Newsletter - St Paul's United Church of Christ
Newsletter - St Paul's United Church of Christ
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ Rev. RaeAnn Beebe 1250 Leonard Point Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 920-231-3080 February 2015 Tidings “Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt…” (Matthew 2:14) I know we are heading to Lent, but one story from the Christmas season is still floating around in my head. It is a part of the story that we rarely focus on. Often it is told the Sunday after Christmas when attendance is low after all of the celebrations of Christmas. Many of you may not even be familiar with this story. It is the story of Mary and Joseph taking Jesus and leaving their home to go to Egypt. After the Magi visited, Joseph was warned in a dream that Herod was looking for Jesus to destroy him. So in the middle of the night, Joseph gathers his family, what belongings they can carry, and sneaks out of Bethlehem. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus become refugees. Forced to leave their homeland in order to survive. About 15 million people in the world today are refugees according to Church World Service. That is a huge number of people forced to leave their homes. Many are waiting in refugee camps for permanent placement elsewhere. The conditions are cramped and crowded. Some have been placed in other counties where they are learning to adjust to a culture very different from their own. On January 7, Joseph Kabamba shared his story at The Path. Joseph is a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He was settled here in Oshkosh in Spring of 2013. His story is tragic. Political unrest is the norm in the Democratic Republic of Congo. When Joseph was 18, many of the village people were unhappy with the government and wanted to fight against it. They sought to enlist the young men of the villages to fight with them. They approached Joseph’s father about his three sons joining the fight. His father refused. Because of this and the fact that the family had money (Joseph’s father was a doctor and his mother a teacher), the rebels believed that Joseph’s father was working with the government. They came back and beat his father up, raped his mother and sisters, and Joseph was taken to prison. He spent a long period of time in jail where he was forced to work and was never sure if he would live through the day. Eventually, a guard who knew him from his church (Joseph is Jehovah’s Witness) helped him escape the jail and helped him get to Tanzania. It was while he was there that he found out his family had all been killed and their home destroyed. Joseph had registered with a relief agency and after he realized he could never go home, he was sent to the United States. Joseph had no choice in where he would live. He was told he was going to Oshkosh, WI. He knows he will never be able to return to the Democratic Republic of Congo, but that it will always be home and that saddens him. Joseph has been assisted here in Oshkosh by World Relief. World Relief assists in finding housing, employment, school registrations, and setting up necessary appointments. They work with a family for about 1 three months. But so much more is needed for the refugees who come to Oshkosh to really settle in. Volunteers are needed for transportation, assistance with shopping (our stores are filled with many choices and that can be overwhelming), learning the culture, and being a friend. Several churches in our area assist families in this way. Joseph’s story touched me and I think it touched those who heard him speak as well. When we encounter those who are refugees in our community, may we remember that Jesus was once a refugee and treat them as we would treat Jesus. Blessings, Pastor RaeAnn Biblical Texts for Personal Devotions and Reflection based on the Narrative Lectionary (Sundays and Wednesdays) Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb 1/4: 8/11: 15: 18: 22/25: Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew 6:7-21; Psalm 20:7 14:13-33; Psalm 95:1-5 16:24-17:18; Psalm 41:7-10 18:1-9: Psalm 146:7c-10 (51:1-3) 18:15-35; Psalm 32:1-2 Treasure in Heaven Feeding 5,000 Bearing the Cross Who is the Greatest? Forgiveness “The Path” For a year now, St. Paul’s UCC has been offering an additional worship service on Wednesday evenings. While we treasure the time spent together worshipping God on Sunday mornings, we know this doesn’t always work into people’s schedules. A group of 15-20 people have been gathering for food, fellowship, fun, and faith formation. The Path is an intergenerational experience. We would love to have you join us. There is always room for more worshippers. Hope to see you sometime soon. Wednesday Evenings 6:00 pm Simple Meal (free will offering taken to defray cost of the meal) 6:30 pm Worship Experience (intergenerational and interactive) Join us for an evening of food, fellowship, fun, and faith formation. Attention Knitters and Crocheters The Oshkosh Correctional Institution has a knitting program which is a community service project that produces knitted items for the area needy. This program is an important part of Oshkosh Correctional Institution’s special needs unit and is consistent with meeting the needs of providing meaningful work and an opportunity for inmates to give back to the community. The program is in need of yarn to continue. If you have any yarn that you would like to donate, please bring it to church and we will see that it gets to the Oshkosh Correctional Institution. 2 Pilgrims of Ibillin Some of you were in attendance when Rev. John Hobbins spoke on his trip to Israel with the Pilgrims of Ibillin. A group of high school age students from Israel along with chaperones will be visiting Oshkosh July 7-10, 2015. Homes are needed for these students to stay while they are here. Details are still being worked out for their stay here in Oshkosh. What a wonderful opportunity to get to know someone from another culture and share our culture with them. Housing needs to be secured as quickly as possible so the students can get their paperwork in order. If you might be interested in hosting one or two students while they are here, please let Pastor RaeAnn know. As more details are available, I will be sure and share them with all of you. P.S. Rev. Hobbins and myself may be planning a trip with Pilgrims of Ibillin to Israel in Fall of 2016! The month of February finds us exploring a unit called “Called by God” and it has some interesting points to discuss. When we began the unit, we had to understand we often do not recognize God’s call. We do not know that the nudge or voice we hear in the back of our head is that of God. For children that is often difficult. We started by recognizing our qualities we have. We are going to see how we can develop them and use them. We continue on with exploring those people who have touched our lives and the help they have given. The importance of prayer will be discussed. These are some challenging topics to discuss but important ones for living our life. We continue to think of others as we ask for donations for our food pantry. Buying soup or chili from the sale helps the Warming Shelter. And who can forget it is cookie time for the Girl Scouts. Buying from them helps the troop plus the individual who sells gains confidence from the selling experience. I am sure there are other opportunities out in the community to help others. By doing so it gives you a “warm and fuzzy” feeling. As February goes by, be listening for the call of God. Reach out to others, do a good deed, use your qualities to their best, and remember to pray! Blessings, Sherri Landig T - Our thanks and appreciation go out to Brian Harrah for his years of service with the Praise Band at St. Paul’s. He is moving away and all of us will miss him. Good Luck, Brian. hank yous Thanks also to Irv Tesch who is retiring from the choir after 69 faithful years! We’ll miss you, Irv! Thanks to Julie Cameron for a gift of miscellaneous office supplies. appreciate and can always use your gift. We 3 Thanks to Sherri Landig, Deb Wriedt, the Reepsdorfs and the Trampfs for taking down and storing all of the Christmas decorations and the tree. PLEASE KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS: Those who are homebound or in care centers: Jeanette Cummings, Don Kieckhafer, June Otto, Muriel Carrillo, Betty Gabbert, Eileen Redemann, Betty Bettin Those who have been hospitalized recently or are under ongoing medical care: Marion Abraham, Melissa (Krause) Hawley, Eileen Steiner, Jean Fuller, Sharon Rudy, Liz Joachim Haitian Student sponsored by St. Paul’s: Corriolant Yves St. Paul’s friends and family: Dan Tesch, Neil Starke, Mary Jaynes’ sister Sue, Steve Jones, Mike Juedes’ sister Judy and niece Katelyn, Rod Robien’s Dad We mourn with Rod and Michelle Robien on the death of his mother, Marjorie and also with Chi Whitemarsh and Ken Jungwirth on the recent death of his sister. Reminder: Please continue to bring your used computer ink cartridges to the basket in the Narthex. Money earned from these helps our office budget. February will be a light month for missions. The only planned activity will be the ‘Chili for the Chilly’ sale on Feb. 1st (Superbowl Sunday). The Gassere family and friends will be taking orders and selling soups to benefit the Day by Day Warming Shelter. You can get a delicious, hearty meal while supporting the homeless people in our community. Enjoy! I am also still looking for someone to head the fleece pillow making project day. If the event that no one will take on the event, I would also like to know if anyone knows of an organization (another church group, Girl Scout Troop, etc.) who might be able to use some of our supplies for their own pillow project. Please contact me if you have suggestions. Thank you. Barb Loomans SHELDON, HIEDI & GARY #6 02/21 4 JOHANNES, BRAD WHITEMARSH, CHI BAHR, AGNES TRETOW, HARLEY RADIG, CONNIE BOERNER, RYAN SCHAFER, ALYSSA SCHAFER, CAITLYN TOKOPH, REV. BRIAN 02/01 02/01 02/02 02/04 02/07 02/08 02/10 02/10 02/13 CIRRICIONE, NICK SCHNEIDER, JEFF BORGMANN, RYAN JOACHIM, EMILY LOOMANS, BRUCE JOACHIM, SAMUEL BOSS, BEN TESCH, HERBERT 02/18 02/18 02/20 02/21 02/24 02/25 02/26 02/26 Thank you to all those who are sending cards, emails, etc while I am working from home for awhile during my recuperation. A special thanks to Lynn Rollmann for doing miscellaneous tasks for me in the office, to my husband Bill who patiently transports materials back and forth from the office to my home, Pastor RaeAnn for her visits, understanding and willingness to work with me through email a great deal and to Bobbi Reepsdorf who came through and provided me with a lap top computer while I was in rehab! Feel free to continue emailing me, etc with any issues that I will try to solve for you or find someone who can: Liz Joachim There is still time TO WIN A $25 WALMART GIFT CARD! ALL SCRIP ordered or purchased at church from Monday January 5th through Sunday, February 1 are eligible. Every $25 spent = 1 entry in the contest (Ex: $50 = 2 entries, $100 = 4 entries Place an order or pick up some cards from church and you just might win. Contest drawing will be held on Sunday, Feb. 8 at church. NEXT SCRIP order due Sunday, Feb. 1 5 CHILI FOR THE CHILLY Once again we will be making and selling chili and chicken noodle soup for Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, 2015! This is a delicious way to support the Day By Day Warming Shelter, the homeless shelter, here in Oshkosh. A quart of soup can be purchased for $7. Please place your order at church Wednesday night or Sunday morning. Soup will be ready for pick-up at church on Sunday, the 1st. If you are not interested in soup, consider supporting this worthy charity with a donation. This is the one time of the year that St. Paul's supports this critical mission here in Oshkosh. We'd love to send them a huge check! You may also order by calling the Gassere's at 231-5579. Special arrangements can be made for home delivery! 2015 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES 1-18-2015 Meeting called to order by Anne Gassere at 10:30 am. Pastor RaeAnn opened the meeting with prayer. 2014 Secretary Minutes approval Is this on website? No Motion: Mary Jaynes moved and Ruth Hauser seconded to accept the secretary’s minutes for 2014 as distributed. Motion Carried Review / approval of Written & Sustaining Fund Reports Motion: Shirley Tretow moved and Dennis Krause seconded to accept the written reports & Sustaining Fund reports for 2014 as distributed. Motion Carried Review / approval of Financial Reports Motion: Dorthy Hable moved and Curt Bahr seconded to accept the financial reports as distributed. Motion Carried Review / approval of 2015 budget. Discussion: A member suggested that we announce problems with funding during the year and ask for donations at that time. 6 Motion: Harley Tretow moved and Dennis Krause seconded to accept the 2015 budget. Motion Carried President’s Report/Comments 2015 Council Introduction Council expiration terms: Term Expires 2015 Term Expires 2016 Ellen Becker Mary Jaynes Lyle Rudy Mike Juedes Bob Trampf Jack Meyer Minister’s Report/Comments Slide show: A Year in Review at St Paul’s Blessed to Be a Blessing People in mission Advent celebration Back Bay mission Sharing the journey of Habitat for humanity faith Jesus said feed the hungry Faith formation Crop walk Confirmation Fill the cart Worship keeps us We are the body of Christ connected to God Intergenerational events and each other Rally Day hayride Sunday morning Cinco de Mayo The Path Term Expires 2017 John Hauser Chris Reichard Anne Gassere Summer fun with God Hosted the Lakeland College Choir Comments from members: Shirley Tretow - This is an impressive congregation and we are honored to be part of it. Jacob - I feel the same way. Since I started coming, I feel so welcome Now we need to spread the word General Business Meeting ended with Lord’s Prayer at 11:00 am Bobbi Reepsdorf, Acting Secretary Hey Milwaukee Bucks Fans! The Bucks are hosting a Faith & Family Night on Friday, Feb 20. Tip off is at 7:30 pm and there is a post-game concert featuring Brandon Heath and Nicole Nordeman. Tickets will be discounted that night for faith groups who order them together. Anyone want to go? Let Pastor RaeAnn know and if we have enough (need 10) we will send in for the tickets. There is a flyer on the Community Bulletin Board in the Narthex. 7 Altar flowers on January 11, 2015 honored Dorothy Hable given by Carol Repp. If you have a special occasion or person in your life to remember or honor, providing flowers at worship services is one way to share that time. Why not consider providing Sunday flowers at a cost of $28 for 2 vases? Following worship, the flowers are yours or you may instruct the office or flower chairman for the month to deliver them to hospitalized or shut in church members. Complete the form below to reserve a Sunday and bring it to church or mail it in along with $28. (There is also a sign up sheet in the Narthex). List your preferred date and if there is a conflict, the office will contact you. I would like to provide flowers on _______________ (Preferred date) I would like to provide flowers: (check one) ____ In memory of ___________________________ OR ____ In honor of _____________________________ Given by __________________________________________________________ WORSHIP BULLETINS I would like to reserve the worship bulletins to remember or honor a special person or occasion in my life: PREFERRED DATE: _____________________________ TO REMEMBER/HONOR (circle one): ____________________ GIVEN BY: ________________________________ PHONE: __________________________________ The cost is $22 per Sunday. Please enclose your money with this order. If there is a conflict with the date, the church office will contact you. 8