Newsletter - First United Methodist Church, Weatherford, OK
Newsletter - First United Methodist Church, Weatherford, OK
1st The FIRST EDITION Of The First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 350, Weatherford, OK. 73096 Lynn Brack, Pastor January 27, 2015 United Methodist Church THIS SUNDAY . . . February 1st Liturgical Color . . . Green th 4 Sunday After the Epiphany Sacrament of Holy Communion Celebrated Text of the Day . . . Mark 1:21-28 Homily . . . “Unclean Spirits” “Souper Bowl of Caring” Youth Group receives your gifts for the Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry “First Sunday Pot Luck Luncheon” 11:40AM . . . Fellowship Hall Bring a dish, or simply “Feed the Duck” with a contribution. Either way, join us for lunch this Sunday! m m m m m m m m m m m SPRING SEMESTER CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASSES FOR YOU . . . . “TECH SAVVY PARENTING” Began Wednesday, January 21st You Can Still Enter the Class 6:30PM—Youth Room Kelley Ramey, facilitator . “GET MY PEOPLE GOING” Begins Sunday, February 8th 9:30AM, Young Adult Classroom Tim Bodenstein, facilitator . “RENEGADE GOSPEL: THE REBEL JESUS” Begins Tuesday, February 17th (Lenten Study) 6:00PM, Leadership Room Lynn Brack, facilitator 1 TEEN TALK 25 years ago, the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group: “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.” Since that day, more than $100 million has been raised for local charities across the country through Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a powerful movement that is transforming the time around Super Bowl weekend into the nation’s largest celebration of giving and serving. Through this mission, young people learn what it’s like to make a positive difference in the world – as they collect food, raise money and volunteer to work in charities that provide shelter to the homeless, food to the hungry and compassion to those in need. Be part of this movement that is sharing God’s love with those in need. Please give generously on Super Bowl Sunday. Every dollar donated goes to the Weatherford Food Pantry which is the youth’s 2015 Souper Bowl of Caring charity of choice. The youth choose to give the money we receive to the Weatherford Food because we want to help our community not be hungry. If you would like more information on Souper Bowl of Caring go to Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. – James 4:10 WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBERS This past Sunday, January 25th, we were delighted to welcome into full, professing membership, DANIELLE MARIE MARTINEZ. Danielle transferred her membership from the Elk City UMC; she had been baptized as an infant in the Episcopal tradition. Her daughter, three-year-old ARIANNA NICHOLE MARTINEZ received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, and has been placed on our Preparatory/Baptized Membership Roster. Arianna is a student in The Learning Tree. With Danielle and Arianna is Danielle’s boy friend, Grady Coburn from Cordell, who has been worshiping with us. Danielle and Arianna reside at 918 Delarice, Apt. 5; Danielle is employed at SWOSU and will be entering the School of Nursing this fall. Studies available for you – “Tech Savvy Parenting” 6:30-7:30pm Wednesdays January 21-February 25 “Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today” 6:30-7:30pm Wednesdays January 21-March 11 “Get My People Going!” 9:30-10:30am Sundays February 8-March 29 (Please note the beginning date has changed to February 8th. Tim Bodenstein and several others will be out of town. So the beginning date has been moved back a week.) “Renegade Gospel” a Lenten Study 6:00-7:00pm on Tuesdays February 17-March 24 “Apocrypha” 4:00-5:00pm on Thursdays March 26-May 14 2 Requesting Prayers Donna Bradford; Alene Macaulay; James Ediger; Jason Mills; Linda Stengil; Jana Sexton; Bob Chambers; Kathleen Macaulay; Joyce & Arlen Hamburger; Lois Huddlestone Sr.; Carol; Mike Meyer; Jace Hilliard & Family; Dick Knutson; Olivia Coil; Jack & Mary Phelps; Neonate Class for losses; Kelsey Spain; Ronnie Walker; John Kokalis; Donna Dodson; Twila Griffin; Cheri Payne; Kelley Ramey TH I S W EE K S EV E NT S Thursday, January 29 2:00pm Kingdom Connection Sunday, February 1 8:30am Worship Service 9:30am Sunday School Classes 10:30am Worship Service 5:00pm FUMY: Souper Bowl Monday, February 2 5:30pm Trustees 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministries Wednesday, February 4 4:00pm “Kids Like Me” Kamp 4:30pm Hand Bell Choir 5:15pm 3-D Wednesday Meal 6:30pm Chancel Choir 6:30pm Confirmation Class 6:30pm “Making Sense of the Bible” 6:30pm “Tech Savvy Parenting” 8:00pm HS Disciple Thursday, February 5 2:00pm Kingdom Connection Joys of Answered Prayers Thanksgiving of daughter has chosen to join FUMC • • • • • • Extended Care Facilities & Homebound Arlen Hamburger, (W’Corn #18) Annette Dahlgren, (W’Wood #49) Duane Rea (W’Wood) (Brother of Joyce Hamburger) Ella Vogt (Corn, Corn #F7) Jack Phelps (W’Corn # 36) Jim Lovell (W’Corn #16) Glassnell Smith (W’Corn #19) Virginia Lantz (W’Corn #22) Nellie Verhines (W’ford Living Center) Vanita Morris (Sterling House # 120) Flossie Pray, (Sterling House #105) Louise Wyatt (Sterling House #28) Ernestine Wright, (Sterling House #13) Evelyn Minton, (Sterling House #107) Sharon (Segress) Raskin, (McKinney, TX) Kaye Lee, Methodist Center, Clinton (Garla’s Mother) Gene Hays, Elkwood Memory Care Center, Elk City Gary Webb, Sterling on Council Rd., Bethany, OK Curly McAlpin, Bell Ave, Elk City Mary Phelps, Home in Weatherford, OK • • • • Missionaries Meri Whitaker – Cookson Hills Center, Cookson, OK Dakin Cook and his wife, Bolivia Kristen Brown Christians & Missionaries • • • • • • • • • • • • • Those In The Service of Our Country Oklahoma State Legislature Our Nation Armed Forces & Military Service and their Families All Police, Law Enforcements & Corrections Officers Brent Webb, USAF Lt. Col. Judy Webb-Hapgood, USAF William Johnston, US Army serving in Iraq Chris Bonner, son of Merle & Nelda Bonner Charles & Autumn (Wright) Wood Dakota Duree Austin Baugh USMC Reeve Winters, US Army Stg. Donald Ray, Afghanistan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UP-COMING EVENTS th Sunday, February 8 . . . 9:30AM—“Get My People Going” class begins in Young Adult classroom; Tim Bodenstein, facilitator; 8 sessions th Sunday, February 8 . . . 5:30PM—Committee Work Areas meet 6:30PM—Leadership Team meets th Sunday, February 15 . . . 2:00PM—WeatherFORD Living Center devotional th Tuesday, February 17 . . . 5:00PM to 7:00PM—“Shrove (Fat) Tuesday” Pancake Supper at the Wesley Foundation 6:00PM—Lenten Study begins (“Renegade Gospel”) th Wednesday, February 18 . . . 6:00PM—Ash Wednesday service in Chapel st Sunday, March 1 . . . 7:00PM—Church Council meeting; Rev. Elizabeth Horton-Ware makes presentation on The Wesley th Saturday, March 7 . . . Child SHARE Family Carnival hosted in our church Foster Care families needed by Circle of Care th Sunday, March 15 . . . 2:00PM—Devotional service at Alterra Sterling House th nd Saturday, March 14 – Sunday, March 22 . . . Spring Break—No 3D Wed.; No Confirmation Class th Thursday, March 26 . . . 4:00PM—Bible study on the Apocrypha begins th rd Monday, March 30 – Friday, April 3 . . . Noon – 12:50PM—Holy Week devotionals in chapel nd Thursday, April 2 . . . 7:00PM—Maundy Thursday service with Holy Communion rd Friday, April 3 . . . 7:00PM—Tenebrae “Service of Darkness” th Holy Saturday, April 4 . . . 10:00AM – 11:30AM—EGG-Stravaganza for children th Sunday, April 5 . . . Easter—No First Sunday pot luck luncheon th Friday, April 10 . . . LifeLine Screening in the Fellowship Hall th Sunday, April 12 . . . Youth Group leads worship in both services; Luncheon afterwards for slide show on UN-DC youth trip 5:30PM—Committee work areas meet 6:30PM—Leadership Team meets th Sunday, April 19 . . . 2:00PM—Devotional service at WeatherFORD Living Center “What can you do?” Paul Smith (1921-2007) dug deep to summon incredible gifts of creativity and perseverance. Born with severe cerebral palsy, he started making art at age 11 on an old typewriter. Steadying one hand with the other so he could use one finger to make one deliberate keystroke at a time, he typed symbols, such as # and @, using a black or colored ribbon. In this painstaking way, he “painted” stunningly detailed pictures. In a TV report from 2004 (search “Typewriter Artist” on YouTube), a friend says Smith found joy in being creative, and saw that as his life’s purpose. When someone would say, “I could never do that,” the artist would answer, “What can you do?” Whatever our challenges, God has given us all gifts to share with the world. Perhaps you can’t “paint” pictures with a typewriter ... but what can you do? Do it! 3 LENT COMES EARLY THIS YEAR February 18th The purple season of Lent begins this year on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. We will have our traditional Ash Wednesday Service of Ashes on Wednesday, February 18th, 6:00PM in the Chapel. It will be our special vesper service as a part of 3-D Wednesday. The service will conclude at 6:30PM. So you can plan to be here for dinner at 5:15PM and stay for the Ash Wednesday service at 6PM. Special Lenten devotional booklets will again be made available to all households in the church. The booklets will be provided by the Society of St. Andrew (SOSA). Our special Lenten offering this year will be collected in SOSA offering boxes and donated to the Society of St. Andrew’s gleaning for food project. “Get My People Going!” On the Journey Toward Wellness An eight-week class led by Tim Bodenstein which will meet in the Young Adult Sunday School Class – Leadership Team Room at 9:30am on Sundays. Take a healthy lifestyle challenge with others from our congregation. “Get My People Going!” will happen from Sunday, February 8, to Sunday, March 29. (Please note the dates have change. Tim and several others will be out of town so the beginning date has been changed.) This invitation encourages you to identify small changes in your life that would help you be healthier. You choose two or three areas you would like to work on. You set your own goals. We will encourage each other and we will journey together. Moses traveled with the people of Israel on their way out of Egypt to the promised land, and the experience radically changed him. “Get My People Going!” is based on the Exodus story and invites us to encourage each other to seek wholeness in all areas of our lives—from healthy eating to moderate exercise, to getting enough sleep. It is for people of all ages and every health condition because each individual can tailor the program to particular situations and choices. Tim will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the program. He can be reached at (405) 514-2591. LENTEN STUDY THIS YEAR . . . “RENEGADE GOSPEL: THE REBEL JESUS” The pastor will be facilitating our Lenten study this year. It begins on Tuesday evening, February 17th, 6:00PM in the Leadership Room. The study will consist of six sessions, all being held on Tuesday evenings from 6PM to 7PM. The study book costs $10.00. “Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus” is written by Rev. Mike Slaughter and is new this year from Cokesbury. Who was Jesus, really? Wasn’t the central figure to the Christian faith a man who denied all preconceived notions about what God should look like? Wouldn’t joining His movement have meant throwing in with a rebel? Doesn’t it still? “Renegade Gospel” is a Lenten study that challenges us to come to terms with the real Jesus—the rebel Jesus. KUDOS TO DR. KEN ROSE Our church family extends its congratulations to our own DR. KEN ROSE. At last Thursday’s annual Weatherford Chamber of Commerce awards banquet, Ken was named the winner of this year’s Rotary Club “Vocational Service Award.” Ken is married to Susan Rose, and is the father of Tiler & Wesly Rose, D’Ann Rose Berrong, and David Rose. Way to go, Ken . . . we’re proud of you! WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT On Saturday, January 17th, six o’clock in the evening, MICHAEL SCOTT BERRONG and CHARISSA JOY ZOSCHKE were joined together in the Covenant of Christian Marriage in our church Chapel. Rev. Brack officiated. Michael is the son of Brad and Jeanine Berrong; Chrissa is the daughter of Paul and Eunice Zoschke, Thomas, OK. They are making their home in Weatherford. Congratulations, Michael and Charissa! FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 817 North Seventh Street NON-PROFIT ORGRANIZATION U.S. Postage Paid P.O. Box 350 Weatherford, OK 73096 (580) 772-5565 Web Address: Permit #43 Weatherford, OK 73096 E-Mail: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 4