Bulletin - St. Joseph the Worker Cluster


Bulletin - St. Joseph the Worker Cluster
Liturgical Ministers February 7 – February 8
Holy Name
Saturday 5 pm
St. Peter
Sunday 10:00 am
Sunday 8:30 am
Immaculate Conception
Saturday 5:05 pm
Sunday 8:30 am
St. Francis
Sunday 10:30 am
Tom Grapes
Julie Schute
Sue Massman
Kay Luebbers
Lon Tisue
Chad Ingels
Karleen Baumler
Jamie Hoey
Bonnie Patrick
John Baldwin
Marion Broghammer
Jane Marshall
Sue Massman
Bob & Karen Kleve
Tom Miller
Tom Yungtum
Jane Tucker
Jim Duffy
Cathy Schmitz
Gary Schmitz
Jim Mitchell
Lori Kime
Anne Sellers
Kurt Wood
Merle & Eileen
Marion Broghammer
Judy Meskel
Laverne & Lee
Dan Schmitt
Mark Baumler
Ryan Hoey
Kevin Baumler
Jim Halstead
Ron Schute
Dale & DJ Imoehl
Joe Rochford
Tom & Sally
Mike Joebgen
Ralph & Joan
Mary Hoey
Victoria Schmitt
Marion Broghammer
Jane Marshall
Lucy & Sophia
Tom Miller
Dave Wheeler
Cody Baumler
James Baumler
Nolan Hoey
Nick & Jordan
Sage Matt
Taylor Ellis
Jordan Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Natalie Miller
Tom Grapes
Pam Shore
Bernice Holthaus
Jane Marshall
Phyllis Quass
Tom Matt
Dennis Carey
Dan Fagle
Tom Lamphere
Leon Lentz
Traeton Wheeler
Jenna Brandt
Morgan Brandt
Isabelle Gardner
Chloe Gardner
Nancy Meyer
Theresa Schultz
S/K Michelson
MaryJo White
Please remember in your Masses and prayers people from our cluster who are sick or ailing,
we pray that all will have firm faith and improved health:
From Immaculate Conception: Juliana Blaylock, Dennis Bumgardner, Michelle Heidemann,
Margaret Kuethe, Terri Kuethe, Pat Loomer, Noreen Miller, Peggy Pagel, Don & Pauline Rader,
Fr. Jude Rochford OFM, Rhonda Rochford, Rita Schmitz, and Mark Smith.
From St. Francis of Assisi: Olivia Everett, Rita Manderfield.
From Holy Name: Donna Bodensteiner, Keith Franzen, Hayden Grimm, Jill Krambeer, Kathy Langreck, Jessica McDanel, Roger Michael, Marilyn Miller, Raelonna Patrick, Kenley Scholbrock, Betty Scott, Roland Steinlage, Sue Ungerer, Carl Wagner Jr., Linda Walz and Tom Trewin.
From St. Peter: Michelle Bridge, Ellen Kneeland, Viola Lerch, Julia Martin, & Ken Wagner, Jr.
Rest in Peace: We pray for those in our parishes who have died and for our families who have lost loved
ones. Paul Wagner of Holy Name, wife of Gloria, Victoria Schmitt, mother-in-law, Kathy Dunt and Marlene
Bouska, sister-in-law. Gary Ash, father of Melisa Lehmann of St. Peter’s, Clermont. We pray for their families
and all who grieve their loss.
Happenings Around Our Area
February 1, 2015 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Joseph the Worker Cluster - The Catholic parishes of Immaculate Conception, Sumner,
St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette, Holy Name, West Union, and St. Peter, Clermont.
Masses & Intentions
1/2/15 - Monday
9:00 am, HN
Special Intention
1/3/15 - Tuesday
7:30 am, IC
Word & Communion
9:00 am, HN
Janet Sieverding
1/4/15- Wednesday
9:00 am, HN
No Mass
Pastor: Fr. Jim Brokman dbq195@dbqarch.org
Rectory & Church Office:
1-888-578-5366 or 563-578-5366
Sacramental Priest: Fr. Dale Rausch,
563-422-3184 & 800-469-3184
All bulletin information directed to:
dbq195sec@dbqarch.org by 5 pm Tuesday evening
8:00 am, SFA
Gerald Lamphere
Saturday and Sunday Mass & Reconciliation Times
1/5/15 – Thursday
9:00 am, SP
Chris Ash
1/6/15 – Friday
7:30 am, IC
Cecilia Rochford Molid
MASS TIMES on Saturdays:
7:30 am, Immaculate Conception, Sumner
5:00 pm, Holy Name, West Union / Confession 4:00 - 4:45 pm
5:05 pm, Immaculate Conception, Sumner / Confession 4:20 - 4:45 pm
MASS TIMES on Sundays:
8:30 am, Immaculate Conception, Sumner / Confession 8:00 - 8:20 am
8:30 am, Saint Peter, Clermont
10:00 am, Holy Name, West Union
10:30 am, St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette / Confession 10:10 - 10:25 am
9:00 am, HN
Rev. John Purtell
1/7/15 – Saturday
7:30 am, IC
Special Intention
5:00 pm, HN
Randy Langreck
5:05 pm, IC
Jerald Tiedt
2/8/15 – Sunday
8:30 am, SP
Mary Knight
Bingo at the Dance Pavilion, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union. Sundays at 1:00 pm. Call
Jim at 319-231-0466 with any questions.
8:30 am, IC
For the People
Wednesday, February 11, 2015: Friendship Tea at 1:30 pm in St. John’s Parish Hall 324 East First
Street, Sumner, Iowa. Guest program will be “Quilts-Our Fathers Arms on Earth” presented by Marie
Weber of Bethany Lutheran Church in Elkader. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the program. Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 4th to the church office at 563-578-8564.
10:00 am, HN
Lisa Baumler
Friday, February 20, IC Lenten Fish Fry at the Sumner American Legion, 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm.
MISSION STATEMENT: Celebrating parish identity as we work to
become one family of God and strive to serve in the name of Christ.
10:30 am, SFA
Mike Voshell
St. Peter, Clermont:
Kathy Turner, 563-423-6007
CRE/Youth/Young Adult:
Mary Olson, 563-380-6135 &
Immaculate Conception, Sumner:
Office Hours
Church office: 563-578-5366
Bookkeeper/Secretary: Cindy Jacob
Faith Formation Office, 563-578-8227
Faith Formation Program Manager:
Pam Schmitt: dbq195ff@dbqarch.org
St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette:
Bookkeeper: Delores Fagle Thom
563-425-4410 & delores@iowatelecom.net
Faith Formation Office, 563-425-3228
CRE, Holly Streeter,
563-425-5340 & 563-419-4661
Holy Name, West Union:
Office Hours 9 am to 12 pm Mon - Fri
Parish Office, 563-422-3184
Bookkeeper/Secretary: Donna Bodensteiner
Faith Formation Office, 563-422-5722
Faith Formation Program Managers:
Pam Rochford: dbq220re@dbqarch.org
Jamie Hoey:
Kathy Wenthold: dbq220ff1@dbqarch.org
Holy Name, West Union
St. Peter, Clermont
Immaculate Conception, Sumner
Prayer partners are needed for 10th grade students
as they prepare for their Confirmation. The Prayer
Partner billboard is located in the back of the
church. Please take a student slip and provide
prayers during their Confirmation journey. If you
have any questions regarding the Confirmation
Prayer Partner program, contact Jamie Hoey, 563380-3327.
Ladies- Please remember to pay your circle dues.
You may put them in the collection basket in the
envelope marked Rosary. Thank You Karen
Congratulations to all of the Conformation students!! Sunday, January 25 they made an adult
decision to come forward and sign the book of
Enrollment making the choice to continue their
Catholic faith and be a part of our Parish as
young adults. We are very proud of you.
Monday, February 2, Rosary Society Meeting 7:30
pm, 7:15 Rosary.
Tuesday, February 3, CDA Meeting at St. Francis of
Assisi in Fayette, 1:15 Rosary, 1:30 meeting. Fr. Jim
will have the program.
Friday, February 6, Adoration after Mass till noon.
Thursday, February 12, Holy Name Finance Council Meeting, 7:00 pm.
November 19-22 is NCYC for our high school students . We currently have 22 students and 6 adults
traveling for the pilgrimage to Indianapolis, Indiana within our cluster. If this is of interest to your
child, please contact Jamie Hoey ASAP, 563-3803327, as we can only add students for a short
We are now searching for a new Secretary /
Bookkeeper for Holy Name Parish. If you think you
might be interested in this position please contact
Fr. Jim or Bernice Holthaus for a job description.
We hope to have the job filled by April 1. Thanks
to all who are helping to cover the bases during
this time. Anyone from the cluster is welcome to
“Project Giving Hope” - February is Box of Mix
Month. Any box of cake, cookie, muffin, pancake
mix, etc.
Sacrificial Giving 1/2515 Total: $1,771.45
Adult Envelopes
Sunday, February 22, Confirmation Prayer &
Pasta will be at Holy Name for all conformation students and their parents from our
cluster. Students need to be at the Parish
Center at 4:30 p.m. with parents invited at 6
p.m. Students will need to stay after to assist in
clean up.
Thursday, February 19, St. Peter’s Finance Council
Meeting, 7:00 pm.
Wednesday, April 22, 7:00 pm St. Peter's Parish Spiritual Adoption Baby Shower will be held. We invite
everyone to gather Layette items. This includes
new or slightly used baby clothes, blankets, toys,
etc. Everyone is invited! Contact Mary Olson for
more information.
Donations can still be made toward the Clavinova
project, envelopes marked Music can be placed
in the offering collection. Thank you, Music Dept.
Prayer sheets were sent home last Wednesday for
all students to study the prayer that was assigned.
This will be an ongoing study for them throughout
the year. Please remind your child/children to
study the prayers as they will be tested on these at
the end of the year.
Thursday, February 5, IC Finance Council Meeting , 7:00 pm in Kleiner Hall.
St. Peter's Bible study program has started. It will
be held the following dates from 7:00 to 8:30 each
evening. February 11, February 25, March 11,
March 25, April 8 and April 22. Feel free to contact Mary Olson if you are interested.
Tuesday, February 17, Book Club at 8:00 am in the
church basement.
Sacrificial Giving 1/25/15 Total: $1,430.25
The new Guild Books for 2015 are located on the
table in the west entrance of the church.
Adult Envelopes
Youth Envelopes
Social Justice
Pope’s intentions for February
Universal: : Prisoners - That prisoners, especially the
young, may be able to rebuild lives of
Evangelization: Separated spouses - That
married people who are separated may
find welcome and support in the Christian community.
Stewardship Quote
Moses told the people, “The Lord will raise up for you a
prophet like me from among your own kinsmen.” God still
provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to
continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to
Upcoming Knights of Columbus Events
Feb. 4 - 7:30 pm Travel Gavel - Clermont
Feb. 16 - 8:00 pm Travel Gavel - West Union
Mar. 13 - KC LENTEN FISH FRY - West Union
Friday, February 20, IC Lenten Fish Fry will be held
at the Sumner American Legion from 5:30 pm 8:00 pm. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!
NCYC—National Catholic Youth Choir is hosting a
choir camp June 15 – 30, 2015. Check out the flyer
on the bulletin board in the Gathering Space for
details and/or contact Pam Rochford for questions concerning the camp.
Divine Mercy is doing a new ministry and is asking
for the parish assistance in providing a meal once
a week for Fr. Brokman. The dates that are available are February 3, 10, 17, and 24. Please contact
Nancy Meyer at 563-578-8402 to reserve a date
and get additional information
“His Hands Food Pantry” February is Pizza Items
Month. Pizza sauce, pizza crust, pepperoni, parmesan cheese, etc.
Sacrificial Giving 1/25/15 Total: $2,859.50
Adult Envelopes
Youth Envelopes
Immaculate Conception Parish Lenten Fish Fry
Friday, Feb. 20, 5 - 8:30 pm Sumner American Legion
Adults - $10.00 Youth 6-12 - $6.00 5 - Under Free
Cod Loin, Baked Potato, French Fries, Green Beans,
Cole Slaw, Roll, Butter, Desserts & Beverages
St. Francis of Assisi, Fayette
Congratulations to Randy and Holly Streeter as
they celebrate 40 years of marriage on January
31. They have four children (David, Chris, Mary, &
Daniel) and 7 grandchildren. May God bless
them as they continue their journey together.
Tuesday, February 3, CDA Meeting at St. Francis of
Assisi in Fayette, 1:15 Rosary, 1:30 meeting. Fr. Jim
will have the program.
Thursday, February 26, St. Francis of Assisi Finance
Council Meeting, 7:00 pm.
St. Francis: Prayer Chain: if you wish to be a recipient or prayer partner please contact Anne Seller
at 563-425-4116 or Pat Burghardt at 563-578-8258
or email dsellers@iowatelecom.net
Do you have unneeded coats. The Peacocks for
Progress organization at Upper Iowa University is
collecting coats for the Family and Children’s
Council of Greater Waterloo. Look for the donation box in church to drop off yours.
“Project Giving Hope” - February is Box of Mix
Month. Any box of cake, cookie, muffin, pancake
mix, etc.
Sacrificial Giving 1/25/15 Total: $1,884.51
Adult Envelopes
Youth Envelopes
Poor & Needy
Roses For Life
Read about these topics in the Feb. 1 Witness:
Anonymous Donor gives money to Cedar Valley Habit
for Humanity to build 'Pope Francis House'
Family who donated Nativity Scene in parents' honor
reacts to arrest of 'Baby Jesus' thieves
Four Dubuque Archdiocesan seminarians will soon be
receiving the liturgical rite for ministry of lector
Seton Catholic Middle School in Farley rolls out lap
top computers for seventh graders
Saturday, February 7, a night of dancing, gaming, auctions,
and hors d’oervres awaits you at the Fayette Opera House
beginning at 7:00pm. Advance tickets for this fundraising
event benefitting the Opera House and Fayette Lions Club
are $20 and tickets are available at the door for $25. Tickets
are available by calling 563-425-4526 or 563-425-3232.
A silent auction will run throughout the evening! You can
also experience the excitement of a live auction to help
spend all your Gala Chips Winnings! Many exciting items
will be up for auction ranging from sports packages and
memorabilia to fine art and culinary art, gift certificates,
theme baskets and so much more!