Newsletter - Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist Church
Newsletter - Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist Church
VIRGINIA WINGARD MEMORIAL UMC 1500 BROAD RIVER ROAD COLUMBIA SC 29210 803-772-0794 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 561 COLUMBIA SC Mid-week Publication of Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist Church 1500 Broad River Road, Columbia, South Carolina RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Our Mission: to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and to make disciples through loving outreach, lively worship, quality care, and exciting education. January 28, 2015 Prayer Power “Praise the Lord from the highest heavens. Praise the Lord. His name is exalted! Praise the Lord!” Psalm 148:4, 3 Prayer Line: 772-0794 X 110 or Immediate Prayer List for currently ill... Joanne Carter Fletcher Carter Pierce Liles & Family Our Church Family during this Flu Season Bob Shaffer Please include in your daily devotions all Shut-ins and others we hold dear to our hearts. Expanded Prayer lists are available on the door of Room 206 and the display rack in the Welcome Center. 8:30 AM Sunday Service Hostesses Betsy Nunnery Kayce Richardson, Vicki Funderburk Greeters Stacey & Taylor Agee PowerPoint Jordan Agee Sound Tech Jason Agee 11:00 AM Sunday Service Greeters Jay & JoAnn Helms Treasurer David Durham Altar Guild-February Monta Avera Jackie Durham Acolyte Jenna Stroupe Crucifer Tylor Shaffer Banner Christina Brannigan Lay Reader Charles Rogers Ushers *Ken Nunnery Kevin Dailey, Jim Harward Furman Dailey LENTEN CALENDAR Tuesday, February 17 – 5:30 -7:00 PM Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner sponsored by the youth and children. Come join us for Pancakes, Sausage and Bacon, Fruit and more! Wednesday, February 18 - 6:00 PM Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday, February 25 - March 25 ~ Noon- Community Lenten Service at Westminster Presbyterian (VWMUMC will host March 18) 6:00 p.m.- Dinner 6:30 p.m.- The NET 6:30 p.m.- Bible Study- led by John Adams, Youth and Children studies. Saturday, March 28 - 10:00 AM to noon Church Wide Easter Picnic and Egg Hunt at Saluda Shoals ~ Red Bud Pavillion Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday Service Monday March 30 - Friday April 3 - Stations of the Cross Journey Open during office hours with some evening hours available. Thursday April 2 - 7:00 PM - Maundy Thursday Communion Service Saturday April 4 - 7:00 PM - Easter Vigil Service led by the youth Sunday, April 5 - EASTER SUNDAY 8:00 AM - “Sunrise” Early Service in the Picnic Shelter 9:00 AM - Breakfast sponsored by the United Methodist Men 9:45 AM - Sunday School 11:00 AM - Traditional Service Staff Pastor: Scott W. Smoak Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Eugene Holmes Director of Program: Tammy Grey Director of Music, Organist: Greg Boatwright Pianist: Winifred Goodwin Dir. of Finance & Admin.: Carolyn Jackson Secretary: Gloria Spires Phone: 803-772-0794 Fax: 803-772-6255 E-mail: February 1, 2015 ~ 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Rev. Scott Smoak “A NEW KIND OF AUTHORITY” Mark 1:21-28 Church Activities Sunday, February 1 ~ Youth Revolution 8:30 AM - Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM - Sunday School 11:00 AM - Traditional Worship 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Monday, February 2 ~ Groundhog Day 10:00 AM - Covenant Group - Conf. Rm. 8:00 PM - AA Study Group Tuesday, February 3 10:00 AM - Quilting Group 2:00 PM - LRE Meeting - LRE Room 7:00 PM - Mothers-of-Twins - AC Wednesday, February 4 9:30 AM - Candidacy Group - Rm. 213 6:00 PM - FROG/EPIC 6:30 PM - Children’s Choir 7:00 PM - Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Thursday, February 5 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED Friday, February 6 10:00 AM - UMVIM ER Team - Rm. 213 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Saturday, February 7 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED FACTS & FIGURES January 25, 2015 Combined Worship Attendance Church School Budget Offering Specials 209 91 4,234.00 2,950.00 Special Gifts honor of Margaret Smith, Judith Smith, Liz Dailey, Margie Durant to the Bereavement Fund by Stan & Deborah Morris. memory of Darrell Housey to the Budget by Betty Morris. memory of Herb Chambers to the Budget by Sandie & Ernie Ellis; Nancy Benson Chambers; Tommy Gregory; Ann, Marie & Parker Sanders; Doug & Sarena Graczyk; Lynda & Roland Creech; Thomas & Antoinette Dimashe; Pat Durgin; Summerset Patio Homeowners Assn.; RoseMary & Michael Willson; Huie & Carol Yang; Andy & Ginger Anderson; Col. & Mrs. Fleming Jones; Bunko Babes; Patrick & Elaine Patteson; David & Jackie Durham; Patricia Morgan & Eric, Genny, Jordan & Kameron Morgan; Larry & Mary Ralston; Billy & Mary Lynn Phipps; Reed & B.J. Bickers. To the Music Fund by Gary & Louise Tinsley. To the Mission Fund by Jim & Ros Browning. To the Food Pantry by Sandy Barrett & Michael & Deborah Taylor. To the Member Care Fund by Nora Rice. memory of Herb Chambers and in honor of Scott Smoak to the Minister’s Outreach Fund by the Chambers Family. memory of Herb Chambers and in honor of Greg Boatwright to BRAC from the Chambers Family. memory of Herb Chambers and to the Bereavement Fund by the Chambers Family. memory of Herb Chambers and in honor of John Culp to Salkehatchie from The Chambers Family. memory of Herb Chambers and Joe Nicol to the Quilter’s for their beautiful work from the Chambers Family. United Methodist Men’s Meeting “Ladies Night” Thursday, February 12, 2015 ~ 6:00 PM Speaker: Dr. Amy Sander Montanez, Licensed Professional Counselor Buffet Dinner ~ Activity Center Adults: $10 Children : $5 (11 & under) Tickets available each Sunday in the Welcome Center or at the Church Office. 2015 Flower Calendar The Flower Calendar for 2014 is posted on the Bulletin Board. If you would like to place flowers in the Church for a special date, check the calendar now. The church has a standing weekly order for flowers from Something Special. Cost is $50 and is payable to VWUMC. Please notify the church office prior to your date as to what you would like printed in the Sunday bulletin or you may write it on the flower calendar. UMW Mission for January Prison Ministry I t ems needed: Cloth e s , Toiletries for men such as toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant. Your support is greatly appreciated! É É É É É Expression of Christian Sympathy to... ...Ray & Ruby Kiser on the death of their daughter, Deborah Ann Suddereth of Mt. Holly, NC. Mark You Calendar Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner February 17th from 5:30 PM -7:30 PM This event is sponsored by our youth & children ministries. Come join us for pancakes, bacon, sausage, and fruit. We will have various types of syrups and fruit toppings as well as coffee, tea, milk and juice. $5 per person! This will be a fundraiser for our youth and children to attend retreats, camps and missions. Stations of the Cross This year during Holy Week we will experience a Stations of the Cross Journey. This is a journey taken to help us remember and mediate upon the scenes of Christ’s suffering and death. This will be an individual prayer journey. We will have a sign up for individuals, families, Sunday School classes or groups to design a station during Lent. These stations will consist of scripture and visual representation of the scene you are constructing. Use your creativity and gifts God has given you to express your station for others to experience. Preparing a station can be a wonderful spiritual experience during Lent itself. We will also be asking for volunteers to man the stations during the time it is open. If you have any questions, please see Tammy Grey. É É É É É Expression of Thanks... Thank you so much for your love, prayers and support during dad’s illness and passing. Daddy loved Virginia Wingard Church. You were such an important part of his life and we thank you so much for that. God bless you. The Chambers Children