the HEC Carrer Fair brochure


the HEC Carrer Fair brochure
27th & 28th
on the HEC Campus
Career fair
To register
unique educational expertise driven
by excellence and diversity
HEC Paris benefits from
An international student population
• Part of a global student exchange network with
126 top universities and business schools.
• Each student has the chance to tackle different
challenges in foreign countries (internships, jobs,
student exchanges, humanitarian works…).
• 95 nationalities are represented.
A dynamic student body
The entrepreneurial spirit of HEC students is
demonstrated by the activities of over 130 student
associations and professional clubs.
HEC is the first business school in France to
• The European accreditation EQUIS by EFMD (European
Foundation for Management Development).
• The American accreditation AACSB International (The
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).
• AMBA (Association of MBAs).
More than 3,000 diverse HEC Paris
students are looking for internships
and jobs in France and abroad
A three-year program for selected students designed
to train them to become leaders capable of anticipating
changes in the world and of playing a responsible role
within it.
The Specialized Masters and MSc provide students with
a specialization in a sector or a function. These full time
programs, which last between 8 to 12 months, are aimed
at candidates, with little or no professional experience,
who have graduated from higher education in France or
abroad, and wish to acquire expertise in a specific field of
Six programs are offered in English:
• International Finance
• Strategic Management
• International Business
• Managerial & Financial Economics
• Marketing
• Sustainable Development.
Five programs are offered in French:
• International Law and Management
• Entrepreneurship
• Projects Management
• Intelligence Marketing
• Media Arts and Creation
The HEC MBA Program-402 participants
A 16 month full-time or 2-year part-time English program
made up of over 45 different nationalities (85% nonFrench). Participants between the ages of 25 and 35
have an average of 6 years professional experience.
The HEC PHD Program-79 students
The mission of the PhD Program at HEC Paris is to
train outstanding researchers in the major areas of
HEC PARIS: Students from the
world’s top universities
HEC Paris is a uniquely diverse institution that affords
its students the opportunity to engage with peers from
all across the world. 95 nationalities are represented on
the campus. In addition, the rigorous admissions process
ensures that this diverse group of individuals is well
prepared for the demanding courses and challenging
programs offered at HEC.
At the HEC Career Fair, you will m
​ eet ​with students from
the world’s top universities* such as:
Europe, Middle East:
• Mc Gill University, Canada
• Columbia University, USA
• New York University (NYU), USA
• Wharton School, USA
• Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Latin America
• Fudan University, China
• Tsinghua University, China
• Keio University, Japan
• National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
* Examples of institutions of origin 2013-14
• Top French Engineering Schools (école polytechnique,
écoles centrales, école des Mines...)
• Munich University of Technology (TUM), Germany
• University of Mannheim, Germany
• Bocconi University, Italy
• American University of Beirut, Lebanon
• Higher School of Economics, Russia
• Universidad Politecnica de Madrid y de Catalunya, Spain
• University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
• Imperial College of London, UK
• London School of Economics, UK
• University of Cambridge, UK
• University of Oxford, UK
The HEC Carrefours: an engaging and
hugely beneficial event enabling
students and companies to connect
and share information
At HEC Carrefours you will have the opportunity to:
• Meet motivated and prepared students at a professional
career fair exclusively organized for future HEC
• Choose from interesting student profiles that match
your firm’s values and job offers.
• Reinforce your reputation within the HEC community.
• Inform students of the sectors you are working in and
the available positions: jobs and internships.
In addition to meeting exceptional talent,
attending the HEC Carrefours OFFERS YOU
• A personalized stand or classroom with a counter, chairs,
• Lunch for your respresentatives and the students they
wish to invite (10 people).
• A student to welcome you and assist you throughout
the day.
• Both a full advertisement page and a full information
page for your company in the brochure distributed to all
attendees (2 pages in total).
• A link to your website from,
accessible to all students and recent HEC graduates.
• Members of the HEC Foundation will also have a private
lounge for relaxation and additional meeting space.
• A dynamic interaction with HEC students thanks to the
mobile application of the Carrefours HEC.
• A booking service for the Best Western hotel located on
the campus, or in another hotel close to the campus, if
• The opportunity to receive CVs and cover letters before
the forum via the website.
Cost: 4 000€
The fair takes place over two days but each company will only
attend on one of the days. Places are limited.
Corporate partners of the HEC Foundation participate in the development of HEC Paris and facilitate exchanges
between the corporate and the educational worlds. Their support enables HEC Paris to anticipate, build, innovate and
train the managers who will lead companies to success in the future.
Members of the HEC foundation (as of May 2014)
Accenture | Alcatel-Lucent | Allen & Overy | Allianz | AXA | Bain & Company | BETC | BNP Paribas |
Capgemini Consulting | Crédit Agricole | Danone | Deloitte | EDF | EY | Exane | Free |
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP | GDF Suez | Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. | Google | Kering | KPMG |
Linklaters | L’Oréal | Mazars | MBDA | McKinsey & Company | Meetic | Neopost | Orange | Pernod Ricard |
Porsche | PwC | Procter & Gamble | Publicis | Puma Energy | Renault | Rothschild | Safran |
Schneider Electric | Société Générale | Thomson Reuters | Total | Unibail-Rodamco | Vente-privé |
Weave | Webhelp
Carrefours HEC
Tél. : 33 (0) 1 39 67 76 33
Direction des Relations avec les Entreprises
1, rue de la Libération - 78351 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex - France
Tél. : 33 (0) 1 39 67 73 66 - -
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The HEC Foundation
Privileged relations with companies