Volume 2 I 29 January 2015 - Learning today. Leading tomorrow.


Volume 2 I 29 January 2015 - Learning today. Leading tomorrow.
Volume 2 I 29 January 2015
Dear Parents
I extend a warm welcome to all the Ambrose Treacy College community as we start an historic and special time for the College.
Wednesday marked the opening day of what promises to be a
wonderful journey for our school community. As we gathered on
Wednesday morning I commented to the students that they
should feel privileged to be a part of something that no one else
can ever claim to do; to be students who were there on the very
first day that Ambrose Treacy College opened. I’m sure that there
will be a time in the future, perhaps 50 years from now, where
the importance of this very special moment will hold a unique
A number of parents have asked me how I feel at this time and to
be honest it is a wonderful feeling. To be a part of a team that
has realised a dream of a new school is something I am very
proud of. For this school as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice
tradition, it holds a special significance for me. For the past 47
years with the exception of three years when I was studying at
University I have had an immediate connection either as a student or a teacher of one of our schools. To be the Foundation
Principal of ATC is something that I don’t take for granted and I
find it one of the most humbling experiences I have been fortunate to be given in my professional career. I look forward to being a part of our vibrant community and I invite everyone to ensure that they are active members of our College community as
we seek to provide the richest possible experiences for all our
To create a list of people to thank for helping us achieve our
dream would be impossible. There are so many people who have
played an important role in realising this dream. In a blanket
thank you I would like to thank everyone who has played a role in
helping us arrive at where we are today. To the College Board,
College Leadership Team, Admin staff, teachers, ground staff, and
school officers thank you for the greatest gift of all that you have
brought – your commitment to this dream and your belief in
what we do. Without you this dream is not a dream and it is just
a hollow façade of buildings without soul and values. To all the
parents who have joined us on this exciting journey thank you for
the confidence you have had in us to entrust us to help you in
your role as primary educators of your sons – I can assure you it
is not a responsibility that we take lightly.
Sadly over the holidays we received news of families who have
lost loved ones. I would ask you all to please keep Emerson (8
Wynne) and Nate (6 Bodkin) Treasure and their family in your
thoughts and prayers following the passing of their maternal
grandfather just before Christmas and similarly Matthew
Messenger (7 Nolan), his family and Mrs Julie Conybeare
(Learning Support teacher) following the passing his maternal
grandmother and Julie’s mother at the start of the holidays. I also
received news of the passing of Peter Parry’s (long serving NJC
teacher) brother, Matt, at the start of the year. Eternal rest grant
unto them O Lord, may perpetual light shine upon them may rest
in peace Amen.
We have a number of new staff starting today and I would like to
welcome them all as they start what hopefully will be a long association with the College. I have been very impressed with the
energy and enthusiasm that they have brought to the College
over the last week and I am confident that they will all be a great
addition to our community. There is a list of all staff members in
todays newsletter and we have placed an asterisk beside staff
members who are either new this year or returning to the College in 2015.
On another note I would like to share news from the holidays
where former staff members Nick Drew and Kristy Taylor both
welcomed their first children into their families. Nick and Terri
welcomed Joshua and Kristy and Damian welcomed Rose into the
world in the new year. Both Joshua and Rose are doing well and
both sets of parents are over the moon.
State Elections
This weekend sees an important time with our State Government
elections. Education plays an important role in Government planning and I am grateful for the support we receive from the State
Government and have received for many years. In particular I am
very thankful for the assistance we receive through the Queensland Catholic Education Commission from both the State and
Federal Government in the way of capital funding as we start our
new school. Following is a link to a summary provided to us by
the Queensland Catholic Education Commission following their
discussions with each of the main political parties with regards to
their commitment to Catholic education in Queensland. I would
invite your to read over this in the lead up to this weekend’s election. 014 Att2 Letter to Parents and Carers and 014 Att1 Summary of Responses Election Commitments
With best wishes to all,
Michael Senior
What a fantastic couple of days
we have had. The positive outlook
and friendliness of students, staff
and parents have made this week
an extraordinary one. I have loved
the energy of all our staff and students and it has provided me with
a real positive feeling this week. It
also makes us look ahead with eagerness to a fantastic term.
Thank you to the many parents
who have given us such positive
and encouraging words. It provides great strength. The involvement of our parents has already
been evident with so many making the effort to be a part of this
first week of Ambrose Treacy College. The Middle School parents’
morning tea, the Year 4 planned
gathering, the volunteers in the
tuckshop and uniform shop are a
few examples of the parent involvement already this week. With
so many changes it is important
we communicate these to our parent body.
With this aim, I extend a welcome
to all families to attend our scheduled Parent Information evenings
next week.
Parent Information Evenings
Junior School
Wednesday 4th February
Middle School
Thursday 5th February
Please meet in the Hall at 6:30pm
and we plan to finish at 8pm.
IT update – the College is implementing a huge IT expansion program. The Junior School boys will
have access to devices that will be
kept in their classrooms. The Year
4 students have iPads and PCs in
their rooms, the Year 5s will have
15 tablets in each class, and the
Year 6 boys will have 15 laptops in
each class. In addition each Junior
class will have two lessons per
week in the Computer Room with
our new large screen all-in-one
computers. The Middle School
students have been issued with
their new HP 612 laptops. These
laptops have a number of software programs loaded in addition
to a series of eBooks that the boys
will use daily. I look forward to the
benefits of the IT program in engaging our students in their learning.
The teachers have also been provide with new laptops and have
access this week to our new learning management system, seqta.
Over the next week we plan to
provide access to seqta to our students and parents. This will provide access to our curriculum and
co-curricular information, plus improve communication. Look out
for more details over the next
ATC Facebook – Another form of
communication is the ATC Facebook page going live. Already
nearly 2000 people have visited
our page. If you haven’t already,
go online and like the ATC Facebook page for some great photos
and up-to-date news.
PE Uniforms – Students are able
to wear their full PE uniform to
school when they have PE lessons
on that day. Monday—year 4
Tuesday—Year 6
Wednesday—Year 7
Thursday— Year 5
Friday—Year 8
In addition, Junior School boys
(Years 4-6) are to wear their full
PE uniform to school on Fridays as
they have activities as part of their
Ambrose Treacy College seeks to be an authentic Catholic community in the Edmund Rice tradition that promotes excellence in learning, leadership and service in order to challenge its members to make a prophetic difference. As Dean of Formation I have the privilege of walking with
the staff, students and parents along a journey of forming an understanding and practice of how
this vision becomes an active reality within our context. The strategic manner in which formation
occurs involves a range of opportunities and experiences designed to prepare our community to
live our values and beliefs as a response to the lives of Ambrose Treacy, Edmund Rice and Jesus.
The formative journey includes the formal structures, opportunities and processes as well as values, knowledge and skills required to live and grow as a ‘Signum Fidei’ (Sign of Faith) for our
world. The traditional purpose of a ‘touchstone’ is a test or criterion for the authenticity of an
object. Our touchstones are reflected in our College Prayer and Formation Touchstones. T
Signum Fidei “Sign of Faith” We believe each of our staff, students and parents is a ‘Signum Fidei’ within
our community and called to demonstrate our College Touchstones in word and action:
Learning: Learn to excel
Leadership: Lead through actions
Service: Serve through relationships
Learning “The school is open to all who wish to avail themselves of it without distinction.”
Ambrose was a person of learning who empowered his staff and students to learn to excel by engaging
them in dynamic and relevant pathways that empowered learning, service and personal excellence. In our
community learning is characterised by…
Engagement: Preparation promotes potential.
Endurance: Resilience reaps rewards.
Excellence: Achieve your personal excellence.
An Ambrose Treacy Gentleman is an engaged learner who endures to achieve their personal excellence.
Leadership “The will of God be done in this and in everything we undertake.” Edmund
Edmund was a person of leadership who lead through actions that demonstrated a respect for self and
others. In our community our leadership is characterised by…
Presence: Be present to people and God (love).
Respect: Respect yourself and those you journey with.
Courage: Lead by courageous example.
An Ambrose Treacy Gentleman is a courageous leader of action who is present and respectful.
Service “Whoever wants to be first must be last and a servant of all.” Mark 9:35
Jesus was a person of service who served the community through compassionate relationships that empowered others. In our community our service is characterised by …
Faith: Have faith in God (love).
Relationships: Build compassionate relationships that empower.
Margins: Demonstrate a preferential commitment to the margins.
An Ambrose Treacy Gentleman is a faithful servant who builds relationships that empower the marginalised.
Learning at ATC
A positive learning culture is achieved when all stakeholders: students, teachers, parents, support staff
and leaders; engage, endure and strive for excellence. These posters have been displayed in every classroom as a reminder of what is required to be a successful learner. Learning is about the behaviour of the
learner, more than it is about any other factor. When we teach our boys how to engage, what it takes to
endure and show them what excellence looks like, they will be in a strong position to become powerful
learners. We can’t choose for them; however, we can provide a positive environment where there is every opportunity for them to make the choice to behave as a learner.
Welcome back to all our continuing students and a very warm welcome to our new students. The ATC Music
Department promises to be an exciting journey over the next few years and one that we, as a team have
been looking forward to for some time. Our first concert will be our AUTUMN CONCERT: 26 March Thursday
We have made an excellent start already with our first rehearsals on Tuesday for the ATC Wind Ensemble,
culminating in a concert that made us all very proud of their efforts and is already sounding like a well established ensemble. Thank you to our Music Support parents that helped with the BBQ and for creating a warm
welcome to both new and continuing students and parents on the day.
Rehearsals and Lessons: ATC Wind Ensemble will have their first rehearsal this Friday at 7am in the Hall.
All other rehearsals will start as of next week. All lessons will commence in week 3 and your son’s music
teacher will make contact to arrange lesson times.
ATC Music Testing Program for all new students will commence next week from grade 4 through to grade
8. All interested students will be tested for an instrument suitability and aptitude test. If your son is accepted
into the music program he will receive a letter in week 3.
A Music Instrumental Parent Information Evening on 9 February at 7pm in the Chapel is a very important
meeting for those new to the Music Instrumental Program. All students starting an instrument will commence on Tuesday 24 February. If you have any further enquiries please contact Catherine Esbensen or Jonathon Bolt. Classroom Music – All Year 8 parents please note that the booklist incorrectly requested the purchase of “Introducing Music Year 7 (JayDay)”. Those parents who have paid for this book will receive a refund
from SchoolStuff soon. Apologies for the confusion. All Year 7 students taking music in terms 1 and 2 will
receive their copy of Introducing Music during class in Week 2. Those who have music in term 3 and 4 will
receive their book in class time during their first lesson.
Welcome to Ambrose Treacy College!
ATC Brothers (choir)
Our inaugural rehearsal commenced yesterday. All Year 4, 5 and 6 students are welcome to join us on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons (see timetable). Our
first performance is the Opening School Mass on 13th February.
ATC Kinsmen (Vocal Ensemble)
This is an auditioned Years 4, 5 and 6 ensemble selected from choir members.
First practice is Tuesday 2nd break (See attached timetable )
ATC Rings! (Year 6 Handbell Ensemble)
Rehearsals commence this Monday afternoon. (See attached timetable )
Our first performance is the Opening School Mass.
Inaugural ATC Middle School Singers
ALL Years 7 and 8 students are welcome.
First practice is this Tuesday morning. (See attached timetable )
First performance is the Opening School Mass.
Second Performance is the Music Theatre Showcase (6th June).
Inaugural ATC Handbell Ensemble
All interested Years 7 and 8 students who are curious about handbells are welcome to
attend our first practice on Monday afternoon (see timetable). Our first performance
is the Opening School Mass.
Here's to an exciting first year! I am very happy to hear from you with any questions.
Please email Ms Barbara McGeever - Voice and Handbell Co-ordinator
A warm welcome to all ATC Families from the Parents & Friends Association. It’s an exciting time for our new school so
we’ve organised plenty of opportunities for your family to get involved in the ATC Community. Upcoming events are...
Year 4 Welcome Afternoon - Saturday 31st January, 2pm. We are holding a Parents Afternoon Tea this Saturday. It's an
opportunity to meet each other, swap information and debrief on the first week at ATC for our young boys. It will be held
at the Staff Room at ATC (near the library at the end of Bridge St) from 2pm, and tea and coffee will be supplied, as well as
something sweet (If you have dietary needs, please send an email). Mums, dads and carers welcome. So we get an idea of
numbers, please RSVP on this link. Need more info? Contact Kaylene Perissinotto (Yr 4 Year level coordinator) on 0401 101
186 or email kaylene@perissinotto.com. This event is for grown-ups but there will be lots of family events throughout the
P&F Meeting - Tuesday 3rd February, 7pm. All parents are welcome to come along to our first casual monthly meeting in
the staffroom. We plan for the upcoming events and review what’s been delivered recently. Our objective is friend-raising,
so it’s all selecting the right opportunities for families to get involved in our great community. We are currently looking for
classroom parent coordinators. If you’re interested, please email Sharon Morley (secretary) on sharonward1712@gmail.com
Dad’s After Work Welcome Drinks - Friday 6th February, 5.30pm-7.30pm. This is a great opportunity to meet other ATC
Dad’s. Just drop in on the way home next Friday, no need to bring anything, drinks and nibbles provided. Like most events,
it’s held on the staff deck, overlooking the river (end of Bridge St). To help us with ordering, please RSVP to John Messenger
at johnmess7@gmail.com
ATC Welcome Night - Saturday 28th February. If you’d like to meet or catch up with other ATC parents, then put this date
in your diary. It’s a fantastic event and this year is guaranteed to be a memorable one! Our coordinators are finalising the
details, so stay tuned for more info.
In the next few days you’ll receive an email from the P&F, asking you to confirm your contact details for the ATC Parent
Directory. This will be available in electronic and printed format in a couple of weeks with all the information about class
lists, students, parents, staff and more.
If you have any queries or suggestions about your P&F, then please contact me anytime at johnmess7@gmail.com or phone
0412 004 603.
0403 507 169
A reminder to parents that the Tuckshop opens on Monday 2 February. Morning tea and lunch must be
ordered online through http://www.flexischools.com.au however the boys are allowed to purchase
snacks and treats over the counter with their Student Card.
If you set up your Flexischools account for online ordering now, you can add the Student Card to
your account at a later date and set a 'daily limit' and load money onto your sons account using the
'auto top-up' option. If you would like to volunteer to help in the tuckshop, please email Danielle Milne
with your details and availability.
0419 772 664
Welcome back!
HELP NEEDED: With the extra opening hours this year, we need many more volunteers in the uniform
shop. Even if you can’t stay for the full shift, please put your name down if you can do an hour or so.
Please complete the “Gentleman Junior Volunteer Form” emailed to you with today’s ATConnect and
return it to the College office. Alternatively please email your details and preferred day to Julie Ebbage.
Thank you so much to all of the mums and dads who helped out last term and again this year and a
special thanks to the students who volunteered their services.
Your help is very much appreciated.