State Comp Ed (SCE) Staffing 2014-15
State Comp Ed (SCE) Staffing 2014-15
New Director Support ACET Spring Conference 2014 Presented by: Dr. Jamie Bryson and Dr. Robert Meaux Humble Independent School District AGENDA •Conference/Organization Overview •Session highlight •Networking Opportunities •Ongoing Support •State Compensatory Education Overview •Consolidated Federal Programs Overview Conference/Organization Overview See handout • General Sessions • Focus Sessions • Concurrent Sessions • Networking Opportunities • Breakfast & Lunch • Ongoing Support State Compensatory Education Overview ACET Sessions Addressing SCE • (#2 – Tues. 9:15) Updates from TEA School Funding and Financial Audits Division (hot topics and deadlines) • (#3 – Tues. 10:30) Community Eligibility Provision (CEP eligibility, campus allocations, NCLB Consolidated Application, impact on State Comp Ed, available resources) • (#13 – Wed. 8:30, 9:45, 11:15) SCE Program Guidelines and Requirements: audit, compliance, program guidance • (#19 – Wed. 2:45, 4:00) Program Intent Codes (PICs) and Allowable Expenditures (Coding) • (#25 – Wed. 4:00) I’m Brand New, What Do I Do? (managing documentation and compliance requirements) SCE Guidance/Regulations Resources • Follow the rules of Financial Accountability System Resource Guide (FASRG – Module 9) • TEA State Compensatory Education • SCE Frequently Asked Questions aspx?id=2147489894 • Electronic Reports Submission Standard aspx?id=2147485777 SCE – Supplemental for At-Risk Compensatory education allotments must be used to fund supplemental programs and services designed to eliminate any disparity in performance on state assessment instruments or disparity in rates of high school completion between students at-risk of dropping out of school, and all other students. [Education Code 42.152 (c), (c-1), (c-2)] Supplemental • Any program activity, program personnel, or program materials required by federal law, state law, or State Board of Education rule may not be funded with SCE funds. • SCE funds must be used to provide support programs and/or services that supplement (are in addition to) the regular education program so that students at risk of dropping out of school can succeed in school. Let’s say this math teacher has 28 students in each of her math classes . . . How many of the students in her classes are required to receive math instruction this year? How many of the students in her class are required to receive math instruction this year? All of the students should receive math . . . Which means we cannot charge the teacher to SCE (even if one of her classes contains more struggling students). For those students who failed the STAAR math assessment, they could benefit from an extra math class, or from an extra math teacher pushing in to the regular math classroom to support the at-risk students SCE – Design & Implementation • We must use student performance data from state basic skills assessment instruments and achievement tests to design and implement appropriate compensatory, intensive, or accelerated instructional services that enable students to perform at grade level at the conclusion of the next regular school term. [Education Code 29.08(a)] SCE Priority – Reserve SCE Funding to Serve those who Fail EOC • We must provide accelerated instruction to each enrolled student who has failed an EOC assessment (prior to the next administration) or who is at risk of dropping out of school. [Education Code 29.081 (b), (b-1), (b-2), (b-3), 39.025 (b-1)] SCE – Intensive, Accelerated Instruct. • Must offer an intensive program of instruction to a student who does not perform satisfactorily on a state assessment instrument or is not likely to receive a high school diploma before the 5th school year following the student’s enrollment in 9th grade. [Texas Education Code 28.0213] SCE - Evaluation • Must evaluate and document the effectiveness of the accelerated instruction program for at-risk students vs all other students on state assessments and graduation rates. [Educ. Code 29.081 (c)] SCE - Documentation • To determine if our SCE services are effective, we must track (document & analyze): –Which students are being served –How are they served –How often they are served –Have their scores improved, did they pass the state assessment SCE – As We Move Through the Year . . . • Monitor your SCE allocation (Summary of Finances) (See slide 13 of the 2013 Fall New Directors Academy . . . Posted on the ACET website) – Has your allocation increased or decreased? (52% of the allocation must be spent on “direct costs” . . . addressing the academic needs of at-risk students) – Do you need to make adjustments in your program design? (compare your expenditures and your planned expenses with your revised allocation) SCE – As We Move Through the Year . . . • Verify staffing assignments – Have teachers changed assignments – Make sure all coding is updated to reflect staffing changes – If new staff have been added, make sure you have their signed job descriptions SCE – As We Move Through the Year . . . • Collect and analyze data to determine if the use(s) of SCE funds have effective in reducing the gap in at-risk and non-at-risk students’: – – Performance on STAAR Drop-out rates • Determine if you will continue using current strategies, or if changes are needed. SCE – As We Move Through the Year . . . • Continue to put systems in place to ensure everyone is in compliance with and understands how SCE funds can be used. • Estimate your 2014-15 SCE allocation (it is based on the prior year free/reduced lunch counts) SCE – As We Move Through the Year . . . • Required annual uploads for SCE [CIP, DIP, SCE Evaluation] – Due between now & mid-July (150th day after the last day permissible to send data for the PEIMS data FINAL Midyear resubmission 2) – TEASE/eGrants - Audits application - Follow the Electronic Submission Standards - For the July 2014 SCE CIP, DIP, Evaluation submission, you will upload your files from school year 2012-2013. (See slide 191-194 of the 2013 Fall New Directors Academy for full details.) Consolidated Federal Programs Overview See handout • Consolidated Federal Programs • Tips/reminders for: – closing out 2013-2014 – planning for 2014-2015 • Please feel free to speak to us during the conference if you think of any questions, or need clarification. – We don’t know everything, but we know who to put you in touch with and/or where to find the answers. • Please feel free to email or call us during the year. Dr. Jamie Bryson Director of Special Programs Funding and Accountability Humble ISD Dr. Robert Meaux Coordinator of Title Programs Humble ISD