KP Supplement


KP Supplement
Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
An Overview of the 2013 Revised Supplementary
Methods and Good Practice Guidance Arising
from the Kyoto Protocol
JRC Technical Workshop 2014
on Reporting LULUCF for CP2 with IPCC 2013 KP Supplement
5-7 May 2014, Arona (Novara, Italy)
Production of the KP Supplement
Salient Features of the KP Supplement
• The 2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice
Guidance Arising from the Kyoto Protocol (KP Supplement)
provides supplementary methods and good practice guidance
for estimating and reporting anthropogenic greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions and removals resulting from LULUCF
activities under Article 3.3 and Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol
for the second commitment period, 2013-2020.
• Supplementary methods are additional guidance to produce
the supplementary information needed in greenhouse gas
inventories to meet the LULUCF rules for the Kyoto Protocol.
• Chapter 4 of IPCC GPG LULUCF provides the supplementary
methods and good practice guidance for reporting of LULUCF
activities under Article 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol for the
first commitment period.
• The UNFCCC CMP7 invited the IPCC “…to review and, if
necessary, update supplementary methodologies for estimating
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and
removals by sinks resulting from land use, land-use change and
forestry (LULUCF) activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4,
of the Kyoto Protocol (KP), related to the annex to 2/CMP.7, on
the basis of, inter alia, Chapter 4 of IPCC’s 2003 Good Practice
Guidance for Land-use, Land-use Change and Forestry.”
Background (2)
• Revision to the supplementary methods is necessitated
– Decision by the Parties to UNFCCC to use 2006 IPCC
Guidelines for the reporting in the second commitment period;
– Changes in rules for reporting and accounting Art. 3.3 and 3.4
activities pursuant to decision 2/CMP.7.
Background (3)
• In response, IPCC Task Force on Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) held the
Scoping Meeting to Consider the Invitation from UNFCCC CMP7, 1-4 May
2012 in Geneva.
• The Scoping Meeting concluded that whilst much of the supplementary
guidance in Chapter 4 remains relevant, it needs significant updating to take
account of:
– LULUCF decision 2/CMP.7 & other relevant decisions by COP/CMP;
– 2006 IPCC Guidelines;
– IPCC’s work on supplementary guidance on wetlands;
– Other IPCC products.
• The Scoping Meeting produced draft Terms of Reference (ToR) and chapter
outline of 2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice
Guidance Arising from the Kyoto Protocol that were later approved by the
– Section 4.3 (Projects) was removed from the ToR based on the IPCC Plenary decision.
Production of the KP Supplement
Production of the KP Supplement
• Following the approval by the IPCC Plenary, the Bureau of the IPCC Task
Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPCC TFI) selected an
international team of authors in August 2012.
• Work on the production of the KP Supplement was carried out in 2012-13.
It involved four Lead Author meetings and two rounds of reviews, first by
experts and later by governments and experts of the First Order Draft
(FOD) and Second Order Draft (SOD) respectively.
• Governments submitted comments on the Final Draft (FD) in September
• The KP Supplement was finally adopted/accepted by IPCC37 in Batumi,
Georgia, 14-18 October 2013 and published on the IPCC TFI website on
28 February 2014.
KP Supplement: Milestones
35th Session of the IPCC
(Jun 2012): Proposal
approved by the IPCC
Selection of Authors/REs
by TFB (Aug 2012)
1st Lead Author Meeting,
Japan (Sep 2012): To
develop Zero Order Draft
IPCC invitation for
nominations (Jun 2012)
Government & Expert
Review (22 Apr–02 Jun
3rd Lead Author Meeting
Norway (05-08 Mar 2013):
To consider comments
and develop Second Order
Draft (SOD)
Expert Review ( 07 Jan –03
Feb 2013)
2nd Lead Author Meeting,
Australia (Nov 2012) :To
develop First Order Draft
4th Lead Author Meeting,
Thailand (14-18 Jul 2013):
To consider comments
and prepare Final Draft
Distribution of Final Draft
to Governments (02-29
Sep 2013)
Adoption/acceptance of
the KP Supplement,
Georgia (14-18 Oct 2013)
KP Supplement: Some Facts
65 Lead Authors and 9 Review Editors
from 30 countries
6 Contributing Authors from 6 countries
2 Chapters and an Overview Chapter
Over 130 scientific publications cited
KP Supplement: Review Process
Expert Review
• Over 240 individuals registered
• 2507 comments from 93 Expert Reviewers on the First
Order Draft (FOD)
Govt. & Expert
• Over 440 individuals registered
• 1676 comments from 49 Expert Reviewers and 18
Governments on the Second Order Draft (SOD)
Final Govt.
• 307 comments from 14 Governments on the Final Draft
Salient Features of the KP Supplement
Reasons for Revision of Chapter 4 of the
New rules
of FM
of HWP
The KP
2006 IPCC
Drainage and
Rewetting as
an elected
activity under
Art. 3.4
New rules for
for ARD and
FM activities
New rules for
harvest and
conversion of
plantations to
KP Supplement
• Broadly maintains the structure and general content of
Chapter 4 in GPG-LULUCF, while incorporating some
important changes as mandated by Decision 2/CMP.7
and other COP/CMP decisions.
KP Supplement (2)
Chapter 2: Methods
for estimation,
monitoring and
reporting of LULUCF
activities under
Articles 3.3 and 3.4
Overview Chapter
Chapter 1: Introduction
Also contains
Glossary, List
& Annex 2A.1:
Changes in the KP Supplement
relative to Chapter 4 of GPG-LULUCF
• Chapter 1: Introduction
– Changes to steps for reporting supplementary information and the
general rules for categorisation of lands under Articles 3.3 and 3.4 due
to FM being made a mandatory activity and inclusion of WDR as an
elective activity under Article 3.4;
– Updating decision trees and figures to reflect Decision 2/CMP.7.
• Chapter 2: Methods for estimation, measurement,
monitoring and reporting of LULUCF activities under
Articles 3.3 and 3.4
– Revision of the section on Disturbances (Section 2.3.9; Section
in Chapter 4 of GPG- LULUCF);
Changes in the KP Supplement relative
to Chapter 4 of GPG-LULUCF(2)
– Addition of new sections:
Forest Management Reference Level (Section 2.7.5);
Technical Corrections (Section 2.7.6);
Carbon Equivalent Forests (Section 2.7.7);
Harvested Wood Products (Section 2.8);
Wetland Drainage and Rewetting (Section 2.12).
• Following an invitation by CMP.7, IPCC TFI has developed
the KP Supplement that provides the supplementary
methods and good practice guidance for reporting of
LULUCF activities under Article 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto
Protocol in the second commitment period.
• While broadly maintaining the structure and general
content of Chapter 4 in GPG-LULUCF, the KP Supplement
contains some important changes as mandated by
Decision 2/CMP.7 and other COP/CMP decisions.
Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Thank you!
Please visit TFI website for more information :