here - St. Agnes Church


here - St. Agnes Church
St. Agnes Catholic Community
1025 Masonic Ave. San Francisco, CA 94117 415.487.8560
Jan 31 & Feb 1, 2015
Dear Friends,
The Society of Jesus has been ministering in San Francisco
since 1855, and today that one mission has four very unique
and vibrant expressions: St. Ignatius College Prep, the
University of San Francisco, St. Agnes Parish and St. Ignatius
Liturgy Schedule
Sunday: 8:30am
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
10:30am Weekdays:
Holy Days: 8:30am & 5:30pm
Mission Statement
We the people of Saint Agnes are:
an inclusive urban community, rich in diversity of age,
ethnicity, gender, orientation, culture, talent, & treasure;
a faith community, enlivened and empowered through
Baptism to celebrate and proclaim
the presence of Christ among us.
We declare to one and all
that we commit ourselves to:
grow spiritually as disciples of Christ
to become men and women for others
build community through hospitality,
ecumenism and social & cultural events
understand cultural differences and
accept them as sources of enrichment
give loving service & outreach to those in need
promote social justice issues in our neighborhood and
in the larger community
of city, nation, and world.
We pledge ourselves
to be a light in the darkness
through the love that we share
in the name of Christ
and through the power and guidance
of the Holy Spirit.
Once again we will be offering the Nine Days of Grace
Retreat. We will be offering the retreat again next month,
from February 9th-17th. The theme for this year’s retreat is,
“Hearts on Fire” based on the book edited by Michael Harter,
S. J. This book includes many of the Jesuit prayers we are
familiar with and many new ones to give us time to
contemplate our lives of service to the Lord. Our presenters
are: Fr. Michael Moynahan, S. J., is currently Pastor of St.
Ignatius Loyola Church in Sacramento & Fr. C. Hightower, S.
J., is the religious Superior of the Sacramento Jesuit
The retreat will be offered twice daily: within the context of a
Eucharist. The first presentation will be at 12:05 p.m. at St.
Ignatius Church, and the second at 7:00 p.m. at St. Agnes
Church. (There will be only one presentation on Saturday,
February 14th, at 12:05 p.m. at St. Ignatius Church, and one
on Sunday, February 15, at 6:00 p.m. at
St. Agnes Church.) Please note that to enjoy the graces of
this Retreat, you do not have to attend every session; but we
hope that you make the most of this unique opportunity!
You need not register for the Retreat, and there is no charge.
We will, however, gratefully accept your free-will offerings in
order to cover the Retreat costs. Any additional proceeds will
benefit the Jesuit Refugee Services, which does heroic work
among the world’s poorest citizens.
Parish Information
Parish Staff & Ministries
Associate Pastor
Associate Pastor
Fr. Ray Allender, S.J.
Fr. Paul Bernadicou, S.J.
Fr. Joe Spieler, S.J.
In Residence
Fr. M. Joseph Israel, S.J.
Director of Liturgy & Music
Director of Operations & Admin.
Children’s Faith Formation &
Spiritual Life Center Director
Sexton and Janitor
Frank Uranich
Zack Zweber
All Saints Food Program
Altar Linens & Vessels
Art & Environment
Consolation Ministry
Finance Committee Chair
Food Pantry Director
Funeral Ministry
Gabriel Project
Gay & Lesbian Ministry
Ignatian Spirituality Ministry
Legion of Mary
Marriage Prep Classes
Pastoral Council Chair
Rita da Cascia
Young Adult Contact
Megan Pryor Lorentz
Scott Grinthal
Mario Hernandez
Pam Frantz
Frank Mitchell, Matthew Tominaga,
Timothy Bradshaw
Matthew Bourdet
Nita Zarilla
Marilyn Thickett, Marco Matute
Naomi Mayer, Jude Penland
Chris Roman
Stacey Shaffer
Jim Connor
Mary Alba
Mark Malaspina
Barbara Nelson
Felina Lapuz
Regina Lathrop & Bob Boguski
Karen McCarthy Xavier
Clay Tominaga, Karen Kelly
Cathy Collins
Jan. 31st & Feb 1st – 4th Sun. in Ordinary
For your prayerful consideration,
readings for next week:
Job 7.1-4, 6-7 •
1 Corinthians 9.16-19, 22-23 • Mark 1.29-39
Jan 31
4:00 PM
Feb 1
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
6:00 PM
Feb 2
8:30 AM
Feb 3
8:30 AM
Feb 4
8:30 AM
Feb 5
8:30 AM
Feb 6
8:30 AM
Feb 7
4:00 PM
Feb 8
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
6:00 PM
Bridie & Jack Culhane (D)
Fr. Paul Bernadicou
Pat Talbot (L)
St. Agnes Parishioners
Pope Francis (L)
Fr. Paul Bernadicou
Fr. Ray Allender
Fr. Ray Allender
Musette Buckley (D)
Fr. Ray Allender
Victoria Tongson (L)
Fr. Ray Allender
Florence O’Leary (D)
Fr. Paul Bernadicou
Bob Burke (L)
Fr. Joe Spieler
Henry Grinthal (L)
Fr. Paul Bernadicou
Milton Mares (D)
Fr. Ray Allender
Maria Hee Moon (D)
Fr. Ray Allender
St. Agnes Parishioners
Fr. Joe Spieler
Estevan Gonzalez (L)
Fr. Paul Bernadicou
D = Deceased; L = Living
New Parishioners
You are Home! Welcome to a great parish community! Please fill out
a registration form found at the entrances to the church or stop by the
rectory to add your name to our mailing list. We invite you to support
Saint Agnes generously and to participate in the various programs that
are offered here and through the Spiritual Life Center. All are welcome!
Reconciliation Schedule
Saturdays • 3pm – 3:45pm or by appointment
Parish Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 9am to 5pm (closed Noon-1pm for lunch)
Phone: 415-487-8560 • Fax: 415-487-8575
St. Agnes Stewardship
Last Sunday collection: $4,649
Last year: $4,094
4pm: $1575 8:30am: $579 10:30am: $2094 6pm: $401
Please consider the electronic monthly donations.
Please contact the Parish Office for information about the following:
Anointing of the Sick * Baptism * Children’s Faith Formation & Liturgy
of the Word * Communion for the Homebound * Marriage * Rite of
Christian Initiation for Adults.
Children’s Care During Liturgy
Care is provided for children 18 months through 5 years of age
during the Sunday 10:30 AM Mass. Our Daycare Room is located
across from the daily mass chapel and is open for all Masses.
Parents with children under 18 months are welcome to use the
daycare room as long as at least one parent stays with the child.
Ignatian Spiritual Life Center
The Spiritual Life Center (1611 Oak Street) provides programs and
services to the parish and larger faith community through educational
programs, opportunities for prayer, and community events. It houses
a library, book center, garden, and chapel. Visit
1611 Oak Street
For more information, contact Megan Pryor Lorentz at or 415-487-8560 x228.
SLC Office Hours: please call for appointment
Nine Days of Grace:
A Busy Person’s Jumpstart to Lent
February 9 – 17th
A 9-day Ignatian mini-retreat. The retreat will be
offered twice daily: in the context of Eucharist at
12:05 pm at St. Ignatius Church, and as a
Exploring Awareness
presentation only at 7:00 pm at St. Agnes Church.
Wednesdays, February 25th – March 25th at 7pm
Come to as many as you can. A great way to
Exercise your mind and spirit with a challenging workout prepare for lent.
from Anthony de Mello's book Awareness: the Perils and
Opportunities of Reality. John Billovits will gather us in
conversation and invite us to dig deeply into our
experience and push ourselves to ask the difficult
questions about our own patterns of behavior or
thinking. This group discussion format will suit those
looking to mine de Mello's psychological approach to
spiritual growth and bring their own insights to the table.
Retreat Days 7th Graders
Saturday, February 21st, 9:30am-6:30pm
Come to a day of fun, food, games, prayer, meeting
new friends, and deepening faith. The day will be led
by SF high school students and their parish youth
ministers. Bring your own sack lunch. Snacks provided.
The day will end with Mass, families are invited to the
Mass. St. Dominic’s Church School basement (2390
Bush St., @ Steiner St.)
Contact or 415.487.8560 x228
Children’s Liturgy of the
Word Ministers
Nine Days of Grace
Join Frs. Michael Moynahan & C. Hightower
for this preached retreat in everyday life.
1st Day
February 9
2nd Day
February 10
3rd Day
February 11
4th Day
February 12
5th Day
February 13
6th Day
February 14
7th Day
February 15
8th Day
February 16
9th Day
February 17
St Ignatius 12:05 pm
St. Agnes 7 pm
St Ignatius 12:05 pm
St. Agnes 7 pm
St Ignatius 12:05 pm
St. Agnes 7 pm
St Ignatius 12:05 pm
St. Agnes 7 pm
St Ignatius 12:05 pm
St. Agnes 7 pm
St Ignatius 12:05 pm
Gratitude and
Generosity to set
our hearts on fire.
Discernment sets
our hearts on fire.
Justice as Sacrifice
sets our hearts on
Mercy and
Discipleship sets
our hearts on fire.
Conversion sets
our hearts on fire.
St. Agnes 6 pm
Charity sets our
hearts on fire.
St Ignatius 12:05 pm
St. Agnes 7 pm
St Ignatius 12:05 pm
St. Agnes 7 pm
Prayer sets our
hearts on fire..
Compassion sets
our hearts on fire.
Nourish your spiritual life while sharing our faith
tradition with the youngest parishioners at St. Agnes!
Passion sets our
Each week at the 10:30 Liturgy, we bless the children
hearts on fire.
as they go off to participate in an age appropriate
Liturgy of the Word. If you are interested in learning
about serving in this ministry, please contact Megan at All are welcome. Free will offerings appreciated. Readings of or 415-487-8560 x 228.
the day and podcasts will be available at
New at Saint Agnes?
allowing you to continue to pray and reflect with us on those
days you may be unable to attend.
Welcome! If you feel you have found a spiritual
Childcare available at the evening sessions
home at Saint Agnes, please consider registering.
This is a way to be included in the many offerings at
the parish. There are orange registration forms at
the entrances to the Church and SLC.
Volunteer during Lent
As the Season of Lent approaches, Catholic Charities
is offering one-time volunteer opportunities for you to
put your faith into action during the six weeks of Lent.
It’s not too early to sign up and reserve your place. You
can choose from a number of volunteer activities such
as serving brunch to homeless families, distributing
food to seniors, or reading to children. To sign up or
for more information contact Clint Womack, Volunteer
Manager, at or
Monday Morning Mindfulness
Mondays 9:30 am
Start the week mindfully! Pat Kleinberg returns to lead
us in Centering Prayer. All are welcome.
Book Club
The Book Club meets monthly – all are welcome!
Come join us for a lively discussion and tasty snacks.
Friday, February 27th at 7pm:
The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck
Young Adult Ministry
Our Christian Life Community for Young Adults meets
on the 1st Thursday of each month. Then on the 3rd
Thursday of each month, young adults gather for social
activities. Look for updates on our website, parish
bulletins, and Facebook page. To receive our emails,
Apostles Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, Our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
And ascended into heaven,
And is seated at the right hand of God,
the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge the
living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church;
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.
Stewardship Prayer
Lord and source of all gifts, I rejoice in the fullness
of your generosity. I thank you for those whose
lives are visible signs of your love and blessing to
others. Give me the courage to do the same. Make
me a good steward of all I have received
generously sharing my time, abilities and material
resources to build up your kingdom of love and
justice. We ask this through Jesus Christ, in whom
we begin and end all things. Amen.
Prayer of St. Francis
(Prayer for Peace)
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life