newsletter - St. John's United Methodist Church
newsletter - St. John's United Methodist Church
If you would like to put something in the newsletter please email it to or drop it off at the Church by Wed. noon. February 1, 2015 - Visit us Online at Lose Your “Buts” Reflection on Exodus 3:11-14 & 4:10-13 Exodus 3:11-14: But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?” God answered, “I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God at this very mountain.” But Moses protested, “If I go to the people of Israel and tell them, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,’ they will ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what should I tell them?” God replied to Moses, “I am who I am. Say this to the people of Israel: I am has sent me to you.” Exodus 4:10-13: This is my eternal name, my name to remember for all generations. But Moses pleaded with the Lord, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.” Then the Lord asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.” But Moses again pleaded, “Lord, please! Send anyone else.” Moses was full of excuses as to why he shouldn't be the one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. "Who am I? What should I tell them? I am not good with words. Send anyone else." Have you said any of these before? Have you made excuses for why you can't do the thing that God has called you to do? "I am too busy. I am not qualified enough. What will people think?" Over and over in the Bible and throughout history, God calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Though we may feel weak or incompetent to do the task that God calls us to do, it is God that gives us strength. When Moses pleaded with God to choose someone else, God's response was, "I will be with you." As we form our mission statements, don't be afraid of what it might say and don't make excuses. God has instilled in you the ability to do great things and God is already at work in you and in the situation that God places on your heart. This week try to answer the following questions. Ask God to forgive and remove your excuses today: What are your common excuses? What self-limiting beliefs hold you back? Director of Contemporary Music The Staff Parish Relations Committee is accepting applications for the position of Director of Contemporary Music. Interested candidates must be a practicing Christian, proficient in all styles of contemporary music, available for worship on Sundays beginning at 10 am (service begins at 11:00 am), available to lead the Praise Team in rehearsals (currently on Thursdays at 6:30 pm), and able to successfully pass a background check. This is approximately a 10 hours per week, part-time position. Salary is commensurate with ability, experience and training. Please contact Pastor Sheryl if you or someone you know might be interested. OMG-University The Outspoken, Mature, and Generous group is a small group of adults in their 40's-50's (and a little beyond). Their objective is to strengthen bonds with Christ and build supportive relationships between families and friends of St John's through conversation, activities, and service projects. They are starting an new effort called OMG university to educate people on popular and important topics impacting our everyday lives. In some cases the topics will be targeting local issues, while others may be important national or international subjects. Their intention is to educate participants so they can make informed decisions. Their program does not intend to force an agenda or lobby for a position on a topic. They are primarily concerned with educating and letting you make up your own mind. They hope that all participants will come with an open mind and a Christian spirit. The format is to watch a video covering a topic of interest and follow it with an open discussion so that everyone can come away with a better understanding of the topic, and can prayerfully consider any next actions they feel are needed. They will also have finger foods at each event, and have a chance to catch up with friends. During the first session they will watch and discuss “Inequality for All,” a documentary that follows former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich as he looks to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap. It will take place on Sat, Feb. 7 at 6:30 pm at the home of Kevin and Mary Ann Autenrieb (3781 Raymond Road, Edwardsville). Handbell Choir The Handbell Choir will resume regular rehearsals on Wed, Feb. 4, at 6:30 pm. New ringers are welcome! If you are over the age of 12 and can read music, you can ring bells. Book Discussion Group The St. John’s Book Group will be meeting on Sun, Feb. 8 at 5:30 pm to discuss The Faith Club at the home of Jeri Lampman. The Faith Club is a true story written by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner, all women of different faiths. The book was born out of the tragedy of 9-11 and tells the story of three American women searching for faith and mutual respect within their religions. This book will be a good way to discuss the issues, differences, as well as the mutual beliefs of Jews, Muslims, and Christians. The book group is open to all, but please RSVP to Jeri at Prayer Requests This week I will pray for: The military and their families, including from St. John’s: Jared Meyer; Matt and Andrew Oller; Jared Kerntke; RJ Taylor; Todd and Hope Schissel; and Joseph & Elizabeth Traylor. Donna Gardner, who is back at Anderson Hospital with a partially obstructed small intestine. Also, prayers for Scott and the rest of the family. Neena Pontious, who is recovering from back surgery. Harold Rich, who is recovering from a fall. The family of Marion Richards, due to her passing on January 17. Jananne Threlkeld’s friend Sharon, who is dealing with a difficult cancer surgery. Tom Finley’s friend, Scott, who has been diagnosed with an aneurysm in one lung. Linda Overbeck’s daughter, Sam, who has Bell's Palsy and a friend, Denise, with complications from her cancer treatment. Barb Deck’s friend, Christine, who is recovering from major surgery. Anita and Bob Runge’s friend, Mary, who will be undergoing breast cancer surgery soon. Nancy Carey’s friend, Chris, who has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and has been given a year to live. Also, prayers for his wife, Kathy, and their family. Nancy Carey’s daughter’s Aunt Elizabeth, who is in the final stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. Also, prayers for the family. Bob and Carolyn Pulliam request prayers for Richard, Marcia and Byron, who are undergoing chemotherapy, Melissa, who is undergoing treatment for a herniated disk, and Gloria, whose husband passed away recently. Card Tables Needed St. John’s Youth would like to borrow card tables in order to transform our Ministry Center into an elegant restaurant! Please write your name under each table so that it can be returned to you. Tables may be placed in Fellowship Hall by Feb. 13 and picked up on Feb. 15. Thank you! Servant Opportunities There are places to serve both within St. John’s and beyond our walls. Sign up at the Servant Center table or the church website. Please check back often to see how you can plug-in: Serving Within the Church Loan your card table to the Youth for their Valentine Dinner on Feb. 14 (see article at left). Serving Beyond the Walls Participate in the monthly Bridge Bread ministry by picking up bread in St. Louis on the Saturday before the sale or working at a table to sell the bread on Sunday mornings. Participate in the Winter Patrol ministry by going on a Wednesday evening outing, or donating needed items. Prepare sack meals on a Wednesday afternoon to be taken on Winter Patrol, or donate food items for the meals. Help distribute food at the TWIGS Mobile Market on Tue, Feb. 3 in Granite City. Set-up is between 9 and 11, and the distribution is between 11 and 1. Assemble backpacks of food for needy children in Granite City on Thu, Feb. 5 at 6:30 pm at Trinity UMC. Do construction work between 8 am-12 pm on Saturdays at the Faith Coalition house at 922 Grand Ave in Edwardsville. New Bible Study Beginning On Thu, Jan. 29, the Thursday Morning Bible Study will begin a new 24-week session called "The Greatest Controversies of Early Christian History." This class will consist of audio lectures given by Bart Ehrman, a professor of religion at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dr. Ehrman will discuss such topics as: Was Jesus Born in Bethlehem?; Is the book of Revelation about our future?; Did early Christians accept the trinity?; Was Jesus' mother a virgin? - and many more. If you are interested in joining a lecture/discussion on this type of information, please join us at 9:30 am Thursday mornings at the church in Rm. 105. 15th Annual Youth Valentine Dinner ~ Feb. 14, 5-7 pm at St. John’s Menu Steak, Italian Vegetables and Pasta Primavera OR Full Order of Pasta Primavera All Meals Come With Salad, Bread & Dessert Childcare available with free child’s meal $18/person, $36/couple Carry outs are available Name________________________________________ Phone________________________________________ Steak _______ (Qty) Pasta _______ (Qty) Total _______ ($) Need Childcare______________ (# children & ages) Make checks payable to St. Johns and put “Valentine Dinner” in the memo. A member of the Youth will contact you to confirm your order. If you have a large group please let us know, and we will give you a reservation time. Youth Ministry Sunday School Middle School (MS) Sunday School meets every Sunday from 10:05-10:50 am in Rm. 201. High School (HS) Sunday School meets every Sunday from 10:05 to 10:50 am in Rm. 202. Confirmation MS Youth Group HS Youth Group Confirmation (8th Grade) meets every Sunday from January until May from 122 pm in Rm.130 (see article below). First Look (Preschoolers & Kindergarten) Our Theme for February is “I ♥ You!” and the Bottom Line is “Jesus Loves Me” No matter how much love and how many ♥s we shower on our favorite people, it will never be anything compared to the love that Jesus has for us. Jesus’ love is immeasurable. It’s wide and long and high and deep. It’s forever. It’s huge. It’s awesome. It’s what we want our preschoolers to know about this month. We’re going to tell some love stories this month. No, not the Hallmark channel ones—the real ones from the Bible. The ones that show us how much Jesus loves us. Feb. 1, 5-7 - Super Bowl Party (bring a snack to share) Feb. 8, 6-8 - XP3 Discussion & Games Feb. 13, 6-8 - Valentine’s Dinner set-up Feb. 14, 4-8 - Valentine’s Dinner Fundraiser Feb. 15 - NO Youth Group Take a look at the video for this month: Feb. 1, 5-7 - Super Bowl Party (bring a snack to share) Feb. 8, 6-8 - XP3 Discussion Feb. 13, 6-8 - Valentine’s Dinner set-up Feb. 14, 4-8 - Valentine’s Dinner Fundraiser Feb. 15 - NO Youth Group Our Theme for February is “Undercover Kindness” and the Life App is “Kindness” When you look at the life of Jesus, He demonstrated kindness all the time. But He not only showed kindness to others, He actually flipped the whole idea of kindness on its head and redefined it for not only His disciples, but all of us. Growth Group Feb. 11 - Meet at Denny's Glen Carbon HS Bible Study from 6-7 pm and bring $3. Please contact Steve Morby at 618.975.5352 or with questions. Memory Verse Our memory verse this month is “How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” Ephesians 3:18 NIrV 252 Basics (1st to 5th Grade) He showed kindness to all people. People who were marginalized. People with bad reputations. Children, beggars, the sick and outcast, all people—regardless of whether they could return the kindness given to them. That’s why we’re taking the whole month to look more closely at kindness: showing others they are valuable by how you treat them. Take a look at the video for this month: February 1 Confirmation Class This Sunday our confirmands are learning about the difference between Church and Worship. Church is a community of people who worship God together, learn about Jesus, and practice faith through service. Here's something to think about: What's the difference between going to church and being the church? Check out our blog for more about this topic and other questions to ponder on the Confirmation page of the church website at Church Dine to Donate If you go to Texas Roadhouse in Edwardsville after church on any Sunday, be sure to take a copy of our church bulletin. Give it to your server and St. John’s will receive 10% of your total bill. It’s an easy way to help raise a little extra funds for St. John’s! Memory Verse Our memory verse this month is “Do to others as you want them to do to you.” Luke 6:31, NIrV Widget: Kindness Box Unless you were raised in a barn, you probably know what it means to be kind (scratch that—even Wilbur the pig was pretty good at being kind). But knowing kindness and showing kindness are two different things. With this month’s widget, the KINDNESS BOX, families will be on the alert to catch each other showing kindness. When they do, they are to write down what they see on a slip of paper and drop it into the Kindness Box. At the end of the month, families can sit down to celebrate with ice cream (or hot cocoa!) and read through their stories of kindness from the entire month. St. John’s UMC Our Purpose Our Vision Our Core Values 7372 Marine Rd, Edwardsville To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To be a beacon of faith and service, focusing our passions and gifts to reflect Christ’s love to the world. Knowing, loving and serving God. 618.656.1853 Join us for worship at 9 or 11 am Presentation on Saudi Arabia Upcoming Birthdays Luke Snell, Emeritus Professor of Construction, will be presenting a program entitled "Saudi Arabia, Dealing with Change" on Thu, Feb. 12 from 7-8 pm at the Main Street Community Center. His wife, Billie, will be wearing an outfit that women have to wear in Saudi Arabia. Luke and Billie were longtime members of St. John’s until they relocated to Arizona. Saudi Arabia’s relationship with the USA has always been rocky. Today our interests are comingled. We need their oil and they depend on us for security. Neither country likes this dependence on each other. Saudi Arabia is facing several challenges as the world around them is changing. This presentation will discuss some of those changes and how it affects our relationships with them that Dr. Snell has witnessed over 30 years of working in Saudi Arabia. Feb. 1 Lois Green Dave Levy Feb. 2 Jim Craig Scott Payne Carl Green Adam Sarabia Jackie Snider Jackson Schwent Feb. 11 Jenice Belling Ron Vinyard Bonny Bratten Feb. 3 Helen Davie Katie Maxwell Feb. 4 Alek Ziegler Feb. 5 Brian Downes Dylan Peel Robert Smith Kylie Peel Koralyn Molly Peel Gruenkemeyer Sandy Tiahrt Dillon Henderson Robin Umbaugh Feb. 8 There is a new group of ACA called “Children of Hope” that meets each Tuesday at 7:30 pm in Rm. 105. The group focuses on a 12 step healing process for those raised in dysfunctional, traumatic, abusive or alcoholic families/homes. Cathryn Reed Valerie Sweatt Feb. 6 Adult Children of Alcoholics Feb. 10 Cameron Hollway Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Gavin Guttmann Aubree Kloostra Feb. 13 Austin Bauer Drew Pigeon Feb. 14 Emily Fornof Rosina Denkyirah St. John’s Calendar: February 1-14 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Coffee Fellowship, FH, Open Walking, MC, TWIGS Mobile Market, Trinity 8:30-11am 8am UMC, 9am Traditional Worship, Library Team, MC, 9am Library, 9:30am Staff Parish Relations, Rm Sunday School, Whole Bread for the World, 127, 6:30pm First Presbyterian, Church, 10:05am 11:30am ELL, FH, 7pm Children’s Choir, Rm Girl Scout Troop UMW Wesley 114, 10:55am #211, FH, 5:15pm Circle, Rm 105, Contemporary 7pm Worship, MC, 11am Cancer Support & Inspiration, Jeri Men’s Group, Rm Confirmation, Rm 127, Lampman’s 202, 7pm 12pm 6:30pm Adult Children of Youth Group Super Girl Scout Troop Alcoholics, Rm Bowl Party, Whole #355, Rm 127, 105, 7:30pm Church, 5-7pm 6:30pm Outreach Team, Rm 105, 6:30pm Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday Saturday 6 7 UMW Board Mtg, Rm Open Walking, MC, Pastor Sheryl’s 105, 9am 7:30am Day Off Men’s Small Group, FH, 8am Fantasy Football Awards Banquet, FH & Kitchen, Staff Mtg, Rm 107, World Religions Parents Group, Rm 8:30am Study, Rm 105, 12:30pm 124, 6pm Faith Coalition 8:45am Organist Practice, MC, Liquid Small Renovation, 922 Bible Study, Rm 105, Group, Jeri 2pm Grand Ave in Lampman’s, 9:30am Edwardsville, Winter Patrol 6:30pm 8am-12pm Homeless Ministry, Worship Design Downtown St. Louis, Team, Library, Narcotics OMG University, Anonymous, FH, 6pm 6pm Autenrieb’s, 8:15pm 6:30pm Handbell Choir Pack a Sack, Trinity UMW General Mtg, FH, 12 pm Practice, MC, 6:30pm Al-Anon, Rm 105, 7:30pm Changing Habits, Rm Mom 2 Mom, Rm 105, 8am 202, 9:30am UMC, 6:30pm Praise Band Practice, MC, 6:30pm Choir Practice, Rm 130, 7:30pm Boy Scouts, FH, 7pm 8 9 10 Boy Scout Sunday Open Walking, MC, Men’s Group, Rm 8am 202, 7pm Coffee Fellowship, FH, Girl Scout Troop Adult Children of 8:30-11am #211, FH, 5:15pm Alcoholics, Rm Traditional Worship, 105, 7:30pm Boy Scouts, FH, MC, 9am 7pm Sunday School, Whole Church, 10:05am 11 12 Staff Mtg, Rm 107, 1pm Open Walking, MC, Pastor Sheryl’s 7:30am Day Off 14 Organist Practice, MC, Changing Habits, Rm Mom 2 Mom, Rm 2pm 105, 8am 202, 9:30am Children’s Choir, Rm 114, 10:55am Winter Patrol World Religions Homeless Ministry, Study, Rm 105, Downtown St. Louis, 8:45am 6pm Greater Gateway Growth Group, Assoc of Realtors, Denny’s, 6pm FH, 9am-2:30pm Contemporary Worship, MC, 11am Quilting for God, Rm 203, 6pm Confirmation, Rm 127, 12pm Handbell Choir Praise Band Practice, Practice, MC, 6:30pm MC, 6:30pm Book Discussion Group, Jeri Lampman’s, 5:30pm Young Adult Group, Rm 202, 7pm Youth Group, Whole Church, 6pm 13 Valentine Dinner Set-up, Whole Church, 6-8pm Narcotics Anonymous, FH, 8:15pm Men’s Small Group, FH, 8am Faith Coalition Renovation, 922 Grand Ave in Edwardsville, 8am-12pm Youth Valentine Dinner, Whole Church, 5-7pm Bible Study, Rm 105, 9:30am Al-Anon, Rm 105, 7:30pm Choir Practice, Rm 130, 7:30pm FH - Fellowship Hall MC - Ministry Center