Bulletin - St. Francis of Assisi Parish


Bulletin - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
St. Paul’s and St. Francis of Assisi
St. Paul’s Parish, 340A Newfoundland Dr., St. John’s
St. Francis of Assisi, 49 Outer Cove Rd., Outer Cove
Rev. Fred Brown
St. Paul’s Ph: 754-1980 Fax: 754-5660
Website: http://stpaulsparishnl.ca
Office Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday 8:30am-4:00pm.
Tuesday: 12:30pm – 4:00pm, Wednesday 8:30am – 12:00pm
Fourth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
February 1, 2015
St. Francis Ph: 437-5777 Fax: 754-5660
Website – http://stfrancis.comuv.com
Office Hours: Tuesday 8:30am – 12:00pm,
Wednesday 12:30pm – 4:00pm
Mass Schedule Feb 2 - 8, 2015
Tuesday, St. Paul’s, 9:30am – K & G & family
(living), James Hartson, Philip & Winnifred Walsh
Wednesday, St. Francis, 9:00am – NO MASS
Thursday, St. Paul’s, 9:30am – Catherine Boland,
Ray Finlay, Margaret Godden
Friday, St. Francis, 9:00am – Helen Spellman,
Jack & Wendy Devereaux & family, Joseph
McGrath, Gordon, Frank & Frances Boland
Saturday, St. Paul’s 4:00 pm - Carol Murphy, Bill
Gosse, Edward Walsh
Sunday, St. Francis 9:45am – All Parishioners
Sunday, St. Paul’s 11:15am - All Parishioners
“Let each of you lead the life that the Lord has
assigned, to which God has called you.” If you are
considering a vocation to the consecrated life or
priesthood, call Fr. Ken Walsh 432-2865, Fr. Steve
Courtney 726-3660 or email: vocations@rcsj.org
St. Paul’s Parish – Bereavement Team meeting will
be held on Wednesday, February 4th at 2:00pm. We
are in need of new team members. Please come and
join us.
Ministers of the Liturgy for Feb 7/8
St. Paul’s Parish
Saturday - Andrea Adams, Maureen Roche
Sunday - Jeff James, Patsy Yetman
Bringing Up the Gifts:
Saturday – Art & Kay Escott
Sunday – Gerry & Hannah Leahy
Eucharistic Ministers:
Saturday – Roseanne Veitch, Doug Harris,
Bernadine Knight
Sunday – Virginia Barrett, Mary Moulton,
Bernard Madden, Eileen Madden
Saturday - Leo Kinsella, Joe Mulrooney,
Phil Walsh
Sunday – Maria Enriquez, Aloysios Billings,
George Fowler, Claud Moulton
My Refuge, My Strength - A new book
authored by Monsignor Francis A. Coady,
P.H. Encouragement for Catholics and others.
Available at the Basilica Parish Office or call
Jocelyn at (709) 726-3660. $15.00 per copy.
Limited quantity available.
Feast of St. Blaise: We will be celebrating the
Feast of St. Blaise the weekend of February 7th
& 8th. Fr. Brown will be available after each
weekend mass to bless the throats of those who
wish to take part in the blessing.
Offertory Collection with Thanks
Jan 24 & 25
St. Paul’s
Offertory $1952.50
Other Parishes $283.00
St. Francis of Assisi $65.00
Food Bank $5.00
Initial Offering $15.00
Development & Peace $20.00
St. Francis of Assisi
Offertory $578.70
Rec’d from St. Paul’s $416.25
Other Parishes $165.00
Initial Offering $15.00
Christmas Offering $5.00
Advent Self Denial $75.00
Cemetery Donation $75.00
------------------------------------------------------------R.C. CURSILLO MOVEMENT has resumed its
weekly Ultreyas at St. Patrick’s meeting room at
10:15 am every Saturday morning.
Winter 2015 –T'ai Chi Chih and Chow Medical
Qigong - promoting healthy living body mind spirit.
You are invited to join us for classes at The Lantern
on Barnes Road, Tuesday through Thursday starting
the week of January 4th. Please visit
www.taichichihnl.ca for details about times and also
other locations in St. John’s and Mount Pearl as an
extension of our Lantern Programs. Contact Sheila
Leonard, PBVM at 727-7863 or
sheilaleonard@nf.sympatico.ca or simply come
The Social Work Department of the Dr. H. Bliss
Murphy Cancer Center, Eastern Health will again
be offering a 7 week program entitled Cancer
Transitions, Moving Beyond Treatmentbeginning
mid February 2015. The goal of the group is to
support and empower cancer survivors as they
transition from active treatment to post-treatment.
Participants will meet once a week for seven weeks
followed by a "booster session" one month postprogram. The program includes support and
education about exercise, nutrition, emotional health,
well-being and medical management. For further
information you can call the Social Work office at
Counselling Services: Individual,
couple, family and sexual abuse counselling
available upon request. To register for any of
the above groups or for further details:
either go to our website
for online registration, call Jennifer at 5790168, or email: flb@nf.aibn.com
The Mindful Way through Anxiety &
Depression (8 wks.) – Facilitator:
Denyse Lane, M.Ed. (Couns, Psych.),
CCC Begins: Tues., Jan. 27, 7 - 9 pm.
Parenting TEENS Course: (5 wks.) Facilitator: Denise Sargeant, MMFT,
CCC, n.d. Begins: Start date to be
announced, Time: Wed., 11:30 - 2 pm.
Anger Management for
Men (7wks.) Facilitator: Denyse
Lane, M.Ed. (Couns, Psych.),
CCC Begins: Thurs., Jan. 29, 12 – 2
Self-Empowerment Women’s Group
“Safe People” (8 wks.) Facilitator:
Robyn Hamlyn, M.C. (Couns, Psych.)
Begins: Thurs, Jan. 29, 7 - 9 pm.
FOUND KEYS at St. Francis of Assisi
Church, if you are missing your keys (mailbox
is one key), please contact the office.
The Archdiocese of St. John's will celebrate
the World Day of the Sick with
Pastoral Care ministers and caregivers in any
health care facilities, long-term care facilities or
parishes are invited to this
gathering. Where? at St. Pius X Parish Hall,
St. John's. Due to limited parking space we
kindly request that participants car pool if
possible. When? Wednesday, February
11th. Time? Retreat at 10:30 a.m., followed
by Mass at 12:15, with Luncheon to
follow. Please register by February 6 by
contacting Janet Stead at 726-3660, ext. 230
or e-mailing jstead@nf.aibn.com
Youth and Young Adult Activities
Interested in getting involved with other Catholic
youth or young adults? Visit the Archdiocesan
website www.rcsj.org to find lots of upcoming
activities that you can participate in this fall.
PUBLIC LECTURE You are invited to a public
lecture, titled, “The Call of the Earth and the Call of
the Poor are One”, 7 pm, February 19th, St. Pius X
Parish Hall, Smithville Crescent. Guest
speaker is Sr. Mary Tee, RSM. This lecture is cosponsored by The Mercy Centre for the Ecology and
Justice and the Provincial Council of the Catholic
Women’s League. A reception will
follow. Everyone welcome!
(Traditional Latin Mass) Mass in the Extraordinary
Form (Latin Mass) offered weekly on Sunday,
celebrated at St. Pius X chapel at 5:15 pm. Visitor’s
guide to Latin mass call Una Voce, #722-4842
(Elizabeth) or 726-6767 (Maureen) or email: unavoce.sopc@gmail.com
St. Paul’s and St. Francis of Assisi Parish Liturgy
Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 5,
7:00pm at St. Francis of Assisi Parish Annex.
St. Paul’s & St. Francis of Assisi – 2014
Donation Receipts are now ready for pickup.
Grief and Bereavement Information and
Support Group: Eastern Health’s Pastoral
Care and Ethics Dept. is offering an eight week
“Grief and Bereavement Information and
Support Group” for people who have
experienced the loss of a loved one. Sessions
begin on Thursday, January 29th from 1:30pm3:45pm. To register, please contact Rev.
Jacintha Penney or Paul Grimes at 777-6959.
Confirmation of appointment slips available.
The Lantern
•7-Week Iyengar Yoga, with Genia Sussex,
week January 14-February 26
•Chakras for Beginners Intro guide for women,
with Donna Burt, Tuesdays, 1- 3pm, Feb. 5-25
•Bereavement Information and Support
Program, with Donna Burt and Susan
Templeton, Mondays, 1:30-3:30pm, January
26-Mar 16
•Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, with
Marie Wall and Maureen Barry, Wednesdays,
February 25-1 hour, 6:30-8:30pm, March 4April 22
•8 Week Chow Medical Qigong, with Sheila
Leonard, Tuesdays, January 13-Mar 3
•8-Week T’ai Chi Chih, with Sheila Leonard,
Wednesdays and Thursdays, January 14-Mar 5
St. Paul’s Knight of Columbus February
Executive Meeting – February 4th - 7:00pm in
the church foyer.
Council Meeting – February 11th - 7:30pm in
the church foyer
Rosary – February 11th - 7:00pm in the church
Holy Hour – 2:00 -3:00pm Thursdays in the