Hereford Times - Herefordshire Council


Hereford Times - Herefordshire Council
The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England)
Order 2010 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Sections 67 & 73
Application Types:
P - Planning permission
L - Listed Building Consent
SL - Affecting the setting of a Listed Building
AC - Affecting a Conservation Area
P150055/F – AC SL
P143837/L – L SL
P150060/FH - AC
P150065/L– SL L
P150010/FH – AC
P143204/F - D
P150014/FH &
P150015/L – L SL
P150097/L – AC L
P150094/L – AC L
P150081/F – AC SL
P150099/F - RW
P150098/O - SL
P150101/F – AC SL
P150037/F - SL
P150092/F - P
P150109/F - AC
P150036/F - P
P130911/F - SL
P150021/O - D
P150034/L – SL L
P150115/F - SL
D - Not in accordance with the provisions
of the Development Plan
RW - Affecting a public right of way
T - For a telecommunications mast
Demolish two store building (offices) and construct new two storey
building to form 2 no. one bedroom flats (residential). 46 Broad
Street, Ross-on-Wye
Remove render over the building and the concrete path and wall
around the perimeter of the cottage to reduce damp and improve
appearance. Catson, Little Dewchurch
Conversion of garage/stores to provide additional residential
accommodation ancillary to the main house. Caradoc, 49 Watling
Street, Leintwardine
Construction of single storey glazed garden room extension to rear
of property. 4 Castle Street, Hereford
Garage and workshop at 2 Church House, Church Lane, Ledbury
Demolition of buildings and site clearance. Proposed 3 no. 4/5
bedroom dwellings and office building, with landscaping and
Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme. Mason's Potatoes, The
Packhouse, Dadnor
Extension to dwelling and external alterations. The Threshing
Barn, Stretton Court Farm, Stretton Sugwas
Erection of individual lettering on the existing fascia sign and 1 no.
hanging sign. 2 St Peters Square, Hereford
Replacement of 2 no. rooflights. 13 Castle Street, Hereford
Change of use from B1 to D1. Broadway House, 32 Broad Street,
Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission P132497/FH. 4
Merrivale Crescent, Ross-On-Wye
Site for two storey three bedroom residential property. Land to rear
of Wardour House, Whitney-on-Wye
Two storey extension comprising of 2 no. 1 bedroom flats. 59
Bargates, Leominster
Variation of condition 3 of DCNW2006/0857/F- request that the
condition be re-worded to enable the building's use for vehicle
storage, polishing and vehicle repairs/maintenance. D And A
Motors Workshop, Standale, Staunton On Wye
Installation of 6ha of polytunnels for table top production area, with
associated infrastructure, including water tank and two containers.
Common Field West of Thinghill Court, Thinghill Lane, Withington
Replacement ATM machine. 32 Gloucester Road, Ross-On-Wye
Associated feed bins and hardstandings. Porch Farm, Weston
Under Penyard
Retention of 4 residential caravans/chalets to support diversified
agricultural business. at Caplor Farm, Fownhope
Proposed dwelling with garage and workshop, vehicular and
pedestrian access. Hills Farm, Leysters
Roof replacement and 8 skylights (retrospective). Gwyrlodydd,
Cwarelau Road, Newton St. Margarets
Residential development of four detached houses. Pear Tree Farm,
P150054/F - RW
P150056/L – AC L
P143821/F - AC, SL
Shower block for camp site. Green Acres, Lea
Internal and external works, to include replacement of 4 windows,
replacement of rendering to south, east and west elevations and
chimney. Bodenham Hall, Bodenham
Development of 5 self-build dwelling houses with ancillary garages.
Croftmead, North Road, Kingsland
The plans and documents can be viewed online at the Council’s Customer Service Centres or
via the following link
If you wish to make representations or comments you can during the period of 21 days
beginning with the date of the publication of this notice quoting the relevant number:
 By the Website: Using the online comment form
 By e-mail to:
 By post to: - Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB
ANDREW ASHCROFT (Assistant Director) – 29 January 2015