here. - Buckskin Council


here. - Buckskin Council
Editor: Trey Aliff
Assistant Editor: Melanie Young
Volume 6
Special Points of
2015 Family FOS
Council Ski Day
High Adventure
Cub Scout Program
Rollout Webcast
University of Scouting at WVSU
Venture Scuba
2015 Boy Scout
Summer Camp
Camp Rental Fees
Inside this issue:
Takhonek Lodge
Pioneer District
Mt. Dominion
Cornstalk District
Elk River District
Seneca District
Muguyoh District
MGM District
Without the many contributions of adult volunteers, the Boy Scouts of America program could not
exist. Mark your calendars and please join us on Saturday, February 7, 2015, at 6:17 p.m. to recognize the accomplishments of our unit leaders, Eagle Scouts, and Silver Beavers for 2014.
The recognition dinner will be held at Charleston Moose Lodge, 2805 Kanawha Blvd. E,
Charleston, WV ( on the second floor).
Call the Council Service Center at 304-340-3663 to pre-register. Registration forms can also be found
on Buckskin Council’s website:
2014 Eagle Scouts and Silver Beaver recipients attend at no cost. Please consider sponsoring one or
more of these deserving honorees.
The cost is $15.00 per person if paid by January 30, 2015. The cost after January 30, 2015 will be $21.00
per person. Sign up early to get the discount.
NYLT – National Youth Leadership Training
NYLT is a week-long course that gives Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers methods, skills and experiences to become better leaders in their unit. The course centers around the concepts of what a leader must be, what he/she must know, and what he/she must do …
with a clear focus on how to accomplish all this.
WHO: ALL eligible Boy Scout and Venturing youth who want to improve their leadership skills.
Participants must hold or intend to hold a unit leadership position to be eligible for the course, and satisfy the following requirements:
For Boy Scouts/Varsity Scouts, must be at least 13 years old and First Class rank by the first day of
the course.
If a Venturer (male or female), must be at least 14 years old and registered in a Venturing Crew or
Sea Scout Ship.
May not be 18 years old before the last day of the course if a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout. May not
be 21 years old if a Venturer.
WHEN: June 14 to 19, 2015…a week of resident camp (they stay on-site)
The course is limited to the first 48 participants signed up.
WHERE: Buckskin Council’s Camp Chief Logan – Chapmanville, WV
HOW: Pre-register by contacting the Scout Service Center (304) 340-3663
Cost is $180. per participant which includes the course, NYLT T-shirt, all meals and course materials.
Registration is required by May 15, 2015 – BUT – the sooner the better!! It would make a great
gift to a youth.
Questions – contact the 2015 NYLT Course Director Wayne Morris
by e-mail at
Retention is receiving a lot of attention these days. National BSA has started to track this indicator and
there is good reason. Retention measures how many Scouts stay in the program from one year to the next. It
most directly affects membership growth, but the underlying cause of good or bad retention can be found
in many areas.
The most obvious reason would seem to be a good quality program. If Scouts are having fun, and their
parent’s perceive good value in their sons participating in Scouting, then they are much more likely to continue through the next year in Scouting. But there are many, many influencers in the quality of a Scouting
program. Trained leaders, robust advancement, exciting outdoor program, weekend camping, long term
camping, recognition, good weekly meetings, and quality adult role models are some of the most important
Why is retention important? Because we know for a fact that the longer a boy stays in Scouting, the more positive attributes he acquires.
Scouts who are in for 5 or more years benefit more from the character development, citizenship training and physical and mental fitness
that is Scouting. Also with increased tenure comes a more positive view of Scouting, which helps in recruiting.
Take a little time in your world of Scouting to look at ways to improve the retention of Scouts in Scouting. Focus on one or more of the
above listed influencers that you can help improve in your Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, or Venture Crew. The Scouts will benefit
from your effort.
Good Scouting to you and yours,
Jeffrey L. Purdy
Begin Scheduling 2015 Family Friends of Scouting Presentations now
Family Friends of Scouting is a vital part of sustaining Scouting in our area! Family FOS is
an opportunity for Scouting to report on its successes and needs in our 32 counties, and for
families to invest in the future of young people through the BSA.
Talk to your District Family Friends of Scouting Chair or your District Executive about the
date for your presentation in the first few months of 2015.
Scout Executive:
Executive Vice President
VP Fund Development:
VP Program:
VP District Operation:
VP Membership
VP Legal Counsel
VP Collaborations
National Council Rep.
Page 2
Mark Chandler
Phil Gaarenstroom
Jeffrey L. Purdy
Pat Graney
Larry Hudson
David Lanham
Glenn Harrison
Frank Jorgensen
Greg Godwin
John Teare, Jr.
John VanHorn
Art King
Buckskin Council
Little General Stores
One Stop
Lanham , O’Dell & Company
Arnett & Foster
Buckskin Council Courier
Pacesetter Partners With the Buckskin Council, BSA
H. B. Wehrle Foundation
Kanawha Stone/Terradon
Clay Holding Company
Triana Energy
Better Foods Inc.
Plateau Medical Center
United Bank
Brickstreet Insurance
State Electric Supply
Elliot Family Foundation/AMFM Inc.
John L. Dickinson Family
Robinson & McElwee
Rish Equipment
Robert E. Douglas & Nancy M. Douglas
D. Stephen Walker
Health Net Aeromedical Services
Steptoe & Johnson
Charleston Scout Shop
2829 Kanawha Blvd. E
Charleston, WV 25311
304-340-3663 / fax 304-925-0533
January 2015
1 New Years Day Scout Service Center Closed
4 Council Ski Outing
8 Executive Board Meeting
10 Charleston and Huntington Scout Shops
Open 9am-1pm
17 CDO Meeting at Tamarack in Beckley, WV
31 Monster Jam at Charleston Civic Center
Scout Service Center Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30am -4:30pm
Huntington Scout Shop
February 2015
1 Scout Sunday “Scouting Anniversary Week 1-7”
7 Scout Anniversary Week Ends Scout Sabbath
7 Council Recognition Dinner
8 Council Ski Outing
12 Executive Committee Meeting
14 Charleston and Huntington Scout Shops
Open 9am-1pm
14 Marshall University Merit Badge College
16 Presidents’ Day Scout Service Center Closed
21 University of Scouting
27 Final payment due for Woodbadge
1037 Sixth Ave.
Huntington, WV 25701
304-523-3408 / fax 304-523-3409
Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Buckskin Council Scout Shops accept Visa, MasterCard,
and Discover.
The Scout Shops are open one
Saturday a month from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
January 10, 2015
February 14, 2015
March 14, 2015
April 11, 2015
May 9, 2015
Volunteers are the heart of scouting and in the Buckskin Council we have a group who quietly serve you by making sure the
newsletters and other key communications are prepared, labeled and mailed. It is important to let our leaders know who
these folks are so you can thank them when you see them.
The person who leads the charge is Bonnie Starling! The Courier December helpers were Vicki Jordan, and Art Altman. We
always look forward to seeing these volunteers in the council office.
The Newsletter is folded on the last Tuesday of each month, between August and May, starting around 8:30 and ending
around noon. If you would like to join this great group of people, call the Scout Service Center at 304-340-3663 and let us
know. We would greatly appreciate your help!!!!
Volume 6
Page 3
Volunteer Training Corner
by Carol McCarthy,
Buckskin Council Training Chair
Leader Specific TRAINING gives you the TOOLS to provide the BSA program effectively, and SAVES you planning
Please note: Training WILL COME TO YOU and your unit if
you can gather 3 or more who are in need! There is no excuse
for not being trained for your specific position…and it is required. Recharter time is great for taking inventory of who
needs training!
NEW Cub Scout Program training Mark your calendar NOW and
carpool ALL Cub Adult scouters on May 30th to a big church in
Charleston. Watch the Council website and newsletters for
more info. Free lunch with your RSVP, books, training, fun
and networking all in ONE place with a full staff to make
sure we have great fun!! No cost!
There will be a District/Council joint TRAINING COMMITTEE Break-out session at the next Council District Operations
(CDO) meeting at Tamarack on January 10th. This will take the
place of the cancelled Jan3rd Training Development Comte. Mtg.
Jan 17
Council District Operations meeting
for all trainers at Tamarack!
Jan 31/Feb 1 Boy Scout Leader Specific, Elk River
Feb 21 University of Scouting
Institute WVSU Campus all day
March 27 Buckskin Council Wood Badge
Leadership Training begins
March 27-29
BALOO Training at Camp Arrowhead
April 17 BALOO & IOLS Training – M-G-M District
MAY 30 BIG NEW Cub Leader Adventure Training
POW WOW event -10am -3pm!
June 14-19 National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
Let us help you! We’ll come to your unit!
Buckskin Council Training Chair: Carol McCarthy ph: 703-587-4453
Buckskin Council Training Vice Chair: Sue Williams: ph: 217-741-0900
Volume 6
Have your troop learn to ski and earn
the coveted Snow Sports Merit Badge!
•Sunday, January 4, 2015
•Sunday, February 8, 2015
•Sunday, March 1, 2015
Bring your Scouts and family members to your
Scout Council’s Special Events and receive:
•A full day lift ticket
(8:00 am to 10:00 pm).
•A 90 minute lesson customized
to each participant’s skiing level.
•A full set of ski rental equipment.
•Ski Merit Badge Lessons are available
at: 10am, 12 Noon & 2 pm.
•All other lessons available on the hour.
Registration is at Winterplace between 8:00am
and 1:00pm. Skiing until 10:00pm.
Price: $51 per scout if paid for at the Council office by the Friday before each date, $56 if paying
on the day of (includes helmet, skis, lift ticket,
lessons and meal voucher.)
Normal cost would be $129!!!!!
Registration form on
Congratulations to these Packs and Troops who sold an average
of $500 or more per registered Scout! They’re helping their families fund a terrific program year without having to open their
wallets every month!
Cardinal Pack 160
Cardinal Troop 154
Elk River Pack 46
Elk River Troop 136
Pioneer Pack 222
Seneca Pack 16
Seneca Pack 600
If your Pack, Troop, or Crew still needs to earn funds for your
year, keep an eye out for Virginia Diner Nut Sale information
this spring!
Page 4
In 1911, Baden-Powell took the first steps in training Scouting’s adult leaders by organizing a series of lectures
for Scouters. He made great strides in the years that followed, culminating in 1919 with the establishment of
Wood Badge training. Wood Badge recipients now number more than 100,000 Scouters around the world.
This course will be conducted at Camp Chief Logan in two three-day sessions. The dates are March 27-29, 2015 and April 1719, 2015. The cost of the course is $225.00, submitted as follows: deposit with application is $75.00, and balance due by February 27, 2015. Limited scholarship assistance is available. Please contact Rosann Brooks, the course director, if you have any hesitance about attending due to cost or would like to seek an alternative payment schedule.
Should you need more information, one of our Wood Badge Scouters will be glad to visit with you. Please feel free to contact
Rosann Brooks at (304) 881-1042.
Name____________________________________ Phone number_____________________________
Address__________________________________ City________________ State____ Zip _________
Occupation: ______________________________ T-shirt Size: _________ Date of Birth: __________
E-Mail Address _____________________________
Years in Scouting (Adult): _____ (Youth):_____
Scouting Position:______________________
Unit Type & Unit Number
Special Needs/Concerns: ________________________________________________________________
Yes! Count me in! I understand that to complete the course, I must attend the complete schedule for BOTH weekends. All fees
must be paid by February 27, 2015 or I may forfeit my place in the course.
Amount enclosed: _________
Buckskin Council Northern Tier June 7-15, 2015
Northern Tier is the BSA's oldest national High Adventure program,
outfitting scouting groups for canoe trips since the summer of 1923.
The Charles L Sommers Base in Northern Minnesota has been home
to the program since 1941. It is the Boy Scouts of America’s gateway
to adventure in the Great Northwoods. In the summer, Scouts explore millions of acres of pristine lakes, meandering rivers, dense forests and wetlands in North America's Canoe Country.
Northern Tier participants must be at least 14 by the start of the trip,
or have completed the eighth grade and be at least 13 years of age
prior to participation.
Buckskin Council has secured 2 crews consisting of 6-8 participants
each.. The spaces are available on a “First Come, First Served” basis
with Committee approval.
The cost for this trek is estimated to be: $1,000. The application requires a $200 deposit.
Contact Contingent Coordinator
Ed Dzierzak 304-634-8189 (cell)
Go to for more details.
Volume 6
Buckskin Council is attempting to find out if there is interest in sending crews to Philmont Scout Ranch in 2016.
The trip would happen in early June for 8 days plus travel.
The cost is estimated to be $1,400. The fee includes
Philmont fees, group equipment, travel, t-shirts, and meals
on the way and at Philmont.
In addition to hiking through the beautiful Sangre de
Christo Mountains in northern New Mexico, crews can
participate in a variety of programs presented by the backcountry staff. Among these are horseback riding, rock
climbing, 30.06 rifle shooting, archaeology, mountain biking, and much more.
Scouts or Venturers must be at least 14 years old or 13
years old and out of eighth grade by day one of the trip.
Youth and adults must meet the high adventure weight
and fitness guidelines.
If interested, contact Will Reyes at (304) 340-3663 or by
email at
For more information, visit
Page 5
January Webcasts on the New Cub Scouting Program
As you know, a new Cub Scouting program is launching June 1, 2015 that will be more fun and exciting for boys, and easier to implement for unit leaders. To ensure units are ready to make the transition, a series of webcasts will be hosted in January. The webcasts
will outline the coming changes, how to prepare, and when resources will be available.
Help spread the word about the webcasts to your Districts and Units.
Cubmaster Webcasts –
Saturday, January 17 at 8:00am (Central)
Saturday, January 17 at 3:00pm (Central)
Den Leader Webcasts -
Saturday, January 17 at 9:30am (Central)
Saturday, January 17 at 4:30pm (Central)
LDS-Specific Considerations *
Saturday, January 17 at 11:00am (Central)
Saturday, January 17 at 6:00pm (Central)
* It is recommended that those interested in the LDS session view one of the role-specific sessions first.
Although the content will be geared to the roles listed, anyone with an interest in learning about the new Cub Scouting program is
welcome to attend. The sessions will be recorded for later viewing.
It’s easy to attend! Just navigate your Internet browser to: and you are ready to view
the webcast!
As always, for more information on the new Cub Scouting Program, please log on to
Engage. Lead. Innovate.
FEBRUARY 21, 2015 8:00 AM--4:00 PM
Volume 6
The University of Scouting is a wonderful training opportunity for
the entire Scouting community!! We offer classes in a variety of
topics. Consider courses in each of our colleges, we have expanded
our course offerings to bring you more relevant, useful and interesting topics. More course content that is suitable, appropriate and
exciting for our youth leaders has been included.
University of Scouting isn’t just for adults anymore! This year’s
University offers not only Merit Badge College but several courses
identified as appropriate for older Boy Scout and Venturing youth
to attend and participate. We have tried to include something of
interest to everyone. If you’ve never attended our University of
Scouting, then 2015 is the year to begin! If you are a veteran, then
you can expect an event that is bigger and better than ever!
Registration form and course catalogs
Are available on
Registration Fee… $10.00 Youth
Adult lunch $4.00
Information: 304-340-3663 or
email or
Page 6
Lodge Chief
Taylor Giles
VC Administration Colton Lohmeyer
VC Program
Trace Sloas
Larry Graham
2015 Lodge Calendar
Jan 23-25
Carolinas Indian Seminar
Feb. 27-Mar. 1 LLD & Lock-in
April 17-19
Spring Fellowship
May 15-17
June 5-7
Chapter Work Weekend
Aug. 3-8
NOAC 2015
Aug. 28-30
Summer Fellowship*
Sept. 18-20
Vigil Weekend
Oct. 9-11
Fall Fellowship*
Nov. 13-15
AIA and ICE Lock-in
Dec. 12
Winter Banquet
Statesville, NC
Camp Arrowhead
Camp Arrowhead
Camp Arrowhead
All Council Camps
Michigan State
BSR (Dilley’s Mill)
Camp Chief Logan
Camp Roland
Camp Arrowhead
* Denotes Ordeal Weekend
Winter Banquet
Takhonek Lodge was proud to host its first Winter Banquet on
Dec. 13 with more than 250 attendees. While there, Isaac Nicholas
and Dell Ray Cabell received the Founder’s Award, Mike Ferrell
and Will Shiner received the Arrowman of the Year Award, Taylor
Giles received the Chief’s Award, and several arrowmen were recognized with the First Year Arrowman Award and Vigil Honor.
Those who attended and did not receive a Winter Banquet Patch
may pick theirs up at the council office or the next Lodge event.
We thank all of those who attended and we are currently reviewing
the surveys to better improve subsequent events and Winter Banquets. Some changes to look forward to are improved communication with the use of our new website,, and more
efficient registration with the utilization of lodgemaster, our online
record keeping program. Thank you for working with us as we all
experience this new growth of our lodge.
Lodge Advisor
Jim Phares
Associate Advisor Michael Bledsoe
Associate Advisor Robert Alford
Associate Advisor John VanHorn
Associate Advisor Jonathan Stevens
Sash Patch
If you are interested in earning the Centennial Arrowman Service
Award, requirement cards may be found on the national OA website, lodge website, or at the council office.
Chapter Officer Elections
As we begin the first year of our new lodge, all chapters will be
having their officer elections at their District Winter Camporee.
For those districts that will have abnormally low attendance at
Winter Camporee due to location, elections will be held at the first
Chapter Meeting as determined by each Chapter Adviser. If you
are interested in running for Chief, Vice Chief, or Secretary please
contact your Chapter Adviser or the Lodge Chief.
Unit Elections
Beginning this year, unit elections for the Order of the Arrow
must be conducted by the lodge or chapter elections teams. These
must be completed prior to July 31 of each year. Election forms
must be completed and turned into the council office for scouts
to complete their Ordeals.
From May 15-17, our lodge will be hosting the centennial Section
C-4B Conclave at Camp Arrowhead. We need both adult and
youth staff members to help us at conclave, as well as all arrowmen to assist with work projects leading up to the big weekend!
For those willing and interested in helping out, you can sign up
online or email us at
Lodge Leadership Development and Lock-in
On the weekend of Feb 27-March 1, our lodge will hold a lock-in
full of fun activities at Camp Arrowhead in conjunction with a
leadership development weekend full of workshops geared for
those in leadership positions, or interested in taking a lodge or
chapter leadership position in the future. To sign up or for more
information, contact Eric or Alecia Tyson, or email us at
Lodge Website
Though under construction, please visit for
additional information about the new lodge! Thanks to our webmaster Isaac Nicholas,
Volume 6
Page 7
Venturing Outing
SCUBA Experience
January 10, 2015
4pm to 9pm
University of Charleston Swimming Pool
The Elk River District VOA is sponsoring a SCUBA experience. If you have ever wanted to try SCUBA diving this is your
chance. You will get to learn some basic SCUBA skills and try some of the SCUBA equipment in the pool.
We will also be doing the annual swim test, reviewing water rescue techniques, and completing Safe Swim Defense training.
Please RSVP by January 5, 2015 to Isaac Abdalla if you plan on attending. There is no cost to participate in this activity. Bring your swimsuit and towel.
All Venturers are welcome to participate. Please bring a friend with you.
Lead the Adventure
Directions: The University of Charleston is located at 2300 MacCorkle Avenue in Charleston. Turn in the main gate. Then turn
left. The pool is located in the last building on the right. The entrance to the pool is along the side of the building. You can park
in the front or along the side.
For more information, please call Matt Blackwood @ 304.552.8395 or email
2015 Boy Scout Summer Camp
2015 Summer camp dates:
Dilley’s Mill BSR:
Week 1 - June 21-27,
Week 2 - June 28-July 4,
Week 3 - July 5-11,
Week 4 - July 12-18
Camp Chief Logan: June 21-27
Camp Arrowhead: June 28-July 4
Youth participation fee $210 with a $35 late fee if not paid in full
by May 1st.
Adult participation fee $70 with no late fee.
Individual program fees are eliminated with the exception of a
shooting sports surcharge.
Date and Deadlines
January 7, 2015: Council office will begin taking reservations for
2015 summer camp programs.
May 1, 2015: Summer camp payments due to be paid in full to
avoid late fees.
Watch for the Summer Camp Leaders’ Guide coming soon!
Volume 6
Saturday Jan. 31, 2015 at 2:00pm
At the Charleston Civic Center
Discounted ADULT (non-leader) price of $21.50
Monster Jam PATCH for Pre-Registered Scouts
(Leaders save $19.50, Adults save $5, Webelos II & Boy Scouts save
$14.50 plus receive patch)
Each Pack & Troop to be represented for The Opening Flag
Ceremony on Arena Floor for Monster Jam
2 boys from each unit are asked to participate.
One to carry American Flag, one to carry Pack or Troop Flag on arena floor
with Monster Trucks for opening as a Scout Sings The National Anthem in
front of thousands.
BSA will run a recruiting booth at Civic Center for public awareness
There are three ways to get tickets:
1. Order online :
2. Print order form from the above website and fax to 304-2697444
3. Order by phone: 855-965-7658
Deadline for Group Seating, Discount Tickets, & Patches
January 16th .
Scouts participating in Flag Ceremony must report by Noon.
Email names to
Page 8
Pioneer District
Serving : Putman & Western Kanawha Counties
District Chair
District Commissioner
District Executive
Asst District Commissioner
Advancement Chair
Communications Chair
Finance Chair
Membership Chair
Training Chair
Program Chair
Nominating Committee Chair
Camping Chair
OA Advisor
BS Roundtable Commissioner
Cub Scout Program Chair
Joe Vatalare
Rebecca Wiseman
William Reyes
John Whiteley
Debbie Slack
Tracy Nicholas
Leo Lopez
Tracy Hudson
Kevin Nicholas
Dell Stonestreet
Charles Ochoa
Kevin Nicholas
Mark Newman
Susan Shrewsbury 304-755-7731
January 2015
4 Council Ski Outing at Winterplace
8 District Committee Meeting, Teays Valley Pres. Church,
Scott Depot, 6:30
10 Popcorn Party, South Charleston Community Center
17 District Dinner
18 Roundtable, St. Andrews United Methodist Church, 7:00
23-25 Winter Camporee, Camp Arrowhead
31 Scout Day at Monster Jam
February 2015
5 District Committee, Teays Valley Pres. Church
Scott Depot, 6:30
7 Council Recognition Dinner
14 Cub Scout Fun Day
14 Marshall University Merit Badge College
19 Roundtable, St. Andrews United Methodist Church, 7:00
21 University of Scouting at WVSU
Pioneer District Recognition Dinner
We love our volunteers, and want to thank them for their service. We also want to acknowledge the scouts who have
worked so hard to earn their Eagle Scout rank this year.
Pioneer District will be having their annual district dinner January 17 at 6:17 at Cross Lanes United Methodist Church. All
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers are invited
to attend along with all leaders and parents.
There will be a special recognition of all who achieved the rank
of Eagle Scout during 2014. The Boy Scout and Cub Scout of
the Year will also be recognized.
Leaders will also be recognized. Be sure to nominate leaders
for District Award of Merit and Scouter of the Year. Each unit
is also to determine a recipient for their unit’s “Driving Force
Award” to give recognition of a Scouter who has given outstanding service to the unit.
Rechartering and Journey to Excellence
Re-charter season is almost upon us. This year, recharters must
be turned in ON TIME. Late recharters will result in losing
your units tenure and insurance. Recharters with errors could
result in your recharter being late. Please turn in your recharters EARLY so errors can be corrected before the recharters
are due.
We want to recommend internet re-charter to everyone so we
can minimize re-charter errors. With internet re-chartering,
you instantly know if there is an error in your charter. Information regarding in internet rechartering will be included in
your re chartering packet.
Also, be sure to complete the Journey to Excellence form included in the re-chartering packet. The benefit of Journey to
Excellence is that is gives an objective view of your unit to
identify problem areas and see where improvement can be
made. Journey to Excellence replaces the Quality Unit award.
Like the Quality Unit award, patches can be worn to reflect
your achievement!
Remember, youth protection must be up to date for all leaders.
Family Friends of Scouting
Family Friends of Scouting presentations will begin in January.
Every unit is asked to support Family Friends of Scouting because
every unit benefits from the monies raised. This annual campaign
funds our camps (Buckskin Scout Reservation, Camp Chief Logan,
and Camp Roland), pays our professional Scouters, keeps our Scout
Service Center open, provides camp fees for families in need, provides training, and so much more. Please consider giving to the
Family Friends of Scouting Campaign.
Volume 6
Page 9
Mountain Dominion District
Chief Cornstalk District
Serving: Monroe, Mercer , McDowell & Wyoming Counties
in WV Giles, Bland & Tazewell Counties in VA
Serving: Logan, Boone & Mingo Counties in WV
& Pike County in Ky.
District Chair
District Commissioner
Senior District Executive
Cub Scout Program Chair
Boy Scout Program Chair
Venture Program Chair
Training Chair
Advancement Chair
Camping Chair
Unit Service
Family FOS Chair
FOS Chair
Finance Chair
Popcorn Chair
Membership Chair
O.A. Chapter Advisor
Thomas Kozikowski
William Cooley
Charles Truckenmiller
Paula Mattox
Dan Trent
Tim Wallace
Jeremy Sipple
Dan Cook
Kermit Davis
Thomas Kozikowski
Phillip Ball
Charlie Cole
Hal Keene
Angie Higginbotham
Ed Evans
Barry Nowlin
January Events
3 – Popcorn Party
15 – District Meeting
February Events
13-15 – Boy Scout Cold Rush
19 – District Meeting and Elections
28 – Cub Scout Winter Fun Day
March Events
14 – District Pinewood Derby
19 – District Meeting
28 – District Recognition Dinner
District Elections
It is almost that time of year again for our annual District Elections.
They will take place at out District Meeting in February. If you or
someone you know would like to serve on the District Committee in
any capacity, please let Charles Truckenmiller, Bill Cooley, Thomas
Kozokowski, or David Emanuel know. The last date to nominate
members is January 31st. Please help us to ensure that the Scouting
Program in the Mountain Dominion District remains one of the finest
in the nation!
(Mt. Dominion District Continued on page 17)
Volume 6
District Chair
Vice District Chair
District Commissioner
District Executive
Program Chair
Finance Chair
Membership Chair
Community FOS Chair
Family FOS Chair
Training Chair
Advancement Chair
Camping Chair
Day Camp Administrators
Kem Abraham
Steve Snodgrass
Jackie Cook
Alex Seletyn
Leroy Dehart
Crissy Justice
Chris Ellis
Cheryl Curry
Beverly Cook
Joe Linville
Greg Gillenwater
Crissy Justice
January 2015
8 District Popcorn Party
9 District Committee Meeting
23 District Winter Camporee
31 District Recognition Dinner
February 2015
5 District Committee & Roundtable Meeting
28 Cub Scout Winter Fun Day
March 2015
5 District Committee & Roundtable Meeting
7 District Merit Badge College
Our end of the year recruitment has wrapped up, and I am
excited to say that the Cornstalk District has seen over 3%
growth from last year. I’d like to thank everyone who has
helped to bring more youth into the program, and I’m excited
to continue working with all of you next year to continue to
keep our district growing!
District Meetings and Roundtables
The district meeting is an opportunity to help improve the
Cornstalk District, and the Roundtable provides the chance for
leaders to share their experiences with one another in order to
learn new effective methods of providing scouting to our
youth. As such, we would love to have as many volunteers (and
even parents) attend as possible. Come take part in making our
district the best it can be! They usually take place the first
Thursday of every month, but since that day falls on New
Years day next month, we’ve decided to move the meeting to
Friday the 9th.
(Chief Cornstalk District Continued from page 10)
Page 10
Elk River District
Serving Kanawha, Braxton, Clay, Nicholas and
Webster Counties,
District Chair
District Commissioner
District Director
District Executive
Program Chair
Membership Chair
Finance Chair
Popcorn Chair
Training Chair
Advancement Chair
Civic Service Chair
Camping Chair
Cub Roundtable
Scout Roundtable
Venturing Advisor
Paul Helmick
Tracy Bess
Billy Bryant
Jonathan Stevens
Justin Bess
Matt Blackwood
Jim Porter
Kim Mason
John Teare
Jim Sigmon
David Dyer
Jim Lester
Wayne Morris
Matt Blackwood
January 2015
Council Ski Outing
Venturing Scuba Experience at UC Pool @4pm
Popcorn Party
District Dinner
Round Table
District Committee Meeting
23-25 Winter Camporee
February 2015
Scout Day at Monster Jam
Council Ski Outing at Winter Place
MU Merit Badge College
University of Scouting at WVSU
District Committee Meeting
Cub Scout Winter Fun Day
March 2015
Council Ski Outing
Elk River Pinewood Derby
District Committee
27-29 Woodbadge Leader Training
POPCORN I would like to thank all of the units that sold
popcorn this year. Selling popcorn helps provide a better program with better materials at a reduced cost to our Scouts. Popcorn helps to provide the facilities and resources available from
the council such as camps, events, newsletters, and staff.
We have had a spectacular Fall Recruitment Effort and I would
like to thank all of the leaders that have helped in getting new
boys involved in our program. Please continue to encourage
new boys to sign up. Please send all paperwork in, or call me
and I can pick it up whenever I am in your area. It is important
that we get all of the new Scouts in the computer database so
that they can earn awards and are registered as members. We
will be doing roster checks throughout the month of November. What I would like for everyone to do is put together a list
of all the youth and adults that are currently working in your
units. After doing this please email this information to It is vital that we make sure that all of our
Scouts are registered and in the computer before the first of
the year. Thanks again for all of your time and dedication.
First of All I would like to thank all of the units, parents, and
kids that made our Scouting for Food Drive a Success! Scouting for Food is one of the ways that we teach our Scouts to,
“Do a good turn”. Scouting for Food is an excellent way to
show our communities the positive impact that Scouting, and
the youth in our program can have on everyone. So I thank all
of you that participated and if you have not done so already
please send me a total of the number of cans collected, number
of boys that participated, and the number of hours spent on
making this drive a great success in providing food for the
The Elk River District Dinner will be held on Saturday, January
17th, at First United Methodist Church, 905 Glendale Ave.,
South Charleston. The cost is $15. The event will include dinner and an awards program. Please make all efforts to attend
and congratulate all of this year’s award recipients. The doors
will open at 5:45 and dinner will be served at 6:17. Please make
all efforts to pre-register at the Scout Service Center so that we
can get an accurate count for food and tables.
The Elk River Winter Camporee will be held January 23rd –
25th at Cranberry Glades approximately ¼ mile west of the
visitor’s center. The cost for the weekend is $5.00 for each
adult and Scout. Participants will have the opportunity to experience a real winter camping environment. Please start talking
with your Scouts now about cold weather camping and preparation. Temperatures on top of the mountain can range from
20 degrees to negative thirty degrees or lower with wind chill.
Please make sure that your Scouts are ready for this adventure
(Elk River District Continued on page 17)
Volume 6
Page 11
Seneca District
Serving: Fayette, Raleigh, Summers, Greenbrier and Pocahontas
District Chair
District Commissioner
Senior District Executive
Finance Chair
Advancement Chair
Camping Chair
Cub Camping Chair
Training Chair
OA Chapter Advisor
Roundtable Commissioner
District Member at Large
District Member at Large
District Member at Large
Doug Proctor
Kim Bennett
Trey Aliff
Butch Antolini
Jeff Proctor
Billy Strasser
Barry Spurlock
Carol McCarthy
Jim Phares
Josiah Bennett
Dana McCorkle
Janet Proctor
15 District Committee- 6:00, St. Mary’s Methodist Church,
2014 S Kanawha St, Beckley
15 Roundtable- 7:00, St. Mary’s Methodist Church,
2014 S Kanawha St Beckley
17 District Popcorn Party- 12:00, Leisure Lanes Beckley
30-1 Winter Camporee
19 District Committee- 6:00, St. Mary’s Methodist Church,
2014 S Kanawha St Beckley
19 Roundtable- 7:00; St. Mary’s Methodist Church,
2014 S Kanawha St Beckley
17 Roundtable- 7:00, Lewisburg United Methodist Church,
Washington St
19 District Committee- 6:00, St. Mary’s Methodist Church,
2014 S Kanawha St Beckley
19 Roundtable- 7:00, St. Mary’s Methodist Church,
2014 S Kanawha St Beckley
21 District Pinewood Derby, St. Fair Grounds, Fairlea
District Facebook Page
Be sure to look up and 'like' our district Facebook page to stay
up to date on all current events within the district. It is listed
as 'Seneca District Buckskin Council BSA.'
Volume 6
Two Roundtables
The Seneca District is geographically the largest district in the
council, making it hard for some of our leaders to attend district
events. To fix this problem, the district committee will now be
offering two roundtables per month, in Beckley and Lewisburg.
The Beckley Roundtable is the best one that offers the up-todate information for what is ahead to the Boy Scouters in a
break-out session. The Cub Scout leaders have BOTH
Lewisburg AND Beckley Roundtables to share ideas, receive
Leader Specific training and network with problem-solving ideas
for their specific needs. ALWAYS dinner food available...and
good eatin'!
Parents and leaders....anyone can come. Questions: Carol
McCarthy, Training Chair or 703587-4453
District Popcorn Party
The Seneca District popcorn party is scheduled for January 17th,
12:00-2:00 PM at Leisure Lanes Bowling Center in Beckley. All
Scouts who sold at least $600 worth of popcorn this fall is eligible to attend the party. Scouts will receive pizza upon arriving
and will bowl for two hours and receive a recognition plaque for
being a top district seller. Cubmasters must RSVP their list of
participants to Trey to make sure they receive their recognition.
Winter Camporee
Seneca’s Winter Camporee is scheduled for January 30 th- February 1st at Shady Spring and will be hosted by Troop 75 Sophia.
Please mark your calendars to attend our annual Klondike derby
and enjoy a true winter camping experience! Registration is $10
per participant and packets have been sent to each Scoutmaster.
Please pre-register for this event!
District Pinewood Derby
The Seneca District Pinewood Derby is again scheduled to take
place at the WV State Fair grounds in Fairlea on March 21st.
This event will have two races, the Champions Division and the
Open Division. The Champions Division is open to the top 3
racers from each Cub Scout pack (each pack can send up to 3
boys). The open division is open to ANYONE, Boy Scouts,
Girls Scouts, sisters, parents, leaders etc.) More details of the
start times will be released soon.
Family Friends of Scouting
As units are planning their Court of Honor or Blue & Gold ceremonies, please don’t forget to allow time for a short Family
Friends of Scouting presentation at your event. This is a short,
but effective presentation that helps Scouting families better
understand what all is needed to run a Boy Scout council. If you
have your ceremony scheduled, please contact Kim Bennett to
let her know at
Page 12
Muguyoh District
Serving Cabell, Wayne, Lincoln, and Lawrence (OH) Counties
Muguyoh District Committee
District Chair
District Commissioner
District Executive
Advancement Chair
Finance Chair
Membership Chair
Training Chair
Camping Chair
Boy Scout Roundtable
Cub Scout Roundtable
Lee Oxley
Michael Bowsher
Carl Sullivan
Chris Porter
Tom Tuman
Alvin Watts
Sue Williams
Nathan Miller
Michael Bowsher
Sue Williams
Muguyoh Event Calendar
January, 2015
4 Council Ski Outing, Winterplace Ski Resort
8 District Committee Meeting, 6:00pm Camp Arrowhead
10 CDO Meeting at Tamarack, 10:00am
10 Intro to SCUBA for Venturers,
University of Charleston Pool
15 District Roundtable, 6:30pm
Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
17 District Popcorn Top Sales Party, Noon-2pm, Strike Zone
31 Scout Day at Monster Jam, Charleston, WV
February, 2015
5 District Committee Meeting, 6:00pm Camp Arrowhead
8 Council Ski Outing, Winterplace Ski Resort
12 District Roundtable, 6:30pm
Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
14 Marshall University Merit Badge College
19 District Dinner and Eagle Recognition
21 University of Scouting, West Virginia State University,
Institute, WV
March, 2015
5 District Committee Meeting, 6:00pm Camp Arrowhead
7 District Pinewood Derby, 8:00am Steele Memorial UMC
11 Harlem Globetrotters, Big Sandy Arena, Huntington, WV
12 District Roundtable, 6:30pm
Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
The annual popcorn sale may be over, but the celebrating is not.
The top sellers in the District are invited to a celebration party
on January 17, 2015. Top sellers are those who sell $600 or more.
The party will be held at The Strike Zone in the Eastern Heights
Shopping Center, Huntington. Come and enjoy some bowling
and pizza. The party starts at noon and will end at 2:00pm. Be a
part of the fun and let’s celebrate!
Volume 6
Several Ski outings are scheduled at Winterplace Ski Resort near
Beckley, WV. The next opportunity will be January 4. The fee for
this outing includes an all day lift ticket, 90 minute lesson, full
equipment rental, including helmet. The advance registration fee
for the event is $51 per person if paid by the Friday before each
date. If the fee is paid at the event, the cost is $56 per person. The
event is open to all scouts and their families and friends. Other
scheduled dates include Feb 8, 2015, and Mar 1, 2015. (Boy Scouts
also have the chance to work on the Winter Sports Merit Badge
during the special sessions conducted during the event.) If skiing is
not your thing, you may wish to do tubing. An all day tubing option is also available for $42 per person in advance, $47 if paid at
the event.
The Elk River District VOA has extended an invitation to all Venture scouts to participate in an introduction to SCUBA session on
Saturday, Jan 10. The event will take place at the University of
Charleston pool, beginning at 4:00pm. The event will run until
9:00pm. Participants must pass a BSA swim test, so bring your
swimwear and towel. The session will run until 9:00pm that evening. There is no cost for this event. Please RSVP by Jan 5, to Isaac
Abdalla at if you plan on attending. Additional Venture activities have been planned through May.
Monster Jam, starring the biggest performers on four wheels:
Monster Jam monster trucks! The twelve-feet-tall, ten-thousandpound machines will bring you to your feet, racing and ripping up
a custom-designed track full of obstacles to soar over or smash
through! Monster Jam provides a massive night's entertainment
tailored perfectly for your family, and these colorful, larger-thanlife beasts are sure to capture the hearts of both young and old.
Special ticket offer ends Jan16. Scouts (ages 2-12) are $7 each.
Adult and non-scout tickets at $21.50. Order by Jan 10 to receive
the 2015 Monster Jam Scout Patch. Tickets may be ordered at
The twelfth point of the Scout Law is that a Scout is Reverent.
Anniversary Week is a good time for packs, troops, crews and
ships to thank their charter partners for sponsoring Scouting. Units
that are sponsored by faith based organizations are encouraged to
share in a Scout Sabbath or Scout Sunday service. What better way
to say “thank you” to your sponsoring church or religious institution than attending one of their services and having your scouts
and families express that gratitude by their presence. Many religious organizations already have dates on their planning calendars.
Most are observed either February 1 or February 8. Check with
your sponsoring church to determine the date which may be recommended. By the way, there is nothing that says this is the only
date on which it can be observed.
Saturday, February 14, 2015 is the date for the next MU Merit
Badge College. Almost 500 Boy Scouts from the tri state area attended this event last year. Scouts will have the opportunity to
complete two merit badges.
(Muguyoh District Continued on page 17)
Page 13
M-G-M District
Cardinal District
Serving Mason, WV, Gallia and Meigs, OH, Counties
Serving Boyd, Carter, Lawrence, KY; Wayne, WV, and Lawrence, OH,
M-G-M District Committee
District Chair
District Commissioner
Sr. District Executive
Program Chair
Community FOS Chair
Family FOS Chair
Product Sales Chair
Advancement Chair
Training Chair
Jim Harris
Genny Ferrell
JR Spencer
Mike Ferrell
Dennis Brumfield
Angie Harris
Heather Spencer
Bob Matthews
Mike Ferrell
M-G-M District Event Calendar
January 2015
15 District Roundtable, 7:00pm, Point Pleasant, WV
17 Council-District Operations Meeting at the
Tamarack in Beckley, WV
22 District Committee Meeting, 7:00pm, Point Pleasant, WV
31 MGM Popcorn Party
31 MGM OA Chapter Meeting, 6:00pm, Camp Kiashuta
February 2015
Scout Sunday
MGM District: Klondike Derby @ Camp Kiashuta
Council Recognition Dinner
Council Ski Day @ Winter Place
12 District Roundtable, 7:00pm, Point Pleasant, WV
14 Council Merit Badge Day at Marshall University
19 District Committee Meeting, 7:00pm, Point Pleasant, WV
21 Council University of Scouting at WV State University
27-1 OA Lock-In and LLD @ Camp Arrowhead
March 2015
12 District Awards Dinner, 6:30pm, Point Pleasant, WV
14 MGM District: Pinewood Derby, Point Pleasant, WV
19 District Committee Meeting, 7:00pm, Point Pleasant, WV
MGM District Roundtables are held at 7:00pm at the St Peters
Lutheran Church (28th Street/Parrish Ave) in Point Pleasant, WV
next to Speedway. Genny Ferrell serves as our Cub Scout
Roundtable Commissioner and Mike Ferrell serves as our Boy
Scout Roundtable Commissioner.
Volunteers Wanted
We are currently looking for interested people to serve on the
District Committee. Would be great if we could have at least one
person from each unit on our District Committee. If you would
like to talk about how you can serve on the committee, please feel
free to contact Jim Harris or JR Spencer.
MGM- Klondike Derby
Saturday February 7, 2015
Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Place: Camp Kiashuta
$5.00 per person (Lunch and Patch provided)
Contact: Mike Ferrell at 740-794-0446
Volume 6
Cardinal District Committee
District Chair
District Commissioner
Senior District Executive
Boy Scout Activities Chair
Cub Scout Activities Chair
Advancement Chair
Training Chair
Steve Crace
Charlie Powell
J R Spencer
David Graham
Chris Yates
Robert Cruickshank
Evan Adkins
Cardinal District Event Calendar
January 2015
District Committee Meeting, 6:00pm, Ashland, KY
District Roundtable, 7:00pm, Ashland, KY
Council-District Operations Meeting at the Tamarack
Beckley, WV
Muguyoh/Cardinal Popcorn Party, TBA
23-25 Cardinal- Klondike Derby, Virginia Point Park
Kenova, WV
February 2015
Scout Sunday
District Committee Meeting, 6:00pm, Ashland, KY
District Roundtable, 7:00pm, Ashland, KY
Council Ski Day @ Winter Place
Council Merit Badge Day at Marshall University
Council University of Scouting at WV State University
OA: Lock-in and LLD @ Camp Arrowhead
March 2015
District Committee Meeting, 6:00pm, Ashland, KY
Commissioner Meeting, 6:00pm, Ashland, KY
District Roundtable, 7:00pm, Ashland, KY
Cardinal District: Pinewood Derby
Cardinal District Roundtables are held at 7:00pm at the First Christian Church (1930 Winchester Ave) in Ashland, KY. Melanie
Young serves as our Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner and
Edd Kemper serves as our Boy Scout Roundtable Commissioner.
Volunteers Wanted
We are currently looking for interested people to serve on the District Committee. If you would like to talk about how you can serve
on the committee, please feel free to contact Steve Crace or JR
Cardinal District Klondike Derby
Jan 23-25, 2015
Virginia Point Park, Kenova, WV
$15 per attendee if paid before Jan 9th
($20 per attendee if paid after Jan 9th)
David Graham at 606-232-2441
Page 14
New Buckskin Council Camp Rental Fees
Beginning January 1, 2015, Buckskin Council will use new Camp Rental fees . In order to allow units to plan their budgets, we have
printed the new camp fees on the next two pages. Watch for the new Camp Rental form coming soon. It will be available at the
Charleston Scout Service Center and the Huntington Scout Shop in addition to the Council’s website (
If you have any questions, call the Charleston Scout Service Center at 304-340-3663.
In Council
Non Buckskin
Buckskin Scout Reservation
(Dilley's Mill)
Cabin #1
Cabin #2
Cabin #3
Dining Hall & Kitchen
Dining Hall only
Daily use per person
Camp Chief Logan
Dining Hall & Kitchen
Dining Hall only
- $
50.00 $
Daily use per person
- $
Camp Roland
Dining Hall
15.00 $
20.00 $
50.00 $
Daily use per person
1.00 $
Volume 6
1.00 $
40.00 day/night/24 hr period
40.00 day/night/24 hr period
40.00 day/night/24 hr period
20.00 day/night/24 hr period
100.00 weekend/48 hour period
40.00 day/night/24 hr period
30.00 day/night/24 hr period
3.00 per 24 hour period
30.00 day/night/24 hr period
30.00 day/night/24 hr period
30.00 day/night/24 hr period
30.00 day/night/24 hr period
100.00 weekend/48 hour period
40.00 day/night/24 hr period
30.00 day/night/24 hr period
20.00 day/night/24 hr period
100.00 per 3 hours
Special instructions/capacity
must provide your own BSA lifeguards
includes shower facilities when
in season
must provide your own BSA lifeguards
must provide your own BSA lifeguards
3.00 per 24 hour period
30.00 day/night/24 hr period
40.00 day/night/24 hr period
100.00 per 3 hours
100 (Kitchen not available for
group cooking)
must provide your own BSA lifeguards
3.00 per 24 hour period
Page 15
In Council
Non Buckskin
Camp Arrowhead
Bunk House
Shelter with campfire ring
Dining Hall & Kitchen
Dining Hall only
Meacham Lodge
M.E. Brown Cabin
Shelter by lower lake
Paddle boat rental
30.00 $
Cub World playground
Cub World playground
Climbing Tower
McKnight Cabin
McKnight Cabin
McKnight Cabin
200.00 $
Daily use per person
1.00 $
Camp Cherokee
Cherokee Cabin
Cherokee Shelter
Key Deposit
20.00 $
10.00 $
10.00 $
Daily use per person
1.00 $
50.00 day/night/24 hr period
100.00 weekend/48 hour period
40.00 day/night/24 hr period
75.00 day/night/24 hr period
50.00 day/night/24 hr period
50.00 day/night/24 hr period
100.00 per 3 hours
60.00 5 hours
20 bunks
meetings only
must provide your own BSA lifeguards
must provide your own BSA lifeguards
100.00 day use
100.00 overnight use
300.00 Friday through Sunday
300.00 2 days Monday through
400.00 5 days Monday through
3.00 per 24 hour period
40.00 day/night/24 hr period
20.00 day/night/24 hr period
Pick up key at Huntington Scout
Shop or Charleston Service Cen-
3.00 per 24 hour period
Camp Kiashuta
Kiashuta Cabin
Kiashuta Shelter
Special instructions/capacity
Pick up key at Meigs County
Sheriffs Department
30.00 $
10.00 $
50.00 day/night/24 hr period
20.00 day/night/24 hr period
All rented facilities and campsites are to be cleaned by the renter and inspected by the Camp Ranger or Caretaker prior to departure. Failure to properly clean site or facility will result in the renter being charged a cleaning
fee. Non Buckskin renters must pay a refundable deposit of $50. Additional rules and regulations apply and are
attached to this form and also available at Summer Camp, day camps, resident camp and training
programs are exempt from the day use fee.
Volume 6
Page 16
(Muguyoh District Continued from page 13)
and as always “Be Prepared”!
Counselors include faculty from Marshall as well as district approved merit badge counselors. The price remains unchanged at
$12 per scout, which includes lunch. Adults may purchase lunch
tickets as well for $8. Some adult training will be offered. Check
the council website for the course catalog and registration process.
Thursday, February 19, will be the date for the District Dinner
and Eagle Recognition. The event will begin at 6:30pm and will
be held at Community of Grace United Methodist Church, 225
28th Street Huntington, WV. Tickets for the meal and program
are $18 for adults and $15 for youth (age 12 and under) if purchased by February 13. All tickets are $20 each after that date.
2014 Eagles and one guest are free. Eagle sponsorships may be
purchased for $25 each.
All Cub Scouts in the district are invited to race their cars at the
annual District Pinewood Derby to be held March 7. Registration, check-in and weigh-ins begins at 8:00am at Steele Memorial
United Methodist Church, 733 Shaw Street, Barboursville, WV.
Four tracks will offer continuous racing for all rank groups. Trophies for First, Second and Third place in each rank, and for the
Grand Champion. Adults and siblings are invited to race in the
Open Division. Registration is $3 per racer.
The world famous Harlem Globetrotters will bring their basketball wizardry to the Big Sandy Superstore Arena in Huntington at
7:00pm on Wednesday, March 11. Special group ticket pricing is
available for scouts and their families, including the Magic Pass
for the special on court access prior to the game. Tickets may be
ordered by calling Taylor Myers at 800-641-4667 extension 152 or
emailing your order to
(Elk River District Continued from page 10)
Commissioner and OA meetings start at 6 PM, the District Meetings start at 6:30 PM, and the Roundtables usually start at 7:30
PM. For more information, contact Alex Seletyn at
Cornstalk Winter Camporee
The Chief Cornstalk District Winter Camporee is scheduled for
January 23-25 at Camp Chief Logan. For more information,
please contact Alex Seletyn at or
Cub Scout Winter Fun Day
We will have another Cub Fun Day on February 28! We’ll have
more information for you once it becomes available.
District Merit Badge College
The Cornstalk District’s Merit Badge College will be on March 7.
We’ll get more information to you once it becomes available. If
you have any questions, please contact Jackie Cook at or 1(304)369-2399.
Volume 6
We are now entering the Blue and Gold Banquet and Pinewood
Derby season! With all of these activities coming up we have an
excellent opportunity to deliver the promises of Scouting. If you
would please email Jonathan Stevens the
dates and times of your Pinewood Derby and Blue and Gold banquets a representative from the district will try to attend your
event. The sooner you know these dates the better so the district
can make plans to attend on its calendar. The Elk River would also
like to thank all of the Packs and Troops who have agreed to allow
the District to give our Family Friends of Scouting Presentation. For those of you who do not know about Family Friends of
Scouting it is one of the ways that our Council raises money that
goes toward operating costs. The presentation is only 10 minutes
long and as incentives for donating we are offering special Council
Shoulder Patches, and Norman Rockwell Mugs. These presentations in conjunction the generosity of the parents and volunteers in
your unit go a long way toward making Scouting successful in our
Wood Badge 2015
Wood Badge will be March 27-29, 2015 and April 17-19, 2015 at
Camp Chief Logan If you would be interested in attending the
course, please refer to the Wood Badge Flier in Special Points of
Interest in this Courier. If you have any questions please contact
the Council office or Rosann Brooks 304-881-1042.
(Mt. Dominion District Continued from page 9)
Winter Activities
I know it’s the middle of winter and it’s hard to think about anything but staying home snuggled up by a fire. However, the Boy
Scouts and Cub Scouts have some fun winter events coming up in
February that I’m sure you and your boys would have a great time
at. The Boy Scout Cold Rush will be at Camp Roland on the weekend of February 14th (bring your sweetheart with you).
Klondike Dan has a great program ready to be enjoyed by all the
boys. The Cub Scout Fun Day will be on February 28th at the Richlands Teen Center. Paula Mattox has a full day of fun planned for
our juniors. Please plan on attending one or both of these great
Wood Badge
Wood Badge will be March 27-29, 2015 and April 17-19, 2015 at
Camp Chief Logan. I encourage all adult leaders who want to have
a wonderful Scouting experience that you will remember the rest of
your life to attend. If you would be interested in attending the
course, please refer to the Wood Badge Flier in Special Points of
Interest in this Courier. If you have any questions please contact
the Council office or Rosann Brooks 304-881-1042.
Page 17
2829 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, WV 25311
Phone: 304-340-3663
A lasting way to remember someone you care about.
The Buckskin Council offers an excellent way to remember a
Scout, family member, Scout volunteer, friend or community
leader, through the Tribute fund. All funds received go to the
operating cost in the year they are given. Anyone may,
however, designate the donations for a specific purpose.
(In Memory Of, Anniversary, Happy Birthday, Get well.)
Please send Acknowledgement To:
Mail To: Buckskin Council, BSA
2829 Kanawha Blvd. E.
Charleston, WV 25311