Travel Training – Application PowerPoint


Travel Training – Application PowerPoint
Travel Training for
Travel Services and
To provide Preparers with information to
comply with University and State travel
policies to complete travel documents
Travel Services Web Links
●Online Travel System
●Travel Services Website
- asp
●State Contract Info:
●In/Out of state meal & Lodging rates
● Foreign Per Diem Rates
Vendor Codes
 Vendor
Code in Travel System
 If Vendor is not found in Search Tab
click on link New Vendor Request to
create vendor code with Correct SSN
 If NO SSN contact Purchasing @
 Vendor Payment Website
- To provide vendor info
- To provide all payments info
Account Codes
 7BO
In-state Travel
 7B1 Out of state Travel
 7B2 Foreign Travel
 7B4 Apartment House Rental
 7B5 Prospective Employee
 7B6 Student Group Travel
 7N0 Registration Fees
 7N4 Food and Entertainment
Travel Application
Submit prior to trip for Employees, Prospective
Employees, Graduate or undergraduate (no
State funds 11, 12, 13 or 14) Students.
– Recommended at least 2 weeks prior to trip
– International travel submit at least 50 days
prior to departure
Request travel advances and TR’s
Submit prior to submitting voucher. May be
entered on the same day. Wait 3 hours in
All International travel by state employees or
students on behalf of the university requires
OIA approval, even if personal funds are used.
Travel System is not for Employee moving
expenses or for non employees such as
speakers or participants.
Travel Advances
Issued for lodging and meals for employees, Graduate &
Undergraduate Students. Released 2 days before travel
date. May request approval to be released earlier if
necessary. Not recommended to use another individuals
credit card.
Conference brochure required for advances for lodging
rate exceeding allowable rate
Issued for prepaid expenses with credit card statement
(not transaction summary) and receipt
Not issued to non-employees or employees with
outstanding advances.
Check is picked up in Travel Services. I.D. required.
Direct Deposited for Employees with Travel Payment
Direct Deposit
Transportation Requests (TR)
Business Travel Accounts (BTA)
To purchase airfare for employees, Graduate &
Undergraduate students or for Prospective
Employees. Not for speakers or non-employees.
Must use SWABIZ (Rapid Rewards Account required)
when using Southwest or local travel agent
SWABIZ required for cities: Austin/Corpus
Christi/Dallas/El Paso/Houston/San
Antonio/Albuquerque, NM/Los Angeles, CA/New
Orleans, LA/Oklahoma City, OK/Tulsa, OK/Phoenix,
AZ/St. Louis, MO.
Not processed until application is approved
Toggled on when using SWABIZ to make purchase
Travel Agency receives email of approval to charge
TR Account
Request a BTA/TR for Employees,
Prospective Employees, Graduate or
Undergraduate Students without a credit card
It is not recommended to use another
individuals credit card
May use SWABIZ when using Southwest or
Travel Agent for booking
May use Internet booking tools on local funds
for state funds (11, 12, 13 or 14 funds) proper
receipts will be required to include fare basis
Advances are issued for prepaid airfare with
credit card statement and receipt
May estimate at per diem or actual with
itemized meal receipts.
Itemized meal receipts required for student
group travel if not claiming Per Diem
Federal Per Diem Rates are used for instate
and out of state rate. If city or county is not
listed for instate or out of state use the
standard rate $46.
To comply with IRS Guidelines Meals for one
day travel are not estimated.
In-State and Out-of-state Lodging rates are listed
on the Federal Per diem website.
● Standard rate for a city or county not listed
is $85.00 for Texas and $83.00 Out of State .
• Requests for Overage Exceptions
Prepare a signed exception form for a non
conference Hotel for local or grant funds
Provide conference material for conference hotel
Overage is not estimated on State Funds (11, 12,
13 or 14 funds)
Guest Lodging is available for Prospective
Employees. Contact Purchasing @
Car Rentals
Contract rental agencies and rates may be
found on Travel Services Website/TTU
Rental Car Rates.
Verify traveler reserves a car at the contract
rate. (Use Rental agency code shown on
– Required insurance is included with a
contract rental no additional insurance is
– There are NO TAX EXEMPTIONS on rental
Rental Car’s may also be rented through
Purchasing with appropriate certification
please contact Purchasing.
•Early registration fees for conferences
may be paid on a P-card, a PO or state
or personal travel card.
•Can request advance if traveler prepaid
using travel or personal credit card by
providing statement and receipt
•Contact Travel Services if you have a
problem paying with Citibank credit
Automobile Travel
“Four-Per-Car” Rule
Two to four state employees traveling to the
same conference may not travel in separate
Only one person may estimate mileage;
mileage includes wear & tear and gas
If an employee wants to travel alone :
– Explain reason in writing and request prior
written approval from department
– Submit approval with voucher
Group Travel
Advances are issued for 90% estimated
expenses to a sponsor even if they have a
travel credit card.
A Travel Advance Card is available. Forms
available on Travel Services Website
Application is submitted in sponsor’s name
or Full Time Employee.
List travelers’ names and R #’s on
application and voucher
Itemized Meal receipts are required or
students may sign a form showing they
received the per diem. The signed form is
required for per diem.
The Emergency Contact Release form is
required for each student for foreign travel
International Travel
All international travel by state employees
or students on state business requires
OIA(Office of International Affairs) approval,
even if personal funds are used!
International travel may not be entered on
State (funds 11, 12, 13 or 14) FOP’s.
The request for approval must be sent to OIA
at least 50 days in advance. For students the
approval must include the Emergency
Contact Release Form & Release &
Indemnification Agreement Form
The meals may be entered using the per
diem rate by using the International
website or estimated actual meal
International Travel
International Travel Guide is available on
the OIA website at
Requests for travel will not be approved
to a nation that is, at the time the request
is received, subject to a Travel Advisory
issued by the U.S. State Department.
Check website for current travel
If a non-employee does not have a SSN
please contact Purchasing @
Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii,
and U.S. Possessions
• Are not considered International
Travel for account codes
• May estimate Meal Per Diem or
actual meal expenses with itemized
receipts on local funds. Itemized
meal receipts required on state
funds for Alaska and Hawaii.
• Canada and Mexico may not be
estimated on state funds (11, 12, 13
or 14 funds)
• Prior approval is required by OIA
Office for Canada and Mexico
Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit for travel payments is
separate from Payroll Direct
-Use RaiderLink to set up or update
Direct Deposit for Travel Payments.
-Please contact Sandra Kiser if you
have any questions regarding Direct
Deposit for travel payments.
An Employee or Graduate Student is
eligible to apply for a CITIBANK TRAVEL
Employee is personally responsible for
payment of the statement.
An employee may access their account
information online at
Click on self registration for
Cardholders for First time users.
6 Tools to check before
you submit travel application
1. Make sure funds are available.
2. Plan Ahead! Provide Travelers with
useful information.
3. Check TTU OP’s and Travel Web site
and links tab on the online travel
4. Submit statement copies and
appropriate receipts by fax, email or
delivery to Travel Services to approve
advance for prepaid expenses
4. Make sure the following is available
Traveler’s (correct) R#
Contact name and phone # of preparer
Valid FOP and Account Codes
International OIA Approval
The Emergency Contact Information Release &
Release and Indemnification Form for students
Explanations must be in detail, with
no acronyms or abbreviations &
Title of Paper.
Explanations must include
Destination, Benefit & Purpose to
Need More Help?
Call 742-4517 or Fax 742-4244 or visit
Travel Services in Room 332 Drane Hall.
 Email Lydia Mecalco, Travel Services
Supervisor: or
 Shirley Dobbins, Sr. Business Assistant:
 Travel Services Mailbox