Editors Notes - Neshannock Chapter of Trout Unlimited


Editors Notes - Neshannock Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Editors Notes
N. Loprire
Neshannock TU Winter Meeting 2/21/2015
Jeff Kremis
You need to voice your
opinions to the PFBC quickly. The Fish
Commission is considering a significant
change to the Delayed Harvest waters in
ALL of Pa. They want to allow kids under
16 and mentors (dads and/or moms) to fish
with bait in DHALO projects year round.
They also want to change the date to keep
fish from June 15th to the Saturday before
Memorial Day, and reduce minimum size
from 9 to 7 inches. This is being done
to get more kids interested in fishing.
Why not sponsor more “derbies” where fish
are stocked for a set date and let kids
fish for them a couple times a year vs.
allowing high hooking mortality bait
fishing in a DHALO area year round.
Comments can be made to Eric Levis
Plan to join us for our annual “Winter
Meeting” at Munnel Run Farm, off Rt.58
just North of Mercer. We will be in the
“Pig Barn” (just past our trout nursery).
Call if you need directions (724 588
4378). Lunch will be provided and we
hope to have a couple of interesting
speakers. Tim Wilson, from the Linesville
Hatchery will speak. A second speaker is
in the works. The meeting will start at
10AM and go to about 1PM with lunch
around noon. We will review what is
happening with the chapter this year and
give you a chance to meet with friends or
make new ones.
Tickets for the banquet and gun raffles
will be available.
717-705-7806 or email him at
elevis@pa.gov. Go to
Fishing Tips
N. Loprire
http://www.fish.state.pa.us/ and look
under “News and Notes” (center column).
Pleas VOICE YOUR OPINION NOW or live with
the decision made without you.
This was taken from the late Gary
LaFontaine’s book “Caddisflies.
Steelhead fishing was hit or miss and for
me, mostly misses. Certainly, we are not
seeing the numbers of returning steelhead
of 5-6 years ago. The worst part is that
NO ONE can give a logical or reasonable
answer as to why. Low returns are
happening in New York, Pennsylvania, and
Ohio. It really has affected the fishing
traffic to motels and restaurants in the
area. I sure hope things get back to
normal soon. I want the “good ole days”.
“It is a familiar site to see a fly
fisherman changing flies, trying one
pattern after another. At the same time
he never thinks to change his tactics.
His faith that a different size, color,
or silhouette of a dry fly alone can make
trout begin striking is incredible. It
is usually wiser to try a new techniquesomething that can show the fly in a
different way or different place-than to
continue in such an unthinking rut.”
Feeling a little tight in your waders
after the holidays? I know this from
experience and the best resolution (at
least for me) is to brave the weather and
get out walking, and avoiding the
leftover cookie tray. Christmas is a fun
season but the aftermath can set you back
in many ways. Sensible eating and some
exercise will do wonders in the months to
GET READY to order your 2015 Spring
Banquet tickets. Tickets are $35 each.
YOU CAN find all the detailed info on our
website www.neshannock-tu.org. If you
“There is a major rule for dry-fly
fishing: if passive presentations are not
working, don’t just change flies, change
to an active method (and vice versa)”.
Another paragraph grabbed me when Gary
said, “there is a big difference between
fly casting and fly fishing”. Many times
we power straight line casts to the
perfect place only to see river currents
pull that fly away from the drift we
actually wanted. Get some “S curves” in
those casts.”
Munnell Run Trout Nursery
Bill Stevenson & Crew
your ticket by
you will get two free bucket raffle
tickets plus be entered into a
drawing to win a $50 Visa gift card.
The nursery crew reported that all is
well with this years browns and
especially the 35 or so goldens, some of
which are over 15 inches as of this
writing. About 400 browns were released
in Coolspring and Neshannock in November,
as their fast growth made for crowded
conditions in the hatchery. They will be
waiting when weather allows.
Middlesex, PA and from all chapter
officers and directors. Additionally,
they can be ordered by mailing a check
payable to Trout Unlimited Chapter 216
and sent to 1092 Hadley Drive, Sharon, PA
16146 – include a self-addressed stamped
envelope if you want your ticket stubs
sent to you. The complete prize list is
below. DRAWING will be at the banquet.
You do not need to be present to win.
The browns will certainly be 11 inches,
some bigger, by spring stocking. For
more info on the nursery call Bill
Stevenson at 724.342.0472, or email
caryolnandbill@verizon.net, or Ken Tarczy
buggertarz@yahoo.com at 724.662.5765.
Call to arrange for a tour with your kids
and to volunteer for stocking the fish.
Great idea for the kids to see the fish
being stocked.
Our Updated Website
N. Loprire
You may encounter a few “bugs” on our new
website but it is definitely getting
better with much more usable information
uploaded. You can view it at
www.neshannock-tu.org. There you can
find the newsletter “the Coolwater
Gazette” and info on our Spring Banquet.
Ruger SR 1911 .45 ACP
Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380
Shooters Supply $150 Gun Gift Card
Shooters Supply $20 Ammo Gift Card
Seconds Count Firearms Training
Plan to bid on a beautiful carving
(Rainbow trout) from Bob Bellino. His
brown trout carving last year was a huge
hit. Meet Bob and if you don’t get the
rainbow, you can talk to him about a
future carving you have been wanting.
2015 Spring Banquet
You can join TU, get a T-shirt to support
TIC (Trout in the Classroom) and much
Carol Jochman & Nick Loprire
The 37th annual spring banquet is in the
early planning stages. The date is MARCH
21st 2015. Please mark your calendars and
plan to attend. We are again at the Park
Inn by Radisson, just off I-80. YOU MUST
BUY your ticket ($35) by March 7th to get
2 free bucket raffle tickets and be
entered for a chance at a $50 Visa gift
card. PLEASE note that purchasing a
“Sponsor” ticket for $90 will get you
more bucket raffle tickets (Bucket, Meat,
Rod) than you if you bought them on your
own. It IS the best value. See website
or call for more info on Corporate or
Individual Sponsor tickets. Think about
it remember... buy early or...You snooze
you lose!!
You know the food will be great and there
will be numerous prizes from fly rods,
custom Damascus knife, art, flies, reels,
and more. Don’t miss out, you won’t find
more quality items, food and fun this
spring and feel great about supporting
TU’s mission of coldwater conservation.
Carol and I and all the board members
hope to see you there. Please call (see
website) if you have any questions.
“Nip it in the Bud”
N. Loprire
Those of us with some gray hair might
remember that line “Nip it in the Bud”
from Deputy Barney Fife on the Andy
Griffith Show. That phrase can be used
too in many other situations, including
help for us outdoor types. So how does
that phrase relate to us?
We will again have a great gun raffle.
The first prize will be a Ruger SR 1911
in .45 ACP. However unlike last year, two
handguns will be among the prizes, and
your ticket will enter you into drawings
for all five prizes rather than having to
purchase separate tickets for each prize
offered. Tickets will cost $5.oo each or
$20.00 for five tickets. Tickets can be
purchased at Shooters Supply in West
Remember the problem you had last year
with a piece of equipment on a late
season fishing trip? Did you
fix...er.nip it in the bud or will that
problem jump up and bite you (good pun)
on opening day? Come on now, there
aren’t too many of us that would be ready
to go at a moments notice and be sure all
our equipment would perform as needed.
Here is a small list of some items to be
reviewed, assessed, and made ready for
the upcoming season.
Don’t be like Barney who had to ask
Andy for a bullet, be bold and get
ready for a successful spring fishing
Gosh, that was a good show. I miss
Trout in the Classroom update 1-132015
Rods and Reels. Give them a look.
o Clean your fly lines
o Clean and lube reels
Clean out that vest
o What strange things are in
there? An old PBJ from
o Enough split shot?
o Net need fixed?
o Bought a NEW LICENSE?
o Do fly or Lure boxes need
 Rusted or dull hooks
 Out of “secret killer
Leaders...enough...need changed,
o Check tippet material
 Need more?
 Is it old?
o Need line on your spinning
Waders...do they leak?
o Wash or clean if needed
o Fix or buy new
o Wading boot laces in good
Sunglasses, sun block, insect
repellant, etc. Inventory and get
right before spring
Thinking about a wading
staff...time to look for one now as
well as any other items to round
out you arsenal before the “battle
of the fishes” is under way.
Better deals now vs. the spring
rush. Be sure to clean and wax the
joints if you have a staff,
Fly Tying Materials
o Thread, hooks, hackle,
dubbing, etc
o Special tools
Reg McClelland
The 2014 - 2015 Trout In The Classroom
session is in full swing and everyone is
reporting fry that are “swimming up” to
Luke Rust from the Mercer School District
has sent me a good report saying that
they have had a very good year thus far
with few casualties but as the feed
increases the water quality starts to
drop and they expect to lose some fish
when that happens. This seems to happen
with most all schools.
Jan Abernethy from East School in
Greenville has had to take a health
sabbatical until April and has had to
turn the trout tank over to Chad
Gongaware. All of us at the Neshannock
Chapter of TU wish Jan all the best and
hope she is feeling well soon.
I have been in contact with Chad and have
supplied him with some information and
contacts to help with his transition to
head trout raiser at Greenville. Since he
has had no training, I commend him for
taking this project on. From what I have
learned from him he is very committed to
see the trout and students succeed. I
wish him lots of luck. As of this writing
he has some “swim up” feeding fish but is
experiencing some deaths and wants very
badly to figure out why.
Rick Stephens from the Hermitage school
District is reporting a good but not
great year. He has said that like other
schools they received about half as many
eggs as they have in years past. Although
they didn’t experience the dreaded
“December die off” as some of the
teachers on the PA Trout In The Classroom
Google Group are calling it, but his live
fish numbers have been slipping down
Trip Planning
o Get with your Buds and start
o Get a room or campsite
o Check with shops in the area
you want to fish as your trip
recently. He and his students also are
trying to figure out why.
John Buchan
Rick also told me that since they
received fewer eggs this year that Amidea
Daniel from the PA Fish and Boat is
actually going to ship him some of their
fry. And as of January 14 Rick and his
students received about 90 fry that were
shipped from Bellefonte by Amidea and her
crew. Rick said that it has made for some
very happy students. They are also going
to do this for a number of other schools.
It will be interesting to see how this
works out. The girls that run this
program for PA Fish & Boat and PATU do a
fantastic job.
Karl Rupert from the Farrell School
district is reporting another good year.
They started out with 227 live eggs and
have somewhere between 150 and 175
swimming fingerlings. He states that
“they are very hard to count”. I bet
they are. Karl and his students have had
some really great success with this
program, although the Neshannock Chapter
did not fund their program we are happy
to have them be a part of it and to keep
us informed with their successes.
TIC T-shirts are still available for
purchase. As a joint initiative by the
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and
the Pennsylvania Council of Trout
Unlimited, all proceeds from this
fundraiser will be used to directly
benefit the Trout in the Classroom
program, such as providing additional
equipment to classrooms, funds for
release days and field trips, educational
materials, and more. PATU is accepting Tshirt orders on continuing bases. You can
find out more information on ordering a
TIC T-shirts at PATU’s website,
http://www.patrout.org/ Thanks for
helping this great program to be a
continuing success.
“The charm of fishing is that it is the
pursuit of what is elusive but
attainable, a perpetual series of
occasions for hope.”