KNIME Analytics Platform


KNIME Analytics Platform
KNIME Analytics Platform
Your Open Platform for Data Innovation
KNIME is the leading open platform for data-driven innovation helping organizations to stay ahead of change. Use our open
source, enterprise-grade analytics platform to discover the potential hidden in your data, mine for fresh insights, or predict new
 It’s yours: Get the most out of our powerful analytics platform by customizing your tool kit with a broad range of
free or commercial applications. Or create and share your own. It’s easy!
 Accelerate your learning curve: KNIME helps build on what you’ve already developed and learned, without having to
start from scratch.
 More thinking, less tinkering: Its code-free setup and intuitive interface mean you get to spend more quality time
with your data.
 Low cost, zero risk: Set up a collaborative platform for joint development, analytics, and effortless sharing of
knowledge, tools and insights – with minimal investment.
 Deploy & enjoy: Save time and money by deploying and scaling KNIME’s capabilities on top of, alongside, or within
your existing systems.
Try it NOW.
Open for Innovation.
KNIME workflows combine different data sources and use mining techniques to analyze and explore your data
Powerful Data Analytics
Open Source & Free
Open Integration Platform
KNIME Analytics Platform provides over 1000
data analytic routines, either natively or through
R and Weka, for such topics as:
KNIME Analytics Platform is released under an
open source license (GPL).
Data integration from various sources including
text files, databases, and web services is a basic
feature of KNIME. Data transformation and new
data creation are all important components of
Univariate and Multivariate Statistics
Data Mining
Time Series
Image Processing
Web Analytics
Text Mining
Network Analysis
Social Media Analysis
KNIME analytic workflows can be run not only
through the interactive user interface but also in
a batch execution mode, enabling the data analysis process to be easily integrated into your local
job management and executed on a periodic
basis. AG, the company behind KNIME,
firmly believes that opening up previously closed
or exclusive platforms, processes, tools, organizational boundaries, idea sourcing or funding can
speed up innovation. At KNIME, we believe that
open platforms accelerate data-driven innovation. We stand firmly behind the open platform
model and offer numerous KNIME Open Source
Extensions to the KNIME Analytics Platform.
KNIME Analytics Platform provides a wide variety
of techniques for using the new data, ranging
from applying models, to scoring within KNIME or
in other databases, and full support of PMML.
Through its open API, KNIME is also a powerful
tools integration platform. KNIME can be extended not only by other open source projects like
Weka or R, but also by legacy tools. The active
KNIME community is constantly extending KNIME
to include capabilities such as text processing,
image analysis functionality, and many others.
For even tighter integration, the free SDK allows
you to build custom nodes.
KNIME provides over 1000 nodes to cover every aspect of the analytic process
Integrated Reporting
KNIME provides a wide choice of tools for reporting. The Business Intelligence and Reporting
Tool (BIRT) can be automatically installed within
your KNIME workbench. It enables you to use
data and results as input for comprehensive reports, which you can store as templates. In addition, KNIME can create output in a large variety of
industry standard formats including SVG, MS
Office, PDF, etc.
You can easily integrate KNIME into your existing
reporting environment in a way that best suits
you – either with KNIME as your source, or KNIME
as your integrator.
Commercial Extensions
Community & 3rd Party
KNIME provides commercial extensions to increase your productivity and allow you and your
teams to collaborate. All KNIME commercial
products are extensions to the open source
KNIME Analytics Platform.
KNIME has a strong ecosystem of community and
3rd party developers who provide extensions to
KNIME Productivity Extensions are designed to
help you be even more productive with KNIME
Analytics Platform.
KNIME Collaborative Extensions are designed to
extend individual usage of KNIME Analytics
Platform to a team or into an organization.
Community extensions are open source contributions. The KNIME Analytics Platform GPLv3 license
with an exception allows others to use the welldefined node API to add proprietary extensions.
This also permits commercial software vendors to
add wrappers so that their tools can be executed
from within KNIME. That makes KNIME available
to everyone.
The KNIME Product Suite
Selected Highlights
KNIME Analytics Platform an open source platform for
integrated data access, data mining,
statistics, visualization, and reporting.
KNIME Collaborative
...activate the full potential of KNIME for
teams. Features include user rights &
authentication, remote & scheduled
execution, shared workflow repository,
data space, and metanodes plus access
to workflows, reports, and web services.
KNIME Productivity
...increase the speed at which KNIME
workflows can be created, reused,
and maintained for both individuals
and partners who use KNIME for
their clients.
KNIME Performance Extensions
KNIME Community & Partner Extensions
...enable distributed storage and scalable execution of KNIME workflows, enabling scale for large
data sets and complex computation requirements.
...are nodes created by and given back to the KNIME community. These range from broadly useful application nodes
simplifying the work of anyone using KNIME, to domainspecific solutions to pressing problems for specialists.
KNIME is the leading open platform for data-driven innovation helping organizations to stay ahead of change. Innovative organizations use our open-source,
enterprise-grade analytics platform to discover the potential hidden in their data, mine for fresh insights or predict new futures.
Quick to deploy, easy to scale, and intuitive, KNIME is used in over 60 countries on data of every kind: from numbers to images, molecules to humans, signals
to complex networks, from kilo- to petabytes, or simple reports to complex analyses.
KNIME is developed and supported by AG. Learn more at AG
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zurich
Tel.: +41 44 445 2660
Fax: +41 44 445 2662
Copyright © 2014 AG. All rights reserved. KNIME TM is a registered trademark of KNIME GmbH, Germany.
All other brands or product names mentioned are trademarks owned by their respective organizations.