Dominic Tate - Open Access Good Practice


Dominic Tate - Open Access Good Practice
• Large, Research-led Russell Group Institution
– 32,000 students (11,000 postgrad)
– Over 6000 academic staff
– 1753 FTE returned for REF 2014
Early-adopter for OA, repository since 2003
PURE used as main IR
DSpace used for PhD theses
29,543 items in total
Open Access Implementation
Programme - 2013
• RCUK “pump-priming” grant - £609,000
• Employed over 20 part-time publications assistants
to populate PURE
• 16,000 papers added to PURE
• Staff cost £530,000
• Average cost £33.12 per article
RCUK Compliance – An Example
• 64% of RCUK-funded journal articles and
conference proceedings OA*
• 44% Green OA, 56% Gold OA
• 246 Gold articles paid for, averaging £1612
• 50% of Yr. 1 block grant spent
*We suspect that MOST of the 36%
non-OA papers probably could have been
made OA, but authors omitted to do this.
Current Model for Support
• Scholarly Communications Team
– 4 FTE, based in the library (mixed grades)
• Humanities & Social Sciences
– 1x Open Access Advisor (grade 6)
• Medicine & Veterinary Medicine
– 1x Publications Administrator (grade 5)
• Science & Engineering
– Work devolved to School admin staff
Concerns (I)
• Speed of change - RCUK gave us 5 years to get to
75% compliance for a subset of our research
• Significant cultural change is required
• No margin for error
Concerns (II)
• The biggest risk is not knowing about publications
either until they are published (or not at all?!)
• PURE modifications due for launch in June
2015, 10 months ahead of the deadline
What are we doing?
• Gaining support from University SMT
• Planning a marketing programme to launch in Open
Access Week
• Planning significant outreach activities
• Performance review will include OA section
• Updating systems
• Modifying workflows
• Sharing best practice (LOCH)
• New models of responsibility?
LOCH Project
• Joint Project with Heriot-Watt & St Andrews
• Preparing PURE for OA in REF
• Web templates, licensed for re-use
• Guidance papers, shared experience
University of Edinburgh RCUK/BIS Open Access Expenditure Report
University of Edinburgh RCUK Open Access Report 2014
Lessons in Open Access Compliance in Higher Education (LOCH)
0131 6515279