Showcasing Bahrain's artistic talent


Showcasing Bahrain's artistic talent
Gulf Daily News
Saturday, 31st January 2015
n A presentation on how Tamkeen can help international business was the topic of a presentation dinner organised by the Italian Bahraini Friendship Association. The event took place at ART
Rotana Amwaj Islands and was attended by members of the Italian community in Bahrain, as well as Bahraini businessmen. Above, Esam Hammad, from Tamkeen customer engagement and
support, addressing the forum. Right, some of the participants.
Future of workers
hangs in balance
HUNDREDS of public sector
workers formerly employed in the
now-defunct Central Governorate
are still awaiting new government
jobs more than four months after
the administrative division was
In September, His Majesty King Hamad issued a Royal Decree disbanding
the Central Governorate and all bodies
that formerly came under it.
A three-month grace period was
initially put in place for the members
of staff affected by the decision to be
reallocated new jobs, but this has now
expired – leaving 297 former Central
Municipality and Central Municipal
Council employees effectively in limbo.
They are still “operating under a
temporary authorisation” as Central
employees, according to Southern
Municipal Council chairman Ahmed
Al Ansari, who stressed that a solution
must be found.
director-general Assem Abdullatif suggested that these staff members be offered
early retirement if they cannot be
found jobs in one of the
worried as many have firemaining four governornancial obligations and
don’t want to be forced
However, Mr Al Ansari
into early retirement besaid such a move would
cause they have budgeted
negatively impact on the
according to their current
employees’ finances.
“A’ali Municipality has
“There are vacancies in
been taken by Northern,
the Works, Municipalities
Tubli and Sitra Municand Urban Planning Afipalities are now under
fairs Ministry that could
the Capital and Isa Town
be filled and financial arMunicipality comes under
rangements to fund the
n Mr Al Ansari
Southern,” said Mr Al Antransition should be made
by the Finance Ministry.”
“Former Central employees are
Mr Abdullatif said a “special com-
mittee” had been set up to study each
case “on an individual basis”.
“We have suggested that some
take early retirement with improved
benefits or receive ‘virtual years of
service’, so they end up with a good
deal,” he said.
“Others will be reallocated jobs according to a list to be prepared by the
Civil Service Bureau.
“It will see them moved either to the
Northern and Muharraq municipalities
and municipal councils, the Southern
Municipal Council and our establishment, or the Capital Trustees Authority.”
The task was being made more difficult, Mr Abdullatif said, because the “corresponding job
titles” for high ranking officials
were “already occupied” in other governorates.
Works, Municipalities and
Urban Planning Affairs Ministry urban planning head Wael
Al Mubarak said a study had
to be completed before all 297
employees could be found new
job roles.
Showcasing Bahrain’s artistic talent
AN ART space which
brought together local artists
and musicians, Malja (sanctuary), was opened yesterday in Amwaj Islands.
The non-profit venue put
together by Red Bull Bahrain and designed by Bahrain-based Spoon Design
Consultants includes a café,
an art and dance studio, a
gallery and a recording studio.
The platform aims to
provide artists an outlet to
showcase their talents and
is free to access for all residents of Bahrain and the region, while workshops and
use of facilities will be on
an entry fee depending on
the event.
Malja will be open daily
from noon to 5pm. More
information is available on
the website or Instagram @
n The people behind the project, from left, Conor Maguire, Sara Valente, Wafa Obaidat, Tarik Omar, Frances Stafford and Yasmin
“This will take time as we
have to study each individual’s needs and the employment
structures in each governorate
without emotion,” he said.
“Suitable employees will
be moved to jobs that match
their qualifications and not en
The “temporary authorisation” for the former Central employees has now been extended
by another three months, giving
officials until the end of March
to resolve the situation.
Former employees of the
Central Governorate Security
Directorate, which fell under
the Interior Ministry’s remit,
have already been moved to
new jobs.