend on February 7th & 8th.
If you are interested in attending,
please contact Dave Witt at 3441801 or dwitt@feltrup.com or
Mark Nutter at 240-8273 or safetynutt328@gmail.com.
Electronic Giving with Faith Direct
Enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure
your gifts of treasure to St. Agnes are received. It is a
secure and convenient way to make a conscious
decision about your financial support of our many
wonderful ministries. You can find paper enrollment
forms at the entrances of church or you can sign up
online at www.faithdirect.net. Our church code is
KY493. If you have any questions, contact Tom
Rasp, Parish Business Manager at 431-1802 ext. 356.
Volunteers Needed for Science Fair
It’s Science Fair time again! We are
in need of many volunteers and
judges. To be a judge, we only ask
that you have either science or
teaching experience. We are
especially looking for any doctors,
nurses, chemists, engineers, landscape specialists,
pharmacists, geologists, etc. who can share part of
their evening with the students. Students will present
their research to the judges; judges will then ask a few
questions and score the presentation using an
evaluation sheet. Our Science Fair takes place on
Wednesday, January 28th. There will be two
sessions: Life Science (7th grade) from 4:30 p.m. to
6:00 p.m. and Earth/Physical Science (8th grade) from
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. You may volunteer for one or
both sessions. If you are interested in volunteering,
please contact Bridget Gruner at
bgruner@saintagnes.com or Jorja Kremer at
jkremer@saintagnes.com. Thank you, we couldn’t do
this without you!
A Blessed Opportunity for All
You are invited to join our newest Catholics in an
opportunity to travel around the world on a DVD
pilgrimage to many of the sacred places of our faith.
Fr. Robert Baron, in his Catholicism series, will guide
you on a journey that will be a mini retreat, an hour of
falling more deeply in love with God as you experience
anew the beauty of our Catholic faith. As you begin a
New Year, give yourself and your family the gift of time
spent with God deepening your faith. We all, even life
-long Catholics, need to nurture our faith throughout
our lives to keep it strong and vibrant. Please join our
newest Catholics and give God one extra hour
today, Sunday, January 25th after the 9:30 a.m.
Mass in Murphy Hall. This month’s DVD is entitled
“A Body both suffering and glorious: The Mystical
Union of Christ and the Church.” Deacon Gary and
Mary Beth Scott will be presenting the DVD series.
For more information or any questions, please email
pfritz@saintagnes.com or call the Parish Office at 4311802.
2015 Spring Soccer
Registration for Saint Agnes Spring
Soccer is now open and runs
through January 31st. Late
registrations will be accepted until
February 18th and are not
guaranteed a roster spot. For more information and to
register go to ky-stagnes.sportsaffinity.com. For those
players who registered online in the past (i.e. Fall
2014), there is a link on the right side of the page for
“Players Returning from Fall 2014-How to Make
Payment.” If you have any questions, please contact
Annette Ward (annetteward5@gmail.com) or Ed Vieth
Registration for baseball, t-ball,
and machine pitch are being
accepted until February 10th.
Registrations received after
February 10th are not guaranteed
a roster spot and will only be
accepted as needed to fill rosters.
Registration forms are available at
www.saintagnes.com and click on the School link.
Any questions, please contact Joe Michels by email at
joem@michelsconstruction.com or by phone at 3448045.
Faith Formation
Word of Life Bulletin Brief
“Even if the forces of darkness appear to prevail, those
who believe in God know that evil and death do not
have the final say.”
—Pope Saint John Paul II, General Audience, September 12, 2001
Christian Outreach
Opportunities for Life
Opportunities for Life maintains a
24 hour statewide hotline offering
life affirming hope and help to
those in turmoil due to an untimely pregnancy. For more information call 1-800-822-5824. Or,
locally call the Catholic Social Services at 581-8974
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Diocesan News
Catholics @ the Capital
Bishop Foys invites all parishioners, priests and
religious from across the Diocese of Covington to
attend Catholics @ the Capital, a regional meeting with
our State Representatives and Senators on Saturday,
January 31st from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The meeting
will take place at the Diocese of Covington Curia,
Bishop Howard Memorial Auditorium, lover level, 1125
Madison Avenue, Covington. The purpose of this
meeting is to be a Catholic witness to the lawmaking
process regarding issues that may be voted on in the
upcoming Legislative session, as well as be a voice in
this process. Cost is $20 for lunch and materials. For
reservations, please contact Vicky Bauerle, Catholic
Charities at 581-8974, ext. 116 or email
vbauerle@covingtoncharities.org or visit
www.covingtondiocese.org before January 27th.