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DAAD Information Centre Addis Ababa, Edition 03 | January 2015
Upcoming Event
Graduation ceremony
Global Studies Master
(pg. 1)
Past Events
PhD Scholarship Preselection (pg. 1)
DAAD Information
Sessions (pg. 2)
Annual Conference on
Education (pg. 2)
DAFI-Workshop (pg. 3)
2nd National
Multiplication Training
(pg. 3)
Workshop on African
(pg. 4)
Unification Day (pg. 4)
To be continued on page 2.
Deutscher Akademischer
P.O. Box 200404
D-53134 Bonn
Tel. : +251 (0)939 658882
Upcoming Event
Graduation ceremony for
the first “Global Studies”
Master class of IPSS and
On February 12, 2015, the first Master class
of the joint degree program “Global Studies”
graduates in Addis Ababa within a ceremony
attended by the mayors of Leipzig and Addis
Ababa, who are handing over the joint MA
certificates to the students. The international
Master programme is a cooperation between
the Institute for Peace and Security Studies
(IPSS)/ Addis Ababa University and the
Global and European Studies Institute
(GESI)/ Leipzig University.
The graduation ceremony is part of a diverse
programme to celebrate the 10th anniversary
of the city partnership between the two cities
of Leipzig and Addis Ababa. A delegation
from Leipzig, headed by the mayor of Leipzig,
Burkhard Jung, is attending the celebration in
Addis Ababa.
This year, the pre-selection committee has
had four standing members (one each from
the German Embassy, the Association of
Ethiopians Educated in Germany, the DAAD
Nairobi and the DAAD Addis Ababa) plus one
changing member (the respective examiner).
Twenty nine applicants who have
successfully completed their online
application took part in the pre-selection
interviews from November 19-21, 2014.
For each application, 25 minutes were
allocated. The applicant briefly introduced his/
her proposed research project (5 minutes),
the committee (mainly the respective
examiner) forwarded questions (10 minutes)
and, eventually, the committee jointly
assessed the candidate and his/her research
proposal and lay down the results in a preselection assessment form. The pre-selection
assessment result was forwarded to the final
selection committee at the DAAD Head Office
in Germany.
The final results will be communicated to the
applicants by the DAAD Head Office in
Germany by e-mail in February/March 2015.
To be continued on page 8.
Past Events
PD Dr. Gerald Heusing,
Girma Teshome, Yonas
Kebede & Rieke Jürgensen
Pre-selection of PhD
For years, the DAAD Addis Ababa
Information Center has carried out the preselection of applicants for the programmes
“Doctoral Programmes in Germany” and “Binationally Supervised Doctoral Degree”.
The Pre-selection committee at work.
newsletter >>>>>>
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DAAD Information Centre Addis Ababa, Edition 03 | January 2015
Continued from page 1.
DAAD Short-term
lectureship (pg. 5)
Research Seminars at
AAU (pg. 5)
Kwame Nkrumah
Awards (pg. 6)
Testimonial (pg. 7)
Graduation ceremony
Global Studies Master
(pg. 8)
Research Fellowships
(pg. 9)
International Media
Studies (pg. 10)
Vacant Positions
(pg. 10)
DAAD Information
Sessions at Schools
This autumn, the IC Addis Ababa held several
information sessions for 11 and 12 grade
students in schools in Addis Ababa. Themes
of the events were the Higher Education
System in Germany, requirements for
studying at a German university and general
information about life in Germany. After a
short presentation, the students were invited
to ask questions and to get talking to the staff
of the IC Addis Ababa. The DAAD visited two
branches of the Ethio-parents School as well
as the School of Tomorrow and the School of
Nations. In total, around 500 students
attended the information sessions.
If you are interested in conducting an
information event with us, please send us an
e-mail ( or or call us (0939658882 or 0924-849748 or 0937-603082).
partners for their active participation.
9 new universities were established
with an enrollment of over 103,000
students (31% women) while the
share of enrolled women at Graduate Program level stands at 19%.
Currently there are 24,203 university teachers (11% women) out of
which 7% hold PhDs.
The Anti-harassment law is now in
place. Secularization of universities
with particular reference to dressing
codes and religious practices is
implemented by most universities.
University-Industry Linkage shall be
strengthened with particular reference to ownership by the industry.
Subsequent discussions reflected on the
challenges related to quality of education.
Participants frequently mentioned the
good examples set by Germany. Recognition was made to partners including those
encouraging women role models. An introduction to a book on Ethiopian outstanding women was made during the
conference by representatives of Forum
for African Women Educationalists
In a related development the DAAD IC
Addis Ababa recently joined the Education Technical Working Group of the Ministry of Education.
24th Annual Conference on
The DAAD IC Addis Ababa participated at the
annual conference on education organized by
the Ethiopian Ministry of Education in
Hawassa, October 30-31, 2014. The annual
conference was attended by representatives
of all public and private learning institutions
including institutions of general, technical and
higher learning. H.E. Ato Shiferaw Shigute,
Minister of Education, presented a report on
achievements and challenges faced during
the past year and thanked development
H.E. Ato Shiferaw Shigute, Minister of
Education, at the Conference
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DAAD Information Centre Addis Ababa, Edition 03 | January 2015
Annual DAFI Workshop in
Second National Multiplication Training (NMT) at
Jimma University
DIES (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies) is a programme jointly conducted by the German Academic Exchange
Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors'
Conference. From October 22 to 27, 2014,
the Second National Multiplication Training
(NMT) Proposal Writing Course has been
conducted with great success.
The DAAD offers a variety of
postgraduate scholarships for
Ethiopians. Click on the links
below to learn more about the
respective programme.
Scholarships for African
Regional Networks and
Postdoctoral Fellowships in
Germany for DAAD Alumni (In
-Country / In-Region)
Postdoctoral Fellowships at
DAAD Supported Centres of
Fellowships for Staff
Exchange in Sub-Saharan
Research Grants for Doctoral
Candidates and Young
Academics and Scientists
On November 1, the Association of
Ethiopians Educated in Germany (AEEG) and
the UNHCR held the annual DAFI (Deutsche
Akademische Flüchtlingsinitiative; engl.
German Academic Refugee Iniative)
workshop in Jigjiga. The DAFI programme
enables refugees to proceed or start their
studies to receive a Bachelor degree in the
country of their current stay. Around 100
students from Somalia and South Sudan,
currently living and studying in Ethiopia, were
participating at this year‟s workshop in Jigjiga.
More than 32 research and teaching staff
members drawn from all Ethiopian public
universities took part in the workshop hosted
by Jimma University. Dr. Fikre Lemessa,
president of Jimma University, made the
opening speech.
The Second National Multiplication Training Workshop focused on the following
Project communication
Time management in projects
Proposal progress report by participants and follow-ups
Proposal shortcomings and how to
adjust to the given situation
Project Implementation
Project monitoring and evaluation
Proposal review for funding
Review processes and feedback on
the implementation of project
Midterm and Final Reporting
Scientific writing
Scholarships for Development
-related Postgraduate
Master´s Scholarships for
Public Policy and Good
Scholarships for Centres of
Excellence for Promoting
Future Leaders in Africa
Leibniz – DAAD Research
Fellowships 2015
DLR - DAAD Research
Doctoral Programme
“Transnational Social Support”
You can also search our
database in order to find the
right scholarship programme
from DAAD or other German
funding organisations.
After welcoming speeches of Mr. Hanna of
the German Embassy, the UNHCR, the City
Administration of Jigjiga and the AEEG, the
DAAD was presenting scholarship
opportunities for Master‟s programmes in
Germany or different African countries,
including Ethiopia. After the DAAD‟s
presentation, the DAFI students had time to
discuss several topics prepared by
themselves, among others they were
presenting their own engagement in their
communities as well as problems that
occurred, e.g. in providing tutorial classes in
refugee camps. In the afternoon, the students
had the opportunity to attend an
entrepreneurship training which was held by
Lemma Beshah to improve their soft skills
and facilitate own business ideas.
There was a good reply to the DAAD
introduction about scholarship opportunities
and good talks and networking during the
NMT participants at Jimma University
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DAAD Information Centre Addis Ababa, Edition 03| January 2015
The aim of these trainings is to equip trainees
with the skills they need to successfully apply
for third-party funding. A new guide book
“Proposal Writing for International Research
Projects” can be downloaded for free from our
Do you know the following
this project are the Technical University
Dortmund and the University of Yaoundé I in
Please follow the link for more information on
“Welcome to Africa” and the projects
supported under this umbrella.
programmes? If not, follow the
links for more details.
German Unification Day
celebrated at the German
Subject-related Partnerships
with Institutions of Higher
DIES University Partnerships
DAAD Programme PAGEL
DAAD Short- and Long-term
lectureships (only in German)
Workshop on African
Over the past three years and supported by
the DAAD-Programme “Welcome to Africa”,
the Department of Pharmacy, Martin-LutherUniversity Halle-Wittenberg, and the School
of Pharmacy, Addis Ababa University, have
been jointly engaged in a research-based
capacity building project. The project has by
and large achieved the set objectives. These
include the identification, collection and
microscopic analysis of about 50 selected
Ethiopian plants, the discovery of the
anthelmintic activity of another plant, the
isolation of plant ceramides, and the
preparation and characterisation of starch
nanoparticles from native Ethiopian starch
plants. Through the process, nine German
postgraduate students (one PhD and eight
Diploma) and two postdocs as well as three
Ethiopian PhD students have been trained
and involved in the project.
As part of research dissemination and
progress review, a workshop was held in
Addis Ababa on October 6 and 7, 2014. In the
spirit of strengthening North-South-South
collaboration, scientists from Cameroon,
Sudan and Zambia were invited too. Also
present was a representative of another
“Welcome to Africa” project which deals with
environmental microbiology. The partners in
On October 3, the German Embassy
invited more than 700 guests from Ethiopian
politics, business and civil society, the
diplomatic corps and the German community
in Ethiopia to celebrate the German national
holiday. 24 years ago, after a peaceful
revolution in Eastern Germany, Germany
reunified. In his speech, Ambassador Schmidt
drew a line from World War I to the
Unification in 1990, and he enhanced that
nowadays, Germany is engaged in various
multilateral settings and takes global
But not only the 24th anniversary of the
German Unification set the context of the
reception, as well this year‟s 50th anniversary
of the Ethio-German development
cooperation was an important thematic frame.
In September, the Ethiopian and German
Government negotiated on the bilateral
development cooperation of the next three
years, in the course of that the German
Government has committed more than 120
million Euro. In the context of Ethio-German
cooperation, several German partner
organizations presented their work at the
reception, among others the Information
Centre Addis Ababa of the German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD).
The IC Addis Ababa informed not only about
scholarships, but also presented its
engagement within the Ethio-German
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Addis Ababa
Country Information Ethiopia
(in German only)
German Research Directory
PhD Germany
Welcome to Africa (only in
Extending DAAD short
term lectureship at Addis
Ababa University
By Dr. Magnus Treiber
My name is
Magnus Treiber; I
am working as
Assistant Professor
at the AAU‟s
Department of
(SOAN) in the
College of Social
Sciences. I have
already arrived in
September 2014. For the first six months I
have been supported by the DAAD (short
term lectureship), but I will extend my stay
here as a „local expat‟. In fact it dates 9 years
back that I first entered the College of Social
Sciences and inquired for a teaching position
– shortly after finishing my PhD. Although I
started my professional career at Munich
University and later carried on at Bayreuth
University, I visited Ethiopia quite frequently.
So, in autumn 2010 I accompanied a group of
Master students from Bayreuth University on
a research trip to Addis Ababa, which was coorganized by the local anthropology
department. I have also been able to
contribute to the eventual Memorandum of
Understanding signed by Addis Ababa
University and Bayreuth University in 2010.
Today the Bayreuth International Graduate
School of African Studies (BIGSAS) receives
numerous PhD-candidates from Ethiopia.
Due to the high academic quality at SOAN –
and certainly because of its welcoming staff
and colleagues – I decided to take the other
direction, come back to Addis Ababa and stay
for a while.
During the first term of the academic year
2014/15 I have been involved into teaching
on all three levels – from Undergraduate
classes to Master and PhD courses, with a
special focus on anthropological theory – and
now also advise Master- and PhD-projects.
Furthermore I examined applications for
DAAD-funded PhD-scholarships at German
universities and recently gave a workshop on
academic writing at Mekelle University (MU).
During my stay here I intend to finish my
second book, which addresses informality in
the migration from Eritrea, and – representing
the German Felsberg Institute (
– I will contribute to several academic events
on migration issues. Herewith I take the
opportunity and express my gratitude towards
DAAD and Addis Ababa University for
offering me this professional chance.
Research Seminars in
Addis Ababa
By Dr. Sascha Alavi and Dr. Johannes Habel
Ruhr-University Bochum
From October 27 to October 31, we held two
research seminars at the Management
Faculty at Addis Ababa University. In
particular, we taught a four-day course on
research methodologies to master and PhD
students as well as faculty members and a
one-day course on international publishing to
faculty members. Our courses were part of a
larger DAAD project managed by Prof. Dr.
Claudia Hensel of the University of Applied
Sciences in Mainz, Germany.
Addis Ababa University supported us
commendably during the organization and
preparation of the seminars as well as during
the entire stay. On the first day we were
welcomed cordially and introduced to the
management faculty. We then directly started
with the course on research methodologies.
For this course, we had developed an
innovative design, allowing participants to
directly put their newly acquired knowledge
into action. Specifically, beyond interactive
lectures on how to conduct a research project
end to end, participants were required to
conduct a marketing research project
themselves in small teams. Therefore, they
developed research questions and
hypotheses and collected real-life data. For
example, one team surveyed customers of a
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market in Addis Ababa on their consumption
habits and attitudes. The teams then
analyzed the data statistically using
regression models and presented their results
in plenary.
German Research
Humboldt Foundation
Leibniz Association
Volkswagen Foundation
German Rector´s Conference
German University Ranking
This approach was very well received both by
students and faculty members. Furthermore,
we had interesting discussions on the
intercultural differences between Ethiopia and
Germany, posing valuable research questions
for joint research projects we will tackle in the
On the last day of the week, we discussed
with faculty members how to generate
publications in international management
journals. Therefore, we discussed success
factors as well as frequent traps of publishing.
Furthermore, we coached participants on
their current research projects and required
steps toward publications.
Beyond our courses at the University, we took
the opportunity to get to know the Ethiopian
culture. We were very much impressed by the
long and moving history around Axum and
Gondar. Furthermore, we became true fans of
injera, the most famous local dish.
We would like to thank the DAAD, Prof. Dr.
Claudia Hensel, and Addis Ababa University
for the opportunity to participate in this
interesting and valuable program. We firmly
believe that this program is highly beneficial
both for Ethiopian and German scholars,
thereby fully living up to the DAAD philosophy
of academic exchange.
The participants and guest lecturers after the
successful workshop
Prestigious Awards for
Women Scientists
The 2014 African Union Kwame Nkrumah
Regional Scientific Awards for Women have
been granted to Prof. Isabella Akyinbah
Quakyi (Ghana), Dr. Fetien Abay Abera
(Ethiopia), Dr. Lydie-Stella Koutika (Republic
of Congo) and Prof. Salwa K. Abd-El-Hafiz
(Egypt). The awards ceremony took place on
December 19, 2014, at the African Union in
Addis Ababa.
Prof. Isabella´s field is Immunology and
Parasitology and she is the Founding Dean of
the School of Public Health at the University
of Ghana. She is a Fellow of the Ghana
Academy of Arts and Sciences and
immediate past member of the Ghana Health
Service Council. Prof. Isabella completed her
PhD in Immunoparasitology at the University
of London in 1980. Her research and teaching
over the past three decades focused on
Dr. Fetien was born in Northern Ethiopia.
Inspired by the idea that “no is not for an
answer” in pursuit of higher goals in male
dominated institutional and societal
hierarchies, she made her marks as an
outstanding one through her education. She
is one of the handful of Ethiopian women who
reach the rank of Associate Professor in Plant
Breeding and Seed. Currently, Dr. Fetien is
the Director of the Institute of Environment,
Gender and Development Studies at Mekelle
University. She has successfully supervised
over 15 large scale scientific and
development projects funded by international
Dr. Lydie-Stella was born in Pointe-Noire and
went to school in Congo. She got her first
university degree in Soil Science and AgroChemistry at the Timiriazev Institute in
Moscow in 1991. She holds a PhD from the
University of Nancy. Dr. Lydie-Stella is
fascinated with Soil Organic Matter Studies in
different ecosystems. She has lived and
worked in different countries such as
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DAAD Information Centre Addis Ababa, Edition 03 | January 2015
Belgium, the Netherlands, Cameroon and
Nigeria. Currently, she is a researcher at the
Centre de Recherchessur la Durabilité de la
Productivité des Plantations Industrielles in
DAAD Summer Schools
Goethe-Institute Addis Ababa
Information about Studying in
Prof. Salwa has a BSc degree in Electronics
and Communication Engineering from Cairo
University (1986) and MSc and PhD degrees
in Computer Science from the University of
Maryland (1990 respectively 1994). Since
1994, she has been working as a Faculty
Member in the Engineering Mathematics and
Physics Department (Faculty of Engineering)
at Cairo University, and has been promoted
to Full Professor in the same department in
2004. Since August 2014, she has also been
working as the Director of the Technical
Centre for Job Creation at Cairo University.
Prof. Salwa has been performing research in
Computational Intelligence, Numerical
Techniques, Information and Communication
The African Union Commission launched the
African Union Kwame Nkrumah Scientific
Awards Programme in 2008. The objective of
the programme is to give out scientific awards
to top African scientists for their scientific
achievements and valuable discoveries and
findings. The programme is implemented at
national level for young researchers, at
regional level for women scientists and at
continental level it is open to all scientists.
Prizes are awarded to top African Scientists
in each of the following two sectors: Life and
Earth Sciences as well as Basic Science,
Technology and Innovation. Each successful
laureate walks away with a Cash Prize of
20,000 USD, a Medal and a Certificate.
Testimonial of an InCountry
Melaku Abera Tekla
Academic Profile
I have BA degree in History (2003) and MA
degree in Ethiopian Studies (2009) from
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. I have been
teaching at Jimma University before the
beginning of my PhD program. I taught and
advised undergraduate students on history
and anthropology. Currently, I am a PhD
candidate in the Department of Social
Anthropology at Addis Ababa University.
PhD Research Profile
My dissertation research focuses on legal
pluralism, disputes and mechanisms for
dispute settlements by taking the Tulama
Oromo of Central Ethiopia as a case study.
The research gives emphasis on disputes
that occur between individuals and groups in
their daily lives at the local level. Following
the conquest of the Oromo, there came into
practice two legal systems: the customary law
and the state law. Customary legal system
remains prevalent in the study area as the
current Ethiopian Constitution opens forum
shopping for disputants to take some of their
cases to justice of their own choice.
Customary institution, however, operates
beyond their „legal mandate‟ in the study
area. This results in competition over
jurisdiction between customary and formal
legal systems over disputes. This research
examines the relations between these forums
of dispute settlement among which disputants
engaged in forum shopping under the
framework of legal pluralism.
DAAD Scholarship
Happy laureates (from left to right): Prof.
Isabella Akyinbah Quakyi, Dr. Fetien Abay
Abera, Dr. Lydie-Stella Koutika and Prof.
Salwa K. Abd-El-Hafiz
I already completed all PhD coursework and
defended my research proposal when I heard
the announcement of the 2014/15 DAAD InCountry Scholarship programme for
Ethiopians in May 2014. I applied soon and
received news of winning the award from the
selection committee of the DAAD. It was one
of my happiest moments in my life since the
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DAAD Information Centre Addis Ababa, Edition 03 | January 2015
Ministry of Education
(in Amharic and English)
Engineering Education
Capacity Building Program
remaining phases of my PhD doctoral project
(twelve months of anthropological fieldwork
and one year writing-up) require me large
costs. With small funding from Addis Ababa
University, I cannot conduct my fieldwork
successfully. The DAAD In-Country
scholarship support undoubtedly will make a
difference in the quality of the dissertation. It
allows me to collect more data using mixed
methods of study (qualitative and
quantitative) to achieve the stated research
goals and to gather inclusive information.
With the fund, I also made many trips home
to consult with my supervisors. More than
anything, the scholarship helps me to give
concentration on my work by solving my
financial constraint.
Post-PhD program
I will share the knowledge and skills acquired
from the program with fellow Ethiopians. The
ultimate beneficiary from this will be the
community of Jimma University where I have
been teaching since 2003. I will also make a
difference by influencing policy makers,
judges and other participants in the legal
processes in Ethiopia to recognize the
customary institutions to deal with many
disputes. Lastly, I will be actively involved in
DAAD by backing its strategic areas of
activities in Sub-Saharan Africa in general
and in Ethiopia in particular. I found your InCountry Scholarship programme in Ethiopia
very useful and encourage DAAD to give
more emphasis to this programme by
providing more scholarships to postgraduate
students who study at Ethiopian universities.
PhD-Scholarshipholder Melaku in front of the
former Haile Selassie I Palace, nowadays
part of the Addis Ababa University
Continued from page 1.
Graduation ceremony for
the first “Global Studies”
Master class of IPSS and
Since 2012, the joint degree programme
between the Leipzig University and the Addis
Ababa University offers Master‟s and PhD
degrees in the interdisciplinary field of Global
Studies. After the founding of the IPSS
(Institute for Peace and Security Studies) in
2007, the cooperation between the Global
and European Studies Institute (GESI) of the
Leipzig University and the IPSS of the Addis
Ababa University started 5 years later with
financial funding of the German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD). The Global
Studies Master and PhD programme is
funded within the DAAD program “German
university programmes abroad (dt.
Transnationale Bildung - Studienangebote
deutscher Hochschulen im Ausland)”. The
support is given for university cooperation
between German universities and its partner
universities abroad that aim to start a German
study programme with a joint degree. The
Global Studies programme is granted for the
start period from 2013 until 2016.
The two-year Master‟s programme shall not
only provide research and teaching about
African challenges in a global perspective, its
role in the global context and the impact of
Globalization for peace and security in Africa
from within Africa, but as well attract more
international students, since Africa and,
especially, Addis Ababa as capital of the
African Union should be the place to study
African issues. The courses are taught
completely in English by scholars both from
Addis Ababa and Leipzig. Therefore the
expertise of the IPSS with regard to the
subject of “Peace and Security in Africa” as
well as the expertise of the well-established
GESI in Leipzig is integrated in the study
programme. The main object of the Master‟s
programme is to provide a firm education for
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DAAD Information Centre Addis Ababa, Edition 03 | January 2015
capacity building in Africa in peace, security
and conflict related issues. In autumn 2014,
the third round started with 11 new Master‟s
students and five new PhD students from
various African, European and Asian
Online Apppointment for
Scholarship Counselling
Online Appointment for Visa
Visa Information
Leibniz-DAAD Research
Fellowships 2015
The Leibniz – DAAD Research Fellowship
programme is jointly carried out by the
Leibniz Association
(Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried
Wilhelm Leibniz e.V.) and the German
Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Leibniz
-DAAD fellowships offer highly-qualified,
international postdoctoral researchers, who
have recently completed their doctoral
studies, the opportunity to conduct research
at a Leibniz Institute of their choice in
Research Offerings
Leibniz-DAAD research fellows can
undertake their research at the Leibniz
Institutes listed in the following links:
Application Requirements
At the time of application (date of
signing of the application form)
applicants for a Leibniz- DAAD
Research Fellowship must neither hold
a German nationality nor have resided
in Germany for more than six months.
Applicants should be able to prove their
outstanding academic or research
Applicants should have completed their
studies with a PhD or equivalent
qualification (no more than two years
should have passed since graduation).
Applicants should have excellent
knowledge of English (Knowledge of
German is welcome)
Application Documents
Applicants must submit the following
documents in duplicate by post:
Section A: Humanities and Educational
Section B: Economics, Social Sciences and
Spatial Research
Section C: Life Sciences
Section D: Mathematics, Natural Sciences
and Engineering
Section E: Environmental Sciences
Terms of the Fellowship
Fellowships can be awarded for 12 months
and include:
a monthly instalment of €2,000,
a combined health, accident and
personal liability insurance in Germany,
a research allowance of €60 per
a two-months German language
course in Germany (if desired).
completed "Application for LeibnizDAAD Research Fellowships" form;
curriculum vitae;
list of publications (if any);
description of the research project
(max. 3 pages);
detailed work plan and timeline (max. 1
abstract of the doctoral thesis (max. 3
two letters of recommendation, which
should be written by scholars of the
applicant‟s own choice and must be
enclosed in sealed envelopes or sent
by the referees directly to the DAAD
head office in Bonn by the closing date
for applications;
copies of all academic degree
certificates and transcripts of records
with certified translations into English
or German;
English language certificate (e.g.
TOEFL, IELTS) or confirmation of the
English language skills by a university
teacher of the applicant´s own choice.
Please find the full announcement here.
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Contact us
Please send your complete application to the
DAAD head office in Bonn/Germany:
DAAD Information Centre
P.O. Box 32539
Addis Ababa
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Section ST 43
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn / GERMANY
+251 (0)939 658882
International Leadership
(next to Embassy of Egypt)
Room 103
Sidist Kilo
Follow this link.
Unsubscribe etc.
If you do not wish to receive
future newsletters, please
send an e-mail to
and type UNSUBSCRIBE in
the subject line.
To change and/or update
your contact details, please
send an e-mail to the same
Please note: It is not possible to apply by
Deadline: 16 March 2015
Vacant Positions
The DAAD is a close partner of the Ethiopian
Ministry of Education with regard to the
Engineering Education Capacity Building
Programme (EECBP), which is managed and
funded by the Ministry. Within this framework,
the DAAD recruits international long-term
experts for the EECBP. Currently, the
following 10 positions are vacant (please visit to access the complete
Call for Application:
"International Media
2 Deans at the Dire Dawa Institute of
1 University Transformation Managing
Director at Mekelle University
The Development-related Postgraduate
Course “International Media Studies”
announces its Call for Application for the
intake 2015/16 (this autumn!).
1 Managing Director for
Internationalisation at the Ethiopian
Institute of Technology (Mekelle
1 Hospital Manager at Ayder Referral
Hospital (Mekelle University)
1 University-Industry Linkage Advisor
at Mekelle University
1 Dean each for the four following
Schools at Adama Science and
Technology University (ASTU):
The Master‟s programme is a cooperation
between the Deutsche Welle Akademie, the
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied
Sciences and the University of Bonn. Main
emphasis of the programme taught in English
and German lies on topics like media and
development, journalism, communication
sciences and media economics. The
programme aims to enforce both, academic
expertise and practical skills.
Application requirements are:
a Bachelor's or an equivalent degree
(the subject is not relevant)
evidence of at least one year of
professional experience in a mediarelated field after having completed
their first degree
evidence of language skills in both
German and English.
The funding includes a monthly pay of 750,00
EUR plus tuition fees and travelling costs.
Please find more information about the
application process and the online-form here.
Application deadline: 31 March 2015
 School of Civil Engineering and
 School of Mechanical and Chemical
 School of Electrical and Information
 School of Applied Natural Sciences