Curriculum Information for Parents – Year 1 Term 2A – 2015 Topic
School Website: SUBJECT Literacy Numeracy Science Topic Email: Curriculum Information for Parents – Year 1 Term 2A – 2015 Topic - Toys WHAT WE WILL DO AT SCHOOL WHAT YOU CAN DO AT HOME o Read daily for 10 minutes at home Recognise a variety of o Assist your child with learning instructional texts their ‘word walls’ o Read and follow simple sets of o Help your child to read and follow instructions some simple instructions e.g. how o Write a set of simple instructions to make a cake or a simple toy for various activities such as a kite o Recognise alphabetical order and o Notice instructions when out with use a simple picture dictionary your child, e.g. please pay here o Learn to read and spell high and please queue this way frequency words o Share a simple picture dictionary with your child o Count in 10s o Use a 100 square to play number o Understand and use ordinal games and practice number numbers e.g. 1st, 2nd , 3rd recognition o Know addition pairs that add up o Ask your child what the date is to 8, e.g. 5+3/4+4/7+1/6+2 o When looking at a list of items ask o Use positional words e.g. above, them which is 3rd, 10th, 20th below, beside, left and right o Practice fast recall of number o Compare two or more weights by totals up to 8 e.g. 3+3, 5+2, 4+4 direct comparison, e.g. the pencil o Indicate the hour and half hour on is lighter than the book clocks at various times of the day o Read o’clock and half past e.g. bath time/bedtime/teatime o Recognise that a force is a push o Talk about the forces being used or pull at home e.g. pushing a toy car, o Understand that forces help us to pulling a drawer open, shutting a move our bodies and everyday door objects o Play with play dough or plasticine o Begin to test and describe the to show how forces change the forces we use shape of objects o Know that forces such as push, o Play with your child using a pull and twist can change the variety of toys. Identify pushes shape of objects and pulls o Understand wind is moving air o When playing at the park discuss and it can push or blow objects to with your child the forces used to make them move move across the apparatus o Describe toys from home and o Find one or two toys for your identify some simple properties child to bring to school o Recognise differences between o Look at photographs of old toys old and new toys and make comparisons with o Sort toys according to a given modern toys criteria o Share some of your own o Order toys on a timeline childhood games with your child o Follow instructions to make a o Research toys using the internet simple toy to make comparisons between old and new toys
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