New playground coming


New playground coming
VO LUM E 2 , N O. 9 • w w w. wo o d sb o r o t i m e s . c om • se P t e m b e r 2 0 1 4
VO LUM E 3 , N O. 2 • W W W. WO O D SB O R O T I M E S . C OM • F E B RUA RY 2 0 1 5
New playground
removed from coming
Israel Creek Bridge
project for slow progress
Heather Keels, SHA’s community liaison.
Bids were due to the state by
A contractor hired by the
Maryland State Highway Ad- January 16, with work expected
ministration to construct a to resume by the end of January.
The new bridge is now expectnew bridge over Israel Creek
on Md. 550 in Woodsboro was ed to be completed this summer,
let go due to concerns that the Keels said.
News that a new contraccompany was taking too long
tor will have to be brought on
to complete the work.
Building Systems Inc. was will likely not sit well with mohired by the state in 2012 to torists that have been frustrated
construction of the
replace the bridgeComputer
at a conimage ofwith
struction price of $1.6 million. new bridge. The state had hoped
“Due to concerns with the to have the project completed by
and Greenfield
schedule, SHA the end
By Sherry
Theof December.
Town of Woodsboro
has removed the previous conwas appreciate
awarded the
the communiMaryland
tractor he
and Woodsboro
is currentlyRegional
ac- ty’sOpen
Space Community
of the
cepting Park
bids will
for soon
a contractor
have a new Replacement
and Playgrounds
to use
preserto complete
playground, thanks to a state for the construction of a new,
grant of $129,356.
handicap accessible playground.
Sherry Greenfield
The playground structure is for
children ages 5 to 12.
After soliciting design and
sevvation andproposals
compaThe bridge was constructed in
nies, and
in 1978.
“It is structurally safe but
12 meeting to hire playground
signs of significant deteSpecialists Inc., of Thurmont.
rioration and was due for replaceThe company will build the
ment,” said Dave Coyne, SHA’s
new playground on the south
district engineer, in a press reside of the Woodsboro Regional
Park, east of Israel Creek.
“The new bridge will be wider
“The whole purpose of putto provide a safer traveling area,
ting together this proposal is
and it has been designed to help
that we want to start encourminimize
the frequent floodaging usage at this end of the
by eliminating
park,” said area
Rittelmeyer, whosupports)
handled and
the alignment of the
bidding process.
The opening
has respect
designing and building the new
Preliminary for
on the new
They are proposing summer
to use the
remaining $3,083.25 to install
Office buildings proposed in
100-year floodplain off Biggs Ford
Parking problems
By Sherry Greenfield
the street in front of their houses. Each household would receive
Sherry Greenfield
elief could soon be coming All
permits. property owners
to the residents living along and interested
“I think there
be a
Frederick Street in Walkersville degree of restricted parking down
the that
are upset with people parking there,” said Andy Dewese, the
an application to fill in 39.2 acres date, Apperson said.
in front of their houses.
town’s code enforcement officer.
The proposed office buildings
of the 100-year floodplain of the
The Walkersville Town Com- “They live down there, so they
Monocacy River to allow for the will sit on farmland annexed by
at five-story
their Aug.of- 13 theshould
be able to park
city, something
that is
a conconstruction
of six
meeting, on
are currentto residents
in Walkersville.
fice buildings
Biggs Ford
Road a cern Parking
permits to The
ly town
in front
of the nursof Walkersville
those residents
from endingathome
restricting the
the intersection
of number
of CoandbeBiggs
the permit
the has
and Re- tainof Rock
hours Road
a car can
just a short
in order
to construct
build- Road,
on Frederick
the number
of parked
site. Walkersville High School
ings Street.
and a Issuing
lot 0.3would
miles al- thenearby
low those residents to park on and the
nursing home
Biggs Ford Road and U.S. 15, just ly discussed by the Walkersville
outside the town limits of Walk- commissioners at a recent town
meeting, but no action was taken.
In 2009, the City of Frederick
Since the project is located in a
floodplain the developers must re- began annexing large amounts of
ceive a permit from the Maryland farmland north along U.S. 15 to
Department of the Environment the Biggs Ford intersection for
new homes and businesses. A new
is pro“The
By Sherry Greenfield
application process with our Wet- posed
cepted a bid of $56,750 Ford
lands and Waterways Program,” Road and U.S. 15 to accommoalking
jogging Frederick County Paving to
said Jay Apperson, acting director date the proposed growth. But the
around the Heritage build 3,950 feet of new paths.
of MDE’s Office of Communica- state has not committed any fundParkissued
in Walkersville
public noticewill ing.Money for the project will come
soon be easier
since the
town is “Frederick
in part from
Citytheis state’s
a caseOpen
in December
and several
out will
for a public hearing were received point of a municipalitytown
and willing
to do toward
anyas a paths.
result of that notice. No date control
bring with
in more
tax ofreveor location
has been set for
a hearThe Walkersville
Com- thing
the to
for thecoming
and not
ing missioners,
which will likely
be August
held in 13 nuemoney
at their
a reserve
late February or early March.” ahead for what happens down the
a frequent problem for residents.
“There’s a lot of issues down
what harm
not aneighbors,
huge issue,i.e.
I think they
on 15,
should be able
to park there.”
Commissioner Gary Baker said
else gets in their way of so-called
permitted parking should be for
progress,” said Suzan Thompson,
residents only. Restricted parking
a life-long resident of Walkersville.
should continue
front ofhuge
City in
of agricultural land up to
the “Ivery
of residents
he to
grease the skids to
let out-of-county
venture to
capitalThe council decided
and developers
a formal
vote on move
the permitted
issue when
Commissioner Chad Weddle is in attendance.
er John “Lennie” Thompson, is a
lawyer representing Walkersville
property owners impacted by the
proposed development.
“Why does Frederick City believe more office buildings are
needed on the very periphery of
this currently farmed land, when
of development.
the office buildpark
along Carroll
is definitely
do not appear to have been occuneeded,” Commissioner Debbie
pied since built, in particular the
Zimmerman said. “This will
one closest to the Court House?”
the paths.”
asked. “FrederHeritage
ick City needsFarm
to learn
a very
able lesson: you cannot buildacross
Elementary School,
of debt.”
Project has
have golf
yet course,
to be
a 9-hole
the City
of Frederick’s
baseballto fields,
new barbecue grills, volleyball
courts, and benches at the park
- items the town had not originally
but for.
power for the tem“I
not could
to leave
porary traffic
be put in place until 2013
said. was held off until
has constructed
the following year.
playgrounds throughout FredWith a temporary traferick County, including Woodfic signal and lane closure
sboro, Liberty, North Frederick,
in place, work began in July
Middletown Lincoln, Wolfs2013. Crews completed part
ville and Emmitsburg elemenof phase one during the sumtary schools. They have also
mer of 2013, but the weathbuilt playgrounds for the towns
er and restrictions imposed by
of Thurmont and Emmitsburg,
the U.S. Army Corps of EngiFort Detrick, the Brunswick
neers caused
1 and
and the Middletown
Engineers said
the new
playground at the Woodsboro
for the fish
will notseason,”
restricadult swings or “This
a merry-goround because of the wear and
Walkersville considers
they have a homeowner’s association,” he said. “If somebody has
a complaint
athletics building
atabout a neighbor’s
grass, go to the [homeowner’s asHeritage Farmsociation],”
Parkhe said. “If they have
[an association] that deals with it,
Weddle, who lives on Frederick
Street, was not at the meeting.
On another note, Dewese
said as the town’s code enforcement officer he has been busy
this year investigating complaints
on issues rangSherryresidents
ing from tall grass to snow-covA sidewalks.
new 36-by-90-foot
Dewese said
athletfar this year, he has received 260
ic equipment,
hold wrestling
from residents.
pitchnumber is significantly higher
ing baseballs is proposed for the
than the 120 complaints he reHeritage Farm Park in Walkersceived last year.
who blamed
winThe park’s
badis weather
the rise
the frustration
Valley Athcomes
when residentsbut
to noletic Association,
asked to associause the
first, before
to to
a “They’re
new facility
still coming in even if
Town Manager Gloria Rollins told the Walkersville Town
Commissioners at their January
14 meeting, that a new building for GVAA could cost around
$167,000. But Rollins warned
that costs could change. They
could go
vilions, playground areas, and
Heritage park improvement
tear on the rubber surface. A
child swing suspended off the
ground and pushed by an adult
can be built.
“Swings where kids drag their
feet will only tear the surface
up and create a maintenance
problem,” he said. “A merrygo-round
kids run in the
tion caused
to be
it will
put on hold until June
and Work
be a maintenance
resumed on June
as well.”
“This bridge replacement is
completed Ken
in two
said he was disappointed the
with traffic using one half of the
playground will only have todbridge at a time while the other
dler swings. “My only regret
half is rebuilt,” Keels said. “The
is seeing those older swings go
first phase of the new bridge is
away,” he said. “To me it’s a
complete and traffic was shifted
loss of adult swings.”
onto the newly completed secMeanwhile, Rittelmeyer said
tion on November 12.”
nothing will be built until the
Keels said the second phase of
town has the grant money in
will order
the dehand. “They won’t
a stick
of equipment until we have the of
the other
half of the bridge. The
he said.
Trimmer remain
praisedone lane,
altermeyer for his work on the bid
nate traffic like
until work
to commend
Bill for doing this,” he said.
“He did an excellent job.”
Postal Customer
Postal Customer
and “Quite
it doesn’t
get done,
we I’ll
a clue
of it.”how much it will cost,”
she cut grass is a $100
fine from thesaid
posted on the homeowner’s money
wafrom the state to cover some of
ter bill.
the costs.
“We get our money,” Burgess
After much discussion, comRalph Whitmore said.
missioners approved a motion to
said of the
260 comstart
all but
two have been
The complaint
process is
in constructing
the building.
Commissioner Don Schildt
lone vote
motion saying
he didn’t
he joked.
“But realize
going good.”
and cost nearly $170,000.
Burgess Ralph Whitmore said
it was too early in the project to
start soliciting bids.
Commissioner Debbie Zimmerman
said if approved, the
walking paths.
“I think extended
lot to
be a wonderful addition to the
avoid cutting down any trees.
park,” Commissioner Russell
Winch said.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 100
Westminster, MD
Permit No. 100
From the editor
Greetings to our new readers in
Dearbought. I used to think the
name “Dearbought” had something to do with the price of the
houses located there. Did they pay
dearly? It turns out that in 1755,
John Derr established a 300-acre
farm there that he called Dearbought. I suppose the name still
may reflect the price that John
Derr paid or the sacrifices he
made. Anyway, the addition of the
Dearbought neighborhood brings
our distribution up to 5500 per
month. We started at 3500 back
in October of 2013. We thank all
of our sponsors for making the
paper possible, and we thank our
new sponsors for helping us increase our distribution. Welcome
new readers, we hope you enjoy
the paper.
pH error - We printed an error
in the quarry article last month regarding the effect of lime on the
pH of soil. Lime RAISES the pH
of soil, I wrote the opposite (the
quarry had told me correctly and
informed me of my error). It rais-
es pH mostly because there are
two constituents of lime that add
hydroxyl ions (OH-) and shift
the equilibrium and reduce the
number of hydronium ions (H+
or more accurately H3O+). One
constituent is Ca(OH)2 which
in the presence of water ionizes
and frees the hydroxyls. Another is CaO. This reacts with water as follows: CaO + H2O -> Ca
The definition of pH is the reciprocal logarithm of the hydrogen (or hydronium) ion concentration which is measured in
moles per liter. In pure water the
H+ and OH- concentrations are
equal at 10e-7 which has a logarithm of -7 and the reciprocal
is 7. So pure water has a pH of
7. Adding lime adds OH- which
shifts the equilibrium and consumes some H+. As an example,
if the H+ concentration in pure
water was reduced by a factor
of ten, its concentration would
drop from 10e-7 to 10e-8. That
equates to a pH of 8 and is called
basic or alkaline. A pH of less
than 7 is called acid or acidic.
In summary, adding lime adds
OH- which reduces H+ which
raises the pH. Sorry for the error,
and I hope my lengthy retraction
helped undo any confusion for
struggling students of chemistry.
Government section – Every month, a half page of space
(about 800 words) is made available to every elected official that
represents this paper’s readers.
That goes for the commissioners of Woodsboro and Walkersville all the way to the President
of the United States. Some write,
most don’t, and, no, I did not
actually invite the President to
write, but I’d print his article if
he sent one. Many wrote during
the campaign, now only a few are
writing. The invitation remains.
Please contact your elected representatives if you would like them
to share their thoughts and plans
with us.
Woodsboro Walkersville
P.O.Box 502
Woodsboro, Maryland 21798
Office Number 240-446-9797
Executive Editor: Ken Kellar
English Editors: Barbara Forrester, Sharon Kellar, and Esther Kline
Advisers: Michael Hillman, Marg Mills
Advertising: Sharon Graham, Nathan Carmona
Graphic Design and Layout: Joann Lee
News: Sherry Greenfield
Historian: Daniel Kellar
News and interesting articles are welcome and may be submitted
via regular mail to P.O.Box 502, Woodsboro, MD 21798
or by email to
To arrange advertising contact the editor
Woodsboro armed robbery
The liquor store in Woodsboro was robbed by a white male carrying a
pistol on the evening of Saturday, January 24.
Shooting in Discovery
Sherry Greenfield
A 42-year-old security guard
from Frederick was shot multiple times January 22, while he sat
in his silver Hyundai behind the
Goodwill store in Walkersville’s
Discovery Crossing Shopping
Center, according to the Maryland State Police.
At the time of the shooting, Gerald Campbell was listed in critical condition and had
been taken to R. Adams Cowley
Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore.
December 2014
Monthly Summary for Police Enforcement & Activities
Motor Vehicle
Sherry Greenfield
Accident Report
Assist other Police
Total Collisions:
CDS (narcotics)
Total Violations:
Other Activities
Foot/Bike Patrol
Patrol Check
Juvenile Complaint
(malicious destruction)
Missing Person
Theft / Fraud
Warrant / Summons
Total Calls for Service: 58
was sitting and fired a handgun
through the window, police said.
Maryland State Police, Frederick County Sheriff ’s deputies, and
the Walkersville Volunteer Fire
and Rescue companies responded
to the scene after a 9-1-1 call was
received at around 9:30 p.m. The
shopping center was locked down
and Campbell was transferred out
of the area by helicopter.
Maryland State Police are asking anyone with information to
call the Frederick Barrack at 301600-4151. Callers can remain
Frederick Republicans recommend
Ciliberti for District 4 seat
Walkersville Calls for Service
Criminal &
The suspect was identified by
witnesses as a tall, thin, black
man with facial hair, police
said. He was reportedly wearing
a mask at the time of the shooting.
The shooter walked up to the
silver Hyundai where Campbell
The Frederick County Republican Central Committee has
recommended Barrie Ciliberti
to replace former delegate Kelly
Schulz in District 4A.
Schulz, a Republican, was
named to Gov. Larry Hogan’s
cabinet as Secretary of the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR).
She assumed her new role in January.
Schulz had been a member
of the House of Delegates since
Ciliberti served in the Maryland House of Delegates representing Montgomery County in
the 1990s. He beat out former
delegate Paul Stull of Walkersville
who represented District 4A from
1995 to 2011.
The Republican Central Committee received 21 applications
for the District 4A seat. Of these
21, one person withdrew, another
did not live in the district, and the
third was a Democrat. The committee narrowed the field of 18
down to three finalists, but one
of the three, Christopher D. Glass
Sr., did not show up for the final
interview. This left just Ciliberti
and Stull.
The selection process did not
come without controversy.
The night of the closed-door selection process, some 20 protesters gathered in support of Wendi Peters, who finished fourth in
the June primary election, gaining
601more votes than Ciliberti. Peters was not chosen as one of the
three finalists.
Ciliberti came in fifth of the
five candidates that ran in the primary.
Gov. Larry Hogan must approve Ciliberti’s nomination.
Office buildings from page 1
planning department, city officials
Gary Grossnickle, who farms
over 300 acres in Walkersville, said
taking land from a 100-year-old
floodplain will have serious consequences.
“My concern is that they’re taking 39 acres out of the 100-yearold floodplain,” he said. “The water has to go somewhere else. This
is a big issue. It’s a water issue. I’m
a farmer, and when you displace
water it has to go somewhere else.
I just want to get the word out. I
want the public to know what is going on.”
Thompson said it will have far
reaching effects that will hurt any
productive land, small streams, rivulets and creeks.
“Where do you think this water
will go when this large area is filled
in, as well as all the additional water
from the impervious surface replacing the wetlands?” she asked.
For Walkersville residents looking
to avoid the traffic on Md. 26 and
Md. 194, taking Biggs Ford Road
into town has been another option.
Thompson said development at
the Biggs Ford Road and U.S. 15
intersection, will create a dangerous
situation for drivers.
“Because of the traffic congestion
on Rt. 26 due to all the commercial development allowed by Frederick, the alternative to access 15 to
get to or from Frederick, for many
of us, is Bigg’s Ford, an at grade intersection that is not optimally as
safe as it should be at present,” she
said. “Adding this much more traffic is insane.”
One hundred years ago this month
February 1, 1915
Walkersville – Mrs. J. Harry
Kling of Walkersville entertained
at “500” from 2 to 5 o’clock at her
home, Friday evening. Delicious
refreshments were served. Those
present were: Mesdames Claude
Hargett of Frederick, Maryland;
Maynard Dudrear and Harry Dorcus of Woodsboro; Carroll Smith,
Joseph Long, Thomas Saylor,
Franklin Harshman, and Edgar
Feaster all of Walkersville; Misses
Emma Kling of Woodsboro; Catherine Burrier, Catherine Cramer,
Nannie Smith, and Annie Hamsburg of Walkersville.
Blockade - Once again British
interest in the military activities on
the continent has been overshadowed momentarily by the fact that
Germany has brought the combat
to Great Britain’s front door. What
is regarded here as the new German
policy of the submarine blockade
of British ports. Two British merchantmen torpedo by the Germans
near Belfast are the largest commercial vessels that have yet fallen victim to German submarines;
the three ships sunk in the Irish Sea
were all small coasters.
February 2
Fierce fighting, Heavy losses Renewal of a fierce offensive by the
Germans in the region near Warsaw has led to some of the heaviest fighting in the war in the East
thus far. The Germans succeeded in capturing Russian trenches about 30 miles west of Warsaw,
but with losses that are described as
enormous. On a front less than a
mile long, more than 6,000 Germans are said to have been killed
in a week.
February 4
Five Total Two Thousand Five
Hundred and Ninety-three Pounds
– Charles Strine is laying claims to
being the champion hog raiser of
Walkersville. Yesterday J. C. Nusbaum butchered five porkers for
him. Their weight totaled 2.593
pounds, their respective weights
being 63l, 540, 486, 468, and 468
pounds. They were of the Hampshire breed. 16 months old, and are
claimed to be the largest butchered
in Walkersville this winter. More
than 50 friends and relatives attended the butchering and the dinner, which Mr. Strine gave, following the killing.
February 5
Deaf Man Struck by Traction
Car - Battered about the chest
and back and with numerous
bruises, small cuts and scratches over his body, Benjamin Green,
of near Catoctin, and between
Catoctin and Thurmont about
10:20 o’clock crawled from under
the big Thurmont division car of
the Hagerstown and Frederick
Railway company, considerably
more frightened than injured.
Green had been run down by a
train leaving Frederick shortly
before 10 o’clock and in charge
of Conductor Kefauver and Motorman Horine. Through the
presence of mind of the motorman, Green made a marvelous
escape from being ground beneath the wheels of the car.
The trainmen assisted Green
to the car, made him as comfortable as possible and continued the run of about a mile to
Thurmont. Dr. M. A. Birely was
summoned and met the train.
He made a hurried examination of the injuries of the man
and suggested that he be sent to
the Frederick City Hospital. Last
night it was reported that Green
was doing nicely.
Green owes his present condition to his deafness and to trespassing on the lines of the railway company. Passengers on the
train declared last night the siren
was sounded a dozen times. At
one time, the man edged toward
the side of the track, but just as
the car came near walked directly to the center of the tracks.
By this time, the motorman
had become puzzled by the queer
actions of the man. The thought
that Green was deaf never once
entered his mind. As a precautionary measure, the car was
kept under the best of control,
and when the man was struck, it
was brought to a standstill within a distance of four feet.
Green was partly from under
the car when the trainmen and
the passengers had flocked from
the car. He was suffering from
intense fright. The realization of
his narrow escape had just been
forced home by his presence
under the axles of the car. The
trainmen took him in charge.
Conversation between Green,
the trainmen and the physician
was conducted by the sign language. Green insisted that he
was badly hurt.
The physician said last night
that unless there are some internal injuries that did not show up
I the first examination, Green’s
recovery will be quick.
February 6
Attack planned on British Transports – Neutral shipping today received a new warning from the
German admiralty. Vessels approaching continental ports were
advised to track north of Scotland
into the North sea to avoid being
sunk by mistake by German submarines, which are said to be operating off the western and northern
coasts of France. According to this
latest official statement, Great Britain is on the verge of sending numerous troops and large quantities
of war material to France. Against
these transports, Germany proposes to proceed with all of the means
of warfare at the country’s disposal.
The German public received
this latest communication from
the Admiralty with fresh evidences of approval. Berlin newspapers announced that it practically amounted to a blockade of the
French coast, as last night’s decree
warning neutral shippers away
from British waters was heralded
as virtually a blockade of England.
Both measures, it was declared,
were advanced steps in the carrying
out of the new German submarine
policy advocated by Admiral von
Forty Hood College Students to
go to York and Hanover on Concert Tour – Forty Hood College
students, members of the glee club,
will leave Frederick on Monday afternoon for York and Hanover, Pa.,
on their mid-winter concert tour
for the benefit of the building fund
of the college. Miss Grace Burnap,
is musical director, of the club. A
concert will be given in York, Pa.,
on Monday evening and on Tuesday evening the second concert
will be given in Hanover. Many
students of the college come from
that section of Pennsylvania.
A tidy sum of money will likely be realized from this tour. This
money is being applied to the
building fund, in which the students of all the class take interest. This year the membership of
the club has been almost doubled.
Some fine concerts will be given.
The best talent of the conservato-
ry of music has been signed up in
this club.
February 8
All Three Judges Against Suffrage – The Jefferson Grange, at
its regular meeting Saturday afternoon, diverged from agriculture
discussion and took up the question of Woman Suffrage. There
was a debate on the National
Amendment, in which the negative side won, the judges voting
unanimously in their favor. The
negative team was composed of
William B. Doty, of Jefferson, and
Professor Sydney S. Stahler, of the
Boys’ High School. The alternative team was composed of Professor William T. Mahoney of the
Boys’ High School and Miss Edna
Keller, of Hood College.
Professor Mahoney, the first
speaker for the affirmative, contended that woman is equal to
man intellectually, and because
of this fact and that she pays taxes on property should have a right
to vote.
Mr. Doty, the first speaker on
the negative team maintained that
it would be degrading to women
to have suffrage and argued that
their proper sphere is in the home.
Professor Stahler, the second
speaker for the negative, declared
that there is no necessity for women’s suffrage as the women are well
represented at the polls by their
husbands, brothers, and sons, and
that the leaders of the suffrage
movement do not represent the
best element of womanhood.
“They are good homemakers,”
he declared. He argued that the
states of the South should not
have suffrage forced upon them,
when the women don’t want it.
He told of a town in Missouri
where the men voted in woman
suffrage in order to obtain enough
votes to incorporate the town and
at the first election after this was
done only one woman voted, a negress.
He declared “that the leaders of
the movement are northern and
western women agitators who are
trying to cram woman suffrage
down the throats of the Southern
women who do not want it.”
Miss Edna Keller, of Hood College, was the last speaker for the
affirmative side. She used most of
her allotted time in refusing the
statements of the negative. She
argued that the “old maids and
disappointed women—who the
negative claimed make up the majority of the suffragists—could
better their condition if they had a
chance to cast a ballot, as they are
the best ones to judge how to better their conditions.”
February 9
The Administration’s view of
the hoisting of the American flag
on the British steamer Lusitania
is that the use of other flags by
ships of nations at war is such a
customary practice that no formal
protest could be made, but that it
will send to Great Britain a note
pointing out the dangers to neutral shipping which may follow if
such a practice is continued.
Regarding the establishment of
a war zone by Germany around
the British Isles. The president
takes the view that the war zone
proclamation by Germany does
not constitute a blockade, but
simply a warning. The president
himself said the action by Congress could not control the use
of the American flag by foreign
ships and that the restrictions of
such practices would have to come
from international agreements.
February 10
Woodsboro – The Missionary society of St. Johns Reformed
Church, Woodsboro, the Rev. Ernest Weaver, pastor, met last evening and elected officers. Miss
Nanie Shaw was chosen president;
Mrs. J. P. Fetser, vice-president;
Glenn Cramer, secretary; Miss
Cora Hardy, assistant secretary;
Mrs. D. A. Sharetts, treasurer.
The annual missionary service
will be held next Sunday evening,
when the pastor will make an address and an interesting program
will be rendered.
From the desk of County Executive Jan Gardner
Making Charter Government Work
As I write this column, we are
six weeks into our new form of
charter government. As Frederick
County’s first county executive, I
am charged with making sure the
transition to charter government
happens smoothly and that county
government provides efficient and
effective services to its citizens.
I have appointed an 8 member transition team comprised of
people with experience in government and in business. The transition team is charged with evaluating the organization and structure
of county government as well as
the county executive’s office. The
transition team is meeting with
county division directors and other
staff members to gather information, understand agency functions,
and review their effectiveness. The
transition team has met with county executives from other counties
including former Howard County Executive Ken Ulman, former
Montgomery County Executive
Doug Duncan, and current Cecil County Executive Tari Moore.
The charter requires the county executive to present an organizational plan for county government and
the report from the transition team
will inform the organizational
plan. County Administrator Doug
Browning and I are also doing our
own internal review.
I have created Leadership Teams
in four issue areas – education,
jobs, human needs, and seniors –
to identify goals, objectives, and
desired outcomes in these issue ar-
eas which will then form the foundation of a four year plan for my
administration. These teams consist of 12 to 15 issue experts and
stakeholders who are brainstorming ideas and objectives. The Leadership Teams will hold public
meetings in the month of February to hear public input and gather additional ideas. The final report
from the Leadership Teams will
be publicly presented by the end
of February. The members of the
Leadership Teams are very jazzed
about creating plans and priorities
in education, job creation, aging,
and human needs. I am grateful for
their commitment to our community.
To ensure good communication and a functional relationship with the County Council, I
meet with Council President Bud
Otis and Council Vice-President
M.C. Keegan-Ayer on a weekly
basis. This allows an opportunity
to discuss issues and to make sure
the council has the information it
needs to make decisions.
We are working hard to establish
a new, positive tone in county government and to show our support
and appreciation for county employees and the great work they do
each and every day. Council President Otis and I are touring county
agencies and departments to meet
with employees and thank them
for all they do to make sure you,
the citizens of Frederick County,
receive exceptional public services.
We want a positive and productive
My first legislative initiative is ethics reform. During the
campaign, I heard a lot of concerns about county business being conducted outside the public
view and outside the public interest. To restore trust in government, I am appointing an ethics taskforce to review our ethics
ordinance, strengthen conflict of
interest provisions, and make recommendations on the creation of
an independent ethics commission. Elected officials must be held
to the highest standard of behavior
and there will be discussion about
adding provisions for a professional code of conduct for elected officials. Ethics reform is a top priority.
I have had the privilege of attending opening day of the legislative session in Annapolis and the
inauguration of our new governor
Larry Hogan. As Frederick County Executive, I was honored to attend a VIP reception, sit on the
stage for the swearing in, and meet
many well-known people including Archbishop Lori, New Jersey
Governor Chris Christie, and incoming cabinet Secretaries. Legislative initiatives in the state session
will be focused on the budget. I
am hopeful that Governor Hogan
will live up to his campaign prom-
ise to restore highway user revenue which is our local share of the
gas tax. Our local share of the gas
tax, almost $15 million, has been
shifted to balance the state general
fund budget. I also expect legislation on charter schools, expansion
of casino night gambling for fraternal organizations, and changes
to local liquor laws.
Initial challenges also include
balancing the county budget. Unfortunately, I have inherited a budget deficit as a result of irresponsible spending from the outgoing
administration. Ongoing expenditures were approved from one-time
sources of money including spending from reserve funds. I will address this structural deficit immediately and will focus spending
on core services like education
and public safety. I would make
sure development pays its way
and is no longer subsidized by
the taxpayers. I will put our fiscal
house back in order and will do
so without raising taxes.
I am grateful to the citizens
of Frederick County for putting their trust in me and giving
me the opportunity to serve our
community as Frederick County’s
first county executive. I pledge
honest and open government, fiscal responsibility, and the delivery of efficient and effective services. Our best days are ahead.
From the desk of Frederick County
Council President Bud Otis
Well things look like they
are beginning to pickup for the
Council. When the charter was
approved, it did not have any rules
to suggest to us how the Council
was to run. After five drafts, we
were able to approve a set of rules
that are now in place. This is going to make it easier on all of us
as we now know what is expected of us and how the council is to
conduct its business. One of the
items that was approved is that as
the President of the Council, it is
my responsibility to set the agendas for the Council meetings.
When I was Chairman of
the Ethics Commission for the
County, I felt that some of the
ethics rules needed to be changed.
County Executive Jan Gardner
and I are working on setting up
a citizens commission to study
how the ethic rules for the County can be improved to bring a
clearer and better way of setting
up the Ethics Commission in the
future. If you would like to serve
on the Citizens Commission,
contact Joyce Grossnickle at the
Frederick County office and she
will add you to the list to be considered for this important Commission.
The Council is beginning to fill
out the staff that will be needed to
assist in the work of the Council.
With the County Budget coming in March, we are looking for
a contract budget officer to advise
the Council on the budget that we
will be receiving from the County Executive. We will be going
through the budget line by line as
it is your money we are spending.
We will be receiving less money
from the State of Maryland according to the budget forecast
provided by our new Governor
Larry Hogan. We were already
expecting a short fall of three million dollars and now with another short fall of an additional three
million from the State of Maryland we are looking for ways of
trimming the Frederick County government. This means that
everyone is going to have to be
ready to do the same with less. A
tax increase is out of the question
so we all have some hard work
ahead of us.
I am reaching out to the various
departments of the County to let
them know that I care about them
and the work they do for you and
me. This past week I visited the
Parks and Recreation Department
and the Election Board. They are
in the same complex so I was able
to visit both departments. Wow,
do we ever have a great staff running these departments! I had
no idea how many programs the
Parks and Recreation Department
put on and plan for us. Thousands of you avail yourself of our
wonderful parks and recreational
fields. We have some of the finest in the Country; I hope you get
out this summer and see what you
have right here in your backyard!
I also visited the Department
of Aging, and I was floored by
how many meals on wheels we
are providing to those in need in
our County. I have asked for the
figures on the service this department is providing. I am planning
on an article just on the service
that we are giving to those in need
in our county. The staff was wonderful and caring, just like someone you would like visiting you in
your home. I was really glad they
gave me a tour; I will never forget them or the people they serve.
As a county, we will be judged by
how we care for those in need. I
know you want us to pass this test,
and I am committed to seeing that
we do.
From the desk of Thurmont Town Commissioner Marty Burns
Michael Hough’s continuing politics of deceit
District 4 residents. Do you
think your vote counts? Well of
course you do, but the Frederick County Republican Central
Committee (FCRCC) doesn’t.
You see Governor Larry Hogan
appointed Delegate Schulz to his
cabinet as Secretary of the Department of Labor, Licensing and
Regulations, which left her Delegate seat vacated. As the law
would have it, the County Central Committee makes the nomination to fill her seat. Because she
was a Republican it’s the County
Republican Central Committee
who appoints her replacement.
Because the election ink isn’t
dry yet the respectful/honorable
thing should have been to appoint the next highest republican vote recipient. That is if you
care about the voters. However
the FCRCC doesn’t care about
voters, which means they don’t
care about you, they only care
about what Senator Michael
Hough wants. He’s bought them
lock, stock, and barrel and be
dammed what the voters want.
Senator Hough’s wife is the
chairman of the FCRCC, his
children’s godparent is on the
Carroll County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC). He
doesn’t like Delegate Schulz, Senator Brinkley, or Wendi Peters
and because they wouldn’t form
an alliance with him and Delegate Kathy Afzali, they went on
one of the most vicious, libelous political attacks I’ve ever seen
against all three and put two other names on his “slate”. He crucified and vilified Schulz, Brinkley,
and Peters and it worked for two
of them. Only after Kelly Schulz
won the primary did he put her
name on his signs.
Mr. Hough had a conversation
with Wendi Peters where she told
him he could unite the party, and
more importantly honor the voters, but he guaranteed her she
wouldn’t get the appointment.
Although the Frederick County
Farm Bureau supported Wendi
Peters during the election, Senator Hough strong-armed them to
choose someone else to support.
When he heard the Governor
was considering Senator Brinkley for a cabinet post, he lobbied hard against it. He was
heard saying he doesn’t need to
listen to anyone because he got
60% of the vote. His wife went
to the CCRCC and told them
that their vote didn’t count because they were so small and that
they should just accept the decision of the FCRCC. They have
blocked Republican voters from
posting on their facebook page
who oppose their view or are critical of their decisions, they have
even blocked elected officials
from posting on their page too.
They are elected officials, yet they
are preventing their constituents
from expressing their views. If
that doesn’t scare you, it should.
Three candidates made it to
the FCRCC short list. One can-
didate that made the top three
was so upset at the process that
he withdrew from consideration.
However, the FCRCC lied to everyone and said he simply failed
to show up for the 2nd interview. That my friends was a lie.
We don’t need this kind of
politician nor his bought and
paid for minions on the FCRCC
representing us, they don’t care
about district 4, They only care
to retain the support of Mr.
Hough’s “Political Machine”
and use it and his money to help
them in future elections in four
years. They have literally prostituted themselves for his support
and don’t dare go against that.
Senator Hough is a Congressman Mooney’s “Minnie me”
who took the Mooney playbook
and played it to a “T” against
Schulz, Brinkley and Peters. Unfortunately, most people bought
it. Heck they’re even going after
the most popular elected official
in Frederick County, Sherriff
Chuck Jenkins. Evidently there
are some extremely interesting
emails between Delegate Afzali
and Sherriff Jenkins.
Thankfully our dear Governor
threw them an impressive curve
ball by telling all of them that he
wasn’t satisfied with their candidate selection process. It’s clear
this Governor is a principled
leader who has heard all of the
garbage taking place and he has
decided he’s not going to play by
their dirty rules. He wants clean,
open, and transparent processes with regard to issues like this
and hopefully everything else he
does. The interesting thing will
be to see what the FCRCC does
next. Honor the voters? Unite
the party? Or tick off our new
Governor? Whatever they decide, one thing is clear Michael
Hough isn’t the leader of the Republican Party, Governor Larry
Hogan is.
From the desk of County Councilman Kirby Delauter
So far on the new county council, we are just getting set up and
organized for how this new form
of government will work here in
Frederick County. We’ve worked
to appoint council members to
boards and commissions. I have
taken the roads board and the
agriculture business committee
among a few.
One appointment by County Executive Gardner that caught
my attention was the hiring of a
new staff position for a so-called
“liaison“ position to the board of
education. This is a newly created position paying somewhere
from $41,000 to $50,000 annually. My thought was, and still is,
why hire someone for this position when during all previous administrations a member of the
county commissioners has held
that position? In our current situation with a new county council,
we have two very intelligent and
involved teachers on the council
that could have easily taken that
role at no added cost to the taxpayer. In my opinion, this is not
a good start to showing fiscal responsibility of taxpayer dollars.
On with the business of the
council; recently we discussed an
issue that was on the table from
the last board of commissioners, of
which I was a member. This item
is known as TDR’s or “Transferrable Development Rights”. This
is a mechanism where farmers can
have another tool by which to
keep the family farm intact without borrowing additional funds or
selling off the majority of the farm
in order to survive.
Let me show you a real life example of the basic premise of a
TDR agreement. We had this
example given to us at a recent
council meeting. Farm “A” is in
the Thurmont area in a rural setting with no other R-1 (residential) zoning close by. We had a
young farmer that wished to purchase this 220-acre farm in order
to do just that, farm it. This farm
had 18 development rights recorded which increased the value
of this farm by several million dollars which placed the farm value
far out of the reach of the young
The owner of farm “A” has another farm (farm “B”) outside of
Frederick that is adjacent to R-1
zoned land. He wants to “transfer
the development rights from his
farm “A” to his farm “B” where
growth is more relevant. In doing
this he will give up his right to develop farm “A” which will reduce
the value of farm “A” by several
million dollars and bring it into a
range where the young farmer can
afford the farm for farming purposes. The farm “B” then goes
up in value and the swap of developable lots takes place, which
is a straight “wash” even up trade.
No more lots have been created;
they have just been “transferred”
to a more desirable location while
allowing a young farmer to enter
the industry for the sole purpose
of the intended use, farming.
We have in the past, during my
tenure as a county commissioner,
tried to give farmers more tools to
make it viable to stay in farming
and not have to sell the farm to
survive. We lobbied the state for
relaxed inheritance laws; we also made it easier for farms to sell
their products on the farm such
as marketing their eggs, milk, and
even ice cream. We’ve made it easier to produce wineries and tasting
rooms on the farm as well. All of
this has been on the table from the
farm/ag community; it just took
some common sense approaches to get it to become a reality.
TDR’s are no different, it’s just
another tool for a young farmer to
remain just that, a farmer, and it
allows an opportunity for an older retiring farmer to move his assets and plan better for retirement
without “ giving up the farm”.
societies. The Italian Premier has
held almost daily conferences with
his Ministry of war, the results of
which have been placing of the entire Italian army on a war footing.
The Italian public is insisting that
the country regained territory now
held by Austria.
The leader of the Boer rebellion
in South Africa has been executed by the Germans for treachery.
The Boers have been supported by
the Germans in the German state
of Southwest Africa since the outbreak of the war in Europe. Having suffered a series of defeats at the
hands of British troops, the Boar
leader sought to make peace with
Britain. When the Germans heard
of the peace overtures, the leader of
the Boers was taken into custody
and immediately executed.
the settlers moved to Maryland and
took up a grant of land in the vicinity of what is now Walkersville.
“Yes, sir,” said Mr. Cramer. “I
have been a Democrat all my life,
and my ancestors have been Democrats since the Revolutionary
Mr. Cramer is widely known
through the county and city. He
has many relatives and friends.
100 years ago continued from page 3
Flag used to protect shipping
-Another instance of the use of the
American flag by a British steamer
was reported today by passengers
on the Orduna. The Orduna is said
to have flown the American flag
while crossing the Irish sea. The
explanation which the passengers
said they received was that a German submarine was in the vicinity and the American flag had been
raised for the purpose of protecting
the American citizens among the
240 passengers.
The battle in the Carpathians,
which is to decide whether the
Russians will be able to force it’s
way over the mountains and invade Hungary or driven back to
the northward, apparently is as far
from a decision as it any time since
the Austrians, with their German
reinforcements launch a counter attack. Each of the opposing
armies has won its minor victories
but neither has been able to gain
sufficient headway to place the other definitely on the defensive.
Meanwhile the Russian invasion
on East Prussia has been checked.
It is stated that the Germans are
once again on the offensive and
have defeated the invading Russian
Resolutions in favor of joining
the allies in the European war have
during the past two days been adopted by more than 2,000 Italian
February 13
Democrat Enters Race for Position of Register of Wills – Ezra
L. Cramer, Walkersville, a lifelong
president of Frederick county, and
a staunch Democrat, has formally
announced his candidacy for Register of Wills of the county subject
to the primary election. This is the
first time that Mr. Cramer has aspired to public office. Mr. Cramer is a lineal descendant of a family that settled in America at about
the beginning of the seventeenth
century. A short time later one of
February 18
Diamonds Out-roll Linganore –
The Diamonds took two matches
from the Linganore team on the
Diamond alleys last night. This afternoon the Diamonds will roll the
Adamstown team at Adamstown in
Poverty, heroin, government
Anthony Daniels, Writer and
Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale
I worked for 15 years as a doctor
and psychiatrist in a general hospital in a poor area of a British city
and in the prison next door, where
I was on duty one night in three.
The really dangerous people were
in the hospital, perhaps because
of the presence in the prison next
door of very large uniformed men
who exerted a strangely calming effect on the prisoners. In the hospital, I personally examined many
thousands of patients who had attempted suicide or at least made a
suicidal gesture (not quite the same
thing of course). They were overwhelmingly from poor homes, and
each patient told me of the lives of
the three, four, or five people closest to them, and I spoke to many
of those people as well. I could not,
of course, have spoken to so many
people, and heard about so many
others, without some general im-
pressions forming themselves in
my mind. One abiding impression
was of the violence of their lives,
particularly that between the sexes—largely the consequence of the
fluidity of relations between the
sexes—and also of the devastating
effect of prevalent criminality upon
the quality of daily existence.
Before I did this work, I had
spent a number of years working
as a doctor in Africa and in other places in the Third World. I also crossed Africa by public transport and consequently saw much
of that continent from the bottom
up. These experiences also helped
me in my understanding of what
I was later to see in England. All
judgment is comparative; or as
Kipling said, “What should they
know of England who only England know?” Indeed, what should
anyone know of anywhere, who
only that place knows?
On my return to England, I used
to visit the homes of poor people
as part of my medical duties. Bear
in mind that I had returned from
some of the poorest countries in
the world, where—in one case—
a single hen’s egg represented luxury and the people wore the castoff clothes of Europe that had been
donated by charity. When
I returned to England, I was naturally inclined to think of poverty in absolute rather than in relative terms—as people not having
enough to eat, having to fetch water from three miles away, and so
forth. But I soon ceased to think of
it in that fashion.
In the course of my duties, I
would often go to patients’ homes.
Everyone lived in households with
a shifting cast of members, rather than in families. If there was an
adult male resident, he was generally a bird of passage with a residence of his own somewhere else.
He came and went as his fancy
took him. To ask a child who
his father was had become an almost indelicate question. Sometimes the child would reply, “Do
you mean my father at the moment?” Others would simply shake
their heads, being unwilling to talk
about the monster who had begot
them and whom they wished at all
costs to forget.
By the time they are 15 or 16,
twice as many children in Britain have a television as have a biological father living at home.
Few homes were without televisions with screens as large as a cinema—sometimes more than one—
and they were never turned off, so
that I often felt I was examining
someone in a cinema rather than
in a house. But what was curious
was that these homes often had
no means of cooking a meal, or
any evidence of a meal ever having
been cooked beyond the use of a
microwave, and no place at which
a meal could have been eaten in a
family fashion. The pattern of eating in such households was a kind
of foraging in the refrigerator, as
and when the mood took, with
the food to be consumed sitting
in front of one of the giant television screens. Not surprisingly, the
members of such households were
often enormously fat.
Surveys have shown that a fifth
of British children do not eat a
meal more than once
a week with another member of
their household, and many homes
do not have a dining table. This
pattern is concentrated in the lower reaches of society where so elementary but fundamental a means
of socialization is now unknown.
Here I should mention in passing
that in my hospital, the illegitimacy rate of the children born in it,
except for those of Indian- subcon-
tinental descent, was approaching
100 percent.
It was in the prison that I first
realized I should listen carefully,
not only to what people said, but
to the way that they said it. I noticed, for example, that murderers
who had stabbed someone always
said of the fatal moment that “the
knife went in.” This was an interesting locution, because it implied
that it was the knife that guided
the hand rather than the hand that
guided the knife. It is clear that this
locution serves to absolve the culprit, at least in his own mind, from
his responsibility for his act. It also
seeks to persuade the listener that
the culprit is not really guilty, that
something other than his decisions
led to the death of the victim. This
was so even if the victim was a man
against whom the perpetrator was
known to have a serious grudge,
and whom he sought out at the
other side of the city having carried
a knife with him.
The human mind is a subtle instrument, and something more
than straightforward lying was going on here. The culprit both believed what he was saying and
knew perfectly well at the same
time that it was nonsense. No
doubt this kind of bad faith is not
unique to the type of people I encountered in the hospital and the
prison. In Shakespeare’s King Lear,
Edmund, the evil son of the Earl of
Gloucester, says:
“This is the excellent foppery of
the world: that when we are sick in
fortune—often the surfeit of our
own behaviour—we make guilty
of our disasters the sun, the moon,
and the stars, as if we were villains
by necessity; fools by heavenly
compulsion; knaves, thieves, and
treachers, by spherical predominance; drunkards, liars, and adulterers, by an enforced obedience of
planetary influence; and all that we
are evil in, by a divine thrusting on.
An admirable evasion of whoremaster man, to lay his goatish disposition to the charge of a star!”
In other words, it wasn’t me.
This passage points, I think, to
an eternal and universal temptation of mankind to blame those of
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Family room
Love is …
Chandra Bolton
At a recent funeral for a friend
of mine, her brother told us all
how much he hated cauliflower
until one year at Christmas, my
friend made a cauliflower casserole. It was absolutely delicious.
Her brother ended by saying that
his sister helped everyone she
met become something wonderful, just as she had changed yucky
cauliflower into something delicious. She did it by reaching out
in love to those around her. This
got me to thinking about the nature of love.
A teenage boy was recently overheard talking about setting objectives for dating his girlfriend. He felt that this would
ensure that he got what he wanted out of the relationship. His
appalled listener responded, “So
you are using her as an object, a
tool to give you what you want?
But she’s a human being.”
That conversation brought to
mind the song from a ‘70’s rock
opera. In the song I Don’t Know
How to Love Him, a woman sings
of the ways to try to control her
relationship with a man. She has
no experience with the type of
love my friend’s brother spoke
about. First she sings, “Should I
bring him down?” hoping to use
power, physical or emotional. Or
perhaps she should “… scream
and shout …” If I am angry, he
will try to placate me by giving
me what I ask. Next she thinks
about using emotional blackmail: “Should I speak of love …”
forcing him to respond in kind.
There are so many ways to try to
manipulate others, focusing on
what we perceive our own needs
to be and using other people to
fill those needs. But is it love?
Sounds more like the bargaining
in a business transaction. Her last
Chandra’s father loving and enjoying the simple love of his great-grandson (Photo Mischa Bolton)
option was honesty “… let my
feelings out.” Not trying to control his response, but allowing
him the freedom to choose. Love
that is not freely chosen isn’t really love.
Modern Valentine’s Day traditions center on romance. The
historical Saint Valentine was less
about feelings and more about
commitment. Living at a time
when both Christianity and the
marriage of young people were
illegal, Valentine fulfilled his
priestly vows by performing marriages secretly. Eventually caught,
condemned and imprisoned, he
continued to help those around
him. The legend has it that he
cured his jailor’s young daugh-
ter of blindness. Before his execution, he wrote encouraging letters to her, signing them “from
your Valentine.” Thus began the
custom of sending cards to those
we care about on his feast day.
There is that hope and lovely feeling in the beginning of the
relationship, but suffering will
come. Valentine’s life illustrates
this. Love is only love if it perseveres. Though not all of us will
be beaten and beheaded, as Valentine was, for sticking to our
vows, we each have some suffering to do. Even if it is only smiling as our spouse tells that story for the 87th time, biting our
tongue when they eat the last
cookie or forget a chore. When I
burn dinner my husband assures
me that he likes his food crispy.
Forgiveness is a constant expression of love. When we allow
others to choose, they will inevitably, on occasion, choose things
that annoy and frustrate us, or
at least hurt our feelings. Trying
to accept that our pain was not
the point, just an unanticipated
side effect, requires maturity and
a willingness to let go. Ultimately, doing what’s right is the first
requirement of love. Whether
that is giving up our own wants
to provide for another’s needs,
spending time to figure out what
would be best for them, or occasionally saying ‘No’, loving other
people isn’t for the faint of heart.
Thinking all these deep
thoughts, I decided it was time
to make a cup of tea. Then my
grandson got up from his nap.
He toddled sleepily into the
kitchen, and, seeing me, held up
his arms in the universal pickme-up gesture. Snuggling his
warm, pink cheeks up against
my face, he sighed and smiled.
It turns out that love is the smile
and the sparkling eyes of a trusting grandchild happy just to be
with you, content in your arms,
needing only a hug (and the
occasional graham cracker) to
be perfectly at peace with the
render. The Russians are still being
pressed further eastward.
It is believed but the re-occurrence of the general German offensive in the western theater depends largely upon the outcome
other present eastern situation.
Opinion here if divided whether
the Germans are planning a great
invasion of Russia or whether their
chief desire is simply to free Austrian territory of Russian forces and
make secure their lines in central in
northern Poland.
about April 1. The purchasers of
Mr. Stimmell’s business are Messrs.
Troxell and Angell, of Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Troxell is a son and
Mr. Angell, a son-in-law, of near
Loys, both having for some years
been working in Philadelphia.
sank in the shallow coastal waters.
The second Zeppelin was on patrol duty over the North Sea when
the weight of snow on the envelope
caused the airship to sink to the surface of the water.
100 years ago continued from page 5
the afternoon and from there will
go to Brunswick, where they will
roll a match against the Brunswick
Y.M.C.A. team.
February 17
War Zone Surrounds England
-At the stroke of midnight the waters surrounding the United Kingdom will become a war zone,
which all vessels, neutral or otherwise, will penetrate at their peril.
Some of the services across the
channel probably will be curtailed
but a majority of neutral shipping
lines will be at the risk they continue to sail it. The names and nationality of the vessels and the flags of
nations will be painted on the sides
in hopes that the German submarines was not sink them by mistake.
England announcements details
of her retaliatory policy of the German blockade by saying she plans
too shut off all German food supply from the outside. It is obvious
to all that the mutual blockades
are becoming the most threatening
situations of the war and have to
potential of drawing in many currently neutral countries, like the
United States, into what is currently a European war.
Berlin is again celebrating the
success of Field Marshal von Hindenburg, as further details of the
East Prussian operations are received. 50,000 Russian prisoners
have been taken when the Russian
10th army, consisting of 11 infantry and several cavalry divisions,
was encircled and forced to sur-
February 19
Will Move to Walkersville –
Mr. John W. Stimmell, who for
a number of years has been conducting business at Loys Station,
has disposed of his warehouse and
store and will move to Walkersville
February 19
First blow struck - Germany has
struck the first blow since her war
zone decree went into effect. A German submarine torpedoed without
warning the French steamer Dinorah in the English Channel. The
Dinorah did not sink but was safely towed into port. No mention is
made of loss of any of her crew.
A second German airship has
been wrecked off the coast of
Jutland. Zeppelin L3 exploded
Wednesday and another zeppelin
February 20
Town will have Electric Lights
– Walkersville property owners are
enthusiastic over the prospect of
having electric lights in that town.
From authoritative source, it was
reported last night that the contract for the extension of the lines
of the lighting department of the
Hagerstown and Frederick Railway
company into Walkersville may be
signed at any time. It is likely that
the lines of the railway company
Midwinter magic
Charissa Roberson
I knelt on the carpet, my face
pressed against the window and
my breath forming misty clouds
on the glass. White, fluffy snow
was drifting down from the sky.
The trees were already coated with
the fine powder; their bare limbs
were traced with silver. The sky, a
soft gray, descended like a blanket
over the earth.
I leapt to my feet and ran down
to the front door, throwing on my
big winter coat and tugging on a
pair of boots. The bells strung to
the door handle jangled wildly as I
flung the door open and bounced
out onto the driveway. The air was
icy, chilling my fingers and nose.
Beneath my boots, the pavement
was spread with several inches of
pure, undisturbed snow. I tipped
my head back, looking up towards
the sky. The falling snow blurred
and merged with the gray clouds,
finally breaking free into visibility
as it floated downwards. Timidly,
I opened my mouth. A huge, cold
snowflake landed inside and melted on my tongue. I held up my
hands, letting the snow caress my
fingers with its cold touch. Everything was quiet and still. I found
myself moving and speaking softly, the snow like a cloak of silence
muffling the air.
Behind me, the door opened
again. My parents and my sister stepped out onto the porch,
bundled in coats and scarves. As
they emerged into the crisp coldness, they gazed about them in
awe at the delicate veil that had
been drawn across our world. We
couldn’t wait to explore it further.
My mother tossed me a pair of mittens, and while I pulled them on
over my chilled fingers, my father
led the way down the snowy road.
We walked unhurriedly, our heads
turning this way and that to see
the wonders displayed all around
us: the silver trees, the white carpet
of the hills, the mountains vague
against the gray horizon. The soft
snow still fell around us dusting
our hair and coats with the lacy
white particles.
We turned onto the trail that led
down to the lake, the snow crunching beneath our feet. High above
us, squirrels skittered through the
trees, leaping from limb to limb
and sending puffs of snow showering down. We saw a few winter birds, their feathers fluffed up
against the cold, hopping across
the snowy ground. Their tiny
clawed feet left thin little marks
behind them. Already dozens of
tracks crossed and crisscrossed over
the snow: birds, squirrels, mice,
bunnies, even deer. While we were
still abed, the wild world had been
up and busy.
I gazed upwards, lost in thought,
watching the snow-laden lattice of branches passing by overhead. Thump! I jumped as something cold and wet exploded on
my shoulder. Whirling, I saw my
big sister lower her arm, laughing. I grinned wickedly. The fight
was on. I scooped up a handful of
snow, realizing at once that it was
the perfect snowball snow: just
slightly damp and perfectly moldable. Hurling the projectile at my
sister, I immediately ducked as she
sent one flying back. I fled behind
a tree, panting, and gathered more
ammunition. Out of the corner
of my eye, I saw my sister sneaking up with an armful of snow. I
turned before she could throw her
load and tossed my own handful
of snowflakes at her. She dropped
the snow with a startled giggle and
dashed at me. I shrieked, knowing
that retribution was coming. My
clunky boots shushed across the
coldness as I fled to the end of the
But then we arrived, and our
grievances were instantly forgotten. The frozen lake spread out
before us, its sandy shores transformed into beds of white down.
The solid water was like clouded
glass, brushed with the newly fallen snow.
My sister and I exchanged a
glance. Laughing, we both ran
down the hill towards the frozen
lake. I dashed across the snowy
sand, skidding to a stop at the
place where the ice began. Carefully, I tested it with a booted toe, and
then slowly eased my foot down
on top of it. I couldn’t help smiling. The ice held my weight, silent and immovable. I began to
inch along the shoreline, snow
gathering around my boots as I
moved over the ice. Experimentally, I spun a circle on one foot. The
slick ice sped my revolutions until
I spiraled to a stop, dizzy. My sister
slipped over to me across the iced
shallows, gliding like a skater. We
joined hands and spun around and
around, our linked fingers bracing
us. Finally, laughing uncontrollably, we staggered apart and found
a seat on the ice.
Nearby, freezing fountains gurgled and gushed. The spray had
thrown up walls of ice, smooth and
sparkling. I knelt beside a perfectly
round hump of ice, bigger around
than I could reach. Tugging off my
mitten, I rested one hand on the
mound. The ice was slippery to
my touch. I lowered my head and
peered at the air bubbles encased
inside the ice, tendrils and sprays of
pearly mist. The ice was like quartz
stone, or purest diamond. Where
the water had cascaded, gleaming
icicles now draped the rocks, their
points fierce. I gently broke one
off and held it up like a sword. My
weapon melted where my fingers
grasped it.
Setting the icicle aside, I pulled
on my mitten and ran down to
where my father was skimming
rocks across the lake. The stones
bounced and whirred over the ice,
sending back a musical hum. We
found a puddle on the beach which
had frozen over, and together we
lifted the thin sheet of ice off the
surface. We carried it to the lake
and dropped it straight down onto the ice. With a crash, it smashed
into dozens of tiny fragments, all
spinning and glimmering in the
pale light. I picked up a few. They
really were like jewels.
I walked back onto the beach
scooping up a handful of fresh
snow. Several more inches had now
fallen. I touched my tongue to the
frozen water. It tasted clear and
cold, like mountain air and freezing streams. I let the snowflakes fall
through my fingers. The openness
around me stretched far and wide,
the sky ever so much bigger above
me as I stood there, out on the frozen beach. Time had slowed. The
whole world was caught in this
crystalline winter spell.
incided, once upon a time, with a
federal holiday.
Flu and colds are currently rampant over a wide area, so here is a
refresher on how to avoid spreading it around: don’t cover your
mouth with your hand when you
cough. Cough into the crook of
your arm, with your arm snugly
over your mouth and nose. That
way, your hands are not contaminated when you use door handles,
money, keys, etc. Every time you
blow your nose, wash your hands.
You are contagious when you are
running a fever and for 24 hours
afterward. It’s not noble to show
up for work or social events when
you are sick; it’s inconsiderate. It’s
hazardous, potentially fatal. It can
ruin weddings and travel plans and
things beyond our knowing. So
just stay home. The world can run
without you for awhile.
Consider buying tissues that are
treated to kill viruses (we call them
killer Kleenex). Wash your hands
frequently and try not to touch
your face or rub your eyes in order
to stay well. In a pubic restroom,
use the paper towel with which you
dried your hands to open the door
when you leave.
Time for a hiatus on hugs, handshakes, and air kisses- any greetings
involving personal contact whether at church, socially, or in business
The golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” speaks basically to being
able to consider the perspective of
the people around you. Contagion
control involves being able to do
this even when you are miserably
This ties in with Valentine’s Day
and with “Love your neighbor as
yourself”. I was surprised to discover that this phrase or variations
of it appear in five different places
of the bible. The “as yourself” part
doesn’t get as much attention as its
wisdom deserves: you can’t wholeheartedly offer to others what you
don’t have to give. A person has to
be in a position of stability, having enough resources emotionally and otherwise, to be able to offer anything to others. If you don’t
feel as though you deserve much,
you may not feel that others do either. “Put your own oxygen mask
on first.” truly does make one better able to assist others.
Valentine’s Day can remind us to
love ourselves as well as one another. Give a little attention to what
is lovable about you. Take a moment to make a call or send a cardand tell a few people what you love
about them.
I’ll close with a few quotes
about love from Benjamin Franklin (birthday January 17, 1706).
He authored an essay on the virtues of older women, which I like
even better now than I did forty
years ago.
“If you would be loved, love and
be loveable.”
“If passion drives you, let reason
hold the reins.”
“Wine is constant proof that
God loves us and loves to see us
“There are no ugly loves nor
handsome prisons.”
“He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals.”
This and that
Mary Klotz
February 22 is George Washington’s birthday. It used to be celebrated on that date, regardless of
the day of the week. It has become
Presidents’ Day, now combined
with Lincoln’s birthday (February
12) as a federal holiday marked on
the third Monday of February. This
is a result of the Uniform Monday
Holidays Act. (Is it curious that we
haven’t heard a suggestion to reschedule religious holidays in order to make more convenient long
weekends?) February 22 is also the
birthday of Drew Barrymore, Edward Gorey, Ted Kennedy, Edna
St. Vincent Millay, and countless
others, obscure and famous, including two men who have lastingly touched my life and for whom
I personally celebrate February 22.
They both were skilled in and had
careers involving interpersonal relationship dynamics. I have valued
their perspective and advice for
over forty years. One, a wonderful
tenor, perceptive and sensitive, was
a fellow member of a four person
folk singing group in high school.
He took me to his prom, he sang at
my 40th birthday party. He consistently counseled me to accept that
which confronted me: start with
reality and move on from there.
He died at age 61; I miss updates
on his continual studying, his wise
counsel, and his patience.
The other gentleman whose
February 22 birthday I celebrate
is someone whose phrasing “How
would it be if…” still resonates as
an ingenious way to float an idea,
so much better than “what you
(we/he) should do is...” His skillful sorting out of group dynamics
and advocacy for being responsible
for one’s own choices were spectacularly nourishing at the cusp of my
adulthood. “What are you going to
do about that?” he’d ask, in lieu of
offering advice.
I still benefit from their examples
and still fall short in my efforts to
embody their wisdom. They were
always impressed that I remembered their birthdays, but heck,
they shared the same date and co-
Walkersville Theatre presents
Shakespeare and more!
Erik Secula
The Walkersville High School
(WHS) Theatre is pleased to announce a special winter production of William Shakespeare’s
Much Ado About Nothing. The
show will be presented on the
WHS stage Feb. 26-28, 2015
nightly at 7:00 PM. Concessions
will be available before the shows
and during intermission. Tickets
are available on-line at
Much Ado About Nothing is
one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies. The show features all of the poetic love and
deceit you might expect from a
Shakespearean play, but this production is set against a presentday backdrop. The play is directed by Diana Sung. After the
WHS stage engagement, the cast
will travel to the Folger Theatre
in Washington D.C. for a special
final performance.
The WHS Theatre group is
also excited to announce that
they will be traveling to Orlando, Florida, in early February
along with the WHS band for
the department’s first ever trip
to Walt Disney World. While
there, they will experience the
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
to participate in two Disney theatre workshops. And, of course,
they’ll make some time to conquer Space Mountain.
Finally, coming this spring,
WHS Theatre will perform the
musical Hairspray! Hairspray
will be performed Apr. 16-19,
2015. Stay tuned for additional
The cast of Way Off Broadway’s And Then There Were None
Advertise with us!
For more information, contact
Becky Brown and Dakota Rosell at a Much Ado About Nothing rehearsal
A Page from Walkersville Library
57 West Frederick Street, Walkersville, MD (301) 845-8880
Teens in the library
Linda Murray
Frequent attendees of the
Walkersville Public Library may
have noticed that on most afternoons we have a large group of
teens gathered in our building.
While they can, on occasion, get
a little loud (and unwittingly create an obstacle course of backpacks and coats for adult patrons to negotiate!), these young
adults also contribute an incredible amount to their community
and work very hard to make the
library a welcoming space for everyone.
Most of the teens that frequent
the library are active members
of Walkersville’s Teen Advisory
Board (TAB) which meets once
a month. The TAB has various
working committees tasked with
community outreach as well as
improving conditions within the
library. Case in point, the TAB
is currently working with the
Walkersville Historical Society
on an oral history project where
they are interviewing and videoing some of our town’s oldest living residents about their memories and experiences living here.
When spring comes (and the
weather is better), they will also
be helping the Historical Society
with a photo project documenting some of Walkersville’s most
beautiful homes.
Also, when you check out at
the library, keep an eye out for
the teens’ self-published magazine, Teen Zine. Edited by one
of our fantastic teenagers, Dolan
Polglaze, the Zine is a monthly
collection of short stories, poems, articles, recipes and artwork, all contributed by local
young adults. The issue is free
for our patrons and printed and
hand-bound right here in the library.
Walkersville may be small, but
this town really is blessed with
an abundance of creative, intelligent, caring and generous teens
that are a credit to the community of adults who surround them.
So the next time you’re in the library, check out what the teens
are working on – they’re excited
to meet you!
Special events at the library this February!
Linda Murray
There are lots of great programs
at the Walkersville Library this February for patrons of all ages to enjoy. Elementary school children,
working on practicing their reading, should check out WAGS FOR
HOPE, on February 3 at 6.30pm,
a fantastic project where kids get
to read to dogs and build confidence and receive encouragement
from their furry friends. And parents with little ones under school
age are encouraged to make a special trip to our branch on Saturday,
February 7, for the national event,
LIBRARY DAY. A special story
time will take place for attendees
at 10:05am. Preschoolers can also show their love on February 10
at 11am, for PET VALENTINE,
where they will be making homemade cards for the special animals
in their lives. Finally, the ever popular elementary school program,
SCIENCE AT SUNDOWN, continues on Tuesday nights on February 10, 17 and 24 at 6.30pm. All
of this is in addition to our usual
schedule of story times for babies,
toddlers and preschoolers, and a
new series of lunchtime story times
every Thursday at 1pm, focusing on science and art called SIDE
M. A full schedule of activities is
on the library’s web site at
and a take home calendar is always
available at the front desk of our
branch if you need more details.
We hope to see you soon!
Student of the year campaign
Elizabeth Knight
This year is Maryland’s first year
of having a Student of the Year
Campaign for the Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society (LLS). The
mission of LLS is to “Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve
the quality of life of patients and
their families.” (
The Student of the Year Campaign is a program where high
school students formulate a team
and then are put to the task of
raising as much funds as they can
during January 12- February 27.
At the end of the campaign, there
is a big gala where the winner is
announced, awarding them with
the title of Student of the Year and
a $5,000 scholarship to the college
of their choice. This campaign is
contributing to finding new ways
to battle and eventually eliminate
blood cancers.
One of Walkersville High
School’s own is running for this
campaign, Senior Emily Zimmerman. This campaign hits home for
Zimmerman as when she was just
7 years old she was diagnosed with
a rare form of leukemia called TCell A.L.L.
LLS is very active in helping the
Zimmerman family during this
difficult time. Due to LLS, Zimmerman now lives cancer free and
is doing her part to help give back
and raise funds to find a cure for
this disease. Zimmerman’s team
name is called “10 years stronger”
since 10 years ago this year she
was diagnosed. Her team’s goal is
to raise $20,000.
Zimmerman’s team has two
fundraisers coming up. One at
Chipotle in Clemson Corner on
Tuesday, January 27 from 5:00
pm to 8:00 pm where the team
receives 50% of the proceeds.
Another fundraiser is being held
Wednesday, February 4 from 5:00
pm to 8:00 pm at Buffalo Wild
Wings in Market Square where
the team receives 15% of the pro-
Left to right: Emily Zimmerman, Hannah Youngblood, Holly Ferris, and Elizabeth Knight at the Student of the Year
Campaign kick off party.
ceeds. For these fundraisers, make
sure to print out or show on your
mobile device the flier on the facebook page!
Donations are being accepted
through February 27. If you are
interested in donating you can
do so online at:
or checks can be made out to: the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, with team “10 years stronger”
written in the memo line. Checks
can be mailed to: Emily Zimmerman, P.O. Box 214, Walkersville,
MD 21793. You can also check
out Zimmerman’s team pages at and on
twitter at EZ_LLS_SOTYC.
For more information about the
campaign check out:
What can you order and how
much are they?
Quarts are $4.00
½ Flat is $14.00
Flats are $25.00*
(* Flats are a total of 8 quarts)
Walkersville FFA must sell a total of 108 flats for them to be able
to place an order so make sure you
get your order in! If they do not
reach a total of 108 flats, money
will be refunded.
If you have any questions or
would like to order, you can call
Orders will come in between
March 16-19.
Winter strawberries
Elizabeth Knight
There are many opportunities
to help support your local FFA
chapter from fundraisers to participating in various events held
throughout the year.
Spread the News!
Extra copies of the
are available at
Trout’s Market
in Woodsboro
T.R. Sayor Company
in Walkersvile.
Get there early each
One of Walkersville FAA chapters most special events is their annual strawberry sale. The sale began
January 16 and runs until February
27. The strawberries are purchased
from the Florida Farm Bureau.
Maple Run
Golf Club
Pro Shop
18 hole course
Golf carts available
Online tee time booking
13610 Moser Road, Thurmont, Maryland 21788
(301) 271-7870 |
Just one thin dime
Marg Mills
What can you buy for a dime?
For one thing, it will pay for one
day if your library book is overdue. But, back in the day, that
same dime would pay for five
days. (Whoops, I just heard it
went up to 20 cents a day. Guess
I haven’t had a book overdue for
a while.) Other than that, I can’t
seem to think of much that 10
cents will buy.
When I was a youngster, that
would be 60 plus years ago, you
could buy a lot for one thin dime.
Here are a few of those things?
Maybe you can remember even
Ten pieces of penny candy or
bubble gum, although a pack of
baseball cards, five cards complete
WBPA welcomes new member
The January Walkersville Business & Professional Association
(WBPA) meeting was hosted by
Dr. Mimi McLaughlin, owner of
McLaughlin Family Chiropractic, and was held at her place of
business at 8701 Antietam Drive
in Walkersville, across the street
from the high school. The event
was co-hosted by licensed massage therapist Lee Anne Little
who leases the second floor. The
building is a former private residence of some vintage with most
of the beautiful original features
of the home having been retained
such as: wooden floors, fireplaces,
old cast iron fixtures in the bath
rooms, and decorative trim and
moldings. The classic features are
complimented by modern decorations that create a very relaxing
atmosphere that is perfect for the
complimentary businesses.
The WBPA President, Bob
Sussman, introduced a new member to the association, David Hoang, owner of David’s Salon, 126
Walkers Village Way, Walkersville, MD 21793; Davidsalon@; www.davidsalons.
com; 301-845-4050.
Dr. Mimi McLaughlin and Lee Anne Little hosted the January WBPA meeting.
Glade Valley Food Bank receives
grant to fight hunger
Glade Valley Food Bank recently received a $1000 grant
from Hunger Is which is a joint
charitable program of The Safeway Foundation and the Entertainment Industry Foundation.
The grant money will be applied
to children hunger programs.
Food bank co-managers Brenda Haines and Donna Swanson
stated, “ It’s a great honor to receive this Hunger Is grant and
the recognition of the Walkersville Safeway managers for our
with bubble gum inside, was a
nickel. And candy bars were also
a nickel, so you could get two for
a dime.
You could get a small fountain
coke at People’s Drug Store for a
nickel and a large one for a dime.
Add to that an English muffin for
15 cents, and you’d have a good
after school snack at one of our favorite hangouts back then.
Although a matinee on Saturday was a quarter, you could get a
bag of popcorn for a dime.
A cup of coffee or hot tea was a
dime. Now that wasn’t flavored or
any special blend, just plain Eighto-clock brand or Maxwell House.
A comic book cost a dime. And
you could go to one of several
newsstands in town and pick up a
copy of any one of your favorites.
I particularly liked Little Lulu.
During the summer, the popsicle man would come every day at
about 4:00 p.m., ringing his bell
to announce his arrival. Popsicles were a nickel, but if you were
lucky enough to have a dime that
day, you could buy an ice cream
sandwich or an Eskimo pie.
School lunches, from elementary school through high school,
were a quarter. But most of the
time you could buy milk for just
three cents.
Also at school, a Dixie cup,
half chocolate and half vanilla ice cream, was only six cents,
but if you had extra pennies that
day, an ice cream sandwich was a
Many small toys could also
be purchased for a dime. A deck
of Old Maids, a paddle with a
ball attached. Crayons, coloring
books, and many of the school
supplies purchased were just one
thin dime each.
I remember when the first
block of North Market Street in
downtown Frederick housed five
stores, which were called “dime
stores” or “five and ten cent
stores.” Now that didn’t mean
that everything they sold in these
stores were a nickel or a dime.
But there were plenty of nickel
and dime items that you could
Nail polish, a dime; lipstick,
a dime; a live guppy for your
aquarium, a dime — just a lot of
different items and each one costing only ten cents. But again, that
was back in the day.
So, what can you buy today
that costs only one thin dime? I
can’t think of too much and that
includes your overdue library
Have You Met…
Leth “Mark” Oun
Hometown: Battamband, Cambodia.
Family Members: There are seven members in
my family. Two sisters, the older sister is here
in the United States, the younger sister is still
in Cambodia. Two younger brothers are still
in Cambodia. I was separated from my younger sister and my two brothers who are living in
Cambodia in 1979. The first time I met my
younger sister since then was in 2011 when
President Obama went to Southeast Asia for the
Asian Pacific Economic Conference ( APEC).
After the 34 years of separation, that was the
greatest moment of reunion in my lifetime. The
tears of joy were coming down like a water fall!
My wife is Sophy, and we have a son, Soksovannarath, “Timmy”, (28) and a daughter, Jennifer
Our names are shortened from the original because the Khmer Rouge thought long names were upper middle class or related to their enemies and were eliminated.
Occupation: My current occupation is a Secret Service Officer technician, K9 trainer. Prior to that
I was a K-9 handler for explosive detection. Prior to joining the Secret Service, I worked for the Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons in Philadelphia. I worked at the minimum to maximum security correction facilities. At the correction facilities, I was selected to be the self-defense instructor,
PR24( prosecution 24 baton), a member of riot team around the country; officer in charge in the institution, in the control center, visiting center, transporting inmates to and from the hospital, transport all level of inmates through the country.
Prior to the corrections work, I was a social worker for the city of Philadelphia, PA. I worked with
the juvenile delinquents. I worked with most of the Asian juveniles, because of the unique Cambodian- Khmer language skill I have. All around Philadelphia, PA, I met many of the Cambodian families
there. Prior to the social work, I was a probation officer for the city of Philadelphia for about one year.
Before working for the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, I attended Widener University in Chester, PA, where I received a bachelor degree in art and science; sociology, criminal justice,
pre-law. I graduated from community college, Montgomery College and community of Philadelphia,
PA , where I received my associate degree in criminal justice and social science/social study. I attended
Montgomery Blair High School after arrived in the United States of America.
Before coming to America, I was a political refugee in Thailand camps; Khao-I-Dang, Sakeo, and
Chunburi camps, Thailand. My family and I lived there from late 1979 to late 1982 where we transferred to refugee camp in Philippines, Marong, and Bataan, Philippines. Before coming to the refugee camp in Thailand, I was a political victim of the Khmer Rouge (communist of the Cambodian). I was taken hostage for 7 hours long. Before the communist regime, I was
a student. In 1983 I was granted asylum and came to the USA.
Favorite Food: Cambodia is a poor country, any food available, we eat it.
Favorite Restaurant: Any restaurant.
Favorite Movie: I love action and comedy movies.
In My Spare Time: work out and read newspapers and books. I’ve started writing a book about my
experiences from Cambodia to the Secret Service.
Biggest Pet Peeve: People talking back to their elders. It is a sign of disrespect.
Two people I would like to invite to dinner: I would love to take a homeless person and orphan with
me to have them experience family.
Three things I would take on a desert island: small knife, long sleeve shirt and big towel.
Three unnecessary things I carry in my pocket: Nothing extra, I travel light.
Maintaining infrastructure while preserving history
Ken Kellar
In early January, the county announced the temporary closing
of the bridge on Hoovers Mill
Rd. that spans Owens Creek.
Google Maps showed an image
of a spindly iron one-way bridge.
Intrigued, I drove out to see the
bridge. It’s a bit off the beaten
path. Both roads leading to it,
Hoovers Mill and Frushour, are
narrow roads with a few farms
along them.
The bridge was blocked by concrete barriers placed across the road
on both sides of the bridge. The
bridge looked fine so I walked out
on it. There I saw the damage. An
intricate vertical truss looked as
if a giant had swung a telephone
pole like a baseball bat into it. The
metal was bent and cracked with
smaller braces ripped away from
their rivets. Yes, rivets. That got me
thinking, “How old is this bridge?”
As I looked further, I realized the
roadway was made of wood planking. Most of the metal work was
connected by pins and rivets. Some
of the damaged metal was cracked
in addition to being bent. That
made me wonder if the metal was
wrought iron rather than modern steel. Wrought iron can be less
ductile and crack rather than bend
when overloaded. The construction reminded me of my brother’s old Erector Set with hundreds
of little braces riveted together to
make up the bridge. The metal of
the bridge was covered with flaking paint which, up close, wasn’t
very pretty. With the ancient riveted construction and the rough
state of the paint, I began to worry about the future of the bridge
so I contacted Frederick County’s
Mike Ramsburg. He is the Maintenance Section Supervisor, Division
of Public Works, Office of Highway Operations (and I thought
the Federal government had long
titles!). Mike and Jason Stitt, P.E.,
Division Chief, Office of Transportation Engineering, answered my
questions and provided interesting
additional information.
First of all, the Hoovers Mill
Bridge is one of five historic bridges crossing Owens Creek. All five
are county-maintained. I counted a
total of 14 bridges (or at least road
crossings, including the five historic bridges) over Owens Creek as it
falls from the Catoctins on its way
to supply the Monocacy. Just think
how many bridges there must be in
Frederick County if just one creek
has so many!
The damaged Hoovers Mill
Bridge was built in 1887. It is a
single span pony Pratt truss bridge.
The single lane bridge is set upon random stone abutments with
a span length of 68 feet. The clear
roadway width is 11’-0”. Joints of
the bridge are secured with pinned
connections. My perception of the
bridge as “spindly” is a key trait of
truss bridges. Truss bridges are usually what engineers call “statically determinate”. This means the
stresses on the bridge can be accu-
rately calculated allowing designers
to use a minimum amount of metal. This makes truss bridges easier
to design efficiently and economical to build.
The Hoovers Mill Bridge is right
in the middle of a 5.5 mile stretch
(as the creek flows or 4 miles “as the
crow flies”) of Owens Creek that
features 5 historic, county-maintained bridges.
The first crossing up stream has
a similar truss bridge on Apples
Church Road. It was built in 1917
and is a simple span steel pony
truss bridge. The structure is 62’0” long measured between centerlines of pins and has an overall
length of 65’-7” measured backto-back from the backwalls. The
superstructure carries one lane of
traffic with a clear roadway width
of 16’.
Further upstream is one of three
wooden, covered bridges in Frederick County. It carries Roddy
Road over the creek, just outside
of Thurmont. This structure, originally built in 1892 and rehabilitated in 1995, is a simple span combination steel beam and timber deck
covered bridge that is 39’ long.
The superstructure carries one
lane of traffic with a clear roadway
width of 12.7’. It is befuddling that
the short road that parallels Owens Creek as it travels from Route
15 to then pass under the Roddy
Road is named Roddy Creek Road.
A search for Roddy Creek was unsuccessful, but I’m sure it is nearby.
Down stream of the Hoovers
Mill Bridge, is the modern, SHAmaintained, Route 77 Bridge.
Next is another covered bridge on
Old Frederick Road. This bridge
is a two span, single lane, timber
covered bridge with timber deck
planks supported by steel stringers originally erected at this site in
1889 and reconstructed in 1994
due to arson. The bridge was built
as a single span king post truss acting as the principal support. Subsequently, a middle pier was constructed, and steel stringers were
introduced as the deck support system. The abutments consist of
concrete caps over stone masonry. The center pier is a solid concrete shaft. Wingwalls are made
of stone masonry.
The final historic bridge on Owens Creek is on Old Mill Road. It
is a 68’-9” single span wrought
iron through truss. The bridge
was constructed by the Pittsburgh
Bridge Company in 1882. The
bridge was rehabilitated in 2008
and carries one lane of traffic with
a clear roadway width of 12’-0”.
Mike and Jason allayed my
concerns for the bridge by describing their plan of action,
“Many of the connections on the
existing bridge were made using rivets, which is typical bridge
construction for that era. The repair will be made utilizing bolts
in place of rivets. The bridge is
scheduled for rehabilitation in
the current Capital Improvement
Program (design in Fiscal Year
2018, construction in Fiscal Year
The damaged Hoovers Mill Bridge
The crushed truss that served for 137 years
2020). During the design of the
rehabilitation, consideration will
be given to restore the riveted
“We don’t anticipate any difficulties in executing the repairs.
The materials for the repair have
been ordered, and the repair will
be executed as soon as the ma-
terials arrive and weather permits.”
I asked how much use the
bridge gets, “This roadway has
a very low traffic volume (less
than100 vehicles per day). Notifications have been made to
alert roadway users, including
the Board of Education, of the
closure so adjustments to regular
routes can be made.”
Many thanks to Messrs. Ramsburg and Stitt for taking the time
to share a little of their bridge
knowledge with us and for preserving the beautiful and historic
bridges of Frederick County.
Walkersville Volunteer
Fire Company celebrates
75 years
Brenda Staley
The Walkersville Volunteer Fire
Company celebrated the Company’s 75th Anniversary at its annual banquet held Saturday, January
17 at the fire company’s banquet
hall. A buffet dinner was served by
Leiter’s Catering.
Chaplain Chad Weddle led a
memorial service for deceased
members; Lenwood Moss, Richard Toms, Margaret Dougherty,
William Crum and Lois Schroyer.
President John Zimmerman
presented an award for the Member of the Year to Butch Leatherman for his dedication to all
aspects of the fire company operations during 2014. Butch helps at
fundraisers and is on the House
and Grounds Committee.
A Community Volunteer Award
is given each year to a non-member
who helps the company throughout the year. This year the Community Volunteer Award was presented to Harry and Liz Baker. The
Bakers help with the carnival pizza
stand each year by setting up and
serving pizza each night.
The President’s Award was presented to Bill Horine for his dedication to the company in 2014.
Bill helps with all aspects of the
fire company. He leads the catering
committee and is a member of the
House and Grounds Committee.
Also recognized were: Horace
Wright for 65 years of service;
Dick Cramer for 60 years of service; and Ridge Cramer for 60
years of service.
John gave special recognition to
the more than 80 members who
help throughout the year at weekly bingo. Thursday night bingo is
the largest fundraiser for the fire
Vice President Brian Hildebrand presented Susan Hoffman
with an Honorary Life Membership. Susan was one of the first
women to join the fire company
in February 1985. She has coordinated LOSAP (Length of Service
Award Program) for the company for several years and served as
Training Officer.
A Special Recognition plaque
was awarded to Austin Schroyer
for 40 years of service. Austin is a
dedicated member and has served
as President, Vice President, Director, apparatus driver, and firefighter over the 40 years.
Chief Matt Staley noted on October 17, 2014, the company put
into service a 2014 Pierce Velocity
100 ft aluminum aerial platform
with 1500 gpm pump and 500 gallons of water. This piece meets all
Quint standards. The Quint was
purchased for $1.114 million and is
being paid for through fundraisers
with the hard work of the members.
2014 Firefighter of the Year
award was presented to Joey
Smith. Joey made 110 calls in
2014 and also helps with fundraisers and is continuing his
The Most Valuable Responder Award was given to the Eric Davis. Eric responded to 246
calls in 2014 and is very dependable. He helps with apparatus checks and fundraisers as
Chief Staley noted the fire
company responded to 685
calls in 2014. The top responders were:
Bill Horine, Rodney Davis,
Eric Davis, Matt Staley, Kristi Staley, David DeLair, Kenny Cregger, John Zimmerman,
Mike Kreimer, Blaine Smith,
Alan Staley, Chuck Engel, Zach
Davis, Punky Easterday, Jo-
ey Smith, Chad Barrick, Craig
Moore, and Randy Williams.
The event was well attended
with notable guests and participants including: the Burgess and
Commissioners of Walkersville;
Sheriff Chuck Jenkins; Delegate
Kelly Schulz; County Councilmen Bud Otis, Billy Shreve, Tony
Chmelik, and Jennifer Fitzwater;
Frederick County Fire Director/
Chief Denise Pouget; and Volunteer Director/Chief Chip Jewell.
The 2015 Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company
Board of Directors:
President - John Zimmerman
Safety Officer Chief - Matt Staley
Brian Hildebrand
VP - Brian Hildebrand
Training Officer - Kristi Staley
Deputy Chief - Chad Barrick
Board of Directors
Treasurer - Jim Graham
Ridge Cramer
Asst Chief - Mike Kreimer
Punky Easterday
Asst. Treasurer - Chris Koch
Linda Grossnickle
Captain - Kenny Cregger
Bill Horine
Secretary - Brenda Staley
Susan Hoffman
Lieutenant - Alan Staley
Larry Shepley
Asst. Sec. - Dick Gilbert
Blaine Smith
Lieutenant - Craig Moore
Alan Staley
Chaplain - Chad Weddle
Safety Officer - Bill Horine
In memory of Marguerite Larue Baker
Mrs. Marguerite Larue “Weetie” Baker passed away into the loving arms of God on Wednesday,
January 7, 2015 after a brief stay at
the Kline Hospice House, Mount
Airy, Maryland. She had also resided at Homewood at Crumland
Farms since 2009. She was 88.
She was lovingly known by all
who knew her as “Weetie” and was
the wife of the late William G. (Bill)
Baker whom she married in 1947.
They lived most of their lives farming in Creagerstown, Maryland.
Born June 1, 1926, in Woodsboro, Maryland, Weetie was the
daughter of the late Marshall Warfield Stitely and Belva Llewellyn Fox
Stitely of Woodsboro. She was predeceased by one brother, Edward
(Buddy) Stitely and one sister, Dorothy Crawford, son-in-law, Lenny
Cross and her daughter, Katrina
Mrs. Baker attended school at
Woodsboro Elementary School and
Frederick High School; she earned
an Education Degree at the University of Maryland. She later pursued courses to earn a Library Science Degree and was a librarian at
Thurmont Elementary School for
23 years.
Mrs. Baker was a member of
the Linganore United Methodist
Church in Unionville, MD, and of
the LUMC Women’s Group. She
was also a member of the Frederick County Public School Retired
Teachers Association, the Gamma
Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a
past member of the ARRC at Mt.
St. Mary’s University, a past member of the Frederick County Public Library Board, and a past member of the Thurmont Public Library
As a youth, Weetie loved to
ride horses, play the piano, and go
dancing. As an adult, she loved to
read, go swimming with the arthritis swim class at the ARRC, play
bridge with friends, go to the beach,
and use humor to co-emcee meetings for different organizations with
her husband, Bill. She also wrote a
chapter on storytelling in a book
called Mixed-Up Magic.
Mrs. Baker will be truly missed
by her loving family: son, William
E. Baker and wife, Denise; daughter, Rebecca E. Cross; son-in-law,
Jerry Bradshaw; grandchildren,
Erika Cross, William Cross and
wife Caroline, and Nicholas Bradshaw; one sister, Janet Dudderar; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. She will also be
missed by her special friends, the
caregivers from “Right at Home”.
The family received friends at
Hartzler Funeral Home, 11802
Liberty Rd., Libertytown, on
Sunday, January 11, 2015. A funeral service was held held on
Monday, January 12 at 11:00 a.m.
at the funeral home with Rev. Suzanne Morris, chaplain at Homewood, and Rev. David Coakley,
her church pastor, officiating. Interment was at Linganore Cemetery, Unionville.
In lieu of flowers, donations
may be made to the Friends of the
Thurmont Regional Library, c/o
Child Service, 76 E. Moser Rd.,
Thurmont, MD 21788. Online
condolences may be shared with
the family at
Continued from page 7
will be extended to Jefferson and
current sold to the residents and
manufacturers of that town.
The big electric plant at Security
of the Hagerstown and Frederick
Railway company is now furnishing current for Braddock Heights,
Middletown, Frederick, Thurmont, Hagerstown, Emmitsburg,
Smithsburg, Funkstown, and Williamsport.
The indications are now that the
electric department is preparing to
conduct an aggressive campaign to
extend the lighting system of the
company to all of the towns and
cities adjacent to the properties of
the company.
All of the passenger equipment
of the railway company will be
given an overhauling in the shops
of the company this spring. They
will be repaired, repainted, and put
into first class condition. At a recent meeting of the railway company, it was decided to purchase
three passenger cars. Two are of the
new high speed interurban type,
and the other is a pay-as-you-enter
car for service in Hagerstown. The
new high power cars ordered are
of the type now in service on the
Thurmont division.
The officials of the railway company are now looking toward
the coming season at Braddock
Heights. Every effort will be made
to make the season at the Heights
one of the best in its history. The
company now has the best of railroad facilities and is in a position
to cater to the public and to move
large crowds with the least possible
loss of time.
Sale – March 8, 1915, at 10
o’clock a.m., E. L. Stitley, auctioneer, and E. M. Shank and G. B.
Smith, clerks, will sell for Norman
L. Harbaugh, on the farm of D. A.
Sharetts, on road from Woodsboro
to LeGore’s bridge. Lots of valuable
livestock and farming implements.
See Bills.
Sustains a Hard Fall – Mrs. Van
Dean, living on Brunswick street
in the West End, sustained a hard
fall last evening, when a ladder she
had mounted broke and she was
precipitated to the floor of a porch.
At the time of the accident, she was
attempting to replace an electric
light fuse that had blown out.
Neutrality challenged - Germany
and Austria complained to the State
Department today that submarines
were being built in the United States
for Great Britain. The German Embassy said: “Plants of the Bethlehem
and the Union Iron Works are sending the component parts of submarines, ordered by the British government, to Canada. Submarines are
also being built in Boston and Seattle.” The attention of the United
States Department has been drawn
to these facts by the Germans and
Austro-Hungarian as being a contradiction with the laws of neutrality.
February 21
Sinking - Another victim of German submarines was reported last
night. The small coastal freighter
Downshire was sunk Saturday in
the Irish Sea.
The submarine ordered the
Downshire to stop off the Isle of
Man, but the little steamship tried
to get away but stopped when
three shots were fired at her. The
crew of five men was taken aboard
the submarine and detained for a
while, but were released and landed in their small boat on the coast
of Ireland.
February 22
Russian Defeat - The Russian
10th Army has been destroyed as
a result of the recent German victory in East Prussia. It is estimated
that more than 100,000 Russians,
including seven generals, were captured, and that the pursuit of the
retreating forces has been brought
to an end.
February 23
Another sinking - Another vessel was sunk today in the naval war
zone established by the German
Admiralty. A Norwegian steamer
was sent to the bottom of the English Channel by either a submarine
or mine. The Regin is the second
Norwegian steamer to encounter a
submarine or mine in the English
Channel since the German submarine blockade against British ports
went into effect.
The Russians are concentrating
large forces at Odessa, in readiness to move them to Midia on
the Black Sea, 60 miles northwest of Constantinople, to join
the British and French attack on
that city.
With tensions between Turkey and Greece rising, Turkey has
asked the Bulgarian government if
it would permit Turkish troops to
pass through Bulgarian territory for
an attack upon Greece should war
be declared. The Bulgarian government stated that neither country
would be permitted to transport
troops across its territory.
February 24
American ship sunk - Word
has been received that the American ship Carib has been sunk by a
mine. The German Admiralty has
pointed out that the destruction
of the American steamer was due
to them not following the course
prescribed. The German government reiterated the safety of prescribed courses through German
minefields and reissued the courses which vessels bound for German
ports should pursue in order to be
perfectly safe.
February 25
More sinkings - The second
week of Germany’s submarine
campaign opened today with a
loss of two more British ships. The
steamers Western Coast and Dept-
ford were sunk off the English
coast. Previously 10 vessels, seven
of them British, have been sent to
the bottom.
February 26
More shipping damage, battle
lines stagnant - Two additions to
the long list of disasters at sea during the war were made known today. The French destroyer Dague
struck a mine in the Adriatic and
went down. The Swedish merchant
men Svarton was damaged badly by
a mine or torpedo in the North Sea
but was able to reach a Dutch port.
There have been no important
changes on the main battlefields
of the west or east. In London the
opinion is growing that the Germans are soon to make a great general attack in France, remaining on
the defensive in Poland. Russia on
the other hand fully expects another German drive towards Warsaw.
A message from Pastor Sean
In our Christian calendar, the
Lenten season is quickly approaching. Some of you may not be familiar with Lent, after all, not all
Christian denominations observe
the season of Lent. Lent begins on
Ash Wednesday, which is February
18 this year, and lasts for the forty
days leading up to Easter (Sundays
are excluded from the forty days
because every Sunday is treated
like a “little Easter). Lent has traditionally been a time when we focus on fasting and repentance. We
remember the sacrifices that Christ
has made for us and in turn we
make sacrifices to show our love
and thanksgiving to God.
For many people, Lent has become a time of giving up something. Chocolates, candy, coffee,
cigarettes and alcohol immediately come to mind as popular items
to abstain from. But the intention of Lent is not simply for us
to refrain from eating our favorite treats, but rather it should be a
time when we focus on and build
upon our faith and spiritual lives.
There are many ways that we
can transform our lives and move
toward a deeper relationship with
God. Some people will choose to
fast and spend the time in prayer
that would have been used for
the preparation and eating of a
meal. Others will take a fast from
their electronic devices like their
smart phones, computers, or television and again use the time that
would have been spent on these
devices in prayer, the reading of
scripture, or other spiritual studies. Lent is also the perfect time
to get involved with a group bible
study; many churches (including St. John’s UCC) offer Lenten Bible studies. I always encourage group studies as I find that it
can greatly enhance and add to
what a person can glean from just
studying on one’s own.
Other transforming practices during Lent include service to
others. If you have ever thought
about volunteering but have never have gotten around to it, start
now. There are many volunteer
opportunities available in our
community that can fit virtually
anyone’s schedule. You can volunteer at a food bank, read to
children at their school or library,
offer to assist a teacher with various class room tasks, run errands
for a housebound neighbor, collect worn towels and bring them
to the animal shelter. The list is
virtually endless; there is always
so much that one can do to ease
another’s burden.
A practice that I began many
years ago when my children were
young is during Lent we would
invite a “guest” to dinner each
evening. This “guest” was in the
form of a box (or jar) that was
set upon our table, and each evening we would place the amount
of money into that box that we
would have spent on having a
guest dine with us. At the end of
Lent we would then donate that
money to our local food bank.
This was a good way to get our
children to think of others who
are hungry and to realize that we
have the ability to feed a hungry person each day. Even better
would be to actually have a hungry person dine with us at our
dinner table.
I find that virtually no matter what practice or practices
I choose to follow, I am transformed during those forty days
and the transformation lingers far
beyond. So I encourage you all to
work towards a spiritual transformation, and I think that you will
find that if we each work on our
own transformations, it will then
become one small step in transforming our world.
Join us on Sunday mornings
to hear more about God’s love
and good news for us - worship
is at 9:00 am at 8 North Second
Street, Woodsboro. For information about our service or for other questions about what you read
in this article or about St. John’s
United Church of Christ call
the church phone at 301-8457703 or email Pastor Sean at Visit us
at Facebook to find out informa-
tion about our community Ash
Wednesday service – stjohnsuccwoodsboro – as always, we welcome you to share your thoughts.
Who makes up the church? (Acts 2:41-42)
For the past few months, we
have been considering what a
Bible-believing, God-pleasing
church is. We discovered that Jesus Christ is the owner of His
church since He bought it with
His own blood (Acts 20:28). We
also considered the fact that the
church’s power comes from the
Gospel message, while its purpose
is to give out that message in Jesus’s name (Matthew 16:16-19).
Please remember that the word
church means assembly. There are
many that think of a building
when they hear this word, but
they should be thinking about a
group of people that have congregated for the sole purpose of learning about Jesus Christ and serving Him (Matthew 28:18-20).
This being true, we must cease
to limit God’s work to Sunday
and incorporate it into our everyday living if we are God’s
The church membership
(Acts 2:41-42)
First, it must be mentioned
that the term church membership does not exist in Scripture.
This is a term that has come
about in fairly recent days for
various reasons and means different things, depending on
the church’s beliefs. The overall
reason for the form of church
membership we find in many
churches today is due to laws
that almost force each congregation to have it.
If we were to look back at the
first days of the local church, we
would see a mindset of belief in
Christ, profession of faith in baptism, and an attitude of continuing with the saints in the doctrine
of Christ. Today’s weak Christianity knows little of this. We often see people profess belief in the
Lord Jesus Christ and go no further with Him. Sometimes those
believers will get baptized, but
even some of them will go no
further with Him. Even rarer are
those that will believe in Jesus, get
baptized, and continue with a Bible-believing church which is the
biblical pattern.
When the early church began,
there was none of the church-hopping that we see today, because
the people were much more serious about their belief in Jesus
Christ. By making the decision to
trust in Christ as their Savior, they
were deciding to reject heathenism or Judaism, to accept Jesus
alone. This decision was not popular with the Romans or Jews and
caused much persecution (Acts
2-28). The believers of that day
relied on each other and continued in the Word of God as they
followed the Lord Jesus in a world
that hated them! How weak and
pathetic God must think we are
today to so often reject such dedication for the sake of comfort and
Second, we must acknowledge a difference between the socalled universal church and the local church. The universal church
is given such a name, because it is
simply an assembly of the saved
through the ages. Revelation 7:910 presents a group that no man
could number of all nations, races,
and languages that stands before
the throne of God. This group
seems to be the saved of all the
ages that stand before Jesus and
worship Him at the end of days.
Now, this group does not make
decisions as a body, nor does it assemble anywhere but Heaven; but
it must be acknowledged for what
it is: the complete body of Christ
(John 10:14-16; Romans 12:4-5;
I Corinthians 12:12-14).
The local church is similar,
but different than the universal church. Whereas the body of
Christ assembles nowhere but
Heaven, the local church assembles locally and regularly on
Earth. A local church is just that:
it assembles in a specific location for the purpose of ministering to a specific area. Our church
works hard to align with the biblical model for local churches.
We believe that God put us in the
Woodsboro area for a reason and
so our ministry area is generally
limited to Woodsboro and the
surrounding towns (Thurmont,
Frederick, Walkersville, Taneytown, etc.), unless special visitation requests are made. We also
encourage those Bible-believers
that live in these areas to attend
our church, or other Bible-believing churches, so that they might
effectively minister to the local
area in which God placed them
instead of driving a long distance
away to other churches that will
never minister to their neighbors,
families, and friends.
Last, we must understand that
local church membership ought
to be made up of a group of people that have performed two spe-
cific acts: they have believed in
the Lord Jesus Christ alone for
salvation (Acts 16:31; John 3:16)
and have been baptized to identify with Him (Romans 6:35; Acts 8:36-38). We see these
things clearly throughout Scripture, and they cannot be ignored.
So, what about you? Do you
attend a local, Bible-believing
church that ministers to the local community by showing the
love of Christ and preaching
the Gospel? Are you looking for
one? I encourage you to give our
church family a try. We meet several times during the week to encourage, enjoy fellowship, pray,
and learn God’s Word together.
Are you 100% certain that Heaven is your home should something happen to you? If you have
doubts, please email, visit, or call
us. We are here to help 24/7.
James Bussard is the pastor of
Heritage Park Baptist Church
that meets at 8 N. 2nd St. in
Woodsboro, MD @ 11:30am
on Sundays and throughout the
week. For questions or comments
about this article, please call
(301) 304-2127 or write him at
For more service times and information about the church, please
go to www.FrederickforChrist.
com or call (301) 304-2127.
February 14
Born: Camille, Duke de Tallard, 1652, Dauphiné; Archdeacon Waterland, eminent theologian, 1683, Wasely.
Died: Pope Innocent I, 417;
Richard II, King of England, murdered, 1400; Lord Chancellor Talbot, 1737; Captain James Cook,
killed at Owhyhee, 1779 Sir William Blackstone, author of the
Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1780, Wallingford.
Feast Day: St. Valentine,
priest and martyr, circ. 270. St.
Abraames, bishop of Carres, 422.
St. Mare, abbot in Syria, 433. St.
Auxentius, hermit, of Bithynia,
circ. 470. St. Conran, bishop of
Orkney, 7th century.
The career of James Cook—
son of a farm servant—originally
a cabin-boy and common sailor,
rising to command and to be the
successful conductor of three great
naval expeditions for discovery in
seas heretofore untraversed, presents an example of conduct rarely
matched and it is not wonderful
that scarcely the name of any Englishman is held in greater respect.
It was on a second visit to the
Sandwich Islands in the Pacific Ocean, that Cook’s life was
abruptly ended by an unfortunate
collision with the natives, February 14, 1779, when he had just
turned his fiftieth year.
The squabble which led to this
sad event arose from a miserable
cause, the theft of a pair of tongs
and a chisel by a native on board
one of the ships. One now-a-days
hears with surprise that the sailors, pursuing this man towards
the shore, fired at him. All might
have been ended amicably if an
English officer had not attempted
to seize the boat of another native,
by way of guarantee that the thief
would be given up. These highhanded proceedings naturally created a hostile feeling, and during
the night an English boat was taken away. Cook went ashore at seven o’clock on a Sunday morning,
to secure the person of the king, as
a means of obtaining justice, and
before eight he was a dead man on
the beach, with the natives over
his body cutting it to pieces.
Cook’s widow, née Elizabeth
Batts, who had been married to
him in 1762, survived him fiftysix years, dying in 1835.
Valentine’s Day is now almost
everywhere a much degenerated
festival, the only observance of
any note consisting merely of the
sending of jocular anonymous letters to parties whom one wishes to
quiz, and this confined very much
to the humbler classes. The approach of the day is now heralded
by the appearance in the print-sellers’ shop windows of vast numbers
of missives calculated for use on
this occasion, each generally consisting of a single sheet of post paper, on the first page of which is
seen some ridiculous coloured caricature of the male or female figure, with a few burlesque verses
below. More rarely, the print is of
a sentimental kind, such as a view
of Hymen’s altar, with a pair undergoing initiation into wedded
happiness before it, while Cupid
flutters above, and hearts transfixed with his darts decorate the
corners. Maid-servants and young
fellows interchange such epistles with each other on the 14th
of February, no doubt conceiving
that the joke is amazingly good:
and, generally, the newspapers do
not fail to record that the London
postmen delivered so many hundred thousand more letters on
that day than they do in general.
At no remote period it was very
different. Misson, a learned traveller, of the early part of the last century, gives apparently a correct account of the principal ceremonial
of the day.
‘On the eve of St. Valentine’s
Day,’ he says, ‘the young folks in
England and Scotland, by a very
ancient custom, celebrate a little festival. An equal number of
maids and bachelors get together: each writes their true or some
feigned name upon separate billets, which they roll up, and draw
by way of lots, the maids taking
the men’s billets, and the men the
maids’: so that each of the young
men lights upon a girl that he calls
his valentine, and each of the girls
upon a young man whom she calls
hers. By this means each has two
valentines: but the man sticks faster to the valentine that has fallen
to him than to the valentine to
whom he is fallen. Fortune having
thus divided the company into so
many couples, the valentines give
balls and treats to their mistresses,
wear their billets several days upon
their bosoms or sleeves, and this
little sport often ends in love.’
A Forward Miss in the Connoisseur, a series of essays published in
1751-6, thus adverts to other notions with respect to the day:
‘Last Friday was Valentine’s
Day, and the night before, I got
five bay-leaves, and pinned four
of them to the four corners of my
pillow, and the fifth to the middle: and then, if I dreamt of my
sweetheart, Betty said we should
be married before the year was
out. But to make it more sure, I
boiled an egg hard, and took out
the yolk, and filled it with salt:
and when I went to bed, ate it,
shell and all, without speaking or
drinking after it. We also wrote
our lovers’ names upon bits of paper, and rolled them up in clay,
and put them into water; and the
first that rose up was to be our valentine. Would you think it?—Mr.
Blossom was my man. I lay a-bed
and shut my eyes all the morning,
till he came to our house: for I
would not have seen another man
before him for all the world.’
St. Valentine’s Day is alluded to
by Shakespeare and by Chaucer,
and also by the poet Lydgate (who
died in 1440). One of the earliest known writers of valentines,
or poetical amorous addresses for
this day, was Charles Duke of Orleans, who was taken at the battle
of Agincourt.
The origin of these peculiar observances of St. Valentine’s Day is
a subject of some obscurity. The
saint himself, who was a priest of
Rome martyred in the third century, seems to have had nothing
to do with the matter, beyond the
accident of his day being used for
the purpose. Mr. Douce, in his Illustrations of Shakespeare, says:
‘It was the practice in ancient
Rome, during a great part of
the month of February, to celebrate the Lupercalia, which were
feasts in honour of Pan and Juno,
whence the latter deity was named
Februata, Februalis, and Februlla.
On this occasion, amidst a variety
of ceremonies, the names of young
women were put into a box, from
which they were drawn by the
men as chance directed. The pastors of the early Christian church,
who, by every possible means, endeavoured to eradicate the vestiges
of pagan superstitions, and chiefly by some commutations of their
forms, substituted, in the present
instance, the names of particular
saints instead of those of the women: and as the festival of the Lupercalia had commenced about
the middle of February, they appear to have chosen St. Valentine’s
Day for celebrating the new feast
because it occurred nearly at the
same time.
This is, in part, the opinion of
a learned and rational compiler of
the Lives of the Saints, the Rev. Alban Butler.
It should seem, however, that it
was utterly impossible to extirpate
altogether any ceremony to which
the common people had been
much accustomed—a fact which
it were easy to prove in tracing the
origin of various other popular superstitions. And, accordingly, the
outline of the ancient ceremonies
was preserved, but modified by
some adaptation to the Christian
system. It is reasonable to suppose
that the above practice of choosing
mates would gradually become reciprocal in the sexes, and that all
persons so chosen would be called
Valentines, from the day on which
the ceremony took place.’
Soup, soup, and more
Marg Mills
Winter is winding down, at
least I would like to think so.
February and March will still be
cold, so while the temperatures
are low, it’s a great time to experiment with soup making. That’s
what I’ve been doing lately, and
I’ve come up with a few soup recipes that are easy to make and
taste really good on a cold evening. They’re not bad warmed up
the next day, either.
One of my family’s favorite
places to go for soup and sandwiches is Panera Bread. We often order the broccoli cheese
soup. It’s thick and delicious and
very filling. But on a trip recently, I changed it up a little and ordered french onion soup. I hadn’t
ordered that for a long time and
had forgotten just how good it
can be. It turned out to be a great
choice. It was rich with caramelized onions, croutons, and melted cheese.
So here are the two recipes I
came up with. My family seemed
to enjoy both, and the broccoli soup warmed up well the next
day. The french onion is made into individual servings.
I’ve also included a recipe for
rich, thick cheesy, potato soup.
Again, it’s easy to make and hits
the spot on a cold winter day. For
all of these, you can just add a
loaf of warm, crusty bread and a
small salad.
Broccoli Cheddar Soup
3 cups chicken broth
2 cups chopped broccoli, fresh
or frozen
1 small onion, diced,
about 1/2 cup
2 cups whole milk
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar
Salt and pepper to taste
Roux of flour and butter for thickening (optional)
Put chicken broth, broccoli, and
onion into a dutch oven. Heat
over medium heat and bring only
to a low boil. Boil at medium heat
for about five minutes or until onions are tender, stirring constantly.
Stir in milk until mixture begins
to simmer, about 5 minutes. Add
salt and pepper to taste. If soup
seems a bit thin, you can make
a roux with 1 tablespoon butter and a tablespoon of flour in a
small saucepan, cooking for about
a minute until it becomes slightly
golden. Add to soup and stir. Remove from heat and stir in cheese
until melted. Serve immediately.
Note: I used frozen broccoli, let it
thaw a bit, and chopped it a bit
smaller. I also added the roux to
thicken just before the cheese was
Broccoli cheddar cheese with hot, crusty olive oil bread.
French Onion Soup
(Makes 4 servings)
1/2 cup butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 cups thinly sliced onions
4 cans beef broth
Salt and pepper to taste
4 slices french bread (toasted
and cubed)
4 slices mozzarella cheese
Turn on oven broiler. Ladle soup
into four oven-safe bowls. Top
each with cubes of toasted bread
and top with a slice of mozzarella
cheese. Place on baking sheet and
place under broiler until cheese
is browned slightly and bubbles.
Serve immediately.
Melt butter and oil in a large
stock pot using medium heat.
Add onions until tender and
translucent, stirring constantly. Onions should become
Easy Cheesy Potato Soup
1 bag frozen hashbrown potatoes
4 cans chicken broth
Bunch green onions
2 cups sharp cheddar cheese
(set aside a bit for garnish)
Salt and pepper to taste
Add beef broth, season with salt
and pepper, and simmer for 1/2
Using a large stockpot, add sliced
white parts of onions, (save green
for garnish), broth, potatoes, and
Photo by Lena Janes
salt and pepper. Heat until mixture boils, and reduce to a low
boil. Stir occasionally, continuing to boil for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and use
an immersion blender or small
hand blender to puree some of
the soup. You can also use a large
fork to mash up some of the potatoes. Be very careful not to get
your hands too close to the hot
Return to heat and add cheese,
stirring until melted.
Serve hot, with a sprinkling of
cheddar cheese and a few slices of
the green part of the onions for
An apple a day…
Katelyn Allen, Frederick County
Dairy Princess
It keeps the doctor away, right?
This method might work for humans, but I can’t seem to get the
cows to fall for it. In the meantime, dairy farmers have to use
other means to keep their animals healthy and happy so that
they can be productive.
From the moment a calf is
born, it is kept in a warm environment and taken care of so
that it can get a strong start in
the world. The cow will give
birth in straw, which helps keep
the calf warm, especially in frigid winter conditions. With some
stimulation and encouragement
from mom, the calf will try to
stand up and be able to wobble
along a few hours after birth.
The farmer will dip the calf ’s navel in iodine so that no infection
can occur. Young calves have a
very basic immune system early
in life so they are extremely susceptible to diseases and bacteria.
To combat the calf ’s vulnerability, the mother’s first milk, called
colostrum, contains an enormous amount of antibodies. The
protection afforded by the colostrum jumpstarts the calf ’s immune system. After a few hours,
the calf is put into an individual pen called a hutch so that
the spread of disease between
animals can be minimized. A
clean bedding of straw helps inhibit bacteria growth so that
the calf can stay healthy. During the winter months, our calf
hutches are covered on the top
and back to prevent drafts from
getting calves sick. In the summer, the plastic is rolled back to
let sunlight in. The calf will continue to grow fairly quickly over
the first few months with a diet
of warm milk, and later a grain
starter rich in protein, twice every day. Once the calf is about 5
or 6 months old, she is weaned
off the milk so that her main nutrition sources become the grain
in addition to some hay. Water is
also always available to keep the
calves hydrated. At this age, the
risk transferring disease is low
enough that about 6 or 7 heifers can be grouped into one pen.
Soon afterwards, the calves will
be given a shot that vaccinates
against a few cattle illnesses.
While harmful diseases like brucellosis are rare in today’s herds,
vaccinating provides an extra
booster to ensure the heifers will
remain healthy.
With a comfortable start in the
world, a heifer will keep growing
as she gets older. For a normal
growth pattern to occur though,
a nutritious and balanced diet is
vital, just like in people. Heifers continue to receive grain
and hay in order to help them
build up the body mass necessary to carry a calf. Only when
the heifer reaches a certain target
body weight, usually about 60%
of her mature body weight, will
she be bred so as to not put extra stress on her body. The heifer
will start being fed a ration more
designed to meet the needs of a
milking cow as she approaches
calving time. This way, her body
will be more used to the nutritional requirements upon calving, and she will be less vulnerable to metabolic diseases. Also
before calving, the heifer’s developing udder is treated to help
prevent coming in contact with
bacteria, and she is moved in
with the other cows that are almost ready to calve. This group
of cows is closely monitored in
order to provide the best care for
the new mothers and newborn
calves. Upon showing signs of
labor, a cow will be moved into
a pen to give birth. Most of the
time, the cow will be fine calving
on her own but, if assistance is
needed, the farmer or even a veterinarian can help. The cow will
get the calf started, then she will
be taken care of to help recover from calving. Once the cow is
milking, it becomes even easier
to give the cows individual attention because each one must
get milked by the farmer twice
every day. A ration is carefully formulated to contain all the
nutrients, and the amount needed is fed to the entire milking
herd. Many farmers may even
have a special nutritionist to ensure that the cows are fed a diet
that keeps them healthy as well
as productive. If a cow does become ill, the farmer can often
identify the symptoms on the
farm and treat her with the appropriate medicine. This procedure is probably similar to how
many parents help their children
get over a cold. When a cow is
treated, her milk is kept separate from that of the rest of the
herd and discarded. By following
the medicine label and performing an antibiotic test on the milk
after treatment has stopped, the
farmer knows when the milk is
safe to be shipped again. The
cow who was sick bounces back
from her illness to be healthy
and happy again.
The measures used to keep a
dairy herd healthy are not always
easy, but dairy farmers put in the
work to ensure that their animals are free of disease and pain
at all ages. Taking care of healthy
cows is the first step in producing quality milk and other dairy
products for everyone to enjoy!
Poverty continued from page 14
his misfortunes that are the natural
and predictable consequence of his
own choices on forces or circumstances that are external to him and
outside his control. Is there any one
of us who has never resorted to excuses about his circumstances when
he has done wrong or made a bad
decision? It is a universal human
tendency. But in Britain, at any rate,
an entire class of persons has been
created that not only indulges in
this tendency, but makes it their
entire world outlook—and does so
with official encouragement.
Let me take as an example the
case of heroin addicts. In the
1950s, heroin addiction in Britain
was confined to a very small number of people, principally in bohemian circles. It has since become a
mass phenomenon, the numbers
of addicts having increased perhaps
two thousandfold, to something
like 250,000 to 300,000. And with
the statistically insignificant exception of members of the popular culture elite, heroin addiction is
heavily concentrated in areas of the
country such as the one in which I
Heroin addiction has been presented by officialdom as a bona
fide disease that strikes people like,
shall we say, rheumatoid arthritis.
In the United States, the National Institute on Drug Abuse defines
addiction quite baldly as a chronic
relapsing brain disease—and nothing else. I hesitate to say it, but this
seems to me straightforwardly a
lie, told to willing dupes in order
to raise funds from the federal government.
Be that as it may, the impression has been assiduously created
and peddled among the addicts
that they are the helpless victims
of something that is beyond their
own control, which means that
they need the technical assistance
of what amounts to a substantial
bureaucratic apparatus in order to
overcome it. When heroin addicts
just sentenced to imprisonment
arrived, they said to me, “I would
give up, doctor, if only I had the
help.” What they meant by this
was that they would give up heroin
if some cure existed that could be
administered to them that would
by itself, without any resolution
on their part, change their behavior. In this desire they appeared
sincere—but at the same time they
knew that such a cure did not exist, nor would most of them have
agreed to take it if it did exist.
In fact, the whole basis of the
supposed treatment for their supposed disease is rooted in lies and
misconceptions. For example, research has shown that most addicts
spend at least 18 months taking
heroin intermittently before they
become addicted. Nor are they ignorant while they take it intermittently of heroin’s addictive properties. In other words, they show
considerable determination in becoming addicts: It is something,
for whatever reason, that they want
to become. It is something they do,
rather than something that hap-
pens to them. Research has shown
also that heroin addicts lead very
busy lives one way or another—so
busy, in fact, that there is no reason
why they could not make an honest living if they so wished. Indeed,
this has been known for a long
time, for in the 1920s and 30s in
America, morphine addicts for the
most part made an honest living.
Withdrawal from opiates, the
fearfulness of which, reiterated in
film and book, is often given as one
of the main reasons for not abandoning the habit, is in fact a pretty
trivial condition, certainly by comparison with illnesses which most
of us have experienced, or by comparison with withdrawal from other drugs. I have never heard an alcoholic say, for example, that he
fears to give up alcohol because
of delirium tremens—a genuinely dangerous medical condition,
unlike withdrawal from heroin.
Research has shown that medical
treatment is not necessary for heroin addicts to abandon their habit and that many thousands do so
without any medical intervention
In Britain at least, heroin addicts
do not become criminals because
they are addicted (and can raise
funds to buy their drugs only by
crime); those who take heroin and
indulge in criminal behavior have
almost always indulged in extensive criminal behavior before they
were ever addicted. Criminality is
a better predictor of addiction than
is addiction of criminality.
In other words, all the bases upon which heroin addiction is treated as if it is something that happens
to people rather than something
that people do are false, and easily
shown to be false. This is so whatever the latest neuro-scientific research may supposedly show.
I have taken the example of heroin addiction as emblematic of
what, with some trepidation, I may
call the dialectical relationship between the worldview of those at the
bottom of society and the complementary worldview of what one
might call the salvationist bureaucracy of the government. In the
old Soviet Union there was a joke
in which the workers would say to
the party bosses, “We pretend to
work and you pretend to pay us.”
In the case of the heroin addicts,
they might say, “We pretend to be
ill, and you pretend to cure us.”
One of the possible dangers or
consequences of such a charade is
that it creates a state of dishonest
dependency on the part of the addicts. They wait for salvation as Estragon and Vladimir wait for Godot in Samuel Beckett’s play; they
wait for something that will never arrive, and that at least in some
part of their mind they know will
never arrive—but that officialdom
persists in telling them will arrive
someday. Dishonest passivity and
dependence combined with harmful activity becomes a pattern of
life, and not just among drug addicts. I remember going into a single mother’s house one day. The
house was owned by the local
council; her rent was paid, and vir-
tually everything that she owned,
or that she and her children consumed, was paid for from public
I noticed that her back garden,
which could have been pretty had
she cared for it, was like a noxious
rubbish heap. Why, I asked her, do
you not clear it up for your children to play in? “I’ve asked the
council many times to do it,” she
replied. The council owned the
property; it was therefore its duty to clear up the rubbish that she
had allowed to accumulate there—
and this despite what she knew to
be the case, that the council would
never do so! Better the rubbish
should remain there than that she
do what she considered to be the
council’s duty.
This is surely a very curious but
destructive state of mind, and one
that some politicians have unfortunately made it their interest to
promote by promising secular salvation from relative poverty by
means of redistribution. Whether
by design or not, the state in England has smashed up all forms of
social solidarity that are independent of it. This is not an English
problem alone: In France the word
solidarité, solidarity, has come to
mean high taxation for redistribution by state officials to other parts
of the population, which of course
are neither grateful for the subventions nor find them sufficient to
meet their dreams. And not surprisingly, some of the money sticks
to the hands of the redistributionist
By a mixture of ideology and fiscal and social policies, the family
has been systematically fractured
and destroyed in England, at least
in the lowest part of the society
that, unfortunately, needs family
solidarity the most. There are even,
according to some researchers, fiscal and welfare incentives for parents at the lower economic reaches
of society not to stay together.
Certainly the notions of dependence and independence have
changed. I remember a population that was terrified of falling
into dependence on the state, because such dependence, apart from
being unpleasant in itself, signified
personal failure and humiliation.
But there has been an astonishing
gestalt switch in my lifetime. Independence has now come to mean
independence of the people to
whom one is related and dependence on the state. Mothers would
say to me that they were pleased
to be independent, by which they
meant independent of the fathers
of their children—usually more
than one—who in general were violent swine. Of course, the mothers knew them to be violent swine
before they had children by them,
but the question of whether a man
would be a suitable father is no longer a question because there are no
fathers: At best, though often also
at worst, there are only stepfathers.
The state would provide. In the
new dispensation the state, as well
as television, is father to the child.
A small change in locution illustrates a change in the charac-
ter and conceptions of a people.
When I started out as a doctor in
the mid-1970s, those who received
state benefits would say, “I receive
my check on Friday.” Now people
who receive such benefits say, “I get
paid on Friday.” This is an important change. To have said that they
received their check on Friday was
a neutral way of putting it; to say
that they get paid on Friday is to
imply that they are receiving money in return for something. But
what can that something be since
they do not appear to do anything
of economic value to anyone else?
It can only be existence itself: They
are being paid to continue to exist,
existence itself being their work.
It has been said that the lamentable state of affairs I have described
has been brought about by the decline, inevitable as we now see it, of
the kind of industry that once employed millions of unskilled workers, whose wages, though low by
today’s standards, were nevertheless
sufficient to sustain a stable society.
And I do not think that this view
can be altogether dismissed. But it is
far from the whole story. One of the
curious features of England in the
recent past is that it has consistently
maintained very high levels of statesubsidized idleness while importing
almost equivalent numbers of foreigners to do unskilled work.
Let me here interject something about the intellectual and
moral corruption wrought by the
state in recent years— and I don’t
know whether it applies to America. The governments of Britain,
of both political parties, managed
to lessen the official rate of unemployment by the simple expedient
of shifting people from the ranks
of the unemployed to the ranks of
the sick. This happened on such a
huge scale that, by 2006—a year of
economic boom, remember—the
British welfare state had achieved
the remarkable feat of producing
more invalids than the First World
War. But it is known that the majority of those invalids had no real
disease. This feat, then, could have
been achieved only by the willing
corruption of the unemployed
themselves—relieved from the necessity to seek work—but also of
the doctors who provided them
with official certificates that they
knew to be bogus. And the government was only too happy, for
propaganda purposes, to connive
at such large-scale fraud. One begins to see what Confucius meant
when he said, 2,500 years ago,
that the first thing to do to restore
a state to health was to rectify the
names—in other words, to call
things by their right names rather
than by euphemisms.
There are three reasons that
I can think of why we imported
foreign labor to do unskilled work
while maintaining large numbers
of unemployed people. The first
is that we had destroyed all economic incentive for the latter to
work. The second is that the foreigners were better in any case, because their character had not been
rotted; they were often better educated and had a much better work
Animals during winter
Didi Culp, Frederick County
Animal Control & Pet Adoption
Center Humane Educator
The cold weather is here. The
State of Maryland requires animal owners to protect their pets
and livestock from the elements.
If you have animals with access to
the out of doors, now is a great
time to check your fence lines
and shelters for sturdiness and
hazards that build up over the
year. Clear debris and manage
mud for large animals and ensure
that sources of drinking water are
accessible at all times.
Indoor pets can be at an advantage this time of year but remember: they can’t take off their coats
when they come inside. Temperature gradients that naturally occur in homes are useful to cats and
dogs that move about, but caged
animals need extra supervision to
be sure sunshine or drafts from
windows and doors are managed.
Change bedding often to keep
pets clean and dry and verify that
food is fresh and available.
If you are buttoning up for
winter, consider coming by the
Frederick County Animal Control and Pet Adoption Center on
Rosemont Avenue. While it may
not be the ideal time of year to
house-train a new puppy, small
mammals and cats are just fine
spending the winter snuggled
up indoors. And if you enjoy
the outdoors, a new dog could
be the right choice to keep you
company. We list our available
pets on\fcac,
and you can see our animals on
our Facebook page as well. We
still use and feature some of our pets on this
Sunday page. You can view our
weekly TV show, Pet Pals, at 6am
and 6pm on Cable 19. On Tuesdays, you can hear about one special pet on WFRE and WFMD
during morning drive time. If
you already have your own pets,
consider signing up for a Volunteer Orientation to see how you
could help the animals in the
County still waiting for the perfect match.
Feral cats in Frederick
Ready for war against rodents
Tasha Lessey
Pit a feral cat against a rat and the
result is a no brainer. For farms and
businesses suffering from rodent infestation, cats offer a viable method
to eradicate their problem, thanks
to the Barn Cat Adoption Program
offered by Tip Me Frederick.
Rodents pose a serious problem
to any community. In addition to
contaminating food supplies, they
can be responsible for the spread
of many diseases such as hanta virus pulmonary syndrome, rat-bite
fever, leptospirosis, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. A home,
farm, or business with rodents must
make their control a top priority.
For those that choose to go the ‘feral
fighter’ route, there are many benefits.
The Barn Cat Adoption Program
is the most environmentally friendly
way and leads to increased goodwill
in the community. With low costs
to adopt and care for the cats, extermination fees are eliminated. It is
safer than using rodenticides which
can be poisonous to other animals
and people. The chance to save a
cat’s life is another added benefit.
A task force created by the Maryland General Assembly in 2011
found that half of the cats entering Maryland’s shelters each year
are euthanized for reasons other
than the owner’s request. Adoption
programs where hard-to-place cats
are matched with suitable homes
can help reduce this problem. Feral
cats can be adopted by rural farms,
warehouses, junk yards, stables and
many other organizations. Most
are not suitable as indoor pets,
however, due to their temperament
and behavior.
Tip Me Frederick neuters and
vaccinates all the cats before they are
available for adoption. They also offer guidance with every step of the
process, showing new owners how
to properly care for the cats. Support is offered for the life span of the
cat with discounted vet rates, updated vaccines and re-trapping services.
Most of the cats are tame and enjoy petting. Contact Tip Me Frederick at 301-845-1061 to adopt a
barn cat.
About Tip Me Frederick
Tip Me Frederick is a non-profit 501c3 organization dedicated to
the humane treatment of feral, stray
and barn cats. It provides low to no
cost spay/neuter services, vaccines,
vet care, and utilizes the humane
Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage (TNRM) method. Please visit www. for more information.
Poverty continued from page 20
ethic. And the third was the rigidity of the housing market that
made it so difficult for people to
move around once they had been
granted the local privilege of subsidized housing.
I will leave you with an anecdote. As Mao Tse-tung might have
put it, one anecdote is worth a
thousand abstractions.
I had been asked by the courts
to examine a young woman, aged
18, who was accused of having attacked and injured her 90-year-old
great-grandmother, with whom
she lived, while under the influ-
ence of alcohol and cannabis. She
had broken her great-grandmother’s femur, but fortunately it did
not prove fatal. (Incidentally, the
homicide rate, it is said, would be
five times higher than it is if we
used the same medical techniques
as were used in 1960.) I asked the
young woman in the course of my
examination whether her mother
had ever been in trouble with the
“Yes,” she replied. “What for?”
I asked. “Well, she was on the social,” she said—“on the social”
in English argot means receiving
welfare payments— “and she was
“What happened?” I asked.
“She had to stop working.”
She said this as if it was so obvious that my question must be that
of a mental defective. Work is for
pocket money, the public dole is
the means by which one lives.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is
the view from the bottom, at least
in Britain: but it is a view that has
been inculcated and promoted
from the top.
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Love is in the air and in the sky
Lisa Bruck, Co-Director ESSL
Yes, it’s February, the time of
year when we are bound by ritual
to express our love and affections
with flowers, candies and cards.
The night sky has inspired countless sonnets and other affirmations
of love. Let’s start with one of the
biggest players, the Moon. You
cannot deny the magical power of
a full Moon. The Moon has been
an integral part of many legends
across cultures and throughout
the centuries. In Roman mythology, the Moon is associated with
the goddess Luna, who is paired
with the god of the Sun. He (the
Sun) travels throughout the day
and she (Luna) takes over the
journey at night, forever chasing
each other until the end of time.
Even the phases of the Moon are
explained through a romantic story. In the Inuit culture of Alaska it was told that the Moon god
was in love with the Sun goddess.
The Moon god continually tried
to chase her down to marry her.
That’s why he follows her in the
sky every day. The waxing and
waning of the Moon is explained
as the Moon god chasing her until he is starving and then he disappears for a bit to hunt for food after
which he has the energy to come
back to chase her again. So according to this legend, new Moon represents that time when the Moon
god disappears to hunt for food.
The full Moon in February is often
called the Wolf Moon, the Snow
Moon, or the Hunger Moon. This
month the full Moon is on February 3 and with it, a special pairing,
the planet Jupiter. Jupiter shines
opposite the Sun this month, directly reflecting the light of the Sun
back to Earth, therefore shining at
its brightest for this year. The astronomical term for this is opposition. Because of opposition, Jupiter
is out from nightfall until morning
dawn. Look for Jupiter low in the
east in the early evening, highest up
around midnight, and low in the
west at daybreak.
Speaking of planets, February 2015 will be a grand month
for watching planets in the evening sky. Venus, the sky’s brightest planet, and modestly-bright
Mars appear rather close together in the western sky. When you
are gazing for the planets, look
for Venus and Mars first, because
they will follow the Sun beneath
the horizon by early evening. Venus will be definitely hard to miss,
as it’s the third-brightest celestial
object in the sky, after the Sun
and the Moon. Although Mars is
considerably fainter than Venus,
it’s still bright enough to see with
the naked eye. So the saying goes
“Men are from Mars and Women
are from Venus?” In Roman mythology, Venus was the goddess
of love, beauty, and fertility. Venus was married to the red planet Mars, the god of war and agri-
culture. With Mars, she gave birth
to Phobos, meaning fear, his twin
Deimos, meaning terror, Harmonia, the goddess of harmony and
concord, and the Cupids, who
were a collection of winged love
deities who represented the different aspects of love. On the evening of February 21 you will have
an opportunity to see these two
“love birds” have what is known
as a planetary conjunction along
with the crescent Moon. A planetary conjunction occurs when
objects appear from Earth to be
next to each other. Wow! Talk
about “Love is in the Air!” Venus
and Mars will be within .5 degree
from each other next to the waxing crescent Moon. You will not
see this pairing again until October 2017.
So when you are looking for a
good love story, no need to turn on
the television or go to the movies,
just head outside and look up. If
you are looking for a warmer place
to observe the night sky, don’t forget about evening programing at
the Earth Space Science Lab in
Frederick. Programming guide as
well as ticket purchasing can be
done at our website,
Farmers’ Almanac
“If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love”.
Maya Angelou (1928-2014)
MID-ATLANTIC WEATHER WATCH: Fair not s cold (1,2,3) with light snow mainly in the north
(4,5). Windy; cold (6,7,8,9,10) with more snow in the north, rain in the south (11,12). Windy turning
colder (13,14,15,16,17) with lake-effect snow (18,19); Fair and cold (20,21,22,23) with Nor’easter,
heavy snow (24,25). Returning to fair weather but windy and very cold (26,27,28).
FULL MOON: February’s FULL MOON will occur on Friday, February 3rd. It has widely been
recognized as HUNGER MOON by many Native American tribes who lived in cold and temperate
climates and faced harsh winters and a real scarcity of game during this month. Many tribes have also
referred to as the SNOW MOON because snow was often at its deepest now in certain parts of North
SPECIAL NOTES: “Punxsutawney Phil” makes his call on the coming of Spring on Monday, February 2nd. As legend has it, if the old boy is frightened by his own shadow, the little coward will return
to his burrow for another 6 more weeks, signaling winter will continue! If he doesn’t, there will be an
early spring and rejoicing throughout the land!
HOLIDAYS: The Christian Festival of Lights, or Candelmas, is celebrated on Monday, February
2nd. The day is marked when many churches traditionally display many more candles than usual during their services. The added light made the day so special and it also was believed that the additional
light helped to ward off illness and plague in the coming year. Valentine’s Day, February 14th, falls on
Saturday in 2015. Plan a special ‘Saturday Night’ date with your special someone and let them know
just how much you appreciate them in your life. The birthdays of Abraham Lincoln (Thursday, February 12th) and George Washington (Sunday, the 22nd) are collectively celebrated on President’s day
which falls on Monday, February 16th to provide us with an extended holiday weekend.
THE GARDEN: With some good news from our friend “Punxsutawney Phil”, we can start thinking about things to do in an early spring. Mid to late February is the perfect time to fertilize shrubs
and evergreens. Use an acid type Rhododendron fertilizer to feed evergreens, conifers, broad leaf evergreens, Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Camellias. Trees that weren’t fed last Fall should be deep fed by
punching a series of 1-2 inch holes two feet apart around the drip line and filled with an appropriate
food. A mulch of well composted manure is also an excellent treat for your tree. Plants that may have
been pushed out of the ground by frost heave should be pressed firmly back into place. Plant Daylilies,
Bleeding Hearts, and Hostas this month. Deciduous vines such as Honeysuckle should be pruned for
shape. Most perennials can be divided and moved up until the time they begin to show new growth.
“You only reap what you sow, so be sure to spread more kindness and consideration for your fellow
man than envy or ill will”.
Jaques’ Pitcher
From a Nutting Party and Other Stories by Emma Brown, copyright 1880
O mama! won’t you please
let us take that pretty Japanese
pitcher of yours to-day. We
won’t put any water into it, and
we’ll be ever so careful not to
break it.”
“Come and hear our story,
mamma, and then you will see
that nothing else in the house
would possibly do as a ‘lustration!’” pleaded Beth; and so
mamma, who seldom refused her
four little beggars,” as she playfully called them, any reasonable
request, took down from the top
shelf of the china closet the rare, old pitcher, and promised the
children she would come and
hear the story.
“’Once upon a time,’ that was
the very way Captain Crane began the story himself, there was
a little boy named Jaques Hugo,
whose mother died when he was
a baby, and whose father was a
sailor. All the home he ever knew
was an old cellar down on the
wharves, where Irish Meg, the
woman who took care of him,
sold snuff, and tobacco, and liquor. It was a dreadful place and
poor little Jaques used to run
away whenever he could. One
day he wandered off quite a distance, and came to a large building where the door was open,
and where he could hear singing.
“Bring the chairs up together, Percy; and Madge, you Robin
get the hymn-books, that we can
play church, for it was the Sailor Bethel Jaques had wandered
into, and it so happened that a
great temperance lecturer was to
speak on that particular morning. Jaques stood very quietly
just at the entrance,--you must
be Jaques, Percy, and stand there
by the hall door—and as he listened, he grew more and more
interested. After that he came
quite often to the Bethel, but he
said nothing about it at home.
“One day, after sitting a long
time in the brown study, he
went to an old sea-chest of his
father’s, and took out a pitcher
something like his one of mamma’s. Then he followed the icecarts that came around through
the streets, and picking up a few
broken pieces of ice, he carefully
washed them, and put them into his pitcher. It was a very hot
day, and a great many sailors and
workmen down on the wharves
came as usual to get a drink at
old Meg’s cellar. Jaques knew
how it would be and standing
just outside he offered every one
that came a drink of ice-water
from his pretty pitcher. Some of
the men laughed, and some began to call him names, but Meg,
when she poked out at the door,
was so angry that she seized him
by the shoulder and would have
pushed him down the stone
steps, had it not been for a gentleman who just then happened
to be passing by. Catching Jaques
with one hand and the pitcher
with the other, he sent Meg into
the house, and bade the boy follow him.
“Jaques was only too glad to
obey, and as they walked down
the street together, the gentleman asked a great many questions, not only about Jaques
himself, but also about the
“Jaques told him what he had
heard at the temperance meeting, and how he thought that
if the thirsty men who came to
Meg’s cellar had plenty of good
cold water to drink, perhaps
they would not want anything
“’And so I got this pitcher out
of the father’s sea-chest, and’
‘stood at your post like a brave
little teetotaler!’ said the gentleman; then carefully examining
the pitcher, he asked Jaques what
he supposed it was worth.
“’Not much, I reckon, for father’s had it ever since that long
cruise of his in the China Sea.’
“But the gentleman knew well
the value of old Satsuma ware,
and going back to the cellar with
Jaques he gave his father a large
sum of money for his rare, old
pitcher. He knew, too, the value
of such a brave temperance boy
and little Jaques, and taking him
into his employ he proved a true
friend to him all his life.”
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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
February 2-15
Fundraiser - Please help
the Wounded Soldiers by visiting Trout’s Towne Restaurant
anytime from Feb. 2-15. Trout’s
will donate $1 to the Wounded
Soldiers for every omelet or dessert purchased during this time
February 10
Govt. – Woodsboro Town
Meeting at 7 pm
February 10 & 24
School Tour - Mother Seton School Take-a-Tour Tuesday - February 10 & 24, 10:00
am-1:00 pm and 4:30 pm-6:30
pm. Applications for 2015-2016
now being accepted. Come see
why children thrive academically and spiritually at Mother Seton School. With individualized
attention, a strong moral foundation, and our S.T.E.M.-centric
curriculum that encourages students to develop critical thinking
skills, our students are prepared
to take on the challenges of the
21st century. We offer community service opportunities, an
award-winning music and arts
program, and student clubs and
activities. Financial aid is available, and we provide bus transportation from most areas. After
Care is also available. No need
to pre-register, just stop by during our Take-a-Tour Open House
or contact Denice Vaught at 301447-3161 or for more information or to set up a private tour.
February 11
Govt. – Walkersville Town
Meeting at 7:30 pm
February 16- March 1
Fundraiser - Please help
the Woodsboro and New Midway
PTA by visiting Trout’s Restaurant anytime from Feb. 16 – Mar.
1. Trout’s will donate $1 to Woodsboro and New Midway PTA for
every omelet or dessert purchased
during this time period.
February 17
Pancake Supper – 4-7pm, 7th
annual Fat Tuesday all-you-caneat pancake supper at Trout’s
Towne Restaurant, 200 North
2nd St. Woodsboro. All proceeds
benefit the 1st Lt. Rob Seidel
Wounded Soldiers Fund.
Frederick County Agriculture
site at or
call 301-447-3161.
February 23
Govt. – Woodsboro Town
Workshop at 7 pm
February 25
Govt. – Walkersville Town
Meeting at 7:30 pm
March 14
Dinner - Mother Seton School
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and Auction. March 14, 6:00 pm-9:00 pm
at the Carriage House Inn, 200 S.
Seton Avenue, Emmitsburg, MD.
$60/person. Tickets on sale February 1st and can be purchased by
calling 301-447-3161.
The Frederick County Agriculture Week will be held on February
16-21, 2015 at the Francis Scott Key Mall in Frederick, Maryland
with the theme of “Farmers Supporting Families in Frederick County”. Many displays and events are being planned for this year and
changes have been made to the schedule and times of events. If you
have any questions concerning Frederick County Ag Week or your
business or organization would like to place a display at the mall,
please contact Ted Albaugh at 240-446-3054 or at dayslandacres1@ or Ronald Murphy at 301-788-3847 or at rwm186@ Exhibits may be set up on Sunday, February 15, 2015
from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Spring sports registrations are now open for
youth baseball, soccer and softball!
Online registration and/or registrations forms for each sport
can be found on our website at
Baseball – Early Registration Deadline February 15
If you have any questions u
Spring sportsor
are now open for Cherie Edwards • • 301-788-4362
are able to volunteer
and with
Soccer - Registration Deadline February 20
Ash Wednesday - Mother Se- youth baseball, soccer
your time
Tom Atelsek • • 301-305-6220
ton School Ash Wednesday Mass
coaching or
Online registration and/or registrations
each sport can be found
- February 18, 10:15 am. Join us on ourcoordinating
Softball - Registration Deadline February 23
website at
in worship as we begin the HoKim Bowers •
please contact us
ly season of LentIfwith
an Ash
you have
any questions
are able
to volunteer your time with
Concessions Coordinator
February 18
or help with coordinating concessions,
Wednesday Mass. For more
inSherrie Medeiros •
please contact us for more information.
formation, please visit our webBaseball – Early Registration Deadline February 15
Cherie Edwards
Soccer - Registration Deadline February 20
Tom Atelsek
Softball - Registration Deadline February 23
Kim Bowers
Concessions Coordinator, Sherrie Medeiros
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