Temperature dependence of OH diffusion in air and He
Temperature dependence of OH diffusion in air and He
Click Here GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 36, L03816, doi:10.1029/2008GL036170, 2009 for Full Article Temperature dependence of OH diffusion in air and He Yong Liu,1 Andrey V. Ivanov,1 and Mario J. Molina1 Received 29 September 2008; accepted 6 January 2009; published 10 February 2009. [1] Although accurate knowledge of OH diffusion under atmospheric conditions is important, only one experimental study has been carried out at room temperature. Here, we report laboratory measurements of the OH diffusion coefficient in He and in a mixture of He and air over the range 218 – 318 K, using a temperature-controlled flow tube coupled to a low-pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometer. The results, which show a strong, almost square dependence of the diffusion coefficient on temperature in He and air, are consistent with predictions obtained from our theoretical calculations for diffusion of its polar diffusive analogue, H2O, using the 6 – 12 Lennard-Jones potential model with the collision parameters of water. This supports our hypothesis that the diffusion of OH can be accurately represented in the atmosphere by water, its polar diffusive analogue. Citation: Liu, Y., A. V. Ivanov, and M. J. ficient for predicting the heterogeneous loss of gas-phase species on atmospheric particles and cloud droplets and also for analyzing laboratory data, to our knowledge no information is available in the literature about the temperature dependence of the radical diffusion in the gas phase. A limited number of experimental studies exist, mostly in He [Gershenzon et al., 1986; Bertram et al., 2001; Ivanov et al., 2007], with one measurement in air [Ivanov et al., 2007] carried out previously in our laboratory at room temperature. [4] The objective of the present study is to determine experimentally the temperature dependence of OH diffusion in He and air in order to provide information that can be used to test theoretical calculations and to help in atmospheric modeling of the heterogeneous chemistry of OH radicals. Molina (2009), Temperature dependence of OH diffusion in air and He, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L03816, doi:10.1029/ 2008GL036170. 2. Experiment 1. Introduction [2] The OH radical is a key oxidant in the atmosphere [Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts, 2000; Seinfeld and Pandis, 2003] — one that determines the heterogeneous chemistry of the troposphere, initiating the heterogeneous oxidation of organic particulate matter [Bertram et al., 2001; Molina et al., 2004; Hearn and Smith, 2006; McNeill et al., 2007; Vlasenko et al., 2008], being responsible for halogen heterogeneous activation of the marine and polar troposphere [Oum et al., 1998; Knipping et al., 2000; Knipping and Dabdub, 2002], and being involved in cloud chemistry [Chameides and Stelson, 1992; Hanson et al., 1992]. These heterogeneous interactions of OH with atmospheric particles and cloud droplets are characterized by a strong coupling of its heterogeneous reactions with diffusion delivery to the surface [Schwartz, 1986; Frank-Kamenetsky, 1955]. [3] Under atmospheric conditions, high pressure and below room temperature, this coupling often results in the diffusion limitation, that is, diffusion being the ratedetermining step of an entire process of heterogeneous interactions because of high OH uptake by aerosol materials [Bertram et al., 2001; Gershenzon et al., 1986]. To what extent the heterogeneous reactions of OH are limited in the atmosphere due to its relatively slow diffusion is important for atmospheric models in which OH uptake is involved. Despite the importance of the OH diffusion coef1 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA. Copyright 2009 by the American Geophysical Union. 0094-8276/09/2008GL036170$05.00 [5] Experimental studies were carried out under flow conditions using the same experimental setup that we utilized in our early diffusion and uptake measurements [Bertram et al., 2001; Molina et al., 2004; Ivanov et al., 2007]. For temperature-dependent diffusion measurements, we have modified the cylindrical flow reactor to control the gas temperature by adding a thermostated inner jacket and an evacuated (104 Torr) outer jacket to achieve a smooth temperature profile in the flow tube. The desired temperature in the flow reactor was set by circulation of heat transfer fluid (Paratherm CR or water) through the inner jacket with the help of a low-temperature circulator, the ULT 95 (Neslab; Thermo Fisher Scientific; Newington, NH, USA). The temperature in the flow tube was measured by a chromel-alumel thermocouple. The modified flow tube was coupled to a lowpressure chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) for OH detection. OH was produced with the H + O2 source (H + O2 + M followed by H + HO2 to give 2 OH) at a concentration level of 109 molecule cm3 and was detected in the chemical ionization zone with SF 6 as the parent ion. The CIMS detection limit to OH (a signal-to-noise ratio of 1 with a 5 s integration time) was 106 molecule cm3 at 3 Torr. Typical flow conditions were the following: the flow velocity of 8 to 17 m s1 and pressure of 1.5 to 5 Torr at 218 to 318 K. The diffusion measurements were performed using the following surfaces: paraffin wax, pyrene, and aluminum oxide. As these surfaces are reactive towards OH, they proved to be convenient for measuring the diffusion coefficient of OH [Bertram et al., 2001; Ivanov et al., 2007]. The surface preparation has been described in detail in our early publications [Bertram et al., 2001; Molina et al., 2004; Ivanov et al., 2007]. [6] The gases employed were He (BOC, 99.999%), synthetic air (BOC, grade 0.2), H2 (Matheson, 99.5%), and O2 (Matheson, 99.5%). The surface materials used were Al2O3 L03816 1 of 4 LIU ET AL.: OH DIFFUSION IN AIR AND HE L03816 L03816 Figure 1. The pressure dependence of 1/kobs in (left) He and in (right) He-air at various temperatures. (Aldrich, 99.9%), paraffin wax (melting range 346 to 353 K, Aldrich), and pyrene (Aldrich, 98%). 3. Results and Discussion [7] We determined the OH diffusion coefficient based on the rule of additivity of kinetic resistances [Zasypkin et al., 1997]: in a cylindrical flow reactor, the first-order rate constant of OH heterogeneous loss, kobs(T), as observed in our experiments is related to the uptake coefficient, g(T), and the gaseous diffusion coefficient, D(T), as follows: 1 1 1 ¼ þ kobs ðTÞ kkin ðTÞ kdif ðTÞ 2g ðTÞ 2g ðTÞ wðTÞ 2r ð1Þ 1 Dð TÞ r2 , where kkin(T) = and kdif(T) = Kdif which are the kinetic and diffusion limits of the observed firstorder rate constant of heterogeneous loss, respectively; T is the temperature; w(T) is the mean thermal velocity; r is the radius of the cylindrical flow reactor; and Kdif = 3.66 (for a cylindrical flow tube), which is the dimensionless geometric parameter [Zasypkin et al., 1997]. This approximation is valid for the uptake coefficient independent of time, as observed in this study. According to equation (1), the pressure dependence of 1/kobs should be linear with the slope inversely proportional to the diffusion coefficient. [8] Figure 1 (left) illustrates a typical pressure dependence of the observed first-order loss rate constant of OH in He at different temperatures. As seen in Figure 1 (left), 1/kobs is linearly dependent on pressure with the slope inversely proportional to DOH-He = 636 ± 32 Torr cm2 s1 at 298 K, which is, within error, consistent with our previous measurements at room temperature [Bertram et al., 2001; Gershenzon et al., 1986; Ivanov et al., 2007]. The measured temperature dependence of the OH diffusion coefficient in He can be represented as follows: DOHHe ðTÞ ¼ DOHHe ð298 KÞ 1:850:05 T T ¼ 218-298 K: 298 K at lower temperatures, prevents performing accurate measurements. For this reason, we replaced the Al2O3 surface with more reactive surfaces, such as paraffin wax (or pyrene with lower vapor pressure to reduce the contribution from the gas-phase chemistry at 318 K) and measured the diffusion coefficients of OH in a mixture of He and air with the molar ratio of 0.7: 0.3. Figure 1 (right) shows pressure dependence of the observed first-order loss rate constant of OH in the He-air mixture at various temperatures. These data were further used to determine the diffusion coefficient of OH in air, using the measured diffusion coefficient of OH in He and Blanc’s empirical law [Blanc, 1908]: ð2Þ [9] It should be noted that for significantly slower diffusion of OH in air in comparison with He, especially DOHair ðTÞ ¼ 1 1 cHe ; cHe ¼ 0:7: 1 cHe DOHHeair ðTÞ DOHHe ðTÞ ð3Þ [10] The measured temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient of OH in air can be represented as follows: DOHair ðTÞ ¼ DOHair ð300 KÞ 2:030:12 T T ¼ 243-318 K 300 K ð4Þ where DOH-air(300 K) = 198 ± 20 cm2 Torr s1, which is the diffusion coefficient of OH in air at 300 K and which is, within error, consistent with our previous meaurement [Ivanov et al., 2007]. [11] In our previous diffusion study at room temperature [Ivanov et al., 2007], we showed that OH diffusion can be accurately represented by diffusion of H2O, its polar diffusive analogue. To verify this conclusion at temperatures different from room temperature, we compared the temperature dependence of the OH diffusion coefficient measured experimentally with that of H2O calculated using the 6 – 12 Lennard-Jones potential model [Hirschfelder et al., 1954; Sherwood, 1958]. The calculation method and the individual and binary collision parameters of H2O, He, N2, and O2 used in that calculation have been described in detail elsewhere [Ivanov et al., 2007]. 2 of 4 LIU ET AL.: OH DIFFUSION IN AIR AND HE L03816 L03816 Table 1. Individual Binary Collision Parameters Species ˚ s, A e/k, K Ref H2 O He N2 O2 2.641 2.551 3.798 3.467 809.1 10.22 71.4 106.0 22 21 22 22 [12] In brief, within the 6 –12 Lennard-Jones potential model, the ordinary diffusion coefficient is determined as follows [Hirschfelder et al., 1954; Sherwood, 1958]: DðTÞ ¼ 0:002628T1:5 D E ; atm cm2 s1 ð2mÞ0:5 s2 Wð1;1Þ* ðqÞ ð5Þ Figure 2. Comparison of DOH (points) and DH2O (lines). where T is temperature, m is the reduced mass of the colliding species, hW(1,1)* (q)i is the collision integral normalized to its rigid sphere value, q = kBT/e is the reduced temperature, and kB is Boltzmann’s constant. Collision diameter (s) and potential well depth (e) are parameters for the 6 –12 LennardJones potential and are characteristic of the colliding molecules. Table 1 shows these parameters taken from the literature [Mason and Monchick, 1962; Massman, 1998]. Parameters used for calculations of binary diffusion coefficients can be approximated with the parameters of individual species within the Lennard-Jones potential model according to the combination rules [Marrero and Mason, 1972]: sij ¼ 0:5 si þ sj and eij ¼ ei ej 2 Atmosphere, 1976 [United States Committee on Extension to the Standard Atmosphere, 1976]. As seen in Figure 3, DOH-air increases by a factor of 2.6 as altitude increases from 0 to 11 km. While temperature decreases linearly with altitude, the calculated dependence of DOH-air shows that the diffusion limitation in the troposphere becomes smaller at higher altitudes, indicating that the dependence on pressure is stronger than that on temperature. [15] Mass transport of OH to an aerosol particle or cloud droplet can be described by equation (1), along with [Schwartz, 1998] kmt kin ¼ ð6Þ where the subscripts i. j, and ij refer, respectively, to the individual and binary collision parameters. Table 2 shows the binary collision parameters used in our calculation of the OH diffusion coefficient in He, in the He-air mixture, and in air. In addition, to estimate the binary diffusion coefficient in a mixture of several gases, Blanc’s law [Blanc, 1908] was also used. [13] Figure 2 illustrates the comparison between the measured OH diffusion coefficient and the calculated H2O diffusion coefficients in He, in the He-air mixture, and in air at 218 to 318 K. As seen in Figure 2, the corresponding pairs of the diffusion coefficients of OH and H2O, within error, agreed, supporting our earlier conclusion that the diffusion of OH can be also accurately represented by the polar analogue in the range of temperatures studied. 3aOH wOH 3DOHair V V and kmt dif ¼ 4r r2 where r is the radius of an aerosol particle or cloud droplet, aOH is the mass accommodation coefficient of OH, wOH is the average thermal velocity of OH, and V is the particle/ droplet volume. The diffusion limitations become important mt if kmt kin > kdif — i.e., if aOH > l/r, where l = 3DOH-air/wOH, which is the mean free path of OH. Since aOH is the upper limit of g OH, we can introduce the following parameter, g*OH = l/r, in order to estimate diffusion-limited conditions for OH uptake in the troposphere. Figure 4 shows the dependence of g*OH on the particle/droplet radius for two altitudes (in Figure 4, the solid line is for 0 km and the dashed line is for 11 km). The diffusion limitations become important if the OH uptake coefficient is greater than g*OH. 4. Atmospheric Implications [14] Based on equation (4), we were able to estimate DOH-air in the troposphere. Figure 3 illustrates the dependence of DOH-air on altitude, calculated using properties (pressure and temperature) published in the U.S. Standard Table 2. Calculated Binary Collision Parameters Pairs ˚ s, A e/k, K H2O-He H2O-N2 H2O-O2 2.596 3.220 3.054 90.93 240.35 293.82 ð7Þ 3 of 4 Figure 3. DOH-air in the troposphere. L03816 LIU ET AL.: OH DIFFUSION IN AIR AND HE Figure 4. Diffusion limitations in the troposphere. For example, for large cirrus ice particles of 10 to 100 mm, the measured OH uptake coefficient of 3102 [Cooper and Abbatt, 1996] is greater than g*OH (the dashed line in Figure 4), suggesting that the radical uptake will be diffusionally limited. For smaller organic particles of 0.01 to 0.2 mm, OH uptake is diffusionally limited at the ground level, since the measured OH uptake coefficient of near unity3 is greater than g*OH (the solid line in Figure 4). On the other hand, the diffusion limitations become less important as the organic aerosol reaches higher (tropopause) altitudes (the dashed line in Figure 4). 5. Conclusions [16] We performed an experimental study of the temperature dependence of OH diffusion in He and air over the temperature range from 218 to 318 K, using a temperaturecontrolled flow tube coupled to a CIMS. The obtained results showed a strong, almost square dependence of OH diffusion in He and air, which aligns with predictions based on our calculations using the 6– 12 Lennard-Jones potential model with the collision parameters of H2O, the OH diffusive polar analogue. This can be used to test theoretical calculations and also for analyzing laboratory data. [17] Based on the measured temperature dependence of OH diffusion in air, we were able to calculate DOH-air under tropospheric conditions. We have also estimated the potential contribution of the diffusion limitations to OH heterogeneous reactions in the troposphere using a new parameter, g*OH, which is the ratio of the kinetic and diffusion limit of the OH loss rate on aerosol surfaces. It is important for predicting the heterogeneous loss of gas-phase species on aerosol particles and cloud droplets in the atmosphere. [18] Acknowledgments. The present work was supported partially by NSF award (ATM 0630385). References Bertram, A. K., A. V. Ivanov, M. Hunter, L. T. Molina, and M. J. Molina (2001), The reaction probability of OH uptake on organic surfaces of atmospheric importance, J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 9415 – 9421, doi:10.1021/ jp0114034. Blanc, M. A. (1908), Recherches sur les mobilite´s des ions dans les gaz, J. Phys., 7, 825 – 839. L03816 Chameides, W. L., and A. W. 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