February 2015 - neighborsofpinehurst.org


February 2015 - neighborsofpinehurst.org
Neighbors of Pinehurst
February, 2015
A note from the president
As we give a warm welcome to all of our new members, we are kicking off the New Year welcoming new
board members Mo Snowdon, V.P. and Linda Bradley, Treasurer. Our new chairpersons are Jeane Kays & Jane
Fellows, Dining-Out Chair & Co-Chair and Charlotte Conradi, Social Registrar to our existing talented board. All
of us are looking forward to working with you throughout 2015 to make this yet another memorable year in
the Sandhills. With that said, we cannot thank our retiring board members Jeane Kays, President, Karyn
Molnar, Treasurer and chairpersons Linda Bradley, Dining-Out, Liz Polston & Susan Gordan, Mah Jong Mania
co-chairs, Special Events Co-chairs Sheri Devendorf & Donna VanHoover enough for their creativity & efforts
to make life in Pinehurst fun, stimulating and productive.
A special thank you from all of us goes to Sheila Henderson, for her 7 years of devoted service to Neighbors.
Wearing many hats under the title of Membership Chairperson she has decided to step down to “make room
for new blood and ideas”. All of the functions Sheila has performed over the years will require a number of
new opportunities and a distribution of responsibilities. We cannot thank her enough and look forward to
joining her at many of the activities you’ll find in this newsletter.
You will also find the Board and Committee Chairperson List at the end of this newsletter. These are the
people who have volunteered to ensure that we all have opportunities for an active, social and productive
year. As the general membership let us thank and support them throughout this year.
Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Active 2015!
Karen Fogle, President
Important notice: The next meeting of the NOP board will be on Wednesday, March 4th at the home of
Karen Fogle, 81 Glasgow Drive at 4:00 pm. Please RSVP to kdfogle@rfogle.com or 687-4381.
Jeane Kays, handing over the gavel to 2015 President Karen Fogle.
2015 Neighbors of Pinehurst Officers: Mo Snowden,
VP; Karen Fogle, President; Karen Smith, Secretary
and Linda Bradley, Treasurer
Neighbors of Pinehurst
Membership Renewal - 2015
Please fill out the form below, listing your name(s) and other information.
This information will be published in the Neighbors of Pinehurst Directory.
Include this form with your $15 check payable to: Neighbors of Pinehurst.
This will renew your membership for 2015.
Envelopes must be postmarked no later than December 31, 2014.
After January 1, 2015, the renewal fees and new memberships are $20.
Reminder: You must be a member of Neighbors of Pinehurst
to belong to any of our organized groups.
Send your personal check with the completed form (below) to:
Jack MacMillan
16 Lochdon Court
Pinehurst, NC 28374
------------------------------------Cut here-----------------------------------------------------Name(s)______________________________________________________
Address :______________________________________________________
(as you want it printed in the directory)
City_____________________ State_______________ Zip Code_________
Phone Number_______________
Email address________________________
All Newsletters will be emailed or can be accessed monthly on the website:
If you know someone who is hospitalized, ill, or has had a death in the family, please contact Jan Lindmark
at 692-4961 or jkl56@nc.rr.com. Jan will send them a card to let them know we are thinking of them.
Book Club I
Book Club II
Book Club III
Book Club IV (BRASS)
Book Club V
Book Club VI (Mystery)
Book Club VII (Novel Neighbors)
Book Club VIII
Book Club IX
Year at a glance 2015
Annual Bridge Luncheon
Progressive Dinner
Dining Out
New Member’s Party
Pool Party
Member’s Appreciation Picnic
Mah Jongg Mania
February 26
February 8
February 11
February 25
February 18
February 26
February 9
February 8
February 19
Dates (some dates to be determined)
March 30
If you know anyone who wants to join Neighbors of Pinehurst, have them contact the
Membership Chairperson, Jack MacMillan 420-1344 or jackmac1946@gmail.com
Barry & Kathy Beeman
Tom & Dawn O’Day
Grace Bergstedt
Jean Hutchins Dave Jenkins
Mary Stewart Regensburg
Bob & Kathy Wharton
Deborah Raviart
Interested in joining a Book Club?
To all Book Club Members:
There seems to be some confusion about how people are joining our book clubs. To join a book club
you must first be a member of Neighbors of Pinehurst. Membership information can be found on
our website (www.neighborsofpinehurst.org ). Please refer any members that are interested in joining a
book club to me. There are openings available and new clubs will be started as needed.
Thank you,
Mary Lou Herre , Book Club Coordinator 420-2744 or mlherre@nc.rr.com
Book Club Members are invited to send their books to Dolores Flashman. The books are available to
individual members. A list of the books is sent monthly to the Book Club leaders. If you want to borrow a
book, call Dolores 255-0554. If the book is available, she will leave the book on her porch for pick up.
Contact Dolores with questions dflashman11@gmail.com .
The Book Club Leaders are reminded to send a copy of your book list to The Country Book
Store. They offer a discount to book club members and will stock a supply of your
selections. Send to Beth Carpenter: beth.thecountrybookshop@gmail.com
Book Club Chairperson Change - Email Mary Schneider at neighborsofpinehurst@gmail.com
BOOK CLUB I will meet on Thursday, February 26, at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Linda McVay. Harriet
Ecker will present All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. If you have not previously signed up
to attend please email lmcvay1@nc.rr.com or call Linda at 295-7474
BOOK CLUB II will meet at the home of Jan Lindmark on Friday, February 13th at 10 a.m. Cheryl
Mensch will review Me Before You by JoJo Moyes.
BOOK CLUB III will meet Wednesday, February 11th, at the home of Nancy Jacobs, 16 Hunter Court
(Longleaf). The book selection is The October List by Jeffrey Deaver. Please let Nancy know if you are
planning to attend: 693-1790 or randnjacobs@pinehurst.net.
BOOK CLUB IV (BRASS) will meet February 25th at the home of Marilyn Mahan to discuss Lisette’s
List by Alison Richman.
BOOK CLUB V will meet in the home of Ann Barlow at 63 McMichael Drive in Pinewild on Wednesday,
February 18th at 7 PM. The selection for February is Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. Please
RSVP to Ann at 295-4359 or e-mail her at: sabarlow3@nc.rr.com
BOOK CLUB VI (Mystery) will meet Wednesday Feb 25, 9:30 at Marilyn Mahan's house. The book is
Sycamore Row by John Grisham.
BOOK CLUB VII (Novel Neighbors) will be meeting at a local restaurant for lunch February 9th.
February's book is "The Husband's Secret" by Laine Moriarty. Restaurant and time to be announced.
Please RSVP to Susan Zanetti
BOOK CLUB VIII will meet on February 4, at 7pm. Hostess will be Martha Romero. Our Book is A Land
More Kind Than Home. by Wylie Cash.
BOOK CLUB IX will be meeting at Linda Stroehler’s home, 24 Kilberry Ct. on Feb. 19 to discuss “Still Life
With Breadcrumbs” by Ana Quinlan.
Bridge News
Ladies Marathon Bridge
Okay, Ladies. Signups are now being taken for Grandslammer XLV which will start as soon as eight
teams are available. I need three more teams to start this one. Please, sign up NOW and, send in your
money. I’m sure some of you want to get games in during the winter weather.
The majority of the participants will decide whether to play Chicago or rubber bridge. As soon as eight
teams are signed up, we can begin play. This is a continuous process. So, if you would like to play, sign
up now by calling Phyllis Clark at 215-8730 or email her at jus4phyl@nc.rr.com. Send your check/s for
$10/lady made payable to Neighbors of Pinehurst and mail it to Phyllis Clark, 64 Stoneykirk Drive,
Pinehurst, NC 28374
Need a Partner? Give Phyllis a call at 215-8730. She tries to hook up players who are looking for a
game. Have you considered playing in another marathon with a different partner? Maybe a new member?
Another friend? Or someone who’s looking for a partner?
Hostesses, please remember to schedule your games as early as possible giving your opponents
several options. Everyone has busy schedules, so the earlier you do this the better it works out for
all concerned. Thank you.
Couples Marathon - Sign-ups will continue to be taken for the next Couples Marathon. Sign up
and join in the fun! We really need couples to sign up and keep this going. It’s a very nice way to
spend an evening. Here’s wishing you great cards!
Games are scheduled so that you play with a different couple once a month for seven (7) months.
If you enjoy bridge, this is a great way to meet new couples as well as spend and evening with
friends. To sign up, we need a check for $15/couple, made payable to Neighbors of Pinehurst, to
Lynne Moore, 32 Lasswade Drive, Pinehurst, NC, 28374. Checks may be mailed or dropped in the
basket on Lynne’s porch. If there are any questions, call Lynne at 235-3929 or email her at
How Marathon Bridge Works – Each Marathon consists of seven months of scheduled play with
one additional month allowed for the completion of all rounds. There are no games scheduled in
December. Couples or lady partners may schedule play at their convenience during the eight-month
period. Sign-ups are on a first-come-first-served basis. When a group fills up, new sign ups are
placed on a waiting list until there are eight teams to form a new group. This procedure continues
throughout the year. So, if you are finishing one marathon and wish to continue or sign up for an
additional one, send in your check/s. For more information, contact either Lynne or Phyllis.
Neighbors Bridge Groups – Neighbors supports various bridge groups by providing cards, score
sheets, etc. The requirements for being a “Neighbors” group are simple: 1) All the members must
belong to Neighbors of Pinehurst. 2) You must use the ladies on the substitute list above as
substitutes, whenever possible. To my knowledge there are 3 duplicate groups that currently qualify
for support. They are the 1st Monday Group headed by Judith Kelley; the 1st Friday Group headed
by Phyllis Clark; and the 3rd Monday Group headed by Phyllis Clark. I am not aware of any party
bridge groups, but I know there are some out there. This offer is open not only to ladies, but men
and couples as well.
I know there are other bridge groups, duplicate or party, playing in the community. Let me know if
you think your group qualifies for our support. E-mail me, Phyllis Clark at jus4phyl@nc.rr.com with
a list of your members, the name of the person responsible for the group, and the type of game
your group plays.
Bridge News -- continued
Bridge Substitutes
The following ladies are on our substitute
list. If you would like your name added to, or
removed from, the list please
e-mail me at jus4phyl@nc.rr.com and I will
add/delete your name. Remember, you
need to be a member of Neighbors to be on
the list.
Mary Ann Bartos
Nancy Brooks
Terry Cantele
Janet Clark
Jackie Collins
Sue Colmer
Charlotte Conradi
Gail Corgan
Arline Critchley
Char Deiderich
Patty Engelking
Kathy Fiske
Karen Fogle
Joy Foster
Lynne Frazier
Julie Gilbert
Sue Griggs
Bonnie Guttrich
Joy Hamon
Kathy Hodges
Nancy Jacobs
Jeane Kays
Helen Kroll
Kaye Marrale
Karyn Molnar
Elly Moses
Betty Mulvaney
Nanette Posser
Kathy Samchalk
Sandy Schnare
Ann Snyder
Myrna Spencer
Jean Sundstrom
JoAnn Turner
Bonnie Wolfe
Suzanne Wright
Neighbors of Pinehurst
Annual Bridge Luncheon
March 30, 2015
Pinewild Country Club
Rubber Bridge or Duplicate Bridge
(Duplicate players need to sign up with a partner.)
13 Linton Ct
Pinehurst NC 28374
Vice President
Karen Fogle
Maureen Snowden
Karen Smith
Linda Bradley
Book Club Coordinators
Book Club I
Book Club II
Book Club III
Book Club IV
Book Club V
Book Club VI(Mystery)
Book Club VII
Book Club VIII
Book Club IX
Mary Lou Herre
Shari Devendorf
Jan Lindmark
Dolores Flashman
Jane Nehlsen
Ann Barlow
BJ Barrett
Sue Zanetti
Judy Trevarrow
Karen Greene
420-2155 and
692-4961 and
295-4359 and
Dining Out
Investment Club
Mah Jongg Event
Progressive Dinner
Social Registrar
Wine Tasting
Phyllis Clark
Jeane Kays
Janet Clark
215-8730 and
420-2876 and
Jack MacMillan
Mary Schneider
Jackie Collins
Charlotte Conradi
Jan Lindmark
Fred Fellows
Jack MacMillan
Joan Power
Sally Freeman
Karen Teems
Lynne Moore
Jane Fellows