If you are not able to compete, why not marshal on the event


If you are not able to compete, why not marshal on the event
If you are not able to compete, why not marshal on the event?
Marshals are more than welcome, and you can always learn by
watching the top crews. If you’re interested in marshalling (or know
someone else who is) please contact Ashley Boulton on 07724 386
Rathfriland Motor Club will organise a dual permit Navigation Rally on Friday 6th February 2015 in
Rathfriland, Co Down.
The meeting will be held under the General Regulations of the Motor Sport Association (incorporating
the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA), these supplementary regulations and any
other written instructions that the organising club may issue for the event.
MSA Permit Number 86704 (National B) and Permit Number 86709 (Clubman) has been issued and
will be displayed at Documentation.
All competitors entered in Class 1, 2 or 3 require either a MSA or MI licence (National B) valid for the
event. Class 4 competitors require only a club membership card. RMC Club membership cards will be
available at sign-on for the event
The event is a round of the ANICC Northern Ireland Navigation Rally Championship 2015.
The programme of the meeting will be:
Scrutineering starts at 19:00 hrs. Individual times for scrutiny will be notified in the Final
Any competitor not signed on by 20:30 hrs. may be excluded.
First car starts at 21:01 hrs.
Cars will start at one-minute intervals.
Maps: OSNI 1:50,000 Sheet tbc (Discoverer Series) D Edition will be required. The finish will be
in Rathfriland, Co Down.
The event will contain regularity sections on public roads timed to an accuracy of 1 minute.
The event will consist of the following classes:
Class 1 – Experts
Class 2 – Semi-experts
Class 3 – Novices
Class 4 – Beginners and Rally school
9. Awards will be presented as follows:
a. 1st in class - 2 trophies (if 3 or more starters)
b. 2nd in class - 2 trophies (if 5 or more starters)
c. 3rd in class - 2 trophies (if 8 or more starters)
10. The entry list opens on receipt of these regulations. Entries received up to the early closing date of
Friday 30 January 2015 will be at the fee of £25.00 for Class 1 and 2, and £20.00 for class 3 and 4.
Entries received between this date and the final closing date of Tuesday 4 February 2015 will be subject
to an additional £5.00 fee in addition to the above. All entries must be made on the official entry form and
accompanied by the appropriate fee. The organisers reserve the right to refuse any entry.
11. The secretary of the meeting to whom all entries should be sent is:
Tom Brown, 107 Burren Road, Dromara, Co Down. BT25 2AJ
Tel: 028 9753 3282
e-mail tombrown01@tiscali.co.uk
12. The maximum entry for the meeting including reserves is 40. The minimum is 15. The minimum in
each class is 3. Should any of the above minimum figures not be reached the organisers reserve
the right to either cancel the meeting or amalgamate classes as necessary. Entries will be selected on
a “First come, first served” basis. Entry fees may be refunded at the organiser’s discretion if
requested in writing.
13. Other Officials are:
Club Stewards:
Clerk of the Course:
Chief Scrutineer:
Chief Timekeeper:
(ii) Officials at intermediate time checks and passage controls on regularity
sections record their competition number.
20.9 To be classified as a finisher, a competitor must visit at least two-thirds of the time controls on the
route and report to the final control within the maximum lateness specified, with the car entered for
the event.
21.0 The Damage Declaration must be completed at the Finish, and if not a finisher, must be forwarded
to the Secretary of the Meeting within 72 hours of the finish (R 15.1.2, R 15.1.3)
20.9 Ties will be resolved by reference to furthest with least penalty, and then if necessary by
reference to cubic capacity
20.10 Event average speeds will be no greater than 30 mph
20.11 NOTE: Ensure that you are aware of the penalties for failure to comply with R 9.1.3, R 15.1.2 and
R 15.1.3.
Ashley Boulton
Wesley Johnston
Michelle McNulty
14. Provisional results will be published as soon as possible after the finish of the event.
21. Controls and checks will be identified by RMC stickers and/or reflective RMC Control Boards.
15. Any protest must be lodged in accordance with C5.
16. Entrants will be supplied with route instructions and time cards at the start and during the event.
These documents will provide all the information necessary to enable competitors to comply with
R14.1 – R 14.1.8.
22. Final instructions, having the same force as these SRs, will be available on the Rathfriland Motor
Club website www.rathfrilandmotorclub.com in due course. These will advise details of start and
finish locations and scrutiny requirements.
Insurance – R 5.1.2 applies.
17. Competitors will be identified by Competition numbers, which will be supplied by the organisers and
they must be displayed during the event. They must be removed on completing the event or on
retirement (R 6.1, R 6.1.1)
The Organisers have applied to Jelf Insurance Partnership for a Blanket Cover Note under
the above scheme. This will provide competitors who need to use the scheme with the Third
Party Cover necessary to meet RTA requirements on the Road Sections of the event.
18. Penalties will be as printed in the appropriate section of the MSA General Regulations ((R) Appendix 1,
Chart 13) except as modified below:
The basic rate for the event before any loadings will be £12.50 (€15.75). All applicants
wishing to use the scheme must be able to comply with all points of the Jelf Insurance
Partnership’s Declaration: -
Chart 13(d) Not reporting at a passage control or providing proof of visiting a Route Check –
30 mins
19. All other General Regulations of the MSA apply as written except for the following which are
R 5.4.3 Only the first named crewmember may drive
R 11.1
Controls will open 15 mins before the due time of the first car and close 30 mins after the
due time of the last car. The timing may be altered should an official delay occur.
R 12.1 Schedule timing will be used on the event in accordance with Regulation R 12.2.2.
20. Competitors are reminded of the following:
20.1 All vehicles must comply with Regulation R 18 and must be taxed and insured for the public
highway. All vehicles are required to carry a warning triangle. Any Competitor not having current
road tax and where appropriate having a current MOT certificate relevant to the car entered will
not pass scrutiny and will not start the event.
20.2 A noise check may be carried out as part of scrutiny in accordance with R 4.1. The maximum
permitted noise level will be 98 Dba at 0.5m.
20.3 In accordance with ANICC rulings, competitors will be permitted to have a maximum of 4 forward
facing beams.
20.4 In accordance with R 18.6.1 competing cars are not permitted to display advertising.
20.5 Competitors must STOP before entering any road protected by a Stop, Halt or Give Way sign (R
20.6 The organisers may establish checks for the purpose of observing a set speed and / or time
schedule and/ or route and / or failure to stop at stop or give way signs.
20.7 Named Judges of Fact will be appointed to observe facts in accordance with R 8.1 and named
Driving Standards Observers may be appointed to observe facts in accordance with R 8.2.2.
20.8 The onus is on competitors to ensure that:
(i) The time card is clearly and correctly marked by all officials (R 11.1.4)
I do not have the Third Party Road Section extension on my current Motor
I am aged 20 or over.
I have had no more than 1 fault claim in the last three years
I have no more than maximum of 6 conviction points on my UK driving licence
I have the appropriate competition licence as well as a UK/EU driving license and if
my license is provisional I will be supervised by an adult over 25.
I have no physical or mental disabilities
I have no other material facts to disclose
Anyone aged less than 20 years old will also be accepted at the same price should
their co-driver be a more senior member of their family or over 25.
If you comply with all points above no Letter of Acceptance will be required. If unable to
comply with any of the above points you will be required to complete the Declaration form (the
form can be obtained by contacting the event secretary or Jelf Insurance Partnership) which
should be forwarded either to the organisers or direct to Jelf Insurance Partnership prior to
the event to allow sufficient time for a letter of acceptance to be issued.
Jelf Insurance Partnership
Partnership House, Priory Park East
Kingston Upon Hull, HU4 7DY
Tel + 44 (0) 1482 213215
Fax + 44 (0) 1482 213216
Email info@jelfmotorsport.com
Any loading fee above the basic rate must be paid at Documentation prior to the start of the
Tour of the Mournes – 6
February 2015
Car Number
All entries should be sent to:
Tom Brown, 107 Burren Road, Dromara, Co Down. BT25 2AJ.
Final closing date for entries is Tuesday 3rd February 2015
Organised by Rathfriland Motor Club Ltd. Held under the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association (Incorporating
the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and the Supplementary Regulations as published.
Competition License No:
First Name:
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Post Code:
E Mail Address:
Mobile Phone No:
Correspondance sent to:
Tick box
Refund sent to:
Tick box
Year of Manufacture:
Cubic Capacity:
Number of Valves:
Turbo fitted:
Yes / No
Registration Number:
Country of Registration:
JELF Insurance cover required?: * Yes / No.
Do you have a loading on your Insurance?: * Yes / No
*delete as necessary.
Circle 1 choice only.
Tour of the Mournes – 6
Cheques, Drafts, Postal Orders should be crossed and made payable to Rathfriland Motor Club Ltd.
£25.00 (Class 1 or 2)
Tour of the Mournes entry
February 2015
fee: £20.00 (Class 3 or 4)
JELF Insurance:
Rathfriland Motor Club membership for Driver?
Rathfriland Motor Club membership for Navigator?
Next of Kin Name:
Address if not the same as Driver:
Telephone Number during event:
“Entrants, driver and passengers must sign the following undertaking:
I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association and, if any, the Supplementary
Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit and competent to take part in the event. I
understand that motorsport is dangerous and accidents causing death, injury, disability and property damage can and do happen. I understand that
these risks may give rise to my suffering personal injury or other loss and I acknowledge and accept these risks.
In consideration of the acceptance of this entry I agree that neither any one or any combination of the MSA and its associated clubs, the organisers, the
track owners or other occupiers, the promoters and their officers, servants, representatives and agents (the “Parties”) shall have any liability for loss or
damage which may be sustained or incurred by me as a result of participation in the Event. Nothing in this clause is intended to or shall be deemed to
exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury. To the fullest extent permitted by law I agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the Parties in
respect of any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising from my participation in the Event.
I declare that to the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event of the type to which this entry
relates and that the vehicle entered is suitable and roadworthy for the event having regard to the course and the speeds which will be reached.
I declare that the use of the vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance as required by the law Road Traffic Act N Ireland 1977, which is
valid for such parts of this event as shall take place on the roads as defined by the law.
If I am the Parent or Guardian I understand that I shall have the right to be present during any procedure being carried out under the Supplementary
Regulations issued for this event and the General Regulations of the MSA.
As the Parent/Guardian ‘I confirm that I have acquainted myself and the minor with the MSA General Regulations, and agree to pay any appropriate
charges and fees pursuant to those Regulations (to include any appendices thereto) and hereby agree to be bound by those Regulations and submit
myself without reserve to the consequences resulting from those Regulations (and any subsequent alteration thereof). Further, I agree to pay as
liquidated damages any fines imposed upon me up to the maxima set out in Section Z.
Note: Where the Parent is not present there must be a guardian who must produce a written and signed authorisation from the parent/guardian to act as
their representative.
I declare that the information given on this entry form is a correct statement of facts as verified by me.
Signature of Entrant:
Age (if under 18)
Signature of Driver:
Age (if under 18)
Signature of Navigator:
Age (if under 18)
**Signature of
parent/guardian if For Driver:
applicable **:
For Navigator:
**If any of the above is under 18 year of age, the above signature must be countersigned by a parent or guardian.**