TOWER TALK - First Baptist Church of Jerseyville, Il.


TOWER TALK - First Baptist Church of Jerseyville, Il.
A Word From Pastor Brent
February, 2015
Inside this issue:
Homebound &
Upcoming Events
Fusion News
Thank You Page
Upcoming Events:
 February 2-4, Pastor’s
Prayer Retreat
 February 3, Men’s
 February 16,
 February 16,
President’s Day,
Office Closed
 February 20, Kid’s
Night Out Skate Party
 February 21, Benefit
for Jonny Wade
Casting A Hopeful Eye To The Future
Do you believe God answers prayer? Here is how I am hoping –
believing God will answer our prayers for a special little guy in our church
who, like David, is facing a big Goliath in his life right now. Imagine it is
the year 2040 – 25 years from now. It’s an exciting day at the local Baptist
church. They have a guest preacher for the worship service with an amazing
testimony. His name is Pastor Jonny Wade and this is what he shared with
the folks in a crowded sanctuary that morning…
“It happened when I was just seven years old. Right before
Christmas I started to get terrible headaches. My parents took me to be
tested and we got very bad news. I had a brain tumor – a kind of aggressive,
angry cancer that had taken up a stronghold in my life while I was sleeping,
playing, learning with my first grade friends. My family and I had no idea
we were heading into a storm until it was suddenly upon us, and the waves
grew high and the winds blew hard. After surgery we found out my cancer
had spread to the spine and a rigorous course of treatments were prescribed.
To say that my world had turned upside-down would be the understatement
of my life.
But, in the midst of this ugly plot twist, some amazing things
happened – and I’m convinced they did because of the faith of the people
whom God had positioned in my life. My parents were strong believers and
they made sure that I was raised in the faith. They told me about Jesus and
His love. They showed me that love in the way they cared for me and my
twin brother, Jacky. They took us to the First Baptist Church in Jerseyville,
Illinois. We stood together on a firm foundation, which made a big
difference in surviving the earthquake that was my health crisis.
Now when word got out that I was sick God began to move in the
faith community around me. God’s people were shocked, like we were –
dazed and confused – but they were one thing more: undaunted. And they
began to pray – passionately, relentlessly - pray in new ways perhaps,
because the need was so pressing – because, in the face of frightening
pathology reports – against a mighty foe – they knew they had to bring out
the biggest weapons in their arsenal, prayer being one of the most powerful.
Churches came together to pray for my healing.
(Continued on Page 2)
Page 2
A Word From Pastor Brent - Continued
Homebound & Friends
Word got out over the Internet and soon I was receiving
cards and letters from believers all over the country, telling me that
they were daily taking me and my family before the throne of
God’s grace, seeking healing and wholeness – asking that I be
delivered from disease and restored to a place of safety. And over
time, that is exactly what happened. That’s why I am standing
here today.
Our Homebound:
Our faith rests in a miracle-working God, who often takes
tragedy and turns it into celebration. We are saved by a Lord who
was murdered on a cross – beaten and bloodied – overcome, it
appeared, by an enemy far worse than cancer. But, in the end, that
enemy was overcome – death itself was reversed – and the One
who was once dead became your living Lord and mine. My war
with brain cancer led me and my family and the believers around
us to a whole different level of trust in the God who measures our
days and transcends our nights – a place we might never have gone
had it not been for some very dark days 25 years ago. As it says in
Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good
to them that love God, to them who are called according to His
purpose. I am a living, breathing testimony to the truth of this
promise. And I thank God every day for the gift of my life in
at their homes:
Mrs. Wilma Anderson
1210 E. Fairgrounds, #507,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gandy
1210 E. Fairground, #508
Mrs. Wilma Kahl, 1210 E.
Fairgrounds, #410, Jerseyville
Mrs. Helen Cox
407 Minard Street, Jerseyville
Mrs. Vera Woolsey
811 W. Spruce, Jerseyville
Marjorie Liles, 1012 Angela
Court, Jerseyville
Mr. Clinton Frank
1210 E. Fairgrounds, #503,
And all God’s people said, “Amen!”
Jerseyville Rehab, 1001 S. State
Street, Jerseyville
Mr. Charles Henson - Room 235
Mrs. Lois Pitchford - Room 408
Mr. Roy Story - Room 306
Family & Friends
Ongoing Prayer Concerns:
Upcoming Events
Pastor’s Prayer Retreat
February 2 - 4, Pere Marquette
Men’s Breakfast, Saturday,
February 7, 7:30 a.m.,
Hickory Grove
Missionettes, Monday,
February 16, 6:00 p.m., FBC
Kid’s Night Out
Friday, February 20, 6:00
p.m., Fellowship Hall
Jonny Wade Benefit,
Saturday, February 21, 11:00
a.m., Fellowship Hall
In case of inclement weather, if
school is close d on a
Wednesday, all Wednesday
night programming will be
cancelled. Check local TV news
programs for any additional
weather-related closings.
-Ray Baldes
(Vonita Green’s son)
-Sandy Arnold
-Mark Watt
(Evalyn Pyle’s grandson)
-Mike Schofield
(Elaine’s stepson)
-Paul Platto
(Eric’s father)
-Debbie Domek
(Eric Platto’s aunt)
-Wanda Chandler
(Bob Renicke’s mom)
-Amy Pollard
(Great Granddaughter of
Gertie Isringhausen)
February, 2015
Page 3
Page 4
Pastor’s Prayer Retreat
Benefit for Jonny Wade
Pastor Brent is venturing to Pere Marquette
State Park this year from February 2nd - 4th for
his annual Prayer Retreat. He takes this time
each year for reading, reflection, rest and
renewal, sermon planning and prayer. While he
is praying for us, let’s be sure to keep our pastor
and his family in our prayers during his retreat.
Saturday, February 21st the Mission Board will
be hosting a benefit on behalf of Jonny Wade
here at FBC in our Fellowship Hall. They will
be serving a Jumbo Hot Dog or Sloppy Joe,
Chips, Dessert and a Drink for $5.00 per
person. This will be eat in or carry out and all
proceeds benefit the Jonny Wade family. You
may purchase tickets at FBC.
Men’s Breakfast
The Men’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday,
February 7th at 7:30 a.m. at Hickory Grove
Restaurant. This is dutch treat and all the men
of the church are invited.
Missionettes meets Monday, February 16th at
6:00 p.m. at FBC for a work night. The
hostesses are Arbie Carrico and Marilyn Bowers
with a devotion by Lucille Newingham. All
ladies of the church are invited.
Office Closed - Holidays
Donations Needed
The church could use donations of gently used
wash rags or hand towels (no bath towels please)
for the use of the custodian for cleaning
purposes. If you have any donations, please
bring them to the church office. Thank you!
Chuppers Schedule - Feb.
Alternative Children’s Meals will be available
at each Chuppers; Youth Department is in
charge of clean up, serving and desserts this
The church office will be closed Monday,
February 16th for the President’s Day holiday.
Feb. 4 - Goulash w/Hamburger, Garden Salad
w/Ranch Dressing, Garlic Bread, Fruit
Combo, Variety of Desserts
Kid’s Night Out
Feb. 11 - Turkey and Dressing, Mashed
Potatoes, Green Beans, Red Jello, Hot Roll,
Variety of Desserts
SKATE NIGHT! Kid’s Night Out this month
will be a skate party at FBC in Fellowship Hall
on Friday, February 20th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30
p.m. Kid’s Night Out is for ages Pre-K through
5th grade. Pre-K must have a parent or guardian
with them. Come on out and bring a friend.
Snacks are provided.
Feb. 18 - Pioneer Soup, Grilled Cheese
Sandwiches, Carrot/Celery Sticks, Peaches,
Variety of Desserts
Feb. 25 - Crispy Chicken Parmesan, Green
Beans, Buttered Noodles, Hot Roll, Fruit
Cocktail, Variety of Desserts
February, 2015
Page 5
Thank you!
Many thanks to the Trustees for installing hot water at the dish rinsing station in the kitchen! This makes cleaning
up and sanitizing our dishes so much nicer and healthier.
Sherry, Bev and the Wednesday Night Chuppers Crew
To all the people who made it possible for me to receive a Christmas Basket, thanks and appreciation to you all! May
God bless you richly!
Cheri Hardwick
My Dear Church Family,
A Happy New Year from Nixa, MO. It has been over a month since I said “see ya”! Where has the time gone? I have
been sick with a terrible congestion again - cannot seem to run fast enough to get away from it - ha! Am pretty settled
in and enjoying the family and new home, so many changes - whew. I want to “thank you all” for the farewell party what a nice surprise - I was so overwhelmed with all the good wishes. Thank you ladies for all your hard work,
cupcakes, decorations, punch. The hall was so pretty. And Pastor, the poem was so very special to me - have read it
over and over - will frame it one day soon. All the cards made me laugh too and yes the “DQ.” Thanks my mountain
man - ha! No, I haven’t found a church yet because of my terrible cough. I know God has made a plan for me and at
9:30 a.m. Sunday morning unless time changed, I’ll be listening for my church bells to ring - know I’ll be there in
Spirit. Please continue to pray for me as I will for you. You all will be in my heart and in my mind. God Bless each
and all. I want this to be a wonderful year for you all and me too. I sure miss my hugs but am sending you all one by
mail - ha! Love you all from His beautiful heart and mine,
Idella Bridgewater - See ya!
I wanted to thank the Diaconate for the beautiful poinsettia. Also thanks to everyone for the cards and Pastor Brent
for his visits. I appreciated the carolers too.
Charles Henson
I would like to thank the following people who helped decorate your Church for Christmas. Fellowship Hall: Debra
Glisch and Amber Sanders decorated the tree; Elaine Schofield, Charlotte Haun, Denise Hayes and Roxie McKenney
decorated the windows. The window on the first floor and the East elevator area were decorated by Christy Sylling.
The second and third floor windows were done by Bev Crone and Bev’s sister Vanessa Miller. Bev and Vanessa also
decorated the Fireside Room. The Sanctuary, Overflow Room and North Entrance were decorated by Ed Haun,
Scott Quiller, Ruth Embley, Barbara Hargrave, Charlotte Haun, Claudia and Jimmy Vaughn and Gwenda Rice. As
you can see, it takes many volunteers to make your Church pretty so a very HEARTFELT thank you!
Gwenda Rice and Christy Sylling, Decorating Committee
P.S. As Chairman of the Decorating Committee, I would like to invite others to join Christy and I this year as I plan
to resign at the end of 2015. I have enjoyed decorating our Church, but feel it is time for someone else to join
Christy and take over this rewarding project. It would be nice to have you join us soon so you will be prepared to
decorate the Church next year. Thanks for letting me serve you on this Committee.
Respectfully, Gwenda Rice
I would like to thank the Church for letting me serve on the Trustee Board the last three years. It has been an honor
and a privilege to serve God and you. I wish the new Board all the best.
Your Humble Servant, Gwenda Rice
Thank you for your prayers during Laura Eagleton’s (my granddaughter) illness. She is doing fine now.
Bev Crone
Thank you for the cards, notes, well wishes and prayers you have sent our way during Bernie’s illness, hospitalizations
and nursing home stays. It has blessed our hearts and we truly appreciate you all.
Bernie and Nyela Gandy
Page 6
America for Christ Offering 2015
AMERICA FOR CHRIST gifts support Christ-centered ministries that touch lives and
transform people across the United States and Puerto Rico--through evangelism
training, church renewal and discipleship resources, volunteer disaster response plus
initiatives that fight poverty and so much more.
As we read the gospels, we are presented with a loving Lord as someone who does
things, not someone who did things. One of the greatest dangers of Christianity is to
think of Jesus as someone to be remembered, instead of someone to be met and
experienced. As the church in the 21st century, our calling is to help people see the
power of the risen Christ in action today. The Offering will take place on March 15th.
February Birthdays
Brenda Embley
Connie Hayes
Corree Yates
Gary Williams
Judi Poppe
Jeannette Patterson
Sara Starrett
D. Howard
Brent Meyer
Kala Starrett
Kennedy Berghoff
Gina Kallal
Jan Platto
Tim Lyons
Ryan Pierantoni
Sandy Arnold
Dana Gettings
Rob Patterson
Hannah Marshall
Betty Cope
Kiley Pickel
February Anniversaries
Tim & Kaye Buis
Mark & Sherri Marshall
Radio Sponsorships Available for 2015
If you would like to sponsor a 2015 radio broadcast in memory
or in honor of a loved one, please call the church office with the
date you wish to reserve. The cost is $50.00 per Sunday. If
you have a Sunday you always sponsor - PLEASE CALL
AGAIN. Thank you!
First Baptist Church
200 West Pearl Street
U.S. Postage
Jerseyville, IL 62052-1661
Jerseyville, IL
Permit No. 56
Our mission is to praise, honor and glorify God the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit; to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ at home, in
200 W. Pearl Street
Jerseyville, IL 62052
Phone: 618-639-3602
Fax: 618-639-6322
our community and throughout the world; to be faithful to God and our
brothers and sisters in Christ through commitment, love and service;
and to seek after and follow God’s will and leading, individually and as a
congregation of fellow believers.
United by our love of Christ and each other, we will grow and draw all
people to the Lord.
Thank you! (Continued)
A very special thank you to our Diaconate Board for the lovely poinsettia and candy and to the children for the
snowman they made for me - very cute. Also a thanks for the cookies and to JoAnn and George for delivering
everything. I have enjoyed the little Christmas centerpiece the Missionettes made and brought to me earlier this
month. The visits by the ladies and JoAnn and George are enjoyed throughout the year. I appreciate being
remembered at this special time of year and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Yvonne Easley
On behalf of Stan, Beth and the rest of the family, I would like to thank you for your many expressions of sympathy
ad support - cards, letters, Facebook messages and your presence at the service. It means more than words can tell.
A special thank you to Rev. Ed Haun for conducting the graveside service. We received many positive comments
from friends and family stating what a beautiful memorial it was to dad. Finally, I want to thank the church for the
beautiful peace lily that was sent to my house. It was very thoughtful.
Blessings to you all, with love in Christ,
Larry Sidwell
Thank you! I just wanted to thank all of you wonderful people for all of the love and support given to me and my
family during a trying time with the passing of my father. When I walked through the doors five years ago I knew
God had led me to my church family. Again, than you for all of your warmth and love. It is deeply and sincerely
Stan Hudson
We want to thank all the ladies (Debbie Wedding, Joyce Sagez, Barb Hargrave, Gwenda Rice, Ruth Embley and
Cindy Minor) who had a hand in the beautiful luncheon for seniors over 90 this past month. The luncheon was
wonderful and the poem was fabulous. We really had a great time and appreciate your acknowledgement of the
Senior Saints in our church.
Gertie Isringhausen, Barb Lawton and Dottie Rulo
Children’s Church has just finished a nine week series on the Fruits of the Spirit. The series was based on Galatians
4:22-23. Charlotte and I wish to say “Thank You” to the following servants of Christ who helped in the teaching of
this series: Joe and Amanda Behl, Janice Berry, Braden Pickel, Ryan Eschbach, Elizabeth Meyer, Zachary Schaefer,
Rachel Herring, Lydia Witt and Taylor Pointer. The next series for Children’s Church will be entitled: “God
Wants You In His Army.” It will be based on Ephesians 6:10-18. Those helping me in this series will be: Adam
Meyer, Alexandra Weber, Kevin Weber, Brad Pickel, Steve Meredith and Gina Kallal. Lydia Witt and Taylor
Pointer have graciously consented to lead the music. To all of you who are serving and teach our children we say,
“Thank You”.
Ed and Charlotte Haun
We extend our thanks for the faithful service over the years to the following church members who are in their
nineties and were honored at a special luncheon at our church on January 18th: Wilma Anderson, Lois Davis,
Yvonne Easley, Bernice Embley, Clinton Frank, Neal Gipson, Gertie Isringhausen, Wilma Kahl, Marjorie Liles,
Elizabeth Moore, Lois Pitchford, Roy Story, Charles Updike and Vera Woolsey. Thanks also goes to the ladies who
prepared and served the luncheon: Debbie Wedding, Joyce Sagez, Gwenda Rice, Barb Hargrave and Ruth Embley.
Our church is truly blessed by the presence of these people. Thank you for your service of love.
Ed and Charlotte Haun
Be sure to check out Corey Meredith’s Travel Blog (Corey is studying abroad for several months returning in
May) - you may reach the blog at He will be posting pictures and a
log of his exciting travels. Continue to pray for his safety (and peace for his mother!).
6:00 Prayer Group
6:00 Fusion
9:30 Worship
10:45 SS
9:30 Worship
10:45 SS
11:45 Spec Bus Mtg
6:00 Fusion
6:00 Prayer Group
6:00 Prayer Group
9:30 Worship
10:45 SS
1:00 Bd of CE Mtg
6:00 Fusion
9:30 Worship
10:45 SS
12:00 F.H. Res’d
5:30 Fusion
6:00 Prayer Group
6:00 Scouts
3:30 Kid’s Choir
6:00 Missionettes
6:00 Scouts
3:30 Kid’s Choir
3:30 Kid’s Choir
6:00 Scouts
Pastor out on retreat
5:15 Chuppers
6:00 Bible Studies
7:15 Choir
5:15 Chuppers
6:00 Bible Studies
7:15 Choir
Tower Talk Deadline
4:00 Trustee Mtg
5:15 Chuppers
6:00 Bible Studies
7:15 Choir
5:15 Chuppers
6:00 Bible Studies
7:15 Choir
5:00 Organization
Team Mtg
6:30 Deacon Mtg
6:00 Kid’s Night Out
Skate Party @ FBC
6:00 Fusion leaves for
Lock in at Virden
February 2015
11:00 Benefit for
Jonny Wade in F.H.
7:30 Men’s Bkfst @
Hickory Grove