To This Weeks Newsletter
To This Weeks Newsletter
בס‘‘ד Shaarey Zedek Newsletter Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9 AM - 4 PM Fri. 9 AM-12:00 PM (818) 763-0560 12800 Chandler Boulevard Valley Village, California 91607 Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg, Senior Rabbi (818) 763-6269 January 30 - February 6, 2015 10 Shevat - 17 Shevat 5775 Parshas Beshalach פרשת בשלח Mazel Tov מזל טוב To Mark and Elaine Goodfriend and Elias and Janet Saadat on the birth of a baby boy to their children, Gabriel and Rachel Saadat. Mazel tov to big brother, Yoel Moshe and to the aunts and uncles, Gabi, Meira, Ben, Ariel and Natasha. To Ashi and Tami Gottesman on the bas mitzvah of their daughter, Sarina. Mazel tov to all the grandparents, great-grandparents and to all of the extended Gottesman and Shiffman families. To our own Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg on his appointment as president of the Rabbinical Council of California. Thank You תודה רבה To Mrs. Sonia Izenstark for sponsoring kiddush after the 8 AM minyan in memory of Esther Bodenstein, Esther bas Chava, ob”m, “Bubbie Esther” to her granddaughters, Shelly Tannenbaum of Israel and Janey Herskovitz of Los Angeles. To Ashi and Tami Gottesman for sponsoring Shalosh Seudos in honor of Sarina’s bas mitzvah. To the following families who have helped make the Medical Supply Shed Gemach possible: Rabbi & Mrs. Joshua Bittan, Arnold Bryman & Luisa Latham, Daniel & Iris Donaty, Marc & Julie Granovitz, Drs. Bruce & Anne Greenfield, Avi & Julie Handelman, Robin & Rachael Israel, Ray & Alicia Kipust, Asher & Sharon Levine, Barry Pinsky & Linda Scharlin, Dr. Sylvain & Linda Silberstein, Yossi & Dr. Janet Statman, Uri & Shula Uralevich, Beni & Diana Warshawsky, and Yakov Yellin. Welcome ברוכים הבאים To all of the extended Gottesman and Shiffman families who are joining the family for Sarina’s bas mitzvah and the Shloshim of Rabbi Menachem Gottesman, z”l. Shaarey Zedek Security Council Public Address System With our ongoing concern as to the security of the shul, a Public Address System is currently being installed throughout the entire SZ facility. The PA system will provide the ability to warn the entire Shul simultaneously of an ACTIVE THREAT with clear instructions on how to react during an ongoing crisis. We pray that we will never have to use the Security PA System in the context of an attack, ר‘‘ל. We are in the midst of raising $10,000 to cover the expenses of the Security PA System and Security Plan that the shul will be instituting over the next several months. We have raised almost a quarter of what we need to complete this project. The PA system should be completed within the coming weeks. We are urgently requesting that each and every member join us in support of this most important cause. Please contact the office for your donations. While some projects may tolerate delay, this essential need must be completed in the most expeditious fashion to ensure maximum safety. Planning for your Family’s Future Shaarey Zedek has partnered once again with Mount Sinai Memorial in Simi Valley to provide our congregants with comprehensive pre-need arrangements and services. Mount Sinai has offered to donate $5000 to SZ if 5 properties are sold by a predetermined date. If you or your family would like more information, please contact Doreen Kayne at: (866) 813-8100 ext. 413 or email Torah Reading: 366♦ Haftorah: 1152 Erev Shabbos, Friday, January 30th Shabbos Candle Lighting 5:04 PM Mincha 5:10 PM Shabbos, January 31st Shacharis 8,8:30 & 8:45 AM Krias Shema 9:29 AM Mincha 4:55 PM Maariv/End of Shabbos 6:05 PM Sunday-Friday Shacharis Sunday 6:45, 8, & 8:40 AM Shacharis Monday & Thursday 5:49 & 6:45 AM Shacharis Tues., Wed., & Fri. 5:59 & 6:45 AM Mincha 5:10 PM Late Maariv Monday -Thursday 8:00 PM Shabbos, February 6th Candle Lighting 5:11 PM Mincha 5:15 PM This Week at the 8:30 AM Minyan Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg will be giving the drasha. Rabbi Aryeh Davidowitz will be giving an in-depth shiur on halachic-related topics from Parshas Beshalach following kiddush (approximately 10:45 AM). Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood Car Rally Saturday night, February 21st at 8:30 PM, meet in the Shaarey Zedek parking lot. Need help forming a team of 4-6 people? We’re happy to help! Bring a digital camera and a flashlight. Dessert at 11 PM at a location to be announced. RSVP and payment required by February 15th. Email Linda Sieger at or call the SZ office at (818)763-0560. Medical Supply Gemach Great News! We have reached 100% of our goal to raise $1,200 needed to house the medical supply gemach. The community is grateful to Elie Mafouda for running and administering the gemach. Woman Scholar-in-Residence Shoshana Schechter Shaarey Zedek is honored to host Mrs. Shoshana Schechter. She will be joining our community on March 20-21, 2015. The theme for the Shabbaton will be “The Crossroads of Destiny and Blessing.” To insure that we are able to finance this very special SIR, we are once again turning to you for sponsorship. We need to raise a bit more this year since the honorarium is slightly higher. Please let us know as soon as possible if you can participate as a sponsor and please consider giving just a bit more than last year to help Shaarey Zedek cover the cost. Please contact the shul office at (818) 763-0560 or if you would like to be a sponsor. Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund There is always a demand for financial assistance from the Rabbi’s fund. Aside from the usual outlays that go to visiting meshulachim, many in our own community approach Rabbi Rosenberg for help with basic necessities. Your generosity will ensure that our own members and friends, along with worthy institutions all over the world, with a focus on Eretz Yisrael, will continue to receive support. Please make checks payable to Shaarey Zedek with “Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund” in the memo. May your tzedakah be a zechus to bring shalom to Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish People. SZ Sisterhood Purim Seudah Exciting plans are underway for this year’s SZ Sisterhood Mishloach Manot Cards Sisterhood Purim Seudah. If you are The mishloach manot cards are available in the shul office for interested in being on the committee, purchase from the Sisterhood. Stop by and pick some up. please contact Aida at (267) 934-3896 or Devorah at 50+ cards are only $2.00 each. 25-49 cards are $2.25 each and 24 or less are $2.50 each. For Men Young Adult - Musar/Hashkafa/Parsha Shmooze for young men, 25-30 years old, delivered by Rabbi Avrohom Mendelsohn of Yeshivas Ner Aryeh. Class held every Thursday at 8:30 PM in the Ratner Beis Midrash followed by Maariv. Cholent and refreshments will be served. Sponsorships are available. Morning Kollel Mon-Fri 6-6:45 AM with Shmooze from Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg on Friday at 6:30 AM Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s Gemara Shiur - Mesechta Sanhedrin. Wednesdays at 8:30 PM in the Beis Midrash. Rabbi Gradon’s Weekly Kollel Learning: Wednesdays evenings at 8:30 in the Beis Midrash. Parsha D’var Torah at 9:35; Maariv at 9:45. Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s Gemara Brachos shiur: Thurs. at 8:30 PM in the Beis Midrash. See Yosef Traube for info. Rabbi Maza’s Parsha Shiur: Shabbos 7:30 AM downstairs. .Rabbi Lintz’s Halacha Shiur: Shabbos, 10:15 AM downstairs. Rabbi Shlomo Rosenberg’s Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri 6-6:45 AM; Sat. and Sun. 7:15-8:00 AM in the Ratner Chapel. Rabbi Rauch’s intermediate level shiur in Maseches Bava Kama: Monday through Thursday, from 8 - 9:15 PM. For Women Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s Navi Shiur for Women: Mondays at 8:00 PM in the Beis Midrash. Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s weekly Parsha Shiur for women, Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Beis Midrash. Tehillim Shiur with Shkedia Berman -Tuesdays, at noon at the Moritz’s home 12923 Chandler Blvd. Mrs. Grossman’s Chumash class: Thursdays - noon at the Moritz’s home, 12923 Chandler Blvd. Announcements for the newsletter must be given to the office by Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 PM. Items will be listed on a first come, first served basis, based on available space. Help Shaarey Zedek by logging in at: The first time you log on, it will request the charity you would like to support. Enter Shaarey Zedek Congregation and then a portion of every amazon purchase made on amazon smile will go to the shul. Shaarey Zedek will automatically stay as your charity of choice every time you sign in. SOS SOS wishes to thank Yehudis and Daniel Schoen for hosting, and their daughters, Ilana and Tamar for serving, a delicious dinner in their lovely home. A big thank you to Joyce and Cary Samuels for making the songs of the 60s live again with guitar music and their wonderful voices. Everyone enjoyed the evening. SZ Jewish Book Club CHANGE OF DATE Shaarey Zedek’s Jewish Book Club open to men and women will now meet on Wednesday, February 4th at 8:30 PM sharp at the Greenfield home - 5536 Voletta Place to discuss Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef. Please RSVP to Anne Greenfield at or (818) 398-0018. Bluestar Baseball ‘15 Season Season starts Sunday, February 8, 2015 Registration $200 for kids 4-5 years old (TBall) For more info email Register at Emek Hebrew Academy’s Open House Torah Values, 21st Century Learning Early Childhood Center: Wednesday, February 11th & 18th at 9:30 AM. For a scheduled tour, please contact Sandra R’bibo, Director of Admissions at (818) 783-3663. The SZ Suggestion Box As we continually work to improve the shul experience for our members, including some changes we made for the recent holidays, we welcome your feedback. Whether you liked what we did or you think we can do better, please send your comments to Mark Hurwitz at Em Habanim - The Golden Age Tuesday Club Every Tuesday morning at 10:45 AM Community Retirees are invited to Em Habanim’s new weekly club. Program runs for about 1 1/2 hours weekly. Lecture presentations and interesting documentaries will be shown. Refreshments are provided and retirees have the opportunity to meet and socialize. This ongoing activity is provided free of charge by Em Habanim as a service to the community. For more information on upcoming topics, contact : Hanna Oiknine at (818) 762-7779 Em Habanim is located at 5850 Laurel Canyon Blvd. CONTACTS (800) 613-1911 (323) 903-7613 (818) 584-1987 (818) 623-0300 (818) 759-7593 (818) 760-4567 Gary Bregman (818) 259-0449; Joey Conzevoy (323) 268-1783 Shul President Jonathan Istrin VP Religion Mark Hurwitz Office (818) 763-0560 VP of Education Steve Stone VP Membership Herman Muhlstein Sisterhood Hachnasat Orchim Rochelle Shapiro (818) 388-2903 Tomchei Shabbos Ruth Dimant (818) 517-4902 Shatnez Testing (707) 494-7096 Welcoming Angeli Holzman (805) 452-3352 Committee Hatzolah Chaverim Valley Mishmar Aleinu Family Help Valley Eruv Teichman Mikvah Shiva Committee catering Chumie Vann - Culinary Creations by Chumie (818) 300-5687 Jerusalem U’s “Beneath the Helmet” Be moved and inspired by the human face of Israeli soldiers. Presented by YULA - Monday, February 2nd at 7 PM. Special Q & A following the film with actor Lt. Aviv Regev and YULA alumnus, Daniel Rubin. For more info and to sign up, please visit or call (310) 2033180. Nir Weinblut - La Gondola (310) 247-1239 Moshe Hayempour - New York Glatt Kosher (310) 365-8002 Rachel Celnik or David Eskenazi - Platinum Catering (818) 800-2267 YOUTH PROGRAMS SZ Shabbos Teen Minyan starts at 8:45 am in the Ratner Chapel. SZ Cub Scouts Pack 613 CubScouts Pack 613 is Shaarey Zedek’s Cub Scout Pack, with activities such as skits, hiking, biking, camping, badges, family activities, sports, middos and fun with a “frum” purpose. Contact Cubmaster Brian Leyton for details at (818) 640-4136 or Shomer Shabbos Boy Scout Troop 613 Troop 613 (ages 11-18) meets the first and third Sunday of each month. Contact Scoutmaster Stan Friedman (818) 985-2623 for more information. Girl Scout Troop 613 is LA's first frum Girl Scout troop featuring hiking, camping and other scouting related activities. We welcome girls in 1st – 12th grades who live in the valley or surrounding areas. Meetings are held twice a month on Sunday afternoons from 4:30-6:00 PM at Emek nursery. Contact: Edie Green at or (818) 299-0064 Bnei Akiva Snif - No snif this week. Tu B’Shevat - Netiot Tree planting this Sunday, February 1st from 10 AM to 12 noon at 5015 Otis Avenue in Tarzana. Please RSVP to Avi at (818) 442-8608. Moshava Malibu 2015 Season - For camper and staff registration go to or call (855) Moshava. Enrolled Families: Refer a new family and receive $100 off your tuition per camper. For more BALA info call Eyal (310) 220-1459 or Avi (818) 442-8608. Bnos No Bnos this Shabbos, January 31st. Call Elisheva Barasch for more info (818) 359-0312. NCSY DNL every Monday 7:30-8:30 PM Jerusalem Pizza in Encino. Contact Sarah for more info (714) 293-7100. LNL every Tuesday 7:30-8:30 PM Coffee Bean Studio City. Contact Derek for more info (949) 677-1313. LNL every Tuesday 7:30-8:30 PM Coffee Bean Calabasas. Contact Yisrael for more info (818) 277-0727. LNL every Thursday - 7:30-8:30 PM Coffee Bean Tarzana. Contact Yisrael for more info (818) 277-0727. Contact Sarah Leah "Fro Fro" (714) 293-7100 or for more info on upcoming events. Tehillim Circle Contact Debbie Striks (818)752-9666 or Mona Riss (818)761-5077 to add or delete a name. May our tefilos bring them a refuah shelaimah! Women Leah Chana bas Sarah Leah Tova Rivka bas Esther Rachel Ruchama bas Miriam Yehudis Sarah Bryna bas Gitel Yardena Elisheva bas Chana Kalo bat Sarah Margalit Chaviva bas Shulamit Bracha Henna bas Sarah Rivka Leah bas Penina Bracha bas Chaya Rochel Adina bas Chana Tali bas Nechama Esther Sara bas Elka Golda Raizel bas Riva Chaya Maya bas Batya Tzirel bas Malka Bryna Rus Shoshana bas Chana Zahava bas Juliette Rivka Noima bas Devorah Devorah Miriam bas Sarah Leah Chaya Sura bas Sima Batya Penina bas Kayla Miriam bas Rivka Rachel bas Leah Osnas bas Chaya Bayla Gitel Faiga bas Rachel Leah Menucha Rachel bas Mazal Miriam Chana bas Florence Rochel Leah bas Tzippa Chana bas Claire Roiza Devora bas Hindel Leah Elianna Miriam bat Chava Ariel Shifra bas Enka Rachel Sarit bas Simcha Faiga Tzirel bas Hinda Blima bas Esther Hentcha Miriam bas Hudel Tzivia Hinda bas Miriam Batya bas Bracha Elka Sara bas Chava Masha Gittel bas Shoshana Rochel Men Felix ben Anna Uri Shraga ben Serach Nootah ben Eta Yisachar Dov ben Shoshana Roiza Shraga Feivel ben Rachel Malkiel ben Dobi Baila Shelaim Tzvi ben Chaya Gitel Kasriel Hertzig ben Fayga Ari Daniel ben Rut Sarah Yitzchak ben Keshvar Adam ben Miriam Yitchak Peretz ben Tzippa Zev Yosef ben Gitel Elimelech ben Basya Melech Shlomo ben Rachel Refael Noam Meir ben Chana Reuven Moshe ben Devorah Tzvi Hirsch ben Mindel Yehuda Eliezer ben Roiza Devora Nissim Daniel ben Chana Yigal ben Sarah Yitel Baruch Reuven ben Sara Yaakov ben Gutel Bunya Shmuel Meir ben Chava Rus Yisrael Shlomo ben Fraida Yishayahu ben Zissel Velvel ben Bella Rivka Aryeh ben Rochel Devorah Yosef Daniel ben Miriam Yisroel Yehuda HaKohen ben Ida Yocheved Barak ben Idit Yehuda Baruch ben Miriam Reuven ben Shoshana Yonah ben Chaya Bayla Yechezkel ben Gitel Mordechai ben Chaya Yisroel Gedalia ben Chana