Conference presentation slides


Conference presentation slides
Harborough District
Superfast Business
Conference and Exhibition
Three Swans Hotel
1st October 2014 – 9am-2pm
Andrew Granger
Conference Chairman
Andrew Granger and Co
Dr. Kevin Feltham
County Councilor, Gartree Divsion
Delivering superfast broadband
in Leicestershire
Matthew Kempson
Broadband Project Manager, LCC
Current BT contract
Demand campaign
The “Final 6”
Current BT Contract
Government priority – UK 95% SFBB coverage by 2017
Key strategic priority for LCC
£18.8m BT contract (£4m LCC, £1.1m Districts, £1.2m
ERDF, £3.4m DCMS, £9.1m BT)
Increase fibre broadband
coverage from 75% to c.96%
Additional 62,000 premises
Summer 2014 - end March 2016
Current BT Contract /cont
1st area upgraded in July 2014
7500 premises (c.3200 in Harborough District)
- Foxton
- Church Langton and Tur Langton
- Most of Kibworth
- Parts of Mkt Hbh
- More areas coming soon
- Fleckney, Great Glen
- Leire, Great Easton
- Scraptoft
- Complicated build
Delivering superfast broadband
in Leicestershire
Matthew Kempson
Broadband Project Manager, LCC
Demand Campaign
Importance of communications and demand
Superfast Leicestershire website
Line checker
Interactive map (post code) – Regular updates
Benefits of fibre broadband
Community – village newsletters, direct mailing
Business – direct mailing, stakeholders,
Website registrations – e-blasts
Cabinet stickers and skins
Local community events and shows
Network of Digital Champions
Business support service (ERDF)
The “Final 6”
LCC Vision to ensure all premises can access
superfast speeds (30Mbps) by 2018
Potential solutions
- Increased commercial deployment
- Additional public investment
- Current BT Contract (savings, gain-share)
- Community-led solutions (private investment,
Phase 2 Superfast Extension Programme
Additional Government investment
£7.4m Leicestershire (inc. at least £1.7m LCC, £2m
Local Growth Fund)
Procurement – DCMS Framework contract
Agreed approach and timetable – public consultation
Contract in March 2015; Deployment timetable tbc
More information
District council funding - £1m
Alternative suppliers
The importance of superfast
broadband for businesses
Maxine Aldred
Development Manager, FSB
David Nicolls
Regional Chairman, FSB
Superfast Broadband Conference – Market
September 2014
The small business community!
The importance of small businesses
• 4.8 million small businesses in the UK
• Over 99% of firms employ less than 49 people
• SMEs account for 99% of all enterprise in the UK.
• SMEs together accounted for 58.8% of private sector
employment and 50% of private sector turnover
• SMEs employed an estimated 13.8 million people and
an estimated combined annual T/O of £1.5bn
FSB Members say …….
• 94 per cent of small business owners consider a reliable internet connection
to the success of their business
• 67 per cent of small firms agree or strongly agree that their reliance on the
will increase
• 14 per cent of small firms consider the lack of reliable and fast broadband to be
their main barrier to growth
• 71 per cent say that mobile phones are crucial or very important to their
• 57 per cent of small businesses say that they encounter lack of mobile phone
very often or quite often
• 36 per cent of small firms are satisfied with the provision of mobile internet
to their business
Broadband – the 4th Utility
Opens up new markets
Allows small business to realise efficiencies
Achieve new innovations
Flexible working
Levels the playing field
Cost savings
...... The list is endless
Broadband – the 4th Utility
The whole world revolves around the internet
Submitting returns on line
Social media
Uploading documents
...... The list is endless
The FSB calls for a number of actions, including:
Government must set more ambitious targets for minimum download
speeds with a clear commitment for universal connectivity
Guaranteeing minimum broadband speeds of 100 mbps by 2030 and
a universal service floor of 10 mbps by 2018/19 for those businesses
located in hardest-to-reach areas
Government should prioritise the deployment of fibre to business
parks and enterprise zones in the short term
Government should recognise the importance of broadband for
business growth, innovation, efficiency and flexible working
All aspects of broadband policy should be tasked to one department
with a single Minister assuming responsibility for overseeing the
delivery of universal connectivity
And that is why …..
Universal digital connectivity is now of such
economic importance to small businesses that
our members say they view broadband as the
“fourth utility”.
Visit if you would like to view
our full report, “The Fourth Utillity, Delivering
Universal Broadband”
Super-Fast Broadband and SME’s
David Nicholls
Managing Director - Better-IT Limited
Slow broadband or slow network?
Upload and download speeds
Network cabling
What is the Cloud and how do I
work in it?
What is the cloud?
I’ve been using it for the last 20 years!!?
Online data/email/calendars/SaaS
Business Resilience
Backup, backup and backup
Con your customers
Working from any device anywhere
“Snow days” and other incidents
Security, the basics
Working collaboratively
 Communicating within the company
 Working together on documents
 Collaborating with external organisations
Thank you
Any questions?
Dianne Simpson
Director of Commercial Services, DNLCC
eBusiness Club
Jon Egley
eBusiness Club Manager, DNLCC
Welcome to
eBusiness Club
Department within DNLCC
Established in 2001
Regional eBusiness Support
Delivered over 3,000 events, supported 10,000+
individuals representing 8,000+ businesses
“To intensively assist SMEs across
Leicestershire and East Midlands to exploit
advanced technologies to transform their
business processes”
- open systems of
information for
customers, suppliers
and partners
- integrate supply - new business
chain so
models based on
manufacture and interworking
delivery become between
organisations and
- minimise waste individuals
at every stage of
the supply chain
e-commerce /
Digital Advertising
Website / Blog /
Social Media
- efficient internal
and external
Adapted from Cisco led
Information Age
Partnership study on ecommerce in small
- order and pay
online, reducing
transaction costs
- maximise
- place in
worldwide market accessibility and
- window on
Extent of organisational change
& sophistication
<250 employees
Annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euro
Annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euro
Based :
Blaby District Council
Charnwood Borough Council
Harborough District Council
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council
Melton Borough Council
North West Leicestershire District Council
Oadby and Wigston Borough Council
Strategic Action Planning Workshops *
Awareness Raising Events (eBiz Bytes)
Webinars and e-Learning modules
Superfast Leicestershire Conference and Expo
Community Support resource
Planning the Perfect Website
Web Content that Works for You
Online Marketing for Local Businesses
Blogging for Business
Selling on the Internet – Getting Started
Getting to Grips with SEO –
Search Engine Optimisation
Getting Started with Google Analytics
Converting Website Visitors into Sales
Email Marketing for Success
Strategies in Paid Digital Advertising
˃ Marketing and Running an eCommerce Website
˃ Social Media Marketing – Getting Started (2-day
˃ Social Media Academy (3-day workshop)
˃ Google+ for Business
˃ Video Marketing Strategies for Business
˃ Creating Video Content for YouTube –
˃ A Practical Workshop
˃ Making the Most of Mobile Marketing
˃ International Online Marketing
˃ Cloud-Based Computing for Business
Breakfast \ Evening briefings between Oct 2014 and
Oct 2015. Provide awareness of existing and emerging
technologies, delivered as:
90-minute seminars (eBiz bytes)
Delivered across Leicestershire
Range of subject matter
Delivered by expert practitioners
Facilitates Q&A session and networking
Delegates receive a copy of presentations
To make the project accessible to ‘all’ at ‘any time’ the
project will develop and deliver a series Webinars and
e-learning modules relating to each event and
workshop theme.
Accessed via and the
Community support resource.
Provide dedicated, in-depth support to assist you in
implementing ICT and innovation into your business
˃ Delivered by team of appointed independent
Delivered early 2015 that will include key note
presentations, expert panel, workshops and an ICT
supplier exhibition area
˃ Opportunity for local ICT suppliers to have a free
exhibition stand
Complete feedback form
Pre-register interest in attending workshops
Complete SME enrolment form today!
Return completed form
Contacts: eBusiness Club 0844 225 1959
˃ Jon Egley – Project Manager, 07887 988792
˃ Sharon O’Connor - Events Co-ordinator, 01246 207207
˃ Carmel Hayes – Customer Services Adviser, 01246
˃ eBusiness Services Adviser:
˃ Kam Atker – Leicestershire and 07971 403 786
Cloud Computing and Big Data
Dr. Stephen Reiff-Marganiec
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science,
University of Leicester
Cloud Computing and Big Data
Stephan Reiff-Marganiec
Superfast Broadband
Enabling technology
Real business gains are at the higher levels
“ICT infrastructure on its own will not deliver any
real impact; this can only be delivered by the
presence of market appropriate applications that
meet companies’ needs. These applications are
generated by a mixture of HEIs and research
organisations and businesses.”
Two Key Higher Level Technologies
Big Data
 Cloud Computing
And questions:
 What are these?
 Why do they need fast connections?
 What about the business gains?
◦ SMEs
◦ Start-ups
Big Data
… thank you
Stephan Reiff-Marganiec
Department of Computer Science
University of Leicester
Questions and Answers
Andrew Granger
BT’s Mobile Fibre Broadband
Thank you
Harborough District
Superfast Business Conference
Drop in advice session and Exhibition