Newsline 1-28-15.pages - Corpus Christi School


Newsline 1-28-15.pages - Corpus Christi School
Newsline - January 28, 2015
~From Katie~
Wednesday, January 28
Regular Day - Catholic Schools Week
Student Appreciation Day - Free Dress
1&3, SF Symphony, 8:30am
1, Snow Day, 1-3:00pm
MUSE, 3-5:00pm, Lib
Scouts, 7:30-9:00pm, AUD
What an incredible Crab Feed & Silent Auction!! We want to
extend a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you for your generosity of
time, money and spirit. The event was a resounding success.
More details to come, but know that in addition to being
incredibly fun, it was tremendously successful from a financial
Thursday, January 29
Regular Day - Catholic Schools Week
Staff Appreciation Day
5, St. Mary’s, 11:15am-1:00pm
Chess, 3:05-4:05pm, Rm 5
Friday, January 30
Regular Day - Catholic Schools Week
Free Dress
Science Fair Judging, 4-8:00pm
Saturday, January 31
Kindergarten Testing
Science Fair Judging, 8:00am-12:00pm
Sunday, February 1
Catholic Schools Week Mass, 10:30am
Open House, 11:45am-1:00pm
Visit Science Fair, 12-1:00pm, AUD
A few other quick notes!
pick up of Silent Auction items will be available this Friday, 1/30, from 2:00-3:45
p.m. Please come to the office and we will assist you with picking up your items.
If you submitted a cash donation form, please bring your checks to the school
office NOW so that we can close out the books on this event. Thank you for
your generosity!
Do you want to Yahtzee?? There is still room to join this party and have a
chance at the Yahtzee jackpot. Thursday, February 5th at the Kevane’s home.
$40 per person. Bring your checks to the office with “Yahtzee” in the memo!
Stay tuned for more information on additional party openings via email.
Finally – we’d love to hear from you. If you have any feedback or ideas (positive
or constructive!), we would truly like to hear it. Please email us at
Thank you again!!
Jennifer Colgan & Jessica Huard, your Silent Auction Co-chairs
Monday, February 2
Regular Day - Heart Grams Sale
Choir, 3-4:00pm, Rm 1
Yearbook, 3-4:00pm, Tech Lab
GRANDPARENTS’ AND FAMILY FRIENDS’ DAY: Special thanks to Laura Presnell and Emma
Silva-Fontana the wonderful committee who planned this special day. It was a beautiful day filled with
special memories for all our grandparents, special friends and students. Look for a complete list of
volunteers in next week’s Newsline. Tuesday, February 3
Regular Day - Heart Grams Sale
1, Tooth Day, 7:30-8:30am, G
Open House, 8:30-10:00am
Student Council, 3-3:45pm, Rm 4
SPELLING BEE: All the contestants did an outstanding job! Lewis Bowen took 1st place and Hannah
Elenteny is the alternate. Lewis will go on to represent CCS at the Local Spelling Bee which is to be
held at the Lawrence Hall of Science on February 21.
Wednesday, February 4
Minimum Day - Heart Grams Sale
MUSE Band, Ret 12:45-1:45/Beg 1:45-2:45, Lib
Scouts, 7:30-9:30pm, AUD
Scouts Parents, 7:30-9:30pm, FR
TELECOMMUNICATION ACT FORM: A third notice is included in today’s envelope for those
who have not had a chance to complete. Thanks to those who have completed this important form.
Thursday, February 5
Regular Day - Heart Grams Sale
Chess, 3:05-4:05pm, Rm 5
MEASLES: Due to recent reports of confirmed measles diagnoses, please contact your health care
provider should you exhibit any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, runny nose and red eyes, and
within a few days a red rash appears, usually first on the face and then spreading downward to the rest
of the body. Measles can be prevented by the combination MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella)
Friday, February 6
Diocesan Staff Day - NO SCHOOL
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY6: Just a reminder that February 6 is a “no school” day. All teachers and
instructional aids will have a professional growth day. There will be no Extended Care available.
Saturday, February 7
Kindergarten Testing
Monday, February 9
Regular Day
Yearbook, 3-4:00pm, Tech Lab
CCPG, 7:00pm, FR
*all are welcome
AUD = Auditorium/Gym C = Church G = Gibson
FR = Faculty Room
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - BASIC FUND: This non-profit organization provides assistance to new
families (new families to Basic, not necessarily new families to our school) or a new child in an already
present family. Applications are available now on the Basic Fund website. It is anticipated that
2015-2016 scholarships will be more limited than in previous years so be sure to apply early! The
earlier you apply, the better your chances of receiving funds. Renewal packets will be mailed out to
renewing families in March with instructions on renewal and deadlines. For further information, please
go to FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - FACE: This Diocesan program offers assistance to qualifying families.
Applications are available now in the school office. Forms must be postmarked no later than March
16, 2015. For further information please go to
February 13: School Holiday
February 16: Presidents‘ Day Holiday
February 18: Ash Wednesday
February 22: First Day of Lent
February 22: Lillian Black Festival of the Arts
February 26: School Board Meeting
March 8: Daylight Savings Time
March 13: Cesar Chavez Holiday
Please pray for those in need...
* George Balise, Father of Mrs. Ratto and Grandfather of Matthew Ratto,
who is ill.
* Charlotte Gallaway, Grandmother of Duncan Gallaway, who is very ill.
* Patricia Methlie, Grandmother of Christopher and Matteo Methlie-Zapien,
who is ill.
* Jim McDonald, Father of Mrs. Crudo and Grandfather of Ruby Crudo, who
is battling cancer.
GROWING UP ASIAN IN AMERICA: Students are invited to
submit art, essays, poems and videos that celebrate Asian heritage and
express their ideas on being Asian and American. This year’s theme is
“Celebrating Our Roots”. The entry deadline is Wednesday, March
4, 2015. Bay area students in K - 12 compete for $20,000 in cash
prizes. More information is available at or, search: Growing Up. Entry forms with more
details are available in the school office.
* Drew Dietz, Uncle of Olive and Nikos Romios, who is in the hospital.
* Frank Lichtfuss, Great Uncle of Olive and Nikos Romios, who is undergoing
* Sylvia Gallo, Great Aunt of Max Tarczynski, who is battling cancer.
* Mary Slakey Howell, Aunt of Jack LaFever, who is battling cancer.
* Robert Hayes, Grandfather of Cecily Hayes, who passed away.
* Jim Hausman, Uncle of Anna Simmons, who passed away.
* Betty Fountaine, Grandmother of Amanda Romankiw, who passed away.
applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Applications can be picked
up at the office or downloaded from our website. Don’t forget our
own siblings.
January 31 - Kindergarten Assessment
February 3 - Open House, 8:15 to 10 am
BAY AREA CHILDREN’S THEATRE: Registration for BACT’s Summer 2015
camps for kids entering K-8th grades just opened. Sign up today before camps
fill up. Camps are located in Piedmont and Alameda. San Ramon camp
registration will open soon. Go to for more
February 7 - Kindergarten Assessment
Hello Families!
Extended Care would like to announce that unfortunately, Ms. Dria
Mathews will be leaving her position here at Corpus Christi. Her last
day will be Friday, January 30th, and we are sorry to see her go. Expect
a new face here in Extended Care very soon.
Wednesday, February 11, 3-4pm
Wednesday, February 18, 3-4pm
Sunday, February 22, Arrive at 1pm at Bishop O’Dowd
GIRL SCOUTS: START YOUR ENGINES! PINEWOOD DERBY: Saturday, February 7 All Girl Scouts and friends/siblings are welcome to join
in the fun of the Pinewood Derby from 3-6pm on Saturday, February 7 at the
Piedmont Community Church (10 Highland Way.) Cars must be purchased
from Troop #31021. Contact Jenna Caldwell for $15 registration/purchase. or 415-845-1946. Registration deadline is 2/4/2015.
A Practice Session will be held on Saturday, January 31 from 10am-12pm at the
Piedmont Community Church.
Due to the student’s extensive creative endeavors, we are
in desperate need of scratch paper! In the past, we have used large
calendars or left-over paper that businesses had donated. If you have
any paper to spare that kids could draw on, Extended Care will gladly
take it off of your hands! You’d make many students’ paper-airplanedreams come true!
Wednesday Feb. 4th - MINIMUM DAY
Friday Feb. 6th: No School / No Ext. Care
Ms. Caitlin Bruffey
(510) 482-1630
One Estates Drive • Piedmont, CA 94611
FLU SEASON REMINDERS: As the flu bug begins to hit our school
community, please remember:
Your child MUST remain home if they have a fever or a very bad cold.
Your child’s fever MUST be gone for 24 hours before returning to school.
If the school calls to let you know your child is sick, please pick up
immediately. We only have one sick bed and we also want to minimize the risk
of spreading illness to our office staff or other children.
If your child requires cold medicine at school please send it into the office, in
original package, with signed authorization form (located on the school
If your child requires prescription medicine to be administered at school, we
need the authorization form signed by your child’s doctor. Please remind your children about frequent hand washing.