Funding Bulletin January issue - V-Hive
Funding Bulletin January issue - V-Hive
York and North Yorkshire Bulletin ISSUE 90 January 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE PAGE GENERAL 3/5 • Postcode Community Trust Community Grants • Two Ridings Community Foundation • The Freemason's Grand Charity • Foyle Foundation • Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund • Norman Collinson Charitable Trust • North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner Community Fund • Together in Service • Awards for All — BIG Lottery • Warburtons Local Communities Fund • Screwfix Foundation • Charles Hayward Foundation • Esmée Fairbairn Foundation • Garfield Weston Foundation • Trusthouse Charitable Foundation • Community Engagement Grant Aid CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE 6/7 • Stepping Stones • Weston Charity Awards • Childcare Business Grants Scheme • The Ernest Cook Trust • The Shackleton Foundation • Henry Smith Holiday Fund • Children in Need • EU Erasmus+ Programme • Young Roots • The Askrigg Foundation • Dulverton Trust • Hedley Foundation • Red Nose Day Programmes • Children's Services Innovation Programme • British and Foreign School Society HEALTH AND SOCIAL WELFARE 8/9 • Get Healthy Get Active • Inclusive Technology for People with a disability • Drug and alcohol treatment capital funding • Triangle Trust 1949 Fund • North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund • Leeds Building Society Charitable Foundation • Boshier-Hinton Foundation • • • • • • • Santander Foundation Crash: Support for Homeless People Percy Bilton Charity Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Rank Carer's Grant Fund. James Tudor Foundation Tackling health inequalities CULTURE, ARTS AND HERITAGE 10/11 • Repair Fund for Places of Worship • Prince’s Foundation for Children and the Arts • Momentum Music Fund • Poetry and Literature Award • Restoration grants • Sharing Heritage Fund • Software for Faith-based charities • Lloyds Foundation • First World War Heritage • First World War Centenary Cathedral Repairs • Arts Council England 2015-18 • Youth Music ENVIRONMENT 12/13 • Green Transport Fuel Plants • Sustainable Energy Europe Awards • Innovation in Waste Prevention Fund • BIFFA Flagship Scheme • Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF) • Biorenewables Capital Grant Scheme • Green Energy Fund for UK Businesses • Ethical Loan Fund • Catchment Sensitive Farming Capital Grants • Community Energy Peer Mentoring Fund SPORT • Protecting Playing Fields • Inshore and Inland Lifeboat Grant • Sport England • Community Sport Activation Fund • Sport England Special Flood Relief Fund • Sport Relief • Cricket club open days • Football Facilities Fund Page: 1 North Yorkshire and York Forum 14 York and North Yorkshire Bulletin ISSUE 90 January 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE PAGE SOCIAL ENTERPRISES 15 • Big Venture Challenge • Social Incubator North • Key Fund • BIG Potential • Community Investment Fund • The Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs • Social Tech Seed MISCELLANEOUS 16/18 Minibuses for rural groups WREN Community Fund Business Impact Challenge Employer Ownership: Engineering Careers New Horizons Europe 2020 Support for community pubs Government Cultural Exchange Fund Comic Relief Tudor Trust BIG Potential Paul Hamlyn Foundation Localgiving Business Grant Programme Churchcare SIB Finance for Charities and Social Enterprises • BIG Assist - Infrastructure support • Global Fire Prevention Fund • tt-exhange • Young Philanthropy • Medical Research Funding • Google for Charities and VCS organisations • Community Assets and Services Grants AWARDS • Better Society Awards • 2015 Museum of the Year • Human Resources Excellence Awards • Guardian Sustainable Business Awards • Charity Awards • Excellence in Diversity Awards UPDATES • BIG Lottery ESF Development Fund • Grants for British Science Week • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Page: 2 North Yorkshire and York Forum 19 GENERAL New in this issue: Postcode Community Trust Community Grants Financial support to charities and community groups that support environmental protection, community development, engagement in sport, advancement of health, promotion of human rights and prevention of poverty. Applications for £2,000 or under are open to organisations that are not registered charities (although registered charities may also apply). Applications for £2,000 - £20,000 are open to registered charities only. Deadline: 30 January 2015. Two Ridings Community Foundation Grant schemes run by the Foundation help small voluntary and community organisation, and local charities in North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, York and Hull. Each grant has its own criteria and geographical area. Grants currently open: • The Rusholme Wind Farm Fund: Open to applications from Newland, Drax, Long Drax and Airmyn • The Stokesley & Great Ayton Fund:Open to applications from projects supporting young people • Community First Whitby & Scarborough: Open to applications from voluntary and community groups supporting the area served by Scarborough Borough Council. The Grassroots Richard Weare Fund: is scheduled to re-open in January. On-going from the last issue: The Freemason's Grand Charity The Freemason's Grand Charity provides grants of between £500 and £5,000 to smaller charities and £500 and £50,000 to larger charities. Minor Grants - between £500 and £5,000 are given to smaller, nationwide charities whose annual income does not exceed £1 million. Core funding means that an applicant charity does not have to specify a project. A minor grant can be used for the general running or overhead costs of the charity. Major Grants, over £5,000, are made for a specific purpose and are generally made to larger, nationwide charities. The average major grant size is between £10,000 and £25,000. Applications throughout the year. Foyle Foundation The Foundation now operates a Main Grants Scheme supporting charities whose core work covers Arts and Learning and a Small Grants Scheme covering small charities in all fields and capital projects. One-year grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available. Deadlines: throughout the year. Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund The Fund is seeking to donate five £300 awards per week to help small, local community groups and charities across the UK. Deadline: 23 February 2015. Norman Collinson Charitable Trust The Norman Collinson Charitable Trust gives financial support by way of grant to charities and charitable causes. Upgrades to improve facilities for disabled access to a building or increased community use will be considered. The support is mainly in respect of projects benefitting the residents of York and the surrounding areas. Grants rarely exceed £5,000 and are often in the range of £200 to £2,000. Applications throughout the year. Page: 3 North Yorkshire and York Forum GENERAL Police and Crime Commissioner Community Fund The Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire and York has launched Community Fund 2014/15. The fund provides grants of £500 to £20,000 for projects that reduce crime and disorder and reduce the fear of crime, for example: • extra-curricular or ‘diversionary’ activities for children and young people • promoting safety and reducing the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour • support for victims • improving community cohesion • preventing crime and anti-social behaviour • purchasing specific pieces of equipment Deadline: 23 February 2015 Together in Service Together in Service is a new programme supported by the DCLG. Its objectives are to: - celebrate the practical contribution that faith communities make to society through social action - support faith groups in undertaking new multi-faith volunteering projects at local level. Grants of £2,000 - £5,000 are available. Match funding of half the amount is needed, which can include volunteer time. Applications throughout the year. Awards for All — BIG Lottery Awards for All from BIG Lottery, supports projects which help people to take part in art, sport, heritage and community activities, and projects that promote education, the environment and health in the local community, for a range of purposes, including creating or upgrading facilities, buying equipment and hiring or training staff. Grants of between £300 and £10,000. Applications throughout the year. Warburtons Local Communities Fund Warburtons financial giving programme supports projects, activities and organisations that have charitable aims and directly benefit local communities. They work with the Charities Aid Foundation to ensure that organisations they support are charitable in nature and to accurately record their social impact. They offer grants up to £250 for projects within 15 miles of their bakery or depot sites. Applications throughout the year. Screwfix Foundation The retailer Screwfix has set up a charity to raise funding which gives grants to registered charities to fix, maintain and improve facilities for those in need in the UK. It raises money through staff fundraising events as well as from collection boxes placed in its stores, and its partnership with Pennies, the electronic charity box which enables customers to round up their payments to the nearest pound with all money donated going direct to The Screwfix Foundation. Applications throughout the year. Page: 4 North Yorkshire and York Forum GENERAL Charles Hayward Foundation Foundation funds voluntary and charitable organisations, supporting projects in the areas of criminal justice, heritage and conservation and support for older people, including capital projects. Up to £5,000 for charities with an annual turnover of less than £250,000; for other programmes grant sizes are from £1,000 to £20,000 for one-off grants. Applications throughout the year. Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Registered charities or non-profits organisations which propose work to benefit the UK’s cultural life, education, the natural environment or enable people who are disadvantaged to participate more fully in society, can apply for Esmee Fairbairn Foundation funding. The average grant size is around £80,000 and loan funding is also available. Applications throughout the year. Garfield Weston Foundation Funding for projects under £10,000 and grants of up to £250,000 for larger organisations is provided to support projects in the areas of the arts, community, education, welfare, medical, social, religion, youth and environment. Applications throughout the year. Trusthouse Charitable Foundation The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation's grants programme supports projects in the UK which address issues in rural communities and/or areas of urban deprivation. It awards around 300 grants totalling roughly £2 million each year. The Foundation awards Fast Track Grants of £5,000 and under, Small Grants up to £10,000 and Large Grants up to £30,000. The Foundation also funds hospices. Projects include extensions or alterations to existing premises; refurbishment projects; purchase of new or upgraded equipment which improves the quality of life for resident and day patients; minibuses. Hospices must raise at least 50% of the funds required before making an application. Applications throughout the year. Community Engagement Grant Aid Yorkshire Housing Engagement Fund encourages local projects and initiatives that involve our customers, to meet needs within the communities where they live. The Grant Aid can be used to: • support local volunteering • provide support to those customers who are actively seeking work and training opportunities reduce social exclusion and promote community well-being. The key themes are Education, Learning and Development; Health and Well Being; Business Enterprise and Financial Inclusion; Community Safety and Children and Young People. The maximum amount of each grant is £500. Applications throughout the year. Page: 5 North Yorkshire and York Forum CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE New in this issue: Stepping Stones The scheme supports children in their communities and aims to help reduce severe child poverty by breaking the link between poverty and the lack of access to education. It gives registered charities grants of up to £20,000 for one year and £30,000 across two years. Deadline: 30 January 2015. Childcare Business Grants Scheme The Grants Scheme encourages and supports the starting up of new childcare services and businesses by providing a flat rate start-up grant. The scheme offers grants of £250 to prospective child minders or £500 to those looking to start up nurseries in England. Applicants are required to contact their local authority before applying for this grant. Applications any time. On-going from the last issue: The Ernest Cook Trust Schools, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations wishing to encourage young people's interest either in the countryside and the environment, the arts or aiming to raise levels of literacy and numeracy can apply for funding to the Ernest Cook Trust. Applications throughout the year. The Shackleton Foundation Funding up to £10,000 of seed funding and support to enable aspiring leaders and social entrepreneurs to establish their own ventures. Projects should provide solutions to social problems faced by disadvantaged and socially marginalised young people. Applications throughout the year. Henry Smith Holiday Fund Henry Smith, one of the largest charitable trusts, is running a scheme to provide disadvantaged children under 13 in the UK with a recreational holiday or day trip they would not otherwise be able to go on. The children should be from areas of high deprivation, experiencing disadvantage, or have a disability. Schools, youth groups and charities are all eligible to apply for grants between £500 and £2,500. Deadlines vary depending on the date of the trip. Awards are made on a first come first served basis. Children in Need BBC Children in Need is currently accepting applications from groups working with disadvantaged children and young people who are 18 years old and younger, through its main grant and small grant programmes. EU Erasmus+ Programme The Erasmus+ programme (Youth) aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising Education, Training, and Youth work. Organisations and institutions seeking funding should look at the Guide. Deadline: Strategic Partnerships in Education and Training 31 March. Page: 6 North Yorkshire and York Forum CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Young Roots The Young Roots programme from Heritage Lottery supports projects between £3,000 and £25,000, that: • involve young people aged between 13 and 20 (up to 25 for young people with special needs) • link to the varied heritage of the UK and last up to 18 months • are delivered through a partnership with at least one heritage partner, eg a museum or local wildlife trust • increase opportunities for young people to learn about heritage, promote involvement in heritage and promote inclusion. Applications throughout the year. The Askrigg Foundation A key element of The Askrigg Foundation charity’s work is to raise money for their Bursary Fund allowing underprivileged youngsters to attend Low Mill Outdoor Centre. The Centre is specially adapted for the physically handicapped and is staffed by a team of trained professionals. Applications throughout the year. Dulverton Trust The Dulverton Trust Funds the activities of registered charities working in eight major areas of need, with priority given to Youth and Education, specifically aiding disadvantaged youth. Minor grants has a maximum of £5,000, major grants between £5,000 and £25,000. Applications throughout the year. Hedley Foundation Hedley Foundation supports young people, people with a disability and people who are terminally ill. Grants are usually made for amounts between £1,000 and £5,000. Applications throughout the year. Red Nose Day Programmes Comic Relief provides two categories of Red Nose Day awards: under £5,000 and over £5,000. Funds work with those aged 11 to 21 in key areas: young people with mental health problems, young people with alcohol problems and young people abused through prostitution and trafficking. Applications throughout the year for grants under £5,000. Deadlines twice a year for grants over £5,000. Children's Services Innovation Programme Seed grants of up to £10,000 are available to help develop innovative proposals that have the potential to transform outcomes for children who need help from social care services and/or be more cost-effective, and that have the potential to be applied widely across the system. Applications throughout the year. British and Foreign School Society Grants are available for advancing educational opportunity in the UK and developing countries. The Society has given up to a total of around £500,000 in any one year. Research projects may be considered, where there is a direct impact on educational service development. Applications throughout the year. Page: 7 North Yorkshire and York Forum HEALTH AND SOCIAL WELFARE New in this issue: Get Healthy Get Active Sport England and Public Health England announced a funding stream for large projects tackling inactivity. £100,000 - £500,000 grants are available, with a third match funding needed, of which half must be cash. The aim is to get more inactive people playing sport once a week for at least 30 minutes and achieve a better understanding of sport's contribution to improving public health. Deadline: 26 January 2015. Lloyds Foundation Lloyds Foundation's new grant programmes - INVEST and ENABLE - help charities supporting people to break out of disadvantage or prevents cycles of disadvantage. INVEST - long term core funding programme for organisations delivering clear, targeted outcomes for disadvantaged people (Grants up to £25,000 per annum and up to six years); ENABLE - smaller and shorter grants for organisations with development needs (Grants up to a total of £15,000 over two years). Applications throughout the year. On-going from the last issue: Inclusive Technology for People with a Disability The aim of the Inclusive Technology Prize is to inspire technological innovation among UK entrepreneurs in order to improve or develop assistive living aids, adaptations, products and systems for the lives people who have a disability. Deadline:16 January Drug and alcohol treatment capital funding Public Health England (PHE) has announced £10 million of capital funding for services that are helping people with drug or alcohol problems to recover from their addiction. Local authorities and service providers are able to apply for capital funding to support recovery-focused projects. Public Health England regional centres are sending out details of the application process. Triangle Trust 1949 Fund The Triangle Trust Development Grants programme is open twice yearly, for projects which support the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders (autumn round) and unpaid carers (spring round). Deadline: opens early March and closes late April. North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund From 1 April a new fund has been in place called the North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund, replacing the current DWP scheme of crisis loans and community care grants. ‘Authorised Agencies’ across the county will complete an online application form on behalf of eligible applicants. The North Yorkshire scheme will not replicate the DWP scheme and fewer people will be eligible to apply to the new scheme. To be eligible people will need to have at least one identified vulnerability: homeless or at risk of homelessness /learning disability/physical disability/mental health problem/released from prison/domestic abuse/carer/drugs or alcohol dependency/family under exceptional pressure. For information contact NY County Council’s Customer Contact Centre on 0845 8727374, Leeds Building Society Charitable Foundation Leeds Building Society Charitable Foundation supports the communities around its nationwide network of branches by making donations to charities working in those areas. The Foundation considers applications from Registered Charities for community based projects which aim to provide relief of suffering, hardship or poverty, or their direct consequences. Grants range from £250 to £1,000. Applications throughout the year. Page: 8 North Yorkshire and York Forum HEALTH AND SOCIAL WELFARE Boshier-Hinton Foundation The Boshier-Hinton Foundation provides grants for work with children and adults with special educational or other needs. Typical grants range from £500 to £2,000. Applications throughout the year. Santander Foundation Support for projects that help disadvantaged people in the areas of education and training, financial advice or community regeneration. From £500 to £10,000; average grant size is £4,000. Applications throughout the year. Crash: Support for Homeless People The construction and property industries' charity for homeless people provides support to organisations in England and Wales that help homeless people. To be eligible for support, organisations must be registered charities, have legal hold on the building in question and the building must be used to deliver services to homeless people or a high percentage of people who are homeless or be related to the charity's administrative functions. Applications throughout the year. Percy Bilton Charity The Percy Bilton Charity provides small grants of up to £500 and large grants over £2,000. Support is provided for projects assisting disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (under 25), people with disabilities, or older people (over 60). Applications throughout the year. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation The Foundation operates a small fund for projects that fit its strategic priorities for 2014-19, which are transitions in later life, participatory/socially-engaged performing arts and influence the marine environment and protect our oceans. Grants average between £10,000 and £30,000. Applications are considered monthly. Rank Carer's Grant Fund This fund aims to give carers the equipment and skills they need to carry out their caring roles in a more effective way, while also ensuring that their own health, wellbeing and quality of life are looked after. Carers Trust Network Partners can also apply for funding to set up group activities, such as relaxation workshops, day trips or courses that will benefit carers. Apply through local Carers Trust Network Partner. James Tudor Foundation The Foundation funds projects related to the relief of sickness, and health education. Grants for public bodies and voluntary organisations. There are six programme areas: palliative care, medical research, health education, awards and scholarships, direct relief of sickness, overseas projects for the relief of sickness and the fulfillment of the Foundation's charitable objects by other means. Applications throughout the year. Tackling health inequalities People's Health Trust Active Communities funds local projects that tackle health inequalities and have the genuine engagement of local people. Community groups and not-for-profit organisations with an income of less than £350,000 a year can apply for a grant of between £5,000 and £25,000 The funding opens in September for organisations in South Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, East Yorkshire, and some London boroughs. Page: 9 North Yorkshire and York Forum CULTURE, ARTS AND HERITAGE New in this issue: Repair Fund for Places of Worship Grants are available from £10,000 to £100,000 to help meet the costs of urgent repairs to roofs and rainwater disposal systems of listed places of worship. The repair work must have been identified as necessary in a professional report within the next five years. Deadline: 30 January 2015. Prince’s Foundation for Children and the Arts The Prince’s Foundation’s Start Programme is an arts engagement programme providing support for arts venues to connect with local schools in deprived areas. Deadline: 30 January 2015. Weston Charity Awards The Weston Charity Awards celebrate and support charities working in the fields of Youth, Welfare and Community. To be eligible, the charity should be working to alleviate disadvantage. Deadline: 30 January 2015. Momentum Music Fund Support for talented artists and bands to help further their careers. Individual grants of £5,000 to £15,000 will be awarded. Grants can be used to assist with any activity across all types of music, for example: Development of new material, Touring/Key live, Recording, Marketing and Writing. Deadline: 10 February 2015. On-going from the last issue: Poetry and Literature Award The Clore Poetry and Literature Awards is a £1 million initiative aimed at funding poetry and literature projects for children and young people across the UK over a five year period (2011-15). Deadline: 6 March 2015 Restoration grants The Association of Industrial Archaeology is offering restoration grants up to £20,000 to not for profit organisations. The grants are for the restoration of historically, technically, architecturally, and/or archaeologically important industrial buildings, structures, machinery, vehicles and vessels within the UK. The heritage asset must be covered by conservation policy and/or statement. Deadline: 31 March 2015. Sharing Heritage Fund The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has launched a new funding programme - Sharing Heritage. The programme aims to help people across the UK explore, conserve and share all aspects of the history and character of their local area. £3 million is set aside for the fund each year, with grants of between £3,000 and £10,000 available to groups who want to discover their local heritage. Sharing Heritage will take account of the outcomes for heritage, people and communities. Applications throughout the year. Software for Faith-based charities UK faith-based charities can now receive donated Microsoft products via CTXchange, following a change to Microsoft's eligibility criteria for its global donations programme. They can request donations from a range of more than 250 Microsoft products, discounted by around 95% off the retail price. Products available include graphic design software, server and the latest Office suites, as well as multiple licenses. CTXchange enables charities and charitable housing associations to receive hardware and software products, donated by leading brands, including Microsoft, Norton, Cisco, Symantec and Adobe. Page: 10 North Yorkshire and York Forum a CULTURE, ARTS AND HERITAGE First World War Heritage Heritage Lottery Fund provides help to groups, communities and organisations to mark the centenary of the start of the First World War by exploring, conserving and sharing the heritage of the First World War, from memorials, buildings and sites, to photographs, letters and literature. Grants are from £3,000 - £100,000 and upwards. Additional funding sources for WW1 commemorative projects can be found by accessing the special Bulletin issued by NYYF in April 2014. First World War Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund The third, and final, round of applications for this Fund is open. The fund is available to Church of England and Catholic Cathedrals in England for fabric repairs. Deadline: 21 January . Arts Touring Fund The tenth round of the Arts Council England's Strategic Touring Programme is open to applications. Applications throughout the year. Arts Council England 2015-18 Arts Council England has set out their total investment approach over a three-year period 2015-18 to allow individuals and organisations to plan for the longer term. Government funding is confirmed for 2015-16. The arts budget for 2015-16 includes: • National Portfolio for Arts Organisations programme • An increase to the Grants for the Arts funding to support individual artists, community and cultural organisations. • A Strategic Fund budget to support the wider development of arts organisations, participants and audiences. The museums budget for 2015-16 will include: • Major partner museums to encourage a greater geographical spread, now open • A strategic budget to target particular challenges, opportunities or gaps. • A new open access grants fund to support diversity and the development of resilience in the sector. Youth Music Youth Music has launched a refreshed grants programme to support its vision of a ‘musically inclusive England’. Youth Music, the UK’s largest children’s music charity, was set up 15 years ago to promote and support music-making opportunities for children in England with the least access. Youth Music’s vision is that life-changing music-making should be available to all children and young people in England. Page: 11 North Yorkshire and York Forum ENVIRONMENT New in this issue: Green Transport Fuel Plants The Advanced Biofuels Demonstration Competition, launched by the Department for Transport, funds the construction of up to three demonstration-scale advanced biofuel plants. Advanced biofuels are made from waste materials such as agricultural waste like straw. The competition will provide up to £25 million in grant funding over three years (2015-18). Deadline: Expressions of Interest 13 February, 2015. full proposals June 2015. Sustainable Energy Europe Awards The Sustainable Energy Europe Awards recognise the best sustainable energy projects taking place across Europe. There are three categories for awards: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Cities, Communities and Regions. Deadline: 28 February 2015. On-going from the last issue: Innovation in Waste Prevention Fund The Innovation in Waste Prevention Fund has opened for applications. The scheme aims to generate more action to prevent waste. Deadline: 6 February. BIFFA Flagship Scheme BIFFA is inviting organisations registered, or are able to register, with ENTRUST to apply to its annual Flagship Scheme. Grants are between £150,000 and £500,000 to projects of regional significance that focus either on the theme of Rebuilding Biodiversity or Cultural Facilities. Deadlines: throughout the year. Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF) Rural communities across England that aspire to generate their own clean green power are being offered a helping hand today with the launch of a £15 million Government fund. The RCEF is targeted at helping rural communities carry out feasibility studies into renewable energy projects, and funds the costs of applying for planning permission. Funding can be used for projects across the renewable and low carbon energy spectrum including wind, solar, biomass, heat pumps, anaerobic digestion, gas Combined Heat and Power and hydro. Applications throughout the year. Biorenewables Capital Grant Scheme New grants scheme for Yorkshire and Humber SMEs invest in innovative green technologies, to explore commercial feasibility of bio-based projects. The fund is to implement pilot-technologies in the biorenewables area and provides 64% of the funding towards the purchase of capital equipment (up to £32,000 per SME), with the additional 36% to be matched privately. Available in three funding rounds in 2014. Green Energy Fund for UK Businesses ReEnergise SmartEnergy Finance is a new multi-million pound loan fund to help small and medium-sized businesses cut the cost of their energy through green and energy-saving measures. The Fund targets businesses that want to improve their energy efficiency or invest in renewables but have been unable to identify and secure appropriate finance or independent advice. Applications throughout the year. Page: 12 North Yorkshire and York Forum ENVIRONMENT Ethical loan fund Created by Granted Consultancy, in partnership with the Clean Planet Trust and Big Issue Invest, Third Fund is a new low-interest ethical loan fund. It is available to schools, charities, co-operatives and other not-for-profit organisations located in the lower 50% of areas of deprivation in England who are keen to install energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies such as Solar PV/Thermal, Biomass heating, LED lighting, etc on their premises. There is a two stage application process. Applications throughout the year. Catchment Sensitive Farming Capital Grants The Catchment Sensitive Farming Capital Grant Scheme from Natural England is open for 2014-15. The scheme provides grant aid towards the improvement or installation of facilities that would benefit water quality by reducing diffuse pollution. The funding mechanism will allow £7.5 million in capital grants to be awarded during 2014/15. There is no minimum amount of grant per holding, and the grant ceiling is £10,000. Applications throughout the year. Community Energy Peer Mentoring Fund This new funding stream , from the Cabinet Office Centre for Social Action, is administered by the Social Investment Business (SIB). The Fund will support community energy groups to work together to share expertise and achieve energy targets and will run till March 2015. Eligible groups include voluntary organisations, social enterprises, neighbourhood associations, and faith based groups, and must be submitted by a partnership or consortium for grants of £10,000 to £50,000. Applications throughout the year. Page: 13 North Yorkshire and York Forum SPORT New in this issue: Protecting Playing Fields The Protecting Playing Fields funding programme is part of Sport England's strategy which is focused on helping more people acquire lifelong sporting habits. It will give grants for £10,000 £65,000 for capital projects to either create new natural turf pitches or improve existing ones that need levelling or drainage works. Deadline: current round 9 February 2015. On-going from the last issue: Inshore and Inland Lifeboat Grant The Department for Transport has launched a £5 million five-year fund to support the work of the life-saving charities that run rescue boats on rivers, lakes and other inland waterways throughout the UK. Deadline: 16 January. Sport England Sport England's Small Grants uses lottery funding to make awards of between £300 and £10,000 to not-forprofit organisations to help more people play sport. To find out more and how to apply visit the Sport England website Community Sport Activation Fund Sport England has announced that its Community Sport Activation Fund grant scheme will re-open for applications in Summer 2014. Grants of between £50,000 and £250,000 will be available to sports clubs, school, local authorities and other not for profit organisations to support grassroots sports at a very local level. Deadlines: Round 5 opens April 2015. Special Flood Relief Fund Sport England is launching a new £5 million National Lottery fund to help rebuild sports fields and facilities that have been damaged as a result of the floods and storms since 1 December 2013. Grants of up to £2,000. Applications throughout the year. Sport Relief Money raised by Sport Relief is being distributed in a number of ways. The Community Foundation Network distributes grants to projects that use sport to build the confidence and self esteem of people who have difficulties in their lives or projects that give people a chance to take part in sport. Grants are available up to £10,000. Applications throughout the year. Cricket Club open days The England and Wales Cricket Board is encouraging recreational cricket clubs to hold a club open day on an international cricket weekend this summer. England Cricket's new team sponsor, Waitrose, is backing the project and are offering participating clubs £100 of food and drink to help clubs host and fundraise from their event. Football Facilities Fund The Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund provides grants for building or refurbishing grassroots facilities, such as changing pavilions and playing surfaces for community benefit, with money provided by the Premier League, The FA and the Government (via Sport England) and delivered by the Foundation. A number of schemes are in place. Page: 14 North Yorkshire and York Forum SOCIAL ENTERPRISES New in this issue: Big Venture Challenge The Big Venture Challenge aims to find and invest in early-stage social enterprises. The Challenge fund is operated by UnLtd, with funding from the Big Lottery Fund and the Millennium Awards Trust. During 2015 £1.7 million in match funding is available for 40 winners to access. Applicants may apply for £25,000 to £100,000, as a grant and the sponsor will take a 5% share of revenues for two years. Deadline: 3 February 2015. On-going from the last issue: Social Incubator North Entrepreneurs from across the north of England are invited to apply for Social Incubator North. The fund is expecting over 200 applicants, of which it hopes to create 60 new investment ready businesses. Successful applicants will receive up to £25,000 investment and 80 hours of one-to-one business support alongside peer learning and networking and access to business premises. Social Incubator North is led by Key Fund in collaboration with four regional Social Enterprise Partnerships and Locality. Applications throughout the year. Key Fund Key Fund is offering access to finance of up to £150,000. If you are an established Social Enterprise, the Key Fund wants to help you unlock your business potential and take you to the next stage. Mark your application ‘Growth Fund North’. Or call 0845 1401400. BIG Potential The Big Lottery Fund has announced the launch of the new £10 million Big Potential fund to help charities and social enterprises access finance. The funding is intended to help them improve their scale, capacity and sustainability, of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations. Applications through out the year. Community Investment Fund The £20 million Community Investment Fund is inviting applications from charities and social enterprises in England. The fund expects to invest about £5 million per year in loans and equity investment to community based, locally led charities and social enterprises that are providing health and social care, education, training and employment support, and children's services across England. Applications throughout the year. The Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs Unltd provides a range of funding awards, support and network opportunities for social entrepreneurs/ enterprises at various stages in their development. Applications throughout the year. Social Tech Seed Social Tech Seed, part of Nominet, opens in September providing early-stage investment to entrepreneurs who are looking to develop new ventures using digital for social impact. Grant funding is typically between £15,000 and £50,000, including non-financial business support includes mentoring, marketing advice and networking opportunities and access to a discretionary fund of up to £5,000. Page: 15 North Yorkshire and York Forum MISCELLANEOUS New in this issue: Minibuses for rural groups This £25 million scheme will provide support for hundreds of minibuses to community transport operators in rural and isolated areas. Each bidder can apply for one vehicle and will need to undertake that the vehicle will be used only for voluntary services. Deadline: 15 January 2015. WREN Community Fund Grants of £2,000 to £50,000 are available for projects that demonstrate protection of the environment and the provision, maintenance or improvement of a public park or other public amenity. Examples are: replacement doors/windows for village halls and community centres, children’s play equipment, construction of footpaths and cycleways, all-weather play surfaces and skate parks. Deadlines: 18 March, 8 July, 4 November 2015. Business Impact Challenge Big Society Capital launched the £15 million challenge fund to change corporate social investment. The investment is seeking ideas that bring corporate industries together with community, charitable and social enterprise sectors to generate strong business and social value, social impact, and new business and delivery models. The best idea will receive £5 million to £15 million in matching investment. Deadline: 1 May 2015. Employer Ownership: Engineering Careers Organisations can access a £2.5 million fund to help them employ and develop staff in engineering occupations. Training should target employees from skilled operators through to those on pathways to professional status. The programme has a total budget of £2.5 million available for distribution. Grants are from £10,000 - £1.5 million. Deadline: 27 February 2015. New Horizons Europe 2020 To make the transition to a competitive energy system, a number of calls for projects have been issue. Deadlines: May and June 2015 • Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy - seven specific areas, including Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint, Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources, Robust decision making and public engagement, Market uptake of energy and ICT innovation. • Europe in a Changing World - Societal Challenge ' Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies' nine investment themes including research programmes and projects New Ideas, Strategies and Governance Structures for Europe, Reflective Societies: Cultural Heritage and European Identities The Young Generation in an Innovative, Inclusive and Sustainable Europe. On-going from the last issue: Support for community pubs Department for Communities and Local Government is funding the Plunkett Foundation to deliver help to communities at risk of losing their local pub, who want to set it up as a co-operative. Already operating a specialist advice line for co-operative pubs, the Plunkett Foundation is now be able to include specialist advice, funded study visits, mentoring support and peer-to-peer learning. Deadline: 31 March. Comic Relief Comic Relief has announced their new UK Main Grants Programme, with significant differences to the previous one. There are 5 broad themes and the issues they want to address: Better futures, Healthier finances, Safer lives, Stronger communities, Fairer society. The application process is now over two stages, allowing early identification of projects unlikely to succeed. Applications accepted at any time. Grants are for a minimum of £10,000. There is no upper limit although most grants are expected to be between £20,000 to £40,000 per annum. Applications throughout the year. Page: 16 North Yorkshire and York Forum MISCELLANEOUS BIG Potential The new funding, will run over three years and aims to improve the sustainability, capacity and scale of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations who want to prepare themselves for social investment . The new fund is provided by the Big Lottery Fund and delivered by the Social Investment Business, Charity Bank, Social Enterprise UK, Locality and the University of Northampton. VCSE organisations can apply directly for grants of between £25,000 and £75,000 to undertake more in-depth investment readiness work with one of Big Potential's approved providers. Paul Hamlyn Foundation Grants to organisations which aim to maximise opportunities for individuals to experience a full quality of life, now and in the future. Funds projects in the Arts, Education and Learning, and Social Justice. Average grant size of £19,300. In particular projects which are concerned with children and young people, and others who are disadvantaged. Applications throughout the year. Localgiving Localgiving works with community groups, charities, social enterprises, CICs, etc to help them fundraise online. On 4 March, it launched a match fund campaign for North Yorkshire and York groups where they can access unrestricted match funding of up to £500. The charity has to be a member of Localgiving, membership is free. For information contact Nick Dodd, North Yorkshire and York Coordinator Business Grant Programme New support is available for inspiring businesses looking to grow within York, North Yorkshire and East Riding. The Business Grant Programme operated by the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), means that groups may be eligible for a grant of between £5,000 and £1 million to cover between 10-20% of the costs of a project within York, north Yorkshire and East Riding. The grant is to purchase capital equipment, machinery and tools, alterations to land and/or premises; or research and development. The project must create new, permanent jobs. Applications throughout the year. Churchcare Churchcare provides funding for Anglican church projects. The grants support the conservation of listed church buildings and their historic contents, with separate funds for a range of features, such as organs, books, bells or stained glass. In addition to financial support, they provide expert conservation advice to ensure that repairs follow best practice. SIB Finance for Charities and Social Enterprises Local Impact Funds are a new type of social investment model that will bring national investors, like the SIB Group and Big Society Capital, together with local investors such as local authorities, community foundations and individuals, to provide funding and support to local charities and social enterprises. Local Impact Funds will be led by local sector bodies and will bring together local and national partners and investors to provide tailored support for charities. BIG Assist - Infrastructure support Big Assist can provide infrastructure organisations with £2,000-£7,000 in vouchers to buy organisational support. This includes support to develop the organisation's training and development, trading arms, marketing strategies, writing business plans and make positive improvements in the way impact is demonstrated. To access the programme an online self-assessment questionnaire is completed. Page: 17 North Yorkshire and York Forum MISCELLANEOUS Global Fire Prevention Fund FM Global is accepting applications from any organisation in the UK and Ireland that is working to control fire. Funding requests will be considered to help support organisations working to combat fire for a wide array of fire prevention, preparedness and control efforts. Examples of eligible costs include: Pre-fire planning (eg computer software programs, laptop computers), fire/Arson prevention and investigation, Fire prevention education/training programs. Applications throughout the year. tt-exchange Formerly known as CTXchange, this programme enables eligible UK-based charities to request donated technology products (including operating system software, server software and hardware products such as switches, routers, wireless equipment and firewalls) from Partners such as Microsoft, Symantec and Cisco. Charities are required to pay an administrative fee per product to cover the costs of delivering the programme. Young Philanthropy Charities and social enterprises are invited to join Young Philanthropy Portfolio, for an opportunity to receive funding and business skills from its YP Teams. Teams have been set up in major employers across the UK including Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, Goldman Sachs, EY, Accenture, Allen & Overy, Coutts, Hoares Bank, and the Civil Service. Charities addressing issues tackling NEETs, women's empowerment, homelessness to human trafficking, have benefited from more than £250,000 and 4,500 skills-based volunteer hours given by YP Teams. Applications throughout the year. Medical Research Funding A partnership of six leading UK medical research charities has created the £12 million Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) to make sure the research they sponsor can be made available immediately and is free. It is administered by The Wellcome Trust. Google for Charities and VCS organisations Charities registered in England and Wales can now access online collaboration tools, free advertising and advice through a programme that has hitherto been available only in the United States. The programme offers non-profit organisations access to free or discounted tools that will enable them to find new donors and volunteers, work efficiently and get supporters to take action. Community Assets and Services Grants Smaller grants are also available from SIB throughout the year for feasibility work to help organisations think about and prepare to take on a local asset or service. Tudor Trust Tudor Trust helps smaller, community-led groups which are supporting people at the margins of society. Funding can cover core costs of running an organisation, including salaries, overheads and day-to-day running costs. The Trust also provides project grants, capital grants for buildings or equipment and grants to help strengthen an organisation. Applications throughout the year. Government Cultural Exchange Fund The Government has announced a £1.5 million lottery fund to build creative connections between the people of England and India will open in January 2015. The scheme will give grants of £15,000-£100,000 to support projects which for example will showcase UK and Indian arts, reach beyond major cities, build skills and use digital technology. Page: 18 North Yorkshire and York Forum AWARDS, UPDATE AWARDS Excellence in Diversity Awards The awards recognise excellence in all areas of diversity including age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race and religion, as well as highlighting inclusive employers and employees across housing, public, private, charity and education sectors. Entries close: 1 February 2015. Better Society Awards The inaugural Better Society Awards recognise the efforts that commercial organisations make in order to help create a better society for all. Although the Better Society Awards are not designed for charities, forward on details to corporate partners and connections. Deadline: 22 January 2015. 2015 Museum of the Year The Museum of the Year prize aims to identify the finest museums and galleries in the UK. Deadline: 4 February 2015. Northern Tech Awards The annual Northern Tech Awards recognise and celebrate northern England's best technology entrepreneurs and their companies. Deadline: 27 February 2015. Human Resources Excellence Awards Applications are invited for the 2015 Human Resources Excellence Awards, which recognise and reward businesses that demonstrate excellence in HR strategies, initiatives and achievements. Deadline: 12 March 2015. Charity Awards The 16th annual Charity Awards are open and accepting entries from charities anywhere in the UK to showcase their work and the impact they have made. Deadline: 6 March 2015. Guardian Sustainable Business Awards The Awards recognise businesses that are undertaking 'innovation and impact' in communicating sustainability and engaging with employees to make sustainability relevant for them and the wider society. Deadline: 13 February 2015. UPDATES AND EVENTS Big Lottery ESF Development Fund Big Lottery Fund have announced that they will offer Lottery development funding in each of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas they are working with ahead of the main funding becoming available in 2015. Big Lottery Fund's plan will put in place £260m of Lottery funds against a similar figure from the European Social Fund (ESF) 2014-2020, in order to support communities and people most in need across England Grants for British Science Week The British Science Association is offering four grants to support events that take place during British Science Week. British Science Week (BSW, formerly National Science & Engineering Week) is a ten-day programme of science, technology, engineering and maths events and activities across the UK aimed at people of all ages. BSW takes place 13 - 22 March 2015. There are a number of grants, see BSW website for deadlines. Page: 19 North Yorkshire and York Forum FUNDING ADVICE The York and North Yorkshire Funding Advice Network website is available to local voluntary and community organisations requiring information about funding. The site contains: • contact details of local funding advisors • funding related news, including this downloadable monthly Funding Bulletin • dates and venues for forthcoming funding training programme courses • funding factsheets which give guidance on fundraising issues • access to GRANTnet; a funding database which assists organisations identify funding sources available for specific projects • supporting information and statistical data for inclusion in your funding applications • links to other useful sources of information. Your Local Support and Development Adviser, based within local support and development organisations, is available to provide support to voluntary and community organisations. To find your local Funding Adviser’s contact details go to the website above. Page: 20 North Yorkshire and York Forum