Prayer Requests - Covenant United Reformed Church


Prayer Requests - Covenant United Reformed Church
Today’s Calendar
AM - Jackie Van Essendelft
Martin Gelderman
Joshua Van Essendelft
PM - Reid Gelderman
Elyssa Tuininga
Sunday School Nursery
Jenni Sickert
Brenda Van Vuren
Christal Gelderman
AM - Rev. Calvin Tuininga
PM - Tom Van Der Have
TJ Van Essendelft
Mark Van Essendelft
Bob Van Der Have
Host Family
Eddie Boerema
Special Collection
Hymn Sing
Ted & Kim Van Essendelft
Next Sunday, February 1,
AM - Kelly Rouse
Kelly De Hoog
Shelby Klaassen
PM - Barbara Van Essendelft
Johannes Van Essendelft
Sunday School Nursery
Tom Van Der Have
Barbara Van Essendelft
Kelly Rouse
AM - Rodney Alons
PM - Roger Klaassen
Martin Gelderman
Allen Hubers
Isaac Boerema
Host Family
Dinner on the Grounds
Special Collection
Eric Hoeksema
Hymn Sing
Prayer Requests
Church Family
Jane Hubers
Nancy Cutler
Eric Hoeksema
General Sickness
Roger Bisbee
Bruno Former (alcoholism)
Carmen Jennette
Taylor Bauman (cancer)
Pam Black (cancer)
Jeremy Waters
Kiam Boerema
Daniel De Jong
Church Leadership & Committees
Rev Calvin Tuininga
Vice Chair
Dick Van Dorp (’15)
Bernie Van Essendelft (‘16)
Dennis Boerema (‘16)
Wayne Slager (‘17)
Chris Rouse (‘16)
Isaac Boerema (‘15)
John Burleson (’17)
(CR) Council Representative
*Doug Slager
Dennis Boerema (CR)
Kelly De Hoog
Allen Hubers
Al Pinkham
Ellen Tuininga
*Jackie Van Essendelft
Mary Alons
Chris Gelderman
John Burleson (CR)
Brittany Van Der Have
Steve Van Der Have
Carla Van Essendelft
Wayne Slager (CR)
Mary Hubers
Helen Myers
Tom Van Der Have
*Kim Van Essendelft
Rodney Alons
Brittany Van Der Have
Kathleen Hubers
Taffy Klaassen
Reid Gelderman
Chris Rouse (CR)
*Mark Van Essendelft
Martin Gelderman
Nelly Boerema
Rev. C.J. Tuininga (CR)
Brenda Van Vuren
Wayne Slager
*Martin Gelderman
Bernie Van Essendelft Sr. (CR)
Barbara Pinkham
Tom Van Der Have
Sue Slager
Doug Slager
Kelly DeHoog
3-4 yr. olds, K
Kelly DeHoog
Grades 1, 2
Doug Slager
Grades 3, 4
Brenda Van Vuren
Grades 5, 6
Craig DeHoog
Grades 7, 8
Ray Van Essendelft
Grades 9, 10
Tony Van Vuren
Grades 11, 12
Rev. C.J. Tuininga
Adult Classes
Dennis Boerema
Ted Van Essendelft
Covenant Youth
Joel & Jenni Sickert
Ted & Kim VE
*Chris Rouse
Isaac Boerema (CR)
Reid Gelderman
Allen Hubers
Jacob Searcy
Bob Van Der Have
Barbara Pinkham
Jamie Van Essendelft
Head Usher
Roger Klaassen
Kingdom Kids
Mary Hubers
Reid Gelderman
Organists / Pianists
April Burleson
Allison Gelderman
Barbara Pinkham
Sue Slager
Carla Van Essendelft
Allison Gelderman
Girls Club
Helen Myers
Boys’ Club
Bernie Van Essendelft, Jr.
Troy Slager
Steve Van Der Have
Women’s Bible Study
Ellen Tuininga
Men’s Bible Study
Bernie Van Essendelft, Sr.
United Reformed Churches
The United Reformed Churches in North America declare complete subjection
and obedience to the Word of God, delivered to us in the inspired, infallible and
inerrant book of Holy Scripture. We are fully persuaded that the Reformed Creeds
(The Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession and Canons of Dort) do fully agree
with this Word of God and thus confess them. We acknowledge Jesus Christ to be
the supreme and only head of the Church. This headship is exercised in the church
by his Word and Spirit through God-ordained offices, for the sake of the purity of
doctrine and the holiness of life.
Bulletin Secretaries: Chris and Kelly Rouse
(252) 935-3099
Covenant United Reformed Church
24599 US Hwy 264 E · Pantego, NC 27860
Rev. Calvin J Tuininga, Pastor
January 25, 2015
Please silence your cell phones before the service begins.
Morning Service - 9:30 a.m.
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer of Final Preparation
Response: My God, how wonderful Thou art, Thy majesty, how
bright! How beautiful Thy mercyseat in depths of burning light!
* Opening Hymn #318 Holy, Holy, Holy
* Confession of Dependence
* The Lord’s Greeting
Confession of Sin #454:1,2,3
Nearer, Still Nearer
Assurance of Pardon
Rule of Gratitude
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture - Luke 14:15-23
Sermon: Parable of the Great
*Hymn of Response #113 Brown
Grace Greater Than Our Sin
Congregational Prayer
Offering - General Fund
Special Offering - None
*Hymn of Praise #74 Brown
Worthy of Worship
*The Lord’s Parting Blessing
* Parting Hymn #7 Brown 3
* Moment of Silent Reflection
* Standing if Able
Evening Service - 5:30 p.m.
Hymn Sing - Ted Van Essendelft
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Requests
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer of Final Preparation
Response: O Jesus, Lord and
Savior, I give myself to you. For
You in Your atonement did give
yourself for me. I own no other
master, my heart shall be your
throne. My life I give, henceforth
to live, O Christ, for you alone.
*Opening Hymn #135 Stand Up
and Praise the Lord Your
*Confession of Dependence
*The Lord’s Greeting
*Creedal Hymn #88 Brown
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture - Isaiah 22:8-14
Sermon - Sound the Alarm
* Hymn of Response #377 We
Have Heard the Joyful Sound
Prayer of Response
Offering - General Fund
Special Offering - None
* Hymn of Praise #111 Brown
Song to the Nations
* The Lord’s Parting Blessing
* Parting Hymn #326:1,3 Savior,
Again to Thy Dear Name We
* Moment of Silent Reflection
“O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for
thou has done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and
truth.” Isaiah 25:1
Welcome to all who worship here today.
God will bless us as we worship Him in the name of our Savior
and Lord. We invite you to join with us in fellowship and Sunday School after the Morning Worship Service. May God be
praised in our worship!
Weekly Calendar
Wednesday, Jan 28 - Seniors’ Luncheon ..............................Noon
Family Night................................ 6:30 p.m.
Youth Refreshments: Austin Coltrain
Thursday, Jan 29 - Library Committee Meeting ........ 7:00 p.m.
We welcome Chaplain Joyner to our pulpit today. We pray the
Lord will bless him in the exhortation of the Word.
Our Pastor is on vacation in Myrtle Beach. Pray that they may
enjoy a quiet time of recreation so that they may return to
their tasks here renewed and refreshed.
Young People News Alert: The date is set for January 31 for
our Pig Picking and Variety Show. Supper will be from 5:307:00 with the show afterwards. Please let Kim or Jenni know if
you would like to be a part of show. Last sign up date will be
TODAY. Looking forward to a night of great food and fellowship.
The Seniors are welcome to a soup luncheon and to play Bingo
at Mark’s Pond on Wednesday, January 28 at Noon.
Next Sunday we will have our February Fellowship Meal.
Those in charge of the meal are Chris Rouse, Randy Hubers,
John Burleson, Bernie Van Essendelft Jr, and Bob Van Der
Have. There should be five gallons of sweet tea, two of unsweet, one of water and the leftover Lemonade from Fellowship Hour.
Announcements Continued
Voting on the By-Laws change will be extended through
the end of the month due to a lack of participation.
Please turn your ballot in as soon as possible if you have
not already done so.
Choir will resume next Sunday, February 1 at 4 p.m.
The Library Committee will meet on Thursday, January 29
to process the books approved by Council.
The Ladies’ Bible Study is starting a new book, an inductive
Bible study on James called “Faith” by Keri Folmar. If anyone would like to join us at this time, please see Elyssa today
for a book. Week 1 will be led by Barbara Van Essendelft
and refreshments by April Slager.
We are planning a wedding shower for Brandon and Landis
on Tuesday, February 17. Anyone interested in helping,
please meet in the Council Room after church this evening.
The 16th Annual Yokefellows Prison Meeting will be held
on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at Terra Ceia Christian Reformed Church. Our speaker will be Rev. Canady, President
of Yokefellows Board of Directors. The theme for the meeting will be “World Evangelism through Yokefellows Prison
Ministry”. Also, there will be some hands-on trainings sessions. Anyone interested in Yokefellows Prison Ministry are
invited to attend. Lunch will be served at Noon. For more
information, contact William Van Staalduinen at 943-2075.