Electrical Order Form - San Francisco Flower & Garden Show
Electrical Order Form - San Francisco Flower & Garden Show
Return Copy SF Flower & Garden San Mateo Expo Ctr March 18-22, 2015 WESTERN EVEN T SER VICE 1970 Williams Street San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 430-0510 FAX (510) 430-0511 Booth # PAYMENT THIS FORM, ALONG WITH YOUR PAYMENT (CHECK OR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION) MUST BE RETURNED TO US TO ENSURE PROCESSING OF YOUR ORDER. PAYMENT IN FULL of all rental, service and labor charges must accompany your orders to qualify for ADVANCE ORDER rates. All orders must be received at least two weeks prior to move-in, including payment, to qualify for Advance Order rates. All orders received without payment will be collected at the show and will be charged at LATE ORDER rates. All orders placed at the show are due and payable at the time the order is placed. Show site orders may be paid by cash, check or credit card. PHONE ORDERS NOT ACCEPTED – PLEASE FAX ORDERS TO US AT (510) 430-0511 PLEASE TOTAL YOUR ORDER HERE: ELECTRICAL $ __________ ELECTRICAL LABOR $ __________ THE LAST DAY WE WILL HONOR ADVANCE ORDER PRICING FOR THIS SHOW IS: Friday, March6th. Orders received after that date or at show site, will be charged at Late Order rates. NO CREDITS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER CLOSE OF SHOW! TOTAL DUE $____________ LATE ORDER RATES APPLY FOR ALL ORDERS NOT PAID IN FULL 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO SHOW! Check Enclosed for Total Amount Due. Check #: ________________ Amount: $______________ IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: CHARGE TO: Account Number Am Express Discover Card Master Card Visa Expiration Date Security Numbers printed on rear of card Please Print: Cardholder's Name: ______________________________________________ ____________ Cardholder’s Billing Address: __________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ______________ Phone: ___________________________________ Fax: ________________________________ Cardholder's Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________ UNLESS ADVISED OTHERWISE, WE WILL USE THIS AUTHORIZATION TO BILL YOUR ACCOUNT FOR ADDITIONAL GOODS OR SERVICES INCURRED DURING THIS SHOW. EXHIBITOR MUST ADVISE SERVICE DESK OF ANY DESCREPANCIES PRIOR TO THE CLOSE OF SHOW. Please Check all of the Following Boxes that Apply: DO NOT Use this account for additional services at this show. Allow the following people to sign for services: _______________________________________________________. Exhibitor Company: __________________________________________ Tel.: _____________________ Date: ___________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ By (Signature): _____________________________________ Print Name: ________________________________________ Email address for primary contact: _________________________________________________________________________ Return Copy SF Flower & Garden San Mateo Expo Ctr March 18- 22, 2015 WES TERN Booth # 1970 Williams Street San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 430-0510 FAX (510) 430-0511 EVEN T SER VICE ELECTRICAL Your exhibit space includes 500 Watts of Electrical Service, only use this form to order additional Electrical Service. ELECTRICAL SERVICE – Basic lighting or power outlets, includes labor. QUANTITY ADVANCE ORDER _____ Single Outlet 500 watts or less $ 96.00 _____ Single Outlet 1000 watts or less $172.00 _____ Single Outlet 1500 watts or less $210.00 _____ Single Outlet 2000 watts or less $222.00 _____ 150 watt Floodlight on 8’ upright (includes outlet) $110.00 _____ Double 150 watt floodlight on 8’ upright (includes outlet) $124.00 _____ 3 – wire x 25’ Extension cord $ 20.00 _____ Multi-outlet power strip $ 20.00 LATE ORDER $136.00 $240.00 $315.00 $310.00 $156.00 $ 80.00 $ 26.00 $ 26.00 $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ POWER & MOTOR OUTLETS 120 volt Description Quantity 208 volt Single Phase Advance Late Up to 5 Amp Service $102 10 Amp Service 15 Amp Service 20 Amp Service 30 Amp Service Quantity Advance Late $152 $190 $182 $441 $218 $326 $248 208 volt 3 Phase Quantity Advance Late $266 $296 $444 $278 $414 $390 $584 $296 $504 $450 $675 $372 $316 $442 $544 $846 $296 $444 $404 $565 $666 $1010 60 Amp Service NA NA NA $502 $702 $870 $1320 100 Amp Service NA NA NA $666 $932 $1098 $1650 200 Amp Service NA NA $1316 $1842 Motor Connection Cord – Exhibitor Must Provide Female Plug if Required $30 $40 $30 Total $40 LATE ORDER RATES WILL APPLY FOR ALL ORDERS NOT RECEIVED AND PAID IN FULL 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO SHOW! 24 hour service, add 100 % of standard rate: $ ______________ NO CREDITS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER CLOSE OF SHOW! Total Electrical $ __________ Connections requiring additional labor for installation and dismantle; equipment connections, cords run under carpet or to specific locations within the booth, repairs to exhibitor equipment, etc., will require additional labor and is charged on a time and materials basis. Please use the ELECTRICAL LABOR order form for your additional labor needs. OUTLET LOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION – You will need to designate a location for each outlet ordered. All distribution will be done on a time and materials basis. If you fail to provide us with a location or floor plan, installation will be done at our discretion and any changes will be billed at time and materials. Designate your outlet locations on our ELECTRICAL LABOR order form. a All inline booth outlets will be installed on the floor, at the rear of booth along the booth backwall drape line, unless you direct us otherwise. Any location within the booth, other than along the backwall line, will require additional Labor a Island Booths will be provided one drop when power is in the ceiling or one perimeter location when power source is from the floor. Outlets requiring 24-hour service will be billed at double the above rates. All motors over 1 hp shall have a magnetic starter and manual disconnect switch furnished by exhibitor. All wiring and other electrical equipment must meet all applicable codes. Local codes allow no more than two connections per outlet box for lighting service and one connection for power outlets. No credits will be issued for any electrical service installed as ordered and not used. WES is not responsible for voltage fluctuation or power failure due to temporary conditions. For your protection you should install a surge protector on your equipment. Electrical service will be turned on during show installation and 30 minutes prior to show opening each day and approximately 30 minutes after show close each day. Exhibitor Company: __________________________________________ Tel.: ______________________ Date: ___________ Address: ____________________________________________ City/St.: _________________________ Zip: _____________ By (Signature): __________________________________ Print Name: ____________________________________________ Return Copy SF Flower & Garden San Mateo Expo Ctr March 18-22, 2015 WESTERN EVEN T SER VICE Booth # 1970 Williams Street San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 430-0510 FAX (510) 430-0511 ELECTRICAL LABOR NO Labor Needed – Place Electrical Along Booth Backwall Line. Exhibitor Will Supervise Electrical Installation (Do Not Proceed) Exhibitor will call of labor at: Date: __________ Time: __________ All electrical labor ordered for 8:00 a.m. will be dispatched directly to booth space. For all other starting times, call for labor ½ hour prior to requested time. Labor cancelled without 24-hour notice will be charged a one (1) hour minimum per man. The minimum charge for labor is one hour per electrician. Thereafter, labor will be billed in one-half (½) hour increments. OK to Proceed – Complete No Later Than: Date: __________ Time: __________ All labor performed under the supervision of Western Event Service. In order to perform labor without Exhibitor present, please provide us with detailed booth layouts showing outlet location and quantity. Floor Plan is Included with this Order Carpet has been ordered from Decorator. Carpet is arriving with Exhibit Freight. Please note adjacent booth numbers and or aisle locations along with any display materials to be included in your booth space. Please attach a full set of booth plans for multiple booth or island booth configurations. Please indicate the location of all outlets along with any 24-hour service locations. Notes: _________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ HOURLY RATES • • Straight-Time: $106.00 per hour = 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Overtime: $192.00 per hour = All other times, including observed union holidays. LABOR CALCULATOR INSTALLATION: ________ X ________ X ________ = $ ___________ # of Men DISMANTLE: # of Hours Hourly Rate ________ X ________ X ________ = $ ___________ # of Men # of Hours Hourly Rate TOTAL ESTIMATED LABOR COST = $ _______________ Exhibitor Company: __________________________________________ Tel.: ______________________ Date: ___________ Address: ____________________________________________ City/St.: _________________________ Zip: _____________ By (Signature): __________________________________ Print Name: ____________________________________________ Return Copy SF Flower & Garden San Mateo Expo Ctr March 18-22, 2015 WES TERN EVEN T SER VICE Booth # 2077 Edison Avenue San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 430-0510 FAX (510) 430-0511 HIGH LIFT & RIGGING INCLUDES EQUIPMENT, OPERATOR AND ONE ADDITIONAL HELPER FOR INSTALL AND DISMANTLING OF ELECTRICAL CABELS OR LIGHTS HIGH LIFT LABOR RATES $434.00 per hour straight-time (One hour minimum) $651.00 per hour overtime (One hour minimum) HELPER LABOR RATES – When additional personnel are required for large signs or difficult installations. $106.00 per hour straight-time (One hour minimum) $192.00 per hour overtime (One hour minimum) Straight-time = All hours between 8:00 AM & 4:00 PM weekdays Over-time = All other Hours NOTE: A minimum charge of one hour per person will apply. O.K. TO PROCEED – Equipment sent to Advance Warehouse. Western Event Service will proceed with your order at the earliest opportunity Plans included with this order, proceed without exhibitor. Plans with sign, proceed without exhibitor. DO NOT PROCEED – Exhibitor will bring equipment and supervise hanging. Exhibitor will check in at the service desk to pick up labor on: Date: __________ At: __________ AM - PM Total High Lift ST Hours __________ X $434.00 per hour = $ _____________ Total High Lift OT Hours__________ X $651.00 per hour = $ _____________ Total Helper ST Hours __________ X $106.00 per hour = $ _____________ Total Helper OT Hours __________ X $192.00 per hour = $ _____________ TOTAL $ _____________ HANGING INSTRUCTIONS: Please be sure to note any special equipment or materials required (an additional charge may apply). Exhibitor Company: __________________________________________ Tel.: ___________________ Date: ___________ Address: ____________________________________________ City/St.: _______________________ Zip: ___________ By (Signature): ____________________________________ Print Name: _______________________________________ WES TERN EVEN T SER VICE 1970 Williams Street San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 430-0510 FAX (510) 430-0511 Booth # ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS & CONDITIONS 1. ADVANCE PRICING: To receive Advance Rate prices, orders must be received no later than the date listed on the Payment Page included in this kit. 2. REFUNDS: No refunds will be issued after close of the show. It is the Exhibitors’ responsibility to contact our representative at the show with any issues or concerns regarding service or billing. 3. All Exhibitor supplied equipment must comply with all Federal, State and Local Safety Codes. 4. Electrical Labor must be ordered in advance to ensure their availability for specific time requests. 5. Use of open clip sockets, latex or lamp cord wire, unapproved duplex or triplex attachment plugs in exhibits are prohibited. 6. Existing wall, column, and permanent building electrical outlets are not part of booth space and are not to be used by Exhibitors unless directed to do so by WES Staff. 7. Special equipment requiring company engineers or technicians for assembly, servicing, preparatory work and operation may be executed without WES Staff, however, all service connections and overload protection to such equipment must be made by WES Staff. 8. All Exhibitor equipment must be properly marked or tagged with complete information as to type and/or amount of current, voltage, phase, frequency, horsepower, etc. 9. WES Staff will be allowed by the Exhibitor to cut floor coverings to permit installation of electrical services unless otherwise directed. 10. All Exhibitor Supplied 120 volt extension cords must at minimum be of the 14 gauge 3 wire grounding type. “Zip” cords or Romex are not allowed. All exposed non-current carrying metal parts of fixed equipment which are to be energized, must be grounded. 11. WES reserves the right to refuse connection to any Exhibitor whose equipment is deemed unsafe by WES Staff Supervisors. 12. Booth power will be turned on 1 hour prior to event opening and turned off 30 minutes after close. 24 hour service will be provided only to those who locations that have ordered and paid for 24 hour service. 13. Rates for all connection cover only the bringing of service to the booth in the most convenient manner as determined by WES Staff and DO NOT include connection to exhibitor supplied equipment. Special placement or relocation of service, will result in a labor charge. 14. All equipment and materials provided by WES for fulfillment of electrical service orders shall remain the property of WES and shall be remove only by WES Staff at the close of the show. 15. Facility power is 120/208 volts, 3 phase, 5 wire wye. Other voltages are not available unless step-up or step-down transformers are ordered by Exhibitor prior to the show. 16. Exhibit booths will be audited after the opening of the show and any additional service used will be added to the Exhibitors’ final bill at the floor order price. 17. WES is not responsible for voltage fluctuations or power failures on service lines. 18. Resetting of circuit breakers whose tripping is caused by an Exhibitor overloading a service outlet, will result in a minimum ½ hour labor charge for resetting the breaker. Exhibitors who are found utilizing more current than ordered, will be subject to additional charges, in addition to the labor charge. 19. All 120 volt or higher electrical equipment and devices within 6 feet of a water/liquid source must be protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter.