Petroleum Restoration Program Procurement and Contract Activities


Petroleum Restoration Program Procurement and Contract Activities
Petroleum Restoration Program (PRP)
Procurement and Contract Activities
Marty Ehlen, Contracts Group Team Lead
Petroleum Restoration Program (PRP)
March 13, 2014
 Why
Competitive Procurement
 PRP Procurement Goals
 New Rule
 Terminologies
 New Process
 Procurement Methods
 Direct Assignments
 Questions and Answers
PRP Procurement Goals
Transition to Competitive Procurement from Pre-Approval
Create Competitive Procurement Rule – 62.772
Procure/Direct Assign $125M for PRP cleanup base upon
Risk Based Corrective Action
Procure Qualified Agency Term Contractors
Create Fair and Equitable Method for Assignment of Work
Establish Contracting Section within the PRP
Utilize MFMP for Procurement and Payment
New Rule
 Chapter
62-772, Florida Administrative Code (FAC)
procurement procedures for cleanup
on 12/27/2013
 Sections
62-772.300 and .400 will need to be
ratified by the Legislature pursuant to Section
120.541(3), Florida Statutes
PRP Terminologies
Agency Term Contractors (ATCs) established as Master Agreements in
MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) as a result of a competitive Invitation To
Negotiate (ITN) - DEP Solicitation Number 2014004C.
Invitation To Bid (ITB) solicitation method has been used by PRP.
Direct Assignment (DA) of site work to ATCs, result of the competitive ITN.
Relative Capacity Index (RCI) Assignment algorithm, used to directly assign work
to ATC contractors
Purchase Requisition (PR) created and processed in MFMP to request the
issuance of a Purchase Order (PO) for site work per 287.057(22) F.S.
Purchase Order (PO) issued through MFMP that authorizes work to be
Change Order (CO) determined by Site Manager and Contractor. MFMP change
request to authorize change needed.
PR Reference # is specific to each PO and is an invoicing requirement and is
located in the general overview section of the PO.
How Work Gets Funded
Site Manager
develops scope of
work, based upon
site history
ATC is assigned the
site work
Scope of work and
SPI incorporated into
Purchase Requisition
(PR) in MFMP
PO is issued to
PR encumbered by
PR submitted
through approval
process in MFMP
Generic Scopes of Works For:
Site Assessment
Remedial Action Plan Development
System Construction
System Operation and Maintenance
Source Removal
Free Product Recovery
Natural Attenuation and Post Active Remediation
Well Abandonment
Procurement Methods Used in FY13/14
After 6/30/13, DEP competitively procured contracts per Proviso
and Implementation Bill
Lowest cost and most responsible/responsive eQuoters awarded
MFMP e-Quotes
MFMP Invitations To Bid (ITBs)
MFMP Invitation to Negotiate (ITN): Direct Assignments (DA) of Site
Work to Agency Term Contractors (ATCs)
ITN: Relative Capacity Index (RCI) Assignments to ATCs
E-Quote Procurement
E-Quotes were initially used for site work with projected costs less than $35,000
(62 awarded thus far totaling $1.176 M). PRP will continue to use E-Quotes for
site work costs projected to exceed $195,000 and will invite 3-5 selected ATCs to
submit quotes on the project
After the winning quote is awarded, PRP Contracts Group uses the submitted Rate
Sheet and Scope of Work (SOW) to draft a Purchase Requisition (PR) in MFMP
Initial E-Quotes were Low-Score Site Assessments and Well Abandonments
There are designated “Task Items” associated with maximum amounts for invoicing
After approval by DEP personnel, the PR is sent to FLAIR for confirmation of
funding information
Following FLAIR approval, Purchase Orders (POs) are issued by MFMP
Invoicing is tied to prior submission and approval of Task Item Deliverables
Site Managers must approve, in writing, any deliverables prior to invoice
Examples of deliverables include signed affidavits, health and safety plan, interim 9
lab reports, etc.
Invitation to Bid Procurement Method(ITB)
Prior to establishing ATCs, DEP used ITBs for facilities
with site costs projected to exceed $35,000.
ITBs were advertised on Vendor Bidding System (VBS)
for a specified period of time, minimum of 10 days.
If questions arose during the bidding period, they
were addressed and a revised documents were
posted on the VBS. In some cases, bids were
extended to allow vendors to address the modified
ITB Purchase Requisition Process
After a bid is awarded, PRP Contracts Group uses the submitted rate sheet and Scope of Work
(SOW) to draft a Purchase Requisition (PR) in MFMP
There are designated Task Items associated with maximum amounts for invoicing
After approval by DEP personnel, the PR is sent to FLAIR to confirm funding information, then
is released to the vendor in the form of a PO
Invoicing is tied to submission and approval of Task Item Deliverables
The Site Manager must approve in writing any deliverables prior to invoice submission
Examples of deliverables include signed affidavits, health and safety plan, interim lab
reports, etc.
Retainage is identified by DEP and withheld pending satisfactory completion of the PO
PRP drafts a Purchase Requisition (PR) in MFMP which:
Identifies the Site Manager
Identifies the Contractor
Lists individual tasks associated with the PR and the amount of money for each
Includes attachments (scope, site map, bid rate sheet/invoice, terms and conditions, affidavits, etc.)
Site Managers please note that the PRP uses a header DEP-PETRO-FY13/14-FACID#-REF#-SITENAME11and
MFMP assigns a 7-digit PR identification number (PR7789000)
ITN: Agency Term Contractors
10/3/2013: These contractors have all met the Department’s qualification
criteria for doing site work under Solicitation Number 2014004C
1/14/2014: Notice of Intended Awards issued for all 3 regions
2/3/2014 to 3/1/2014: Contract negotiations conducted and contracts
executed with most of the intended awardees. (Several are still
3/1/2014 to 3/11/4: Master Agreements established in MFMP for all
contracts executed
List of qualified Agency Term Contractors is provided at the PRP
“Competitive Procurement System” tab
Site assignments now being made
Direct Assignment/RCI Assignment of PRs
No more contractor selection by site owners unless owner shares 25% or more
of the cost. Exceptions are LSSI.
Most efficient method to assign competitively bid work
16 new PRs have been drafted, and many more to come
Instead of a Rate Sheet, the PR uses a Schedule of Pay Items (SPI), which
includes Contractor’s negotiated item rates
Scopes will vary according to work type: LSA, NAM, PARM, RAC, O&M
Invoice process is similar to eQuotes and ITBs
Change orders are limited and are subject to DEP approval
Increased flexibility over other procurement methods
Some Scopes are in standard format such as LSAs (16 soil borings and 8
monitor wells), which can be tailored to each site
All Terms and Conditions and additional documents formerly attached to PR
are now incorporated by reference in the Master Agreement
Moving Ahead
DA Invoicing will be similar to the process used for E-Quotes and ITBs
The bid rate sheet has been replaced by Schedule of Pay Items (SPI) for invoicing
Section 22, Miscellaneous Items, provides an opportunity for the Department and
the Contractor to negotiate additional cost items (must be approved by the
Department prior to beginning work)
Formerly, the PRP used work orders to authorize work and encumber funds. Now,
PRP uses the Ariba platform in MFMP to authorize work and encumber funds. Email
messaging is sent from Ariba Administrator.
For LSAs, the Site Manager and Contractor discuss/modify the site-specific scope of
work, based upon historical information and site characteristics
PRP is moving towards using a single line item description in the PR
All electronic submittal processes (paperless)
PRP is streamlining the PR process and content to the extent allowable by DFS
Site Managers please note that a Reference Number e.g., 888-001A (888 represents
the 3 digit # specific to an Agency Term Contractor, 001 represents the number of
jobs assigned to the ATC, A refers to the sequential stage of work for the site)
Relative Capacity Index (RCI)
c: The BondingCap term is raised to the power c, where the exponent c = 0.85
b: The EncBal term is raised to the power b, where the exponent b = 0.7
r: The rank is raised to the power r, where the exponent r = 2.5
RCI Assigned Contractor Selection
Contractors will be assigned tasks without staff bias for or against any
Work assignment follows an algorithm based on three variables:
Bonding Capacity, Encumbered Balance, and Schedule Rank.
Timely project completion is the means by which contractor can
reduce encumbered balance, and be assigned additional tasks.
Encumbered balance includes all three regions, excluding LSSI, costshares or owners paying more than 25% of costs.
Contractors will be notified when a Purchase Order (PO) is generated
by MFMP, using the email address or notification method selected
when the Contractor registered in MFMP (Emails are transmitted from
Ariba Administrator).
Contractors may alter their notification method (from fax to email,
for example) at any time: Contact the MFMP Customer Service Desk at
1-866-352-3776 or email
Submission of signed affidavits are important. PRP is considering
allowing ATCs to submit affidavits prior to the completion of the
project, with the understanding that no payment will be authorized
until all affidavits are received. Any work performed by an ATC prior
to receipt of the affidavits is done at the ATC’s risk.
Contractors can invoice at established completion points.
Please Check your email spam folder if you do not receive email
notification of your Purchase Order from MFMP (Ariba).
MFMP Vendor Registration
Ariba Supplier Network (ASN) website:
 There
is a fee associated with using the ASN
To view how you receive your PO (email, fax or ASN)
please visit the Vendor Information Portal:;jsessionid=E5756E6C29371DF3FD91D3676933797C.jvm2?exe
It is recommended that Vendors/Contractors use an email
address that reaches multiple people to facilitate
Change Orders
Official change order request must be submitted and
approved for:
 Date
 Line
Item increases as a result of quantity increases
Contractors cannot begin work for Change Order items
until a changed PO has been issued by MFMP.
Contractors must use the form attached to the PR
Allow time for the Change Order process
Permitting fees and other fees to be reimbursed by Change
Change Order #s appear as PR########-V2 (2nd PR)
Purchase Order Due Dates
PRP will not include need-by dates in Purchase Requisitions for each
line item.
Time of performance will be stated in the line item description. For
example: Field activities shall be completed within 90 days from
beginning this task. Quarterly report including all analyticals shall be
submitted within 30 days of completion of field work. DEP Site
Manager shall provide comments within 14 days and any additional
information requested shall be required within 14 days from receipt of
site manager’s comments. Note: Further refinement may be
All time extensions must be submitted to the Site Manager via Change
Order request.
Any time extension must be authorized prior to deadline for
submission of deliverable.
Retainage is identified by DEP and withheld pending satisfactory
completion POs
Cost-Share sites include PACs, PCPPs, and SRFAs
For Cost-Share Sites where the owner/RP’s pay share is
25% or greater – owner/RP can choose their contractor
- Must be an ATC Contractor
- Region doesn’t matter
For Cost-Share Sites where the owner/RP’s pay share is
less than 25% - DEP will RCI assign an ATC based on Region.
May 1st to June 30th, 2014
At least $5 Million
Applicant Requirements
- Application
- $250 non-refundable application fee
- Limited Contamination Assessment Report (LCAR) that includes:
* Proposed Cleanup Strategy with a schedule and estimated cost
to bring the site to closure.
* Note: LCAR sampling results must be within the
past 9 months.