Read the News Sheet - Trinity Cheltenham


Read the News Sheet - Trinity Cheltenham
Weekly Diary
18th January 2015
Church Events and courses
Youth & Students
7.14 Prayer - Mon 7.14-8.14am, Trinity Fusion
Trinity Maintenance Team - Tue 8.30am, Trinity House
Element- Tue 7.30-9.30pm, Trinity Fusion
Prayer For Healing - Thur 1.00-1.30pm, Trinity Fusion Prayer Room
Hungry For God- Thur 8.00-9.30pm, Trinity Church
Sunday Celebrations - Sun 9.15am, 11.15am & 6pm, Trinity Church
Revive (for Students) - Thur 7.30- 9.30pm, Trinity Fusion
BOOM! (yrs 7-10) - Sun 11.15am-1.00pm, Trinity Fusion
EPIC (yrs 10-13) - Sun 6.00-8.30pm, Trinity Fusion
Breakfast at The Garage - Mon & Fri , 9.30-10.30am, The Garage
Family Tree - Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri 9.45-11.45am, Trinity Fusion
Monday Church - Mon 10.30-11.30am, Trinity House
Kings Table - Mon & Fri 11.30am-1.00pm, Trinity House
Garage Drop-In - Mon & Fri 1.15-4.00pm, The Garage
ZEST - Tue 10.00am-12.00pm, Trinity House
Women Together - Tue & Thur 12.00-3.00pm, The Garage
Garage Street Teams - Tue & Thur 7.30-8.30pm
Footprints - Wed 10.15-11.45am, Trinity House
ZEST - Thur 10.00am-12.00pm, & 2.00-4.00pm, Trinity House
Silver Service - Thur 10.30am-12.45pm, Trinity Fusion
Family Tree Kids Club - Thur 3.30-5.00pm, Trinity Fusion
Friday Discipleship - Fri 10.30-11.30am, Trinity House
Yr 10/11 Boys Small Group - Wed 7.00-8.30pm
Sixth Form Life Group - Thur 7.30-9.30pm
Yr 9 Girls Small Group - Fri 6.30-8.00pm
Sun 9:15am Service
Starlights 1-2yrs, TH Middle Floor
Firecrackers 2-3yrs, TH Middle Floor
Rockets 3-4yrs, TH Middle Floor
JAM Reception, TH Top Floor
SAS yrs 1 & 2, TH Top Floor
FBI yrs 3 & 4, TH Top Floor
Ignite yrs 5 & 6, Fusion Prayer Room
Sun 11.15am Service
JAM Rocks 1yr-Reception, TH Middle Floor
SAS yrs 1 & 2, TH Top Floor
FBI yrs 3 & 4, TH Top Floor
Ignite yrs 5 & 6, TH Top Floor
Kids Band Practice- Fri 5.45-8.30pm, Trinity Church
Phone Directory
General Enquiries
01242 808780
Operations - (Bookings, Buildings, IT)
01242 808925
Family Outreach - (Family Tree, Tandem, Silver Service,
01242 808936
Community Outreach - (Garage, Street Teams, Kings
01242 808789
01242 808937
Trinity Life - (Life Groups, Welcome, Element,
Worship & Creative Media - (Worship, Design, Website,
01242 808931
01242 808932
Trinity House
01242 808779
Global Mission
01242 808934
Money Matters - (Free confidential advice on dealing with
Freedom in Christ, Pastoral, & Family life courses)
Trinity Kids
01242 808935
Trinity Youth
01242 808933
Students and Young Adults
01242 808938
News Sheet, Press Releases)
money & debt)
01242 808946
01242 808920
Celebrating Life
Welcome to Trinity
Welcome to Trinity Cheltenham. If this is your first time with us, or if you are
visiting us today, then a very special welcome to you: we hope you have a
great time with us. We have a welcome point at the back of church where
you will be able to meet one of the team here and find out more about life at
Trinity, and pick up one of our welcome packs. Coffee is served in Trinity House
after the morning celebrations and at the back of church in the evening.
9.15am, 11.15am and 6.00pm
Today, we’re continuing in our
sermon series in Fit For Life.
Gareth Dickinson will be
speaking all day on Getting Fitter...
A Message from Mark
Dear Friends,
As I’ve begun this New Year, like many of you, I find
myself taking some time out to pause and reflect and to
wonder about what the New Year holds in store for me,
personally and for us as a church family. As I do that, I’ve taken time out
to do some writing and some thinking. One of the things that crossed my
mind the other day was the number of times I’ve said ‘Happy New Year’ to
many people, whether it’s within the Trinity family, in local coffee shops,
down at the gym, along the street, amongst associates and colleagues
in London within New Wine. Again and again I’ve said ‘Happy New Year’,
and they’ve said much the same thing to me as well. But here’s what I’ve
wondered, how do you define: ‘Happy New Year’ ? I wonder whether we
really know what that means ?
I suspect, if I’m being honest, that that means a lot of different things to a
lot of different people. And so over this past week, I’ve found myself asking
a number of people what they might want from life; and many of them
have given a similar answer: “I just want to be happy’. There is often a belief
that happiness is something you can achieve and hold onto. It’s almost as
if we look forward to that time when we can be happy. But it seems to me
that the more time I spend with people, the more I realise that, in so many
ways, it perpetually eludes us. And so, for what it’s worth, here’s a little bit
of advice.
I suspect that maybe seeking happiness is not the way to begin the New
Year; and perhaps it might be far better to seek joy. Why do I say that ?
Well, it seems to me that joy is related to happiness, but ultimately is a
much deeper and richer experience. In the search for happiness you will
always focus on yourself; but joy, I think, moves us beyond a self-centred
preoccupation and provides a purpose that is orientated towards others.
Of course, that’s just one of my thoughts, and it would be great to hear
from you. I wonder what will make 2015 a happy new year for you ? Do
please feel free to let me know.
I know some people are ‘anti’ New Year’s resolutions, and I’m finding myself
increasingly wary of doing that. However, I do think that this is an exciting
time of the year to set goals and, perhaps more importantly, to establish
some new perspectives. It’s also very easy to rush into making those sorts
of resolutions, and I think that in the whole of January it’s very easy to rush
into commitments and perhaps it’s worth taking out the whole of January
to invest in changing perspectives or setting goals for the rest of the year.
I love the way in which, as a church family, we’re on the ‘Fit for Life’ series,
and I know many of you are enjoying both the weekend messages as
well as pressing in more deeply in our Life Groups into conversation and
prayerful consideration about the different areas that we’re journeying in
together, as we seek to be increasingly healthy as followers of Jesus.
But one of the things that has really struck me over this past week as I’ve
been praying about the coming year, has been inspired by Psalm 39: 4-5:
“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be,
Remind me that my days are numbered,
How fleeting my life is.
You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand,
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you,
At best each of us is but a breath”
“Show me, God, my life’s end.
Show me the number of my days.
Show me how fleeting my life is”
I think increasingly I’ve realised that I need to live 2015 with the awareness
Like everyone else, I can get caught up in trying to rush through life,
acquiring things, trying to attain security and achieving meaningless
goals our culture has deemed worthy. But so many of the things I focus
on and worry about are simply futile.
I waste time regretting things from the past I can’t change. I settle for
mediocrity trying to avoid difficult decisions and conversations. I get
consumed with trying to be loved instead of loving others. I squander
precious moments trying to control things I can’t control.
The truth is, I don’t want that to be in my life. I don’t want that to be
my vision. Why ? Because that vision cannot sustain God’s design for
something as splendid as the human life. That is the vision born out of
thinking I have an endless amount of time on this earth to make the
impact God has designed me to make, and this, my friends, is nothing
more than an illusion.
So as I go into 2015, I’m making a commitment to view my life, and every
dimension of my life – my friendships, my job, my family, my purpose –
through the understanding that life passes us by quickly, and that my
days are numbered.
My prayer is that that will help me love deeper, pray harder, focus intently
and seek to make the greatest impact I can possibly have with my one
and only life.
I trust and pray that this will be your desire for this coming year.
With my love and prayers,
As always,
Keep in Touch
For more information on the life of this church and the various activities
to get involved with, follow us online or if you have any questions please
talk to someone with a pink lanyard or contact us:
+44 (0)1242 808780
Church Vision: To make committed followers of Jesus who change communities and nations for Him.
Events and Courses
Conferences Coming Up...
Worship central 100 gatherings event
trinity party- Hoe down!
New Wine Worship Conference 2015
Saturday 21st March, 10.00am-8.30pm, Trinity Church
Back for 2015, our New Wine Worship Conferences are a chance to go on
the next step of a journey for more together to press into God’s presence,
receive his Spirit and release the next generation of worship leaders. Neil
Bennetts, leader of NewWineWorship, will be hosting the day along with
Alex Rayment (St Paul’s, Cheltenham) and worship leaders from all around
the country. Keynote speakers for this year are Christy Wimber (Vineyard)
and Nicola Neal (Revelation Life) and the worship will be led by Chris
Jones, Chris Sayburn, Sam Bailey, Lauren Harris and Susie Woodbridge.
Tickets can be bought online through the New Wine website.
Saturday 18th April, 10.00am-9.30pm, Trinity Church
Third Person is a one-day conference aiming to equip the wider church to
effectively minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. Hosted by Mark Bailey
and the Trinity team, with guest speaker Robbie Dawkins. For more details
and to book your place, visit the website.
Converge student conference
Saturday 25th April, All-Day, Trinity Church
We long to see students empowered to reach their generation. We’re
excited to be partnering with Shift UK and Fusion to bring you the second
Converge! Converge seeks to unite students from around the country
to encourage, equip and empower them by the Holy Spirit, to make a
difference in their universities. Hosting the day is James Bailey, with guest
speaker Jonny Hughes (HTB) and Sam Bailey leading worship. Students,
we’d love to see you there! More information will be released soon.
Fit For Life WordSearch!
Saturday 7th February 2015, 7.00-10.30pm, Trinity Church, Adult tickets
£7, Child (16 or under) tickets £5 and Family Ticket (family up to 4
people) £17.
Make sure you put this date in your diaries - it’s the Trinity Party! And this
year the theme is HOE DOWN! So get your best country and western attire
ready for an evening of music, dancing, food, entertainment- something for
everyone! All ages welcome - we’d love to see you there! Tickets will be sold
after the Sunday Celebrations on 18th and 25th January and 1st February.
School of Theology Spring term
Monday evenings, starting on 26th January 2015 for 8 weeks (not
including half term), 7.30-9.45pm, Trinity House
Bookings are now open for the School of Theology starting in January!
The School of Theology is a series of short, 8 week theological courses for
those who want to study the Bible in an accessible and applicable way.
The Spring Term sees 3 Bible Tracks available, including our NEW Bible
Track 3: The Word and The Spirit, featuring speakers including Dr Graham
Tomlin (St Mellitus College, London), Dr Sean Doherty (St Mellitus College,
London) and John Inge (Bishop of Worcester). The full details and course
options are available on the website. The cost of the course is £120 but
discounted rates also available for students and retirees - please get in
touch for more details.
tandem beauty room
Saturday 14th March, 10.00am-12.30pm, Trinity House
Tandem is our ministry for single parent families within the community.
On March 14th we’ll be running a beauty and pampering morning for the
parents. We would really appreciate help from any members of the Trinity
family who have skills in hairdressing or massage. Please email Tandem by
February 1st if you would like to be part of the team.
Thursday 29th January, 8.00-9.30pm, Trinity Church
On Thursday 29th January, we’re taking over Hungry For God for the
evening to join with Worship Central in their 100 Gatherings movement.
We will be 1 of 100 events around the globe who are gathering worship
leaders and worshippers together to worship, to pray and to connect
with the vision of Worship Central to see the worship of Jesus Christ made
central in society again. We’ll meet at 8pm in church for refreshments,
worship and prayer. All are welcome, worshippers and worship leaders
alike. For more information about the 100 Gatherings movement, visit
Worship Central’s website: We would love to see you there!
Look! Pentecost Saturdays!
Starting Saturday 31st January, 9.30am-12.00pm, Trinity Church
A new series of workshops in 2015 - be equipped, receive and grow in the
gifts and power of the Holy Spirit! Starting on Saturday 31st Jan, we are
running a new monthly series of Saturday morning workshops, exploring
the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit. The workshops will be practical
times of training, so that we are better equipped to use the gifts of the
Spirit, and operate in His power, more effectively. Mark Bailey will introduce
the series on Saturday 31st Jan - 9.30am to 12pm. On the second Saturday
of each month thereafter, visiting speakers will lead these workshops: 14th
Feb, 14th Mar, 11th Apr, 9th May, 13th June, 11th July. Book the dates now!
Welcome to Pentecost Saturdays!
Love that Lasts marriage course
Saturday 21st March, 9.00am-6.00pm, St Paul’s Church
Would you like to invest in your marriage? This course is lead by a
professional marriage counselor, and it provides couples with the
necessary practical communication tools to listen to and understand
each others needs better, resolve conflict and restore/deepen
connection. For more information collect a flyer from the back of church.
7:14 Prayer
Mondays, 7.14am, Trinity Fusion Prayer Room
Come and join us in prayer on a Monday morning at 7.14am in the Prayer
Room, located next to the Fusion building, where we can lift our God
together in worship and praise.
toys/equipment wanted for daycare centre in
Anna and Keith Traill, two of our Mission Partners in Kenya, are helping
design a new baby daycare centre in their community. They’d love to get
hold of good quality, old toys that people are clearing out so they can fill
the centre. From duplo and things that are really hard to break to outdoor
play equipment like swings and slides - it would all be welcome! No toys
that need batteries please. If you have anything you can donate, please
contact the Trinity office to arrange where to drop it off. All gifts would be
viney hill work placement opportunity
Viney Hill Christian Adventure Centre, an outdoor activity centre in the
Forest of Dean, has a work placement opportunity for 6-8 months this year
that would suit an 18+ person with an active interest in outdoor pursuits.
They only have 2-3 positions and would love to fill them as soon as possible.
Accommodation is given with a wage and training possibilities to gain
instructional certificates. For more information, contact Haley.
bible lands tours
Mike Fuller will be taking three tours to Bible Lands this year: Israel and
Palestine at Easter, Israel and Palestine with theological mini-lectures in
July, and the Early Church (Greece, Patmos, the churches of Revelation and
Rome) in September. Full details are available through the Trinity Website and
brochures can be collected from the foyer of church.
Opportunities to Serve
Alpha Task Force Team volunteers
We are looking for volunteers who would be willing to serve on the Alpha
Task Force Team in the Spring term. This team handles all the practical
elements of running Alpha like serving food, washing dishes etc on a
Tuesday night. The Task Force Team is an essential part of making Alpha
possible so if you are able to help out, please contact Julie.
Prison Ministry Opportunity
If you would like to be involved in prison ministry at Long Lartin prison
near Evesham, probably once a month, by leading worship or being part
of a worship group at their Sunday morning services, please email Tim
Grew. After the services and during coffee there will be opportunity to talk
to and pray with the men.
Health and Safety - Can you help?
We are looking for a suitable volunteer to join the existing health and
safety team at Trinity. The full role would involve approximately 10 hours a
week, but a role-share for a couple of people may be possible. Knowledge
of health and safety law and procedures would be useful but some
training could be provided. If you feel that this is an area in which you
could serve, please contact Richard Byatt for more details.
Trinity’s buildings and grounds need a lot of upkeep from a simple
‘freshen-up’ or weeding to a range of semi-skilled repairs and small
projects. If you have some spare time on a Tuesday morning and fancy
helping, why not join the happy band? Most of the helpers are retired
chaps but people from all walks of life and circumstance drop in to help
from time to time. Guidance and materials are provided - you don’t
have to be an expert but if you have any specific skills they will be most
welcome. Please contact Richard Byatt if you are interested in helping
with this valuable task.
Garage Resources
Thank you so much for all the wintry clothing we have received recently.
It will be very much appreciated now the weather is colder! We still have
urgent need of men’s boxers and jeans, waist size 30, 32 and 34. Also
we need small bottles of shampoo and conditioner, shower gel and
deodorant so that we can use them in the Garage shower and also give
them to those in need. We are so grateful!
Have an interest in Sound, Visuals or Camera work? We would love to hear
from you. We are looking to expand our current team of fantastic volunteers,
so feel free to apply even if you have no previous experience. These teams are
an integral part of our celebrations, and we are looking for new members for
Sundays, Hungry for God and other ministries throughout the week. If you are
interested and would like to find out more, then please contact Jimmy Flanders.
Join the Trinity Worship Team
River run album - available NOW
Our new album ‘River Run’ is officially released on iTunes, but we are making
hard copies available to all at Trinity while stocks last! These are all songs
that have been written by our worship team here and we pray that it will
be a blessing and resource both at home and beyond. Available from the
bookstore for only £5, and on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Spotify and other online
distributors. #RiverRunEP.
If you are a musician or singer, we’d love to meet with you as we’re always
on the look out for new musicians to join the team here at Trinity. We’re
increasingly finding that we’re in need of more individuals to lead worship,
play, sing and operate sound and visuals equipment at our many celebrations
and events throughout the week. If you are a committed follower of Jesus,
recognise Trinity as your home church and are a skilled musician (or keen to
learn for the audio/visual team) please contact Becky Bull.