
1701 22nd Street
Anacortes, Washington 98221
(360) 293-7473
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
February 2015
Mark your calendar for fun events!
Computers .......................... 9
Our wonderful local A’Town Big Band will be performing at the Eagles Hall on
Creative Expression ............ 9
Saturday, February 7, in a benefit dance and concert for the Center. The band
loves to play in this historic ballroom, with its traditional stage and great dance
floor. (Be aware that there are stairs that need to be negotiated to reach the
ballroom on the second floor.) Bring your friends … this will be a fabulous show.
Donations.......................... 16
Games and Recreation ..... 12
March for Meals is almost here ... time to dust off your bowling ball and warm
Health and Fitness ............ 7
up your throwing arm! (But you don’t have to be a bowler to participate.) Always
tremendous fun, the annual Bowling Bash will be held at San Juan Lanes on
Saturday and Sunday, March 14 and 15. It’s a great way to have fun while helping
to raise money for Meals on Wheels. Sponsor or form a team of four and pick a
time to play. Team members will enjoy 2 ½ hours of bowling, food, refreshments
and great prizes! The team entry fee is $250 . All funds raised will be used directly
to support delivery of hot meals to home-bound seniors. Do you prefer Wii
bowling? Sponsor a team for the annual Wii Bowling Bash held at the Center on
Wednesday, March 11.
Intergenerational ............... 5
Language & Discussion .... 11
New .................................... 4
News and Notices ............ 3
Public Service Notices ...... 14
Treat yourself and your
Services ............................ 12
valentine to a special
Valentine luncheon
at the Center on
Thursday, February 12.
Popular entertainers
Nick and Judy Nicholai
will be performing
favorite love songs that
will warm your heart.
Sign up in advance.
Special Events ................. 2
Support Groups ................ 17
Trips ................................. 6
Volunteers......................... 13
A’Town Big Band
Dance &
Sat. Feb. 7, 7 p.m.
At the Eagles Hall Ballroom
901 7th Street, Anacortes
1701 22nd Street, Anacortes, WA 98221
Phone: 360-293-7473 Fax: 360-293-7834
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
A’Town Big
Band Concert
and Dance
Nonprofit Status
The popular A’Town
Big Band will be
doing a special
benefit concert and
dance for the Center
on Saturday, February
7, at 7 p.m. This special show will be held at the Eagles
Hall Ballroom here in Anacortes, located at 901
Seventh Street. The Ball Room located on the upper
level. (Note: there is no elevator.) This group is fun to
listen to and a treat to dance to and will feature lots of
favorites from the 30s and 40s. Tickets are $10 and are
available only at the door the night of the program. For
more information, call the Center at 293-7473.
The Anacortes Senior Activity
Center Foundation holds 501(c)(3)
status. Donations to the Anacortes
Senior Activity Center are tax deductible
within the limits of the law.
Senior Activity Center Staff
Sally Hill, Coordinator
Lea DeVere, Assistant Coordinator
Carolyn McManus, Nutrition Site Manager
ASAC Foundation Board
Jim Eberhardt, President
Debbie Savoya Vice-President
Michele Pope, Secretary
Susan Chenoweth, Treasurer
Charlie Drake, Nancy Halton, Jane Hyde,
Carollei Lamoureux, Jim O’Neil, Erica Pickett,
Barbara Smart, Gael Varsi
Valentine’s Day Luncheon
Meal Service
Lunch: Monday–Friday , 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
$3.50-$5.50 suggested donation. No reservation necessary. Meals on Wheels: For homebound seniors. Hot
meals delivered Monday through Friday; frozen meals
available for the weekend. $3.50 suggested donation.
Volunteer Opportunities
Join the 150+ volunteers working at the
Center. Contact Sally Hill for more information.
The Anacortes Senior Activity Center Newsletter is
published monthly and is distributed free at the
Senior Activity Center and at a number of locations
in town, including the Chamber of Commerce,
Library, Senior Housing, and Island Hospital.
Writers: Sally Hill, Lea DeVere
Editor/Layout/Production: Lea DeVere
Distribution: Kathryn & Lou D’Amelio, Leslie Krous,
Marji Odekirk, Elaine Oliphant, Lorraine Patmore,
George Strickert
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Join us on Thursday, February 12, for our annual
Valentine luncheon. Entertainment starts at 11 a.m.
and will be provided by the Just in Time Duo with Nick
and Judy Nicholai. Reservations are required, so sign
up in advance at the Reservation Desk. Lunch will
include Shrimp Fettuccini with Garlic Bread.
Bowling Bash at San
Juan Lanes
The annual March for Meals
campaign to support the Meals
on Wheels program is coming
up next month with the primary
event being the Bowling Bash at San Juan Lanes Bar &
Grill. Have fun while helping to raise money for Meals
on Wheels by sponsoring or forming a team of four to
enjoy 2 ½ hours of bowling, food, refreshments and
prizes! The team entry fee is $250 and teams are
encouraged to raise additional funds, although that
Page 2
is not required.
All bowlers will
be eligible for the
many prizes, but
special prizes will
be awarded to those teams bringing in the most
donations! There is room for 64 teams over the two
days, Saturday and Sunday, March 14 and 15, at 1p.m.
or 4:00 p.m.
Wii Bowling Bash
Not a fan of standard bowling? Sponsor or form a
Wii bowling team instead. The Wii Bowling Bash on
Wednesday, March 11, at 1 p.m. will include the same
fun and lots of prizes as with the standard Bowling
Bash event. Registration
in advance is required
for both events. Visit for
more information or call
Sally at 293-7473.
The Realities of Advanced Medical
In this age of ever advancing medical technology it is
difficult to stay “up to date” on the latest strategies to
keep us well and thriving. This presentation on
Wednesday, April 15, at 1 p.m. explains, in frank
terms, advanced medical interventions such as CPR,
mechanical ventilation and dialysis. Actual short and
long term outcomes for patients will be discussed.
During the presentation, the audience will see some
of the actual equipment used. This is an interactive
session, allowing time for questions and dialogue.
Presenters Cathy
(BSN RN) and
Maureen (RN)
work in an
Intensive Care
Unit where
patients typically
require full or
partial life
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
measures. They will present in layperson’s terms the
realities of what these often heroic advanced medical
interventions mean to the average person and their
Bake Sale
The Bake Sale will be back at the Center on Friday,
February 27, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come by and get
your fresh, delicious baked goods. Homemade by our
many faithful bakers, these goodies bring much
enjoyment as well as needed funds to help support
the Center’s programs.
Thanks for Yarn Donations
Your “Knittin Lady” plus
One want to report on your
yarn donations! Over the past
couple of years donations of
yarn have come into the
Senior. They have all been
put to good use. Hats,
scarves, lap robes and knitted
collars have been donated to
Island Hospital, Anacortes
Senior Activity Center, Red
Cross, Friendship House and many other locations.
Gratitude is expressed poignantly in the words of
recent recipients: “After the trauma and pain, your
quilt was just what I needed, I can feel the love from
each one of you.” Another said “It added color and
warmth to cold hospital rooms; I curled up in it
after each surgery.” So from your Knittin Lady plus
One -- thank you for the yarn donations and keep
it coming.
Celebration for Carollei Lamoureaux
Thank you to all who helped to make the celebration
of life for Carollei a great success. There were many of
you who helped, too numerous to name here, but to
all of you, we wish to extend a big thank you.
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Come “Like” Us on Facebook!
The Center’s Facebook page has taken a big boost in
activity. It’s newly fresh and fun, with lots of photos
and activity information. You are invited to “like” us
by visiting Anacortes Senior Activity Center on
Facebook. We hope you will check it out!
Beginning Weaving: Fridays,
March 13 through 27, 9:30
to 11:30 a.m. See “Creative
Expression” page 9.
Computer Basics:
Wednesdays, February 11 and February 18, 9 to 10:30
a.m. See “Computers” page 8.
Program Disclaimer
The Anacortes Senior Activity Center invites speakers
and organizations to present programs on a variety of
topics believed to be of interest and benefit to Center
participants. Such invitation does not constitute
endorsement or sponsorship of the presenter, product
or services represented. Those invited to offer
programs are advised not to see the presentation
as an opportunity for sale of a
service or product.
Closure Dates
The Center will be closed on Monday, February 16,
2015, for Presidents Day and will reopen for regularly
scheduled activities on Tuesday, February 17, at 8 a.m.
Hazardous Weather Information
Please note that the Center may elect to close in case of
hazardous winter weather. For current and updated
information on any such closure, please listen to your
local radio stations, 660 AM (KAPS), 1430 AM (KBRC),
or 1340 AM (KWLE). If you call the Center during
regularly scheduled hours when the weather is
particularly hazardous, and the answering machine
picks up, you may assume there has been a change in
scheduled hours or emergency closure.
Please Stay at Home When Not Well
Help us minimize the spread of illness at the Center.
If you are suffering from a communicable disease such
as a cold or flu, please do not come to the Center.
Doing so would put others
at risk. We will appreciate
you staying at home to
take care of yourself
while protecting others
from the spread of disease.
Remember this season that
the most effective methods
for preventing the spread
of communicable disease are frequent hand washing
and staying home when you are sick.
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Load and Unload Only
We have a lovely covered area at
our front entry for folks or items
to be dropped off or picked up.
This is also where the Dial-A-Ride
Bus loads and unloads. If you
must leave your car unattended,
even for just a few minutes, let the
volunteers at the Reception Desk know. Please make
your stops at the entry brief. Your cooperation will be
Honorary and Memorial Gifts
A gift to the Anacortes Senior Activity Center is the
perfect way to honor the memory of a friend or loved
one. Donations may be made in any amount and will
go to support the many wonderful programs and
activities at the Center. Once received, a personalized
note will be sent in your name to the honoree or
family member notifying them of your kind gesture.
All donations are tax-deductible and you will receive
a letter documenting your contribution. For more
information, contact Center Coordinator Sally Hill
at 293-7473.
Page 4
Challenge Class Visits
Students from Island View
Elementary School’ s Challenge
class have renewed monthly visits
to the Center. This month they
will visit on Wednesday, February
11, at 12 noon. If you would like
to attend or if you have any
questions, please contact Sally
Hill at 293-7473 or stop in to see her.
History Films
This series of historical documentaries by great
American filmmakers will be ending on Wednesday,
February 4, at 12:30 p.m. The last of Ken Burn’s film
The Civil War will be shown at that time. This Emmy
award-winning documentary brings to life America’s
most destructive – and defining – conflict. Call Sheri
Muntean CPA PhD at 420-5867 for details.
Trips often fill up fast so be sure to register early.
Registration forms are available at all Skagit County
Senior Centers. Please pay with check or cash when
you register to hold your spot; credit/debit cards are
not accepted at this time. Payment is non-refundable.
Unless otherwise noted, travel will be in Recreation
Without Borders vans. The departure times listed are
for the Anacortes Center. The vans will also make a
stop at the Burlington Senior Center. Bring money for
food and purchases. Wear weather appropriate
clothing and comfortable sturdy,
walking shoes. And of course
don't forget your camera!
Northwest Flower and
Garden Show
This trip on Friday, February 13,
is sure to be a sell-out. The NW
Flower and Garden Show has been
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
heralding the start of spring since 1989. Enthusiasts
from around the Northwest flock to this annual
celebration of color, inspiration and horticultural
education. Your gardening desires will blossom when
you gaze at the spectacular show gardens brimming with
ideas. 300+ marketplace exhibitors offer everything you
need to replenish your green thumb. Or attend one of
the numerous free horticulture seminars. No matter
your style or needs, you’ll find inspiration for outdoor
living, edible gardening, sustainability and more. You
will be dropped off right outside the front doors. Leave
Anacortes at 8:30 a.m. and return at 5:30 p.m. The cost
is $59. Register by Wednesday, February 4.
Pompeii: The
Exhibition at the
Pacific Science Center
On Wednesday, February 18,
experience Pompeii before and
after the epic eruption 2,000
years ago. In the year 79,
Pompeii vanished beneath thick
layers of volcanic ash from the
eruption of Mount Vesuvius. This exhibit tells the tale
of the city, hidden from view and forgotten for centuries
until its rediscovery over 250 years ago. Witness the
final moments of those entombed in ash – including
the largest collection of body casts ever presented. In
addition, enjoy the amazing IMAX movie Greece: Secrets
of the Past. There will be one last stop in Everett for a
delicious gelato treat. Leave Anacortes at 8 a.m. and
return at 5 p.m. The cost is $79. Register by Friday,
February 6.
Seattle Underground Tour & Smith Tower
On Wednesday, March 4, the first stop will be for the
Underground Tour. This humorous stroll through
Seattle’s original downtown features a time-capsule
view of life prior to the Great Fire of 1889. At the
completion of the tour, time will be given to enjoy a
no-host lunch at one of the many Pioneer Square
restaurants and perhaps peruse some of the area’s
wonderful shops. Last stop: the historic Smith Tower
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Seattle Underground
Tour & Smith Tower
and Observation Deck. Built in
1914, it remained the tallest
building west of the Mississippi
for nearly 50 years. The views of
Seattle, Puget Sound, Mt. Rainier
and all points in between are
stunning. Note: the Underground
Tour and Observation Deck include small amounts
of walking and climbing some uneven stairs, surfaces
and pavement. Leave Anacortes at 8 a.m. and return
at 5 p.m. The cost is $76. Register by Wednesday,
February 25.
The Bullitt Center and Seattle
Public Library Tour
Fast forward to the future! On Wednesday, March 25,
visit two of the most dynamic and modern buildings in
Seattle. The first stop will be at the Bullitt Center. Billed
as the greenest commercial building in the world, and
throughout the docent-led tour you will explore and
learn about all of the design features that make this
structure so amazing. After breaking for a no-host lunch,
visit the Seattle Central Library. Built in 2004, the
downtown branch sports a contemporary look and feel
that is innovative in both form and function. Once
again, enjoy a private tour highlighting the many
attributes of the bold structure and what services
the Seattle Public Library System has to offer. Leave
Anacortes at 8 a.m. and return at 5 p.m. The cost is
$65. Register by Wednesday, March 11.
Best of BC Garden Tour
British Columbia is well
known for its exquisite
gardens and wondrous parks.
On Wednesday, April 15, visit
three separate locations, each
rich with amazing collections
of flowers and plants, quarry
gardens, large arboretums and
more. The stops will include
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Page 6
Queen Elizabeth Park, the Bloedel Conservatory and
the Van Dusen Botanical Garden. Time will also be set
aside to enjoy a delicious no-host lunch at either the
Shaughnessy Restaurant or the Truffles Café at Van
Dusen. Bring money for food and purchases. Note:
Proof of citizenship (valid passport, DMV enhanced
approved driver’s license or NEXUS card) is required
to cross the border. Leave Anacortes at 8 a.m. and
return at 5 p.m. The cost is $67. Register by
Wednesday, April 8.
Whistler Village Getaway!
You requested it so here it is! On Tuesday and
Wednesday, April 28 and April 29, head to Whistler,
BC … home of endless beauty, snow-capped mountains,
miles of trails and the 2010 Winter Olympics. Depart
Tuesday morning and travel up the breathtakingly
beautiful Sea to Sky Highway. The first stop will be
Shannon Falls Provincial Park, home of BC’s third
largest waterfalls.
After a quick break
and a few photo ops,
continue onto the
West Coast Railway
Heritage Park in
Squamish. The final
stop of the day is Whistler Village. Accommodations at
the Hilton Whistler Resort and Spa are centrally located
with amazing views, lovely rooms and all the amenities
you could ask for. On Wednesday explore the local
shops, galleries, trails, restaurants, etc. before departing
for the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre and Museum
where you will enjoy a drum and song ceremony, a
fantastic documentary film, a private tour, traditional
crafts and a no-host lunch. On the leisurely drive home
you will visit Horseshoe Bay before arriving at the
border. A complete supplies list and itinerary will be
available upon registration. Please note: Proof of
citizenship (current passport, DMV enhanced driver’s
license or NEXUS card) is required to cross the border.
Leave Anacortes at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, April 28, and
return at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, April 29. The cost is
$295 double occupancy. Single occupancy is available
for an additional charge. Register by Wednesday,
March 25.
Zumba Gold Classes
Strength and
Balance Classes
On-going Zumba classes are held on Fridays from 1:30
to 2:30 p.m. Zumba is a dance fitness program created
by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto
“Beto” Perez during the 1990s. It involves dance and
aerobic elements and its choreography incorporates
samba, salsa, merengue, mambo and martial arts.
Zumba Gold is designed especially for seniors or others
with limitations. The class is led by Jennifer Beemer of
Inspire!Fitness who also leads Zumba gold classes in La
Conner and at the Burlington Senior Center. For folks
60 and older, the drop-in fee is $3 ($5 for those under
60). You can also purchase a 10-class punch card for
$25. Good for all drop in classes offered by Inspire!
Fitness, which now includes four different locations.
Pay the instructor at the class. If you qualify for Silver
Sneakers, the class is free. Bring your card.
Join personal trainer Jennifer
Beemer of Inspire!Fitness for this
moderately-paced class suitable
for every fitness level on Mondays
at 1:30 p.m. Build and maintain
the strength and skills you need
to keep up with your favorite activities. Using a number
of tools and movement drills, Jennifer will help you
improve strength and balance in a functional approach
and have a great time! The cost is $3 per class or $25
for a 10-class punch card. If you qualify for Silver
Sneakers, the class is free. Bring your card. For more
information, call Jennifer at (360) 333-4048.
Blood Pressure Checks
Wellness Day: The Family
Caregiver Support Program
On Tuesday, February 24, at 10:30 a.m. Michelle
Richards from Northwest Regional Council’s Aging
and Disability Resources will talk about the council’s
Family Caregiver Support program. Who are family
caregivers? Michelle will help you answer that question.
She will talk about the Family Caregiver Support
program and will explain the services that are available.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Michelle Richards at the Northwest Regional Council
at 428-1301.
Seated Wellness
Instructor Rita Yribar will be away
in February, but class will continue
to meet in her absence. Rita will
return for regular classes at the
beginning of March. This gentle
fitness group meets on Tuesdays
from 2 to 3:15 p.m. and is designed
to work with each person’s
individual range of movement and
focuses on breath, stretch, and stress
reduction. The cost is $2 per class.
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Elaine Oliphant does free blood pressure checks on
the last Tuesday of every
month from 9:30 a.m. to
10:30 a.m.
Gentle Yoga
Instructor Kate Bowers’
gentle approach to yoga uses
modifications that are personalized to your needs. It is
great for beginners or those with limitations. Classes
will meet on Thursdays from 1 to 2:30 p.m. The
current series runs through April 2. The cost for each
twelve-week series is $96. Late starters are welcome and
the fee will be prorated. Drop-ins are also welcome
($10 per session). Kate’s schedule is subject to change.
Please call her at 766-4282 or email her at to confirm dates.
Senior Hike: Heart Lake
On Friday, February 13, join fellow hikers for a walk
at Heart Lake. This Heart Lake hike is the perfect
valentine to give to yourself, or to share with a friend.
Together, you can look for the many early signs of
spring. Meet at the Heart Lake parking lot at 10 a.m.
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T’ai Chi Chih: Joy
through Movement
This program targets seniors who do not have dental
insurance, but even those with insurance are welcome.
Those with insurance will need to process their own
Are you ready to feel
stronger, happier and
healthier? Learn a simple
moving meditation that
boosts and balances your energy’s life force. Enjoy
knowing that each time you practice you are rewarded.
Classes are held on Thursdays, from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
The next four-week session will be held February 12
through March 5. The cost for this four-week series is
$60. For more information, contact Joan Roulac, at
(360) 376-6336 or email her at
Reiki Healing Therapy
Living Healthy with Chronic Conditions
Support Group
This support group is designed for those living with
chronic conditions such as pain, diabetes, Parkinson’s
and other challenges. The group normally meets on the
first and third Monday of each month from 12:30 to
1:30 p.m. This month’s meeting will be on February 2.
(NOTE: there will be no meeting on Monday, February
16 because of the holiday closure.) Contact Sheri
Muntean, PhD, at 420-5867 with questions. This
group is designed to allow people to support one
another as they share their healthy living goals and
strategies. It also serves as a way for those who took the
Living a Healthy Life class to continue their goal-setting
and progress.
Low Cost Dental Hygiene Care
The Center offers a dental hygiene program normally
held on the last Tuesday of each month. The clinician
will be away from the Center in February;
appointments will resume in
March. Ask for an
application packet at the
Reception Desk and
register. You will be called to
set up an appointment. You
do not have to be “lowincome” to use this service.
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Reiki practitioners Heather Hovis and Lea DeVere
are available on Wednesday afternoon between 1:15
to 3 p.m. for Reiki therapy sessions. (Note: Because
Rita Yribar will be gone until the end of February, so
appointment times are temporarily limited. The
regular schedule will resume in March.) Reiki is
complementary to traditional medicine and supports
peace of mind and body. It nurtures on physical,
emotional and mental levels and makes natural
healing easily accessible.
You might find, for
example, that having a
practitioner place
hands on your head
may help ease your
pain when you have a
headache. For more
information on Reiki,
go to Sign up for a
15-minute appointment at the Reception Desk or call
293-7473. Donations of $5 are suggested.
Computer Basics Class
Jan Essley teaches a two-day basic computer class
on the second and third Wednesday of each month
from 9 to 10:30 a.m. The next class will be held on
February 11 and February 18. Laptops will be
provided for your use in the class. Sign up at the
Reception Desk. If you are on the waiting list, don’t
despair. We will get to you, and you will be called to
let you know when to expect you will be in the class.
Thank you for all your patience. There is a
suggested donation of $6 for the two-day
class series.
Page 8
looms will be provided to you and you will be given a
choice of warp yarns and colors, already on the loom
and nearly ready to start weaving. The workshop is
limited to six participants. The cost for the threesession workshop is $45. A materials fee of $6 will be
paid to the instructor at the first class. There will be a
deposit of $100 required for those who wish to take
the looms home between classes. You may call the
instructor, Liz Moncrief at 970-692-3949 or email her Liz’s website is
Skilled volunteers are
available on a scheduled
basis in the Media
Room to answer your
computer questions.
Appointments may be
made for Wednesdays and Thursdays; drop-ins are
welcome on those days, but those with appointments
will have priority. No appointment is necessary for the
“drop-in” clinic on Mondays and Tuesdays. Check the
calendar for the schedule. We want to thank our
dedicated volunteers Ken de Russy, Doug Johnson,
Steve Anderson and Jan Essley for all their time and
skillful computer assistance. Jan helps with both PC
and Mac; Doug and Ken focus on PC. All can help
with tablets and phones. This service is free. Please
note that our computer volunteers may occasionally
have other commitments so call the Center at
293-7473 before you come in.
Piano Lessons
A beginning group meets on
Wednesdays from 3:10 to
3:55 p.m. The class will
cover music reading, finger
strengthening and familiar
tunes. Come join the fun!
The cost is $15 for each
class. Call Sally Kirk at
360-856-4938 to sign up.
Skype Computer Available
Basket Weaving
Skype is set up on a laptop in the small consultation
room. If you are familiar with Skype and would like to
use it, feel free to do so. If you would like to learn to
use it, see one of the volunteers at the Drop-In
Computer Clinic for assistance. Help will be provided
on a first-come, first-served basis. The Skype computer
room is also used by other people, so if it is occupied,
be sure and try again at another time.
Jane Hyde teaches basket making on the fourth
Thursday of every month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
This month the class will be Thursday, February 26.
Call Jane at (360) 661-7477 for more information.
Class size is limited; call Jane to sign up in advance
and for more information on the basket she will be
Mosaic Art Workshop
An on-going mosaic art workshop is held at the
Center on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 12
noon, except for the second Wednesday of each
month. There will be no instruction given, but all
participants are welcome to work on their projects,
trade glass and share ideas with other workshop
participants. All previous mosaic students are
welcome to come. There is no charge.
Beginning Weaving
Learn basic weaving in this new
class on Fridays, March 13
through March 27, from 9:30 to
11:30 a.m. In this workshop, you
will learn how to “dress” a
weaving loom, and you’ll weave a
simple, but elegant scarf. Table
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Page 9
Open Studio
During February, Dee Doyle
will be teaching/coaching
students in a series of classes
devoted to “Developing Your
Own Series” on Friday
mornings, 9:30 a.m. to 12
noon. Typically, artists tend
to grow and evolve by
focusing on a particular subject, feeling, palette, or
style, as they develop their own series. Each week,
students will approach their subject(s) in a fresh and
different way, sometimes in a very traditional way, and
others, in a not-so-traditional way. Classes cost $15
each. Drop-ins are welcome. Some experience is
preferred, but not necessary. Contact Dee Doyle for
further information on classes and supplies at or call 630-0208.
Acrylics Open Studio
During February, Dee Doyle will be teaching/coaching
students in a series of classes devoted to “Developing
Your Own Series” on Monday mornings, 9:30 a.m. to
12 noon. (NOTE: There will be no class on February
16 due to the Center’s holiday closure). Typically,
artists tend to grow and evolve by focusing on a
particular subject, feeling, palette, or style, as they
develop their own series. Each week, students will
approach their subject[s] in a fresh and different way,
sometimes in a very traditional way, and others, in a
not-so-traditional way. Classes cost $15 each. Drop-ins
are welcome. All levels welcome. Contact Dee Doyle
for further information and/or supply list. Contact
Dee Doyle for further information on classes and
supplies at or call 630-0208.
Artists Northwest
Artists Northwest meets
at the Center on the
third Thursday of each
month from 10 a.m. to
12 p.m. The next meeting
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Page 10
will be on Thursday, February 19. This organization is
dedicated to fostering fellowship and education among
artists of all levels using various mediums. Members
come together to share experiences and knowledge in
artistic endeavors. They promote and share new ideas
and techniques to grow and stimulate creativity. This
group of artists occasionally paints as a group, either
inside or outside. Call Sharon at 588-1848 or Jerlyn at
299-1210 for more information.
Ukulele Enthusiasts Welcome
The Senior Ukulele Ensemble, led by Richard Mitlyng
and Linda’s Uke Jam, led by Linda Zielinski meet at
the Center on alternating Thursdays 1:30 p.m. to 3:00
p.m. Ukulele enthusiasts are welcome to join in with
either or both groups. Ask to be added to the email list
for each group and you will receive music material in
advance. For Linda’s
Uke Jam, contact
Linda first at
For the Senior
Ukulele Ensemble,
contact Richard at
There is no charge to participate and all levels are
welcome to join in the fun. In fact, come even if you
don’t play; it is fun to just listen in or sing along.
Miracle of Art
This informal art appreciation class, conducted by Lou
D’Amelio, is held on Tuesdays from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
The class started in 1989 by Dr. Susanne Baker, whose
art work is seen each month in the Center’s
newsletter. The first part of the class consists of a
discussion on a selected art-related topic which
changes weekly. There is also a show-and-tell during
which participants may raise any art-related topic for
discussion. The discussions are followed by showing
DVDs on art by professors of art history. Currently
the class is following lectures on Masterworks of
American Art by Professor William Kloss. All are
welcome to attend.
Creative Circle
Join with other creative
folks at the Creative
Circle every Monday
from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Some of the projects
people work on
include beading,
felting, jewelry making,
polymer clay, egg art and more. Join us for three hours,
meet new people and get your projects done. There is
no cost. Just bring your projects and join in.
Cultured Palette
The Cultured Palette is a group of eclectic local artists
who live in or near Anacortes and gather to paint
together on Friday afternoons at 12:30 p.m. There will
be no formal instruction, but there will occasionally be
instruction in the form of DVD or workshop. The
group varies in skill level, chosen media (water-based or
pastel), subject matter, and artistic style. All skill levels
are invited to come and paint. Call Beryle at 293-8538,
Joyce at 293-6241 or Betty at 293-4450 for
determination, imagination and humor – and succeeds!
Everyone is welcome to join this friendly and interesting
group of readers.
Sign Language Classes
You can help break the communication barrier between
the hearing and deaf communities. Visual Connections
is currently teaching American Sign Language on
Tuesdays and Fridays. The beginning class will be from
10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and the intermediate class will meet
from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Beginners learn vocabulary, the
alphabet and numbers to 20, common phrases, how to
ask questions, and storytelling. Intermediate students
will focus on increasing speed on the alphabet, finger
spelling, and numbers and sentences. The classes are free
and all ages are welcome. If you have questions, email
Dawnstarr Pilcher or Pandora Aspelund at for more information.
Game Time!
Fidalgo Book Group
The group normally meets on the first Thursday of
each month at 9:30 a.m. For February 5, the group will
read The Seeds of Destruction by F. William Engdahl.
The book focuses on the socio-political American elite
to gain control of human survival “our daily bread”
and the perils of GMO. For March, the group will read
nine stories by J.D. Salinger that were written at
different times in the
1960s. For April, the
featured book will be
Cork Boat by John
Pollack. John had an
idea since he was a boy
to build a cork board.
Years later he set about
the task with
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Page 11
Bridge: Mondays
at 12:30 p.m.
Chess: Tuesdays
at 12:30 p.m.
Cribbage: Thursdays
at 8:30 a.m.
Double Deck
Pinochle: Wednesdays at12: 30 p.m.
Mah Jongg: Thursdays at 11 a.m.
Mexican Train: Wednesdays at 1 p.m.
Partner Bridge: Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m.
Pinochle: Fridays at 12:30 p.m.
Scrabble: Mondays at 12:30 p.m.
Flyswatter Volleyball
Come and join in the fun. Flyswatter volleyball games
are held regularly on the first and third Wednesday from
10:30 to 11:15 a.m. There are sure to be lots of laughs
and memorable moments! If you would like to arrange
for play at another date and time, see Sally for
Anacortes Senior Activity Center Lunch
Haircuts with
Marianne Meyer
We serve a delicious, well-balanced meal each weekday
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The menu is available
online at or in the Center’s
monthly newsletter. In addition to the listed menu
items, soup and salad are served most days. The
suggested donation for seniors 60+ is $3.50 to $5.50
per meal; cost for non-seniors is $6.00 per meal.
Reservations are not required. For more information,
call the Senior Activity Center at 293-7473. The same
menu is also delivered to homebound seniors. Contact
Kelli at 419-3467 for more information on Meals
on Wheels.
Marianne, who owned La
Conner’s Mane Event for
25 years, comes to the
Center once a month on
the last Monday morning
of every month from 8:30
a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This
month Marianne will be at the Center on
February 23. The cost is $10 and you must schedule
an appointment in advance. Call 293-7473 or make
your appointment in person at the Reception Desk.
ADR: Aging and Disability Resources
Aging and Disability Resources (ADR) helps people
who are age 60 and older, people with disabilities, and
family members access a wide variety of community
resources, information, services and programs since
1978. ADR provides confidential services, free of
charge and can help guide you in finding the
information and programs that meet your individual
needs. ADR specialists work with you over the phone
or are available to meet with you by appointment
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
in the ADR office, or if necessary, in your home.
Please call 428-1301 or e-mail
Take Care of Your Feet
Foot care will be available most Mondays. Call the
Center at 293-7473 to
make an appointment.
The gentle and
experienced staff of
Catholic Community
Services provides the
foot care. The cost is
$20. Please remember
to bring a small towel.
Hand care is available
also for $6.
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Chair Massage
Relax and ease those
aches and pains each
Tuesday from 9 to 12
p.m. Carol Park offers
a 15-minute chair
massage. The cost for
seniors age 60 and older is $10/15 minutes; all others
$15/15 minutes. To make an appointment, call the
Senior Activity Center at 293-7473. This service is
sponsored by Fidalgo Pool and Fitness Center.
Ensure Available
at the Center
The Skagit County Senior Nutrition Program offers
liquid meal supplements (Ensure Plus) to seniors on a
suggested donation basis of $30. To qualify, you need:
 To be 60 years of age or older
 To live in Skagit County
 To have a prescription from your physician or
registered dietician (a new prescription will be
needed every 6 months)
There are a variety of flavors available. Contact
Carolyn in the kitchen at the Center if you have
any questions or to arrange pick up of your cases
of Ensure.
Page 12
Needs Your Help
The Volunteer
Services Program
provides assistance to seniors and disabled adults so
they may remain living independently in their own
homes. Volunteers assist with housekeeping, meal
preparation, shopping and errands, yard work, minor
household repairs, moving assistance and more.
Currently there is a special need for volunteers to
provide transportation. Drivers receive mileage
reimbursement and secondary insurance. If you are
interested in helping, please contact the program
staff at 416-7585.
Advocates Make a Difference
Volunteer advocates bridge the gap between our
community and the residents of long-term care
facilities like nursing homes, who may be isolated
from the mainstream of society. Long-Term Care
Ombuds serve as advocates, observers, educators,
planners, mediators, listeners, troubleshooters,
facilitators and peacemakers. Get the satisfaction of
helping to assure the best quality of life for the elderly.
For training and information call Sandi Everest,
Northwest Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman, at
(360) 421-1080. Many elderly individuals in our home
of Anacortes need someone to listen when they speak,
and speak for them when they can't.
Free Income Tax Preparation
The Anacortes Volunteer
Income Tax Assistance
(VITA) program will once
again be offering free
federal income tax
preparation for low and
middle income
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
households in the community. Assistants will
prepare and eFile your return, and they can answer
your questions about taxes. About six hundred
returns were prepared last year. The service will be
available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Anacortes First
Baptist Church at 2717 J Avenue, beginning on
February 2 and continuing through April 15.
Hearing Aid Loans
This service is for all seniors and people with
disabilities who live in
Washington State.
Assistive Technology
Loans, provided by
the Washington
Assistive Technology
Foundation, provides
loans ranging from
$250 to $10,000 at
very low interest rates.
Loans can be used for hearing aids, TTY machines,
pocket talkers, computers with specialized software
and hardware adaptations, flashing smoke alarms
and doorbells and vibrating alarms. There are no
upper or lower income limits for these loans.
Applicants need to show that they can repay the
loan. For more information, contact WATF at
(206) 328-5116, TTY 888-808-8942 or
visit their website at
Free Medical Eye Exams
EyeCare America, a public service program of the
Foundation of the American Academy of
Ophthalmology matches seniors in need with
volunteer ophthalmologists who provide a medical
eye exam and up to one year of care at no out-ofpocket cost to the patient. To find out if you or your
loved ones qualify for this program, visit (The online application
does not request financial information.)
Page 13
All in the
ame Boat:
Anacortes in the
Great Depression
and group support! You can find us on Facebook under
the group Fidalgo Island Writers Guild.
Soroptimists Loan Health Equipment
Too grim for an exhibit,
you say? Actually, the topic of the newest Anacortes
Museum exhibit is surprisingly uplifting. In Anacortes,
no one had any money, but everyone was in the same
boat, so people looked out for each other. They
bartered and traded, gave what they could, organized
fundraisers, and founded workers’ co-ops. New Deal
programs put men to work building streets and parks
— such as Deception Pass State Park — and creating
works of art that we still enjoy today. There were
festivals and parades, dances and football games,
movies — with sound! — clubs and gatherings. The
exhibit can be seen Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m. at the Anacortes
Museum, located at 1305 8th Street.
One-on-One Medical Insurance Help
SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors)
are available at Island Hospital Resource Center to
provide one-on-one health insurance information,
including Medicare and Extra Help. Call 299-4212 to
schedule an appointment.
Coffee with Laurie
Mayor Laurie Gere is scheduled to be at the Center on
Wednesday, February 25, at 1:30 p.m. for an informal
coffee hour with citizens. Everyone is invited.
Soroptimists International of Anacortes helps many in
the community who require medical equipment such as
wheelchairs, crutches and walkers. To be eligible, you
must be a resident living in the 98221 zip code of
Anacortes and Fidalgo Island. The club cannot loan
equipment to residents of nursing homes or care
facilities. The equipment is available from 8 a.m. to
8 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Soroptimists
Thrift Shop on Third Street and O Avenue.
Help for Disabled at
Sea-Tac Airport
TSA Cares provides assistance for
individuals with disabilities to
navigate their way through Sea-Tac
Airport. Call a day or two ahead of
your flight if you have mobility
issues. If mobility is not an issue, you
can request the assistance of a TSA
Cares representative from the TSA
agent near Security. If you do have
concerns about mobility, call the
program’s toll free number (855-7872227) a day or two ahead of your flight to arrange curbto-gate service. Be sure to let them know if you have an
assistance dog.
Writers Guild
Donations Help the Center -- Thank You!
Fidalgo Island Writers Guild welcomes writers, editors,
reviewers, and avid readers of all levels from Skagit and
San Juan Island Counties.
Please join us in the process
and share your input on what
you would like to see come
from Island Writers and what
part you would like to play, if
any. Great things, great fun,
All donations made to the Anacortes Senior Activity
Center are much needed and greatly appreciated.
Unless given for a specific use, donations are deposited
into the Anacortes Senior Activity Center Foundation
General Fund. The ASAC Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization and all donations are tax
deductible. Your support assists us in maintaining the
Center as a vibrant, wellness supportive, fun and
inspirational community center.
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Page 14
Sally Hill
 Diane Crawford
 Jim Eberhardt
Thank you to the following individuals who have
given to our annual year end campaign since our last
With help from donations, the Foundation provides
for many things, including:
 Office Supplies, postage, copy machine
 Staff support
 Kitchen supplies, coffee and tea
 Internet access and newsletter
 Furnishings & equipment
 Fundraising expenses and special projects
 Building and landscaping improvements and more!
The following are donations received by the ASAC
Foundation recently from groups and individuals.
Thank you for your generous support.
Cultured Palette
Emerald Glass Co. for sponsorship of
volunteer appreciation
Ukulele Ensemble
Joan Bissel
Sydney Smith
Jerylyn Caba
Cultured Purls Knitting Guild
Christ Episcopal Church and the volunteers
at the Red Door Thrift Store
Marilyn Bowles
Ruth Vitovec
Students of Vince Henley’s Fiction Writers
Spanish Class
Creekside Village PUD Homeowners Association
Creative Circle
In memory of Carollei Lamoureaux
PK Mead
Jim and Ginger Thomas
Ron Harris
Leslie Moore-Krous
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Alberta Horn
Michelle Hawkins
Suzann Magill / Let Sara Do It
Floy Ann Montee
Elaine Oliphant
Marjorie Martin in memory of Jim Merritt
Marc Estvold
Patricia Downing
Aleli and John Howell
Phil and Carolynne Wright
Derry and Marilyn Bowles
Phyllis Thoreson
Harriet Bower
Lea DeVere
Marie and Clyde Allen
Duncan Frazier
JoAnne Tallman
Nancy Halton
Mike and Sue Keller
Sally Hill
Yarn Needed
Your local “knittin’ lady” is in need
of yarn. Over the past years she has
knitted hundreds of hats, scarves,
baby blankets and lap robes for the
Wounded Warriors at Fort Lewis,
infants and adults in need at
Omak Valley Hospital, returning
Vets right here in Skagit County,
Homeless Shelters, Friendship House, Salvation Army,
along with the Island Hospital and our own Anacortes
Senior Activity Center. Please bring your unwanted
yarn to the Reception Desk and Carolyn will stockpile
it to be picked up.
Page 15
Cards Wanted
We will happily accept
your surplus greeting
cards to offer for sale at
the Center. Birthday
cards are especially
needed. Thank you for
helping support the
Senior Activity Center.
Loss of a Child Support Group
First Thursday, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Location: Hospice of the
Northwest, 819 S. 13th Street, Mount Vernon. Contact:
Skagit Hospice at 848-5589 to register. Pre-registration
required. This is an ongoing group for parents who have
experienced the death of a child, whether as an adult or
Look Good -- Feel Better
Third Monday, 1 p.m. Location: Merle Cancer Care
Center at Island Hospital. Contact: Cancer Care Center
299-4200. Registration is required.
Caregivers of Persons
with Alzheimer’s
Willis-Ekbom Disease (Restless Leg)
Support Group
Second and Third Monday, 1 p.m. Location:
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1300 Ninth Street.
Contact: Ann Giboney at 299-9569.
Call for meeting dates. Location:
Island Hospital / Burrows Rooms.
Contact: Charlotte at 293-7328.
Kidney Support Group
Parkinson’s Support Group
Meets quarterly, Third Tuesday, 1 p.m. Location:
Anacortes Senior Activity Center. Next meeting:
Tuesday, April 21. Contact
Third Thursday, 1:30 p.m. Location:
Island Hospital / Burrows Rooms.
Contact: Jerry Ramsey at 293-2185.
Skagit Widowed Support Services
For Grief Groups: Contact Terr Heuterman
at 336-3037.
 For Social Events including weekly lunches:
Contact Verna Pederson at 856-0860 or see
SWSS monthly newsletter at
Mended Hearts
Support Group
Meets the last Thursday
of each month, 11 a.m.
Location: Island Hospital /
Fidalgo Room. Contact:
Ollie Wilgress at 671-2208
or Rick Rubin at 378-3774.
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Prostate Cancer Support Group
Third Wednesday, 11 a.m. Location: Island Hospital /
Fidalgo Room. Contact: Carl Clinesmith at 299-3892.
Art Healing for Cancer Patients
First and third Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Location:
Merle Cancer Care Center at Island Hospital. Contact:
299-4200. Registration is required.
Grief Support Group
Every Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. Location: Island Hospital /
Guemes Room. Contact: Doug Fakkema at 202-1699.
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