Parish Bulletin
Parish Bulletin
Page 1 MASSES FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, January 31, 2015 7:30AM + Matthew Coleman (Mr. & Mrs. Coleman) 5:00PM - For God’s Blessings for Carla, Victor, Paul, Jerry, Ilianna and Marta SUNDAY, February 1, 2015 6:30AM + William Zaluski, Jr. (Wife, Joan Zaluski) 8:00AM(Polish) + Julian Marat & Wladyslaw Marciniak (15th Anniversary) (Siegert Family) 9:30AM + Jessie Fanning (Family) 10:30AM(Polish) + Kazimiera and Izabela Wenerska (Rus Family) 11:45 AM + Helen Hickey (Daughter) MONDAY, February 2, 2015 7:30AM - For a Special Intention (Joanne & Alex Miuccio) 8:30AM - For Health & God’s Blessings for Laura McDonagh (Elaine & Charles McDonagh) TUESDAY, February 3, 2015 7:30AM + Helen & Albert Sendlenski (Sendlenski Family) WEDNESDAY, February 4, 2015 7:30AM - For a Special Intention (Joan Zaluski) THURSDAY, February 5, 2015 7:30AM - For God’s Blessings for Carla, Victor, Paul, Jerry, Ilianna and Marta FRIDAY, February 6, 2015 7:30AM + Frank Dull (Doreen Schmidt Martinsen) 7:00PM(Polish) - For Health and God’s Blessings for a Special Intention SATURDAY, February 7, 2015 7:30AM + Helen & Albert Sendlenski (Sendlenski Family) 5:00PM + Lottie Yastrzemski (Stanley Yastrzemski, Jr.) SUNDAY, February 8, 2015 8:00AM(Polish) + Tadeusz Karpinski (Skibko Family) 9:30AM + Donald Poremba (4th Anniversary) (Wife and Family) 10:30AM(Polish) + Piotr Plonski (Jacenty & Walentyna Plonska) 11:45 AM + Stanley Graboski (Benny & Nancy Graboski) Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us. — Psalm 95:6 Page 2 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Boy Scout Sunday Monday: The Presentation of the Lord; World Day for Consecrated Life; Blessing of Candles; Groundhog Day Tuesday: St. Blaise; St. Ansgar; Blessing of Throats; Tu B’Shvat (Jewish new year of trees) Thursday: St. Agatha Friday: St. Paul Miki and Companions; First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday SUNDAY COLLECTION January 25th Collection: $1,958.00 This weekend the second collection will be for our subsidy to the school. Next weekend there will be only one collection. SCHOOL COLLECTION Please note that each month our parish is required to make a subsidy payment to the school for $3,336. The amount collected in our monthly second collection for the school is used to offset this monthly payment. It is not given directly to the school. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Just a reminder that in the event of poor weather or if you are sick and do not attend mass, please submit your weekly envelope the following week, or send it to the rectory, since we need to pay our bills. We also ask you lucky snowbirds to remember that your parish is alive and active all year round so please don’t forget about us when you are gone. Keeping up a weekly pattern of support will keep our parish financially healthy. Enjoy your time away and remember you can read our weekly bulletins at Thanks WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED LIFE Today we rejoice and celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life. Over the years, many men and women have chosen to live out their Baptismal vocation by professing the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. They do this by joining a religious congregation, or some other form of consecrated life. We pray in a special way for the religious who live and serve in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, for all those in consecrated life and we ask God to bless our Church with others who will dedicate their lives to God’s service. PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Monday, February 2 nd is the Presentation of the Lord. The Blessing of the Candles will take place at the 7:30AM Mass. Please bring your own candles from last year. These candles are meant to last for a lifetime, not just one calendar year. However, if you do not have candles, you can pick up the blessed candles at our church for your family for a $5 dollar donation. FEAST OF SAINT BLAISE The Blessing of the Throats will be on Tuesday, February 3rd at 7:30AM Mass. NO 6:30AM MASS on FEBRUARY 8TH Please note there will not be a mass at 6:30AM on Sunday, February 8th. All other masses on that Sunday will take place as regularly scheduled. The 6:30AM will resume the following Sunday, February 15th. MSGR JANUSZ URBANCZYK This Sunday, Msgr. Janusz Urbanczyk will be at all Masses to say goodbye to our Parishioners. His role as First Counsellor, Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations has ended and he has been assigned to another mission. Please be sure to stop by and say goodbye to him. SANCTUARY FLOWERS The flowers decorating our Sanctuary this weekend are in loving memory of +Frank Dull from Michael Kosciuszko. Thank you for the beautiful flowers. Eternal rest grant to him, O’ Lord. Page 3 SCHOOL NEWS Seven OLH students have been awarded academic scholarships to attend Catholic high schools in September, based upon their achievement on the fall Catholic High Schools Entrance Examinations. Hampton Bays resident Sarah Langsdorf was offered a scholarship to Sacred Heart Academy. She and Dylan Ameres of Sag Harbor were cited by St. Anthony’s High School, while Sarah, Charlotte Ferguson, Hannah Tuma, Anna Hoffman, Finn Kelly, and Patrick Tuminski received scholarships from Bishop McGann-Mercy . The students of Prep 7 at OLH were part of a special delegation to Washington, DC for the annual March for Life. They were able to visit with Congressman Zeldin and other representatives, participate in a special liturgy and rally. On the following day, the students worked as a team preparing amenities for residents at Maureen’s Haven. Mrs. Erin Stadelman and her Technology students from Prep 7 received special awards for capturing first and second place in a special Technology competition sponsored by the Diocese of Rockville Centre. The teams were challenged to build functioning and speedy roller coasters from common household materials. First place winners: Tara Spring, Kendall Miller and Serena May. Runners-up: Cole Nunez, Brian Conigliaro and Liam Rego. Our Lady of the Hamptons, the East End’s premier Catholic school, chartered by the State of New York, accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools is also recipient of a Blue Ribbon for Excellence from the U.S. Department of Education. OLH serves parishes and communities extending from Quogue to Montauk. Information packets and registration materials are available at the school now, leading toward September 2015 enrollment. Registration for prospective kindergarten students (must be 5 years old prior to November 30, 2015), and grades one through five must be completed before March 1. Admission to the OLH prep (grades 6,7,8) in the newly constructed complex is limited but available. We invite parishioners and friends to learn more about Our Lady of the Hamptons by visiting the website Tours can be arranged at any time, by calling 283-9140. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & DEVOTION Please join us this Friday, February 6th and on the first Friday of each month at 7:30AM in English and at 7:00PM in Polish for the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Exposition of the Most Holy Sacrament and Adoration and on this Saturday, February 7th and the first Saturday of each month after the 7:30AM mass for the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with Exposition of the Most Holy Sacrament and Adoration. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Parishioners should have received a letter from the Diocesan Committee about the Catholic Ministries Appeal. We ask every family or parishioner to respond with a generous donation. Your faithful support will make a difference in the lives of many of your neighbors. One person can accomplish, but when we work together as a faithful community, we can accomplish so much more! Thank you! CHURCH CLEANERS Mr. Grzegorz Hogendorf, February 6 Mr. & Mrs. Jozef Talik, February 13 Fr. Janusz & Walentyna Plonska, February 20 STIPENDS NEEDED FOR MASSES We have openings for masses in March and April. Please stop by the rectory during office hours if you would like to have a mass said in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving or for another intention close to your heart. FLOWERS Flowers can be donated to decorate our Sanctuary for $80.00. This is a beautiful way to remember a loved one or a special occasion. Your donation will be mentioned in the bulletin with the name of the person in whose honor or memory, they are given. Call the rectory during office hours, if you are interested. CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS For parishioners using offering envelopes, tax contribution statements will be available after January 31st. Please call the rectory at 283-0667 if you would like a statement. Statements will only be prepared for those requested. Page 4 FROM BISHOP MURPHY: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Pope Francis has declared 2015 as the Year of Consecrated Life in the Universal Church. We give thanks and honor the women and men in consecrated life who have served and are serving here in our great Diocese of Rockville Centre. The life of this local Church has been blessed through the mission and ministry of these dedicated women and men who are responding to God’s call to each of them to follow Jesus as vowed religious. As religious, their commitment to a life of prayer, lived in community and expressed through their ministry in the Church, witnesses to their response to God’s love for them. Their vowed commitment to God and service to the Church is a gift for all of us. As we move through this Year of Consecrated Life I invite each of you to take whatever opportunities are presented to say “thanks” to the religious who are here in our Diocese, to remember them in your prayers and to pray that other generous young people respond to God’s call to join them as religious sisters, brothers and priests. I join my prayers with yours in thanksgiving for their lives of prayer and service and in petition that God will bless each of the religious who are part of our Diocese with gifts of grace, hope and peace as they witness to God’s great love. I ask Mary, Mother of the Church, to continue to inspire each of them as they live a life of “Yes” to God’s call. Faithfully yours in Christ, Bishop of Rockville Centre FLU SEASON During the flu season, please follow these guidelines if you have a cold or are fearful of being infected: • Refrain from drinking from the cup and receive Communion in the hand while sick • At the sign of peace, offer a simple bow of the head to those around rather than a handshake • If a Catholic person is sick, there is no obligation to attend Mass. Personal prayer and reflection on the scriptures is encouraged as well as viewing the Mass on television. PRAY FOR THE SICK Please pray for the sick, suffering and lonely people in our parish, and amongst all our families and friends, especially: Zofia Mrozik Stanislawa Siegert Janina Soltys Robert Casse Henry Jozefa Gaworska Emily Kolenda Patricia Kahl Richard Vinski John Hagen (little boy) Bob Cerf John Lenon Sister Virginia Jerry Connolly Bogdan Ciorun Randall Feinberg Agnes Bautisa Stacia Michaels Barbara Siebida Paulina Kwiatkowska Geraldine Connolly Samantha Kinney Sam Price Elizabeth Dobrzycka-Grela Joanne Pierson John Gorman Eileen Connolly Irene Sikorski Kevin Guidera Frank Kandula Eugene Raffel Erika Dehler PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Please pray for the repose of the soul of : +Sophia Isaacs Eternal rest grant to her, O’ Lord. MEMORIAL BRICKS A memorial brick is a great gift for a wedding, birth, living or deceased memorial and more. Many visitors and neighbors have commented about how nice it looks having all of our memorial bricks around the Blessed Mother. Thank you for your support of this program, and please note that this program will be ongoing. A memorial brick costs $100 dollars. Forms are available in the vestibule of the church. DIVINE MERCY There is recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 7:15AM before the 7:30AM daily mass Monday through Saturday. You are invited to join us. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Please note during the school year the rectory will be open on Monday - Friday from 12PM - 3PM. If these hours are not convenient for you, call the rectory at 631-283-0667, we would be happy to schedule an appointment with you. Please note the rectory is closed on all Holidays and Holy Days.