Students - Seminole County Schools


Students - Seminole County Schools
Florida Kindergarten Readiness Test
Training for Private Schools - PMRN
Fall 2014
Colleen Risner
• What is the Kindergarten Readiness
Screening (FLKRS)?
• Schedule
• Who to Test
• Responsibilities
• Work Sampling System (WS)
What is FLKRS?
Kindergarten Readiness Screener for all first
time kindergarten students
• To inform instruction
• To provide teachers and parents with useful
information about their child’s readiness for
• To annually calculate a readiness rate for public
and non-public school providers of the VPK
Education Program
• As such, teachers should not under-evaluate students
What is FLKRS?
– Administered via computer
• Need device with external mouse
Letter Sounds
Phonological Awareness
Vocabulary Pairs
Following Directions
Listening Comprehension
Sentence Comprehension
What is FLKRS?
• Work Sampling System (WSS)
– Observational Tool
– Five Domains
Personal and Social Development
Language and Literacy
Mathematical Thinking
Scientific Thinking
Physical Development, Health, and Safety
– 45 Skills observed during classroom activities
Assessment Schedule
• Send Parent Letters Home
– Letters located in PMRN
– Send during first week of school (or ASAP thereafter
as become available)
– English, Spanish, Haitian-Creole
• WSS Observations (Days 1 – 30)
– Recorded on Individual Student Developmental
Checklist or on Classroom Roster, transferred into
• FAIR-FS K (Days 1 - 30)
– Administered one-on-one directly through PMRN
Who to Test
• All public school kindergarten students who enter
within the first 30 days of school except for retained
• Private School kindergarten students who attended a
VPK program
– Some ESE students with Potentially Limiting Physical
Conditions may not be able to be assessed but every
student should be given the opportunity to participate
– Survey 8 is used to generate students in PMRN for Public
Schools. Private Schools will hand-enroll all students into
• Survey 8 uploads begin August 20, will be updated on Wednesdays
• Students and teachers should be available in PMRN on August 25
• School Principal
– Confirm access to DOE Single Sign On for all Staff
– Register School and Reading Coach as PMRN Manager
– Enter school schedule into PMRN
• Reading Coach/PMRN Manager
Verify/Approve Access for Teachers
Add or Remove Users
Verify Students/Create Classes
Record Coach’s Log
Train Teachers/Test Administrators
Access Score Reports, utilize for guiding instruction
• School Coordinator
Ensure all test administrators are trained on FLKRS and PMRN
Ensure test administrators have access to the PMRN
Distribute FLKRS materials to test administrators
Monitor the testing window to ensure test administrators
record results in PMRN by Day 30. WSS won’t be available
after Day 30.
• Test Administrators
– Screen kindergarteners
– Record student observations for the WSS benchmarks in the
PMRN system using K-2 EST
– Share student results with parents during conferences, etc.
Progress Monitoring and
Reporting Network
(PMRN) v4
What is PMRN?
• Web based data management system used for
assessing and reporting student progress in
reading/language arts
• Functions done in PMRN
– Registering school and users (principal)
– Setting school and assessment calendar (principal)
– Rostering students with assigned teachers (Survey 8
and Reading Coach)
– Administering FAIR-FS K
– Reporting Scoring data
– Recording Coach’s Logs
Enhancements to the new PMRN
• No student exclusions through PMRN
– Students not to be assessed must be withdrawn from
school in PMRN
• Invalidation and Withdrawal
– Score invalidation is no longer available
– Students not completed with task may be withdrawn
– Student may continue with task that they left off of in
previous school when enrolled into new school
– Student may be enrolled in PMRN in new school before
they are withdrawn in PMRN from old school
Enhancements to the new PMRN
• Copied Scores
– Scores from previous school will transfer
automatically when student is enrolled
• statewide
– School Level Users and teachers do not have the
option to copy scores
• Tasks are untimed
• All Screening Task directions, practice items, and
test items (other than Listening Skills) are
delivered via audio file on computer
System Specifications
• Desktop, Laptop, Netbook & Thin Client / Virtual
Desktop Infrastructure – Do not use IPAD or
Touchpad device
– Operating System
Windows – XP, 7, or newer
Mac OS 10.7 or higher
Linux – Linux: Ubuntu 11.10, Fedora 16 or newer
Memory – 1gb RAM or greater
Connectivity - Computers must be able to connect to the Internet
via wired or wireless networks.
• Screen Size – 9.5 inch screen or larger
• Screen Resolution
- 1024 x 768 resolution or higher
System Specifications
– Input Device Requirements
• Keyboard, Mouse
– Headphone/Earphone Requirements
• K-2 requires a “Y” jack splitter for dual headphones if
test is not being administered in a quiet room so that
both the teacher and student can hear audio
System Specifications
• Browser Specifications
– Internet Explorer (IE)
• Version 9, 10
– Firefox
• Version 26
– Safari
• Version 5.1.7
– Flash Player
• Version 10
New PMRN Addresses
• (DOE Single Sign On – for
public schools)
• Private Schools will register for
PMRN here (DOE’s PMRN Information
• (Private schools use to
access PMRN once registered)
New Service Center Information
• Florida Department of Education (FLDOE)
Integrated Education Network Service Center
– Provide support via the PMRN v4, K-2 AIR, 3-12 WAM,
• Operational Hours
– Monday – Friday
– 6:00 AM – 7:30 PM ET
• Contact via Phone or E-mail
– 855-814-2876
What is Single Sign-On?
• The Florida Department of
Education (FLDOE) Single Sign-On
(SSO) provides a simpler way for
educators to access several state
resources with one username
and one password.
• Website:
Who can use Single Sign-On?
Essentially, everyone can
use FLDOE SSO, however,
the resources you can
access depend on your role
and the permissions you
have been assigned.
Single Sign-On & PMRN
• To access the PMRN through the Single Sign-On Portal use your SSO
credentials at
Logging In to SSO
1. Go to
2. Click the yellow Log In
button on the right side.
3. Use the drop down list to
select Seminole County from
the list, and then click
Continue to Sign In.
4. Enter the username and
password used to sign into
the district network and
proceed to log in.
5. Then, the secure FLDOE SSO
page is displayed with your
name and authorized
Accessing the PMRN on SSO
• Once you have signed into the Single Sign-On Portal you should see the
PMRN link under the Curriculum & Assessments header
– If the link is not available you will need to contact your principal or the IEN
helpdesk to check your user access
Need Assistance?
• For additional assistance managing your Single Sign-On
account refer to the SSO Support Page on how to contact
your district/organization’s help desk.
Single Sign-On & PMRN
• Key Terms
– Authentication is the process of identifying an individual
– Authorization is the process of granting or denying access to a
network resource
• As it relates to the PMRN
– Single Sign-On credentials authenticate users who need to access the
– Users will need authorization granted from within the PMRN by their
Principal (SL1), or Reading Coach (SL2) to access PMRN resources.
• Once a User has been authorized
– The User’s authorization in the PMRN must be linked to the SSO
– The two are linked within the PMRN.
Logging in Through PMRN Site
• Private schools will log into PMRN via , will use
new UserName and Password. DOE will assign after training.
• Public schools can log in to the PMRN using this site with your SSO
PMRN User Levels
and Roles
Public vs. Private
• Individuals may have more than one user role
• Public schools have ability to add all User
• Private Schools may only have the following
– School Level 1 User (Principal)
– School Level 2 User (PMRN Manager)
– Reading Users (Teachers)
School Level 1 (SL1) User
• A principal is the only SL1 User at a school
• SL1 User Abilities
– Have access to all information for school in PMRN
– Add and Remove Users
• Assigns School Level 2 User
• Assigns Coach’s Log Users
• Beginning of School Year Registration
– School Configuration page
– Specific Instructions were emailed to principals
School Level 2 (SL2) User
[PMRN Manager]
• Each school may only have one SL2 User
• Responsible for day-to-day PMRN administration
• SL2 User Abilities
– Add and Remove Users
– Enroll, Remove, or Withdraw students
– Create classes
– Receive official communications from PMRN
School Level 3 (SL3) User
[School AP or other]
• One SL3 User per school is allowed
• Assist SL2 Users with PMRN administration
• SL3 User Abilities
– Add Teachers
– Enroll, remove, or withdraw students
– Create classes
• SL3 Users may only add new Users if creating
a Reading or Resource class
School Level 4 (SL4) User
[Other School Admins/Guidance, etc.]
• There may be eight (8) SL4 Users per school
• SL4 User Abilities
– View PMRN Reports
• School, Teacher, Class, and Student levels
– No PMRN administrative functions
Non-Administrative Users
• Non-Administrative User Abilities
– View PMRN Reports
• School, Teacher, Class, and Student levels
• Non-Administrative User Access Levels
School Level 4 User
Reading User
Resource User
Coach’s Log User
Assessment Team Member
NGCAR-PD and content area teachers
Reading Level User
[Reading Teacher]
• Provides primary reading instruction to a class
• Reading User Abilities
– Assess their students via the FAIR-FS assessment
– View PMRN Reports
• Teacher, Class, and Student levels
Resource Level User
[Resource Teacher]
• Provide additional reading instruction to a
• Resource User Abilities
– Assess their students via the FAIR-FS assessment
– View PMRN Reports
• Teacher, Class, and Student levels
Coach’s Log (CL) User
• CL Users submit coaching hours every two (2)
weeks to the PMRN
• Only Principal can add a Coach’s Log User
• Required by DOE for Public Schools
Assessment Team Member (ATM)
• ATM Users administer FAIR-FS via:
– K-2 AIR
– 3-12 WAM
• ATM Users have no access to reports in PMRN
PMRN Manager
PMRN Manager Responsibilities
Activating Users
Adding and Removing Users
Adding and Removing Teachers
Creating, Adding, Deleting, Assigning Classes
Enrolling, Adding, Removing, Withdrawing
• Accessing Score Reports
Activating Users (Public)
Click Users tab.
Click on teacher’s name.
Enter teacher’s email.
In left column: Click
boxes to allow access
• In right column: Click
boxes to allow access to
the PMRN.
• Click Submit.
Adding Users (Public or Private)
• Click Users Tab, then on Add User
Adding Users (Public or Private)
• Complete required
• Click Submit
• Confirm information
• Click Continue
to complete
Linking SSO User (Public)
• Click Users tab
• Verify that all users
are SSO Users and
are linked
• If not linked, click
teacher’s name
Linking SSO User (Public)
• Click “Link SSO User”
Linking SSO User (Public)
• PMRN searches SSO file
• If person not found, enter email address and
click Search
• When found,
click Link SSO
Linking Process takes up to 24 hours
Removing Users (Public or Private)
• Click Users tab
• Click on teacher’s
• Uncheck the boxes
in both columns
• Click Submit
Removing Users (Public or Private)
• Confirm that this is the teacher to be removed
and click Continue
Adding Classes (Public or Private)
• Click Classes/Periods tab
• Click Add Class/Period button
Adding Classes (Public or Private)
• Use drop-down menus to complete information.
• Click Submit
Adding Students to Classes
(Public or Private)
• Click Classes/Periods tab
• Click the name of
the class/period
in which you want
to add a student
• Click Add
Student button
Adding Students to Classes
(Public or Private)
• Search for the student in the PMRN
- Type student’s Last Name OR
- Click Show All
button OR
- Click on the
First Letter of
the student’s
Last Name
• Click on Search
Adding Students to Classes
(Public or Private)
• Click the box(es) in front of their name(s) of
the student(s) to be added. Click Submit.
• If you did not find your student, you may
enroll your student
Enrolling Students (Public or Private)
• Students may be enrolled in two different
– Enroll student directly into assigned class
– Enroll students into school (class not assigned)
Enrolling Students into Assigned Class
(Public or Private)
• Enroll student into
assigned class
– Click Classes/Periods
– Click name of class
– Click Enroll Student
Enrolling Students into Assigned Class
(Public or Private)
– Search for the student
– If you are sure your student is not in the PMRN, click
the radio button to the left of I want to enroll a new
– Click Next
Enrolling Students in Assigned Class
(Public or Private)
• Enter student information
– Identifier
– First, Last Name
– Birthdate
– Gender
– Class Period
• Click Add
Enrolling Students Not Assigning Class
(Public or Private)
• Click Students tab
• Click Enroll a Student button
• Search for student
Enrolling Students Not Assigning Class
(Public or Private)
• If you are sure your student is not in the
PMRN, click the radio button to the left of I
want to enroll a new student
• Click Next
• Note:
Student must
still be assigned
to a class
Enrolling Students Not Assigning Class
(Public or Private)
• Enter student information
– Identifier
– First, Last Name
– Birthdate
– Grade Level
– Gender
• Click Add
Reassigning Classes (Public or Private)
• Classes can be
reassigned for teachers
who are no longer in
the school
• Click Classes/Periods
• Select Teacher and
period to reassign
• Select current teacher
• Click Submit
Removing Students from a Class
(Public or Private)
• Click Classes/Periods
• Select teacher and
• Click Remove Student
• Click in box next to
student’s name
• Click Submit
Deleting Classes (Public or Private)
• In Classes/Periods tab, click Delete Class/Period
next to the teacher’s name and period (option
available only if no students are enrolled in class)
Withdrawing Students from PMRN
(Public or Private)
• Click Students
• Select Grade
• Search by one of
three methods
• Click in box next to
student’s name
• Click Withdraw
Selected Student
Contact Information
Colleen Risner
Shawn Harrold