The Chimes Newsletter - University Presbyterian Church


The Chimes Newsletter - University Presbyterian Church
The Chimes
Vol. LIX No. 2
Web Edition
February 2015
Dear Friends,
Capital Campaign Update
Church Office Volunteers Needed
Montreat Worship and
Music Conference
Welcome, New Members!
News from New Hope Camp
and Conference Center
Choir News
Adult Christian Education
Vacation Bible School Registration
Presbyterian Youth Connection
Fifth Annual Women’s Retreat
Session Digest
Presbyterian Campus Ministry:
Montreat College Conference
UPC Staff Contact Information
Local Outreach News: Housing
for New Hope Thanks UPC
Young Adult Group
Get to Know UPC Staff
Local Outreach News:
Announcing the UPC Book Drive
Now that 2015 is fully upon us, I write this month with some good news and with a
request. The good news is that the Town Council, at its January 12 business
meeting, gave final approval to three proposals affecting the next phase of our
building project. The Council members granted a Special Use Permit for the
construction of our building addition, a change to the zoning atlas that brings us
into compliance with Town regulations regarding square footage, and our petition
to close a portion of Robertson Lane, so as to re-route it.
The Council vote was the culmination of almost three years of work on the part of
our building committee and design team. On your behalf, I want to say a word of
deep appreciation to the members of the building committee (John Blythe and
Rickie Howard, co-chairs; Allison Chambers, Jason Dell, Gordon Merklein, Mark
Moshier), to the design team (DTW architects Robert Sotolongo, Susan Straw, and
Dawn Vanorsdale, and Dan Jewell and Jeremy Anderson of Jewell Coulter Thames).
I also thank all my colleagues at University Church who have devoted hours and
hours to meetings and the coordination effort. Thanks, too, to those individuals
who serve the greater good of Chapel Hill by their service on the town’s councils,
commissions and advisory boards.
Of course, we are only just beginning the next phase of construction. We will spend
the next several months securing the necessary permits to proceed with the
demolition of the church-owned house at 212 East Rosemary Street, the road
relocation and the building itself. We hope those steps will commence by late spring
and hope to occupy our new space by next spring. For now, we are completing the
punch list for the previous phase and looking forward to a couple of months of
quiet before the next wave of activity. As always, we appreciate your patience and
your prayers.
The request I have beckons us in a different direction. My colleagues and I are
beginning to plan a summer sermon series that hinges upon your requests. In the
next few weeks, we would like to hear from you. How would you complete the
sentence: I would like to hear a sermon about__________? We won’t promise to
take on every subject everyone names; we only have twelve Sundays, after all. But
we’d like to hear from you as we plan for the summer. Please send us your requests
(via email, snail mail or a note in the offering plate) by March 1, 2015. I hope your
February is full of light and warmth.
Bob Dunham, Pastor
The first phase of construction for the University Presbyterian Church Capital Campaign, Faith Forward, is almost
complete! To learn more about this phase and what it means for church members, please check out the construction
update on page 3 of this edition of The Chimes.
University Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is a Stephen Ministry Congregation.
The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
Our Church Family
“Are any among you sick? They
should call for the elders of the
church and have them pray over
them, anointing them with oil in the
name of the Lord,” James 5:14.
Due to privacy concerns and HIPAA laws,
there are no notifications or lists at any
local hospitals or clinics which would inform the church if you are hospitalized,
receiving treatment or undergoing surgery.
The UPC congregation and its pastors
take seriously the call to pray and be
present with those who are in need, so
we encourage you, a friend or a family
member to let us know if you have
scheduled surgery or have been admitted
to the hospital. During the week, please
call the church office at (919) 929-2102,
and over the weekend, please call one of
the pastors. Thank you.
Visit our Website:
How to S ubm i t A r tic le s for T he S unda y B u lle ti n’s Announcements
O r for the M onth ly New s le t te r, Th e Chimes
Please submit articles for the monthly newsletter (The Chimes) or announcements for the worship bulletin (Weekly Announcements) to
our Publications Coordinator, Jennifer Johnson. Email her at or call (919) 929-2102, extension 113.
The Chimes i s a p ub li c a t i o n of U n ive r s it y P r e s byt e r i an C hu r c h
The Chimes is published monthly. Deadline for submission of articles is the 15th of each month for the following month’s
edition (with a few exceptions to accommodate holiday schedules). Please include your name, phone number and email
address. The newsletter is posted on the church’s Website ( and on Send article
submissions and inquiries to Newsletter Editor, University Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 509, Chapel Hill, NC 27514-0509,
or email
The church office may be reached by telephone at (919) 929-2102, by fax at (919) 929-7669 or by email at
Visit the UPC Website ( or the UPC Facebook page ( for more information.
** Deadline for the March edition of The Chimes is noon on Sunday, February 15, 2015.
University Presbyterian Church Staff: Robert E. Dunham, Pastor; Anna Pinckney Straight, Associate Pastor; John Rogers,
Associate Pastor for Campus Ministry; Kate Fiedler Boswell, Associate Pastor for Adult Ministries; Kim McNeill, Staff
Associate for Youth Ministries; Nancy Myer, Staff Associate for Children’s Ministries; Thomas Brown, Minister of Music;
Beth Auman Visser, Youth and Children’s Choir Director; Ellen Parker, Director, UPPS; Katharine Yager, Financial
Administrator; Jeanette Schmidt, Office Manager; Jennifer Johnson, Publications Coordinator; Kaitlin Dunn,
Administrative Assistant; Dennis Dallke, Property Manager; Rob Kurtz, Sexton.
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The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
Capital Campaign Construction Update
We’re almost there! The first phase of construction is
almost done. We’re getting some parking back; the
dumpster is gone, and we’re working on the punch list
with CT Wilson. If you have a question, notice something that was supposed to be done during construction but hasn’t yet been completed, or if you see something that was affected by construction that hasn’t yet
been repaired, please email or
leave a note in Anna Pinckney Straight’s mailbox in
the church office.
As updates are available, we will pass them along.
Please keep an eye on the bulletin announcements and
Weekly E-News. To sign up for Weekly E-News, visit and click “Subscribe to E-News”
from the bottom of the page.
C h u r c h O f f i c e Vo l u n t e e r s N e e d e d !
The church office needs volunteers for the first and third Friday afternoon of the month. The shift is 12:30-4:30. If you’re
interested in this service to the church, you can volunteer for one or both. Responsibilities include welcoming
visitors, answering the phone and simple clerical tasks.
If you’re available, or if you’d like to volunteer as a substitute instead, please call Shelley Adams at
(919) 942-2525. Thank you!
M o n t r e a t Wo r s h i p a n d M u s i c C o n f e r e n c e
You Are My Beloved: Baptism to Transfiguration
June 21 - 27, 2015
Time to sign up for some Montreat FUN!
Registration is due February 15, 2015
Open to all active choir members
Rising fourth graders to graduating Seniors
If you would like to explore the class offering for this summer in more detail, please visit
For more information, contact Beth Auman Visser at or (919) 929-2102 ext. 118. See you at Montreat!
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The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
We C e l e b r a t e O u r N ew M e m b e r s
In January, University Presbyterian Church joyfully welcomed the following new members into the life of the church.
Please join us in welcoming the newest members of our congregation!
Lucy and Donald McMillan (Frank): Lucy and Donald
McMillan joined
UPC by reaffirmation of faith.
They met while
they were students at UNC,
and they lived
briefly in Washington, D.C. before moving back
to Chapel Hill.
Donald is the
Vice President of Account Services at Demographics Pro, a
leading social media analytics service. Lucy is an OB nurse at
UNC Hospitals. Their son, Frank (age 2), was baptized in Sewanee, TN.
Ellie Lamb: Ellie Lamb joined UPC
by reaffirmation of faith. She was a
member of University Presbyterian
Church in the 1960s and returned to
Chapel Hill to join her son, John Wilson, and his family, after living in Texas for many years.
Betty Anne and Joe Cook: Betty Anne and Joe Cook transferred their membership from South Presbyterian Church in
Dobbs Ferry, NY to
UPC. Joe was the director of a tropical
disease program and
later founded a nonprofit for control of a
blinding disease. Betty
Anne was the health
coordinator for 25 Head Start programs in Westchester County. They first lived in Chapel Hill 50 years ago while Joe completed his residency in internal medicine and Betty Anne completed her MPH in maternal and child health. They are happy
to join their daughter, Marianne (Ratcliffe), whose family is
active at University Presbyterian Church. They have three
daughters and eight grandchildren.
N ew s f r o m N ew H o p e C a m p
Save the date! Join us for our 10th annual fundraiser on Saturday April 11, 2015. This year we’ll have a new twist to our event,
Tastes & Tunes. Enjoy live music and eat delicious food in support of New Hope Camp and Conference Center. The event will
feature a Wall of Wine—pay $20 for a wine ticket and select a number on a bottle of wine.
At the end of the evening, collect your wine! You may have the $15 bottle or the $75 bottle. Everyone is a winner! For those with a sweet tooth, we’ll have the Wall of Cookies. Pay
$5 for a cookie ticket and pick a number. You could end up with a delicious plate of
homemade cookies or a packet of Twinkies.
The event is from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Dining Hall. Tickets are $20 per person
and can be purchased in advance at the office or on the evening of the event. Please
join us for an evening of fun and fellowship as we raise money for Summer Camp programs and facilities! We hope to see you there.
Also, just a reminder that we are still accepting applications for our summer positions: Counselors and Lifeguards. The new
summer staff application is online at
Registration for Spring Intersession Camps and Summer Camps is in full swing. For information about these programs, go to
our Website at or contact the office at (919) 942-4716.
~ Suzanne Blankfard, Summer Camp Registrar
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The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
C h o i r N ew s
Presented by the
UPC Youth Choir and the
Congregational Life Committee
February 5, 6 and 7
UPC Fellowship Hall
Featuring Our Special Guests
A Toe-Tapping Musical
Bluegrass Band
Music and Lyrics by HARRY CHAPIN
The Thursday, February 5, performance is free. No meal is served and no ticket is needed.
On Friday, February 6, and Saturday, February 7, the meal is served at 6:00 p.m.
and the show begins at 7:00 p.m.
Rich in humor and unsparing in their earthiness, Clarence’s translations and lectures “explode in our ears
the mighty ideas which transformed the early disciples and enabled them to turn their world upside
down.” (Dallas Lee, Introduction to The Cotton Patch Evidence)
Cotton Patch Gospel is a highly acclaimed musical that humorously brings the Gospels of Matthew and
John to the stage. With music composed by Harry Chapin (“Cat's in the Cradle” and “Taxi”), this colorful
story brings the far away places of Nazareth, Jerusalem and Bethlehem into the contemporary Southern
United States. Follow the story of Mary Davidson’s son, Jesus, from His birth in a trailer park to His Good
Friday lynching and Easter Sunday victory.
In Chapin’s own words, “Cotton Patch Gospel is special. It is a rare dramatic presentation that succeeds in
both entertaining us and sharing fresh insight into the Gospel, the greatest story every told.”
More Choir News: The Junior Choir will sing on Sunday, February
8, at 11:00 a.m. worship. That afternoon, they will have an extended
rehearsal from 4:15- 5:45 p.m. to read through their spring musical.
Now is a great time to join this choir!
For more information about UPC choirs, contact Beth Auman Visser, Director
of Children’s and Youth Choirs, at (919) 929-2102 or
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The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
Adult Christian Education
Te r m 3: T hr ou g h F e br ua r y 8
All are welcome and encouraged to attend Adult Education classes on Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.
Feasting on the Word: This class expands our understanding of the lectionary scripture for each Sunday. This curriculum is
coordinated with the children’s ministry planning. Facilitator: Bob Dunham. Location: Room 139.
Connections: This class features Holy Land Revealed video lectures by Dr. Jodi Magness, an archeologist and religion professor
at UNC. Facilitators: Lee and Myrah Scott. Location: Vance Barron Hall.
Faith Issues in Literature: Featuring Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Home By Another Way,
this class will explore Taylor’s sermons through the church calendar. Facilitators: Kelly Ross
and Kate Fiedler Boswell. Location: Stephen Ministry Room.
Family Matters - Building Moral Intelligence: This class features the book The Seven
Essential Virtues that Teach Kids to Do the Right Thing, by bestselling author, Michele Borba.
These virtues are empathy, conscience, self-control, respect, kindness, tolerance and fairness. Gain a new understanding of moral intelligence for our children through the study of
this indispensable book for parents and grandparents. The author confronts the front-page crisis we now face in our country
regarding youth violence, alienation, self-destructive behavior, cold-heartedness, lack of compassion, insensitivity, intolerance
and the breakdown of values. We will understand, evaluate and inspire our children (or grandchildren) with the seven essential
virtues which comprise moral intelligence. Facilitator: Jim Schultz. Location: Terrace Room..
Te r m 4 : F e b r u a r y 1 5 - M a r ch 2 9
Feasting on the Word: This class expands our understanding of the lectionary scripture for each Sunday. This curriculum is
coordinated with the children’s ministry planning. Facilitators: Bob Dunham and Anna Pinckney Straight. Location: Stephen
Ministry Room.
Faith Issues in Literature: Featuring the poetry of Mary Oliver found in New and Selected Poems, Volume One. Facilitators:
Nancy Benjamin, Ruth Moose and Kelly Ross. Location: Terrace Room.
Connections: Dementia and Alzheimer’s - Finding Comfort in Knowledge, Faith and Hope: This class will explore
brain changes associated with normal aging, Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Each class will have a specific
focus and will be led by an expert in the field. Topics will include the most recent research on causes and treatment options;
practical advice and resources for loved ones and caregivers; a theological perspective on dementia and healthcare; a discussion
of the film Iris; and preventative measures to keep aging minds sharp and healthy. Facilitators: UPC Mental Health Taskforce.
Location: Vance Barron Hall.
All are welcome to adult education classes at UPC!
If you missed a previous term or week, no worries! Participation and enjoyment are not dependent upon previous classes.
Watch for more details for each class and a detailed reading list in the Weekly E-News, the Sunday morning
bulletin announcements and the UPC Website. Please visit and click “Education.” To sign
up for E-News, click “Subscribe to E-News” at the bottom of the Website. You can also find information
about upcoming education opportunities on the UPC Facebook page. Visit and
click “Like” to join.
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The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
Va c a tio n B ib le S ch o o l Re g is t r a t io n O p e n s S o o n !
Mark your calendar and plan to join us for Vacation Bible School 2015! This year, VBS will be held June 29 - July 2 at Camp
New Hope. The theme will be Message Received: Hearing God’s Call.
Come spend time with your friends in a traditional outdoor camp setting and learn about how God calls each one of us. VBS is
open to all children ages 3 years - rising 5th grade (grade child will enter in
Fall 2015). Registration opens February 15, 2015. VBS is a morning activity
from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and is held at New Hope Camp and Conference
Center. Cost is $40 per child ($80 maximum for one family). There are
scholarships available.
This year, you will once again be able to register your child and provide
payment online! Look for the link to the online registration page this
month in the bulletin announcements and Weekly E-News. To sign up for
Weekly E-News, visit and click “Subscribe to E-News”
from the bottom of the page. Paper forms will also be available in the church office. If you have questions or would like to
volunteer, please contact Nancy Myer at or Tracy Lovelady at
P r e sby t e r i an Yo u th Co n n e c t io n (P YC )
Join in the fun, fellowship and faith development at Presbyterian Youth Connection! We meet each Sunday starting at 6
p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. After dinner (bring $5 to help with the cost of food), we enjoy a program and time for
sharing our joys and concerns with one another. Pick-up is in the UPC parking lot at 8 p.m.
PYC is for any youth in 6th-12th grades. Email Kim McNeill, Staff Associate for Youth Ministries, at
with any questions or to get more information about this incredible group.
F e b r u a r y Ca l en d a r
Sunday, February 1: PYC will meet for lunch today from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
February 5, 6 and 7: 2015 Youth Choir Dinner Theatre Production, Cotton Patch Gospel
Sunday, February 8: No PYC tonight. Take some time to rest up after the musical.
ASP balance due ($150)
Thursday, February 12: Delayed Opening - Youth Sunday preachers will meet for
Sunday, February 15: Youth Sunday Planning - High School Only tonight
Monday, February 16: Teacher workday (Middle School Service Day, deadline was January 11)
Sunday, February 22: Youth Sunday Planning – All Youth
Stay in touch with all things PYC. Be sure you’re receiving the weekly PYC email from Kim. It will tell you all you
need to know for the coming week. And sign up for text reminders, too! Text “@UPCP” to (919) 267-2577 and
you’ll be signed up to receive last minute reminders about PYC. We also invite youth and parents to follow us on
Twitter @UPCPYC. Go to
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The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
F i f th A n n u a l Wo me n’s Re t r e a t
A p r il 2 4 - 2 6 , 2 0 1 5
Join us for the fifth Annual Women’s Retreat, Pray, Eat, Love, from Friday, April 24, 6:00 p.m., through Sunday, April 26, 1:00
p.m. in Ocean Isle Beach, NC.
Our leader will be Deb Guess, a full-time jewelry and mixed media artist, producing artwork for
galleries and teaching in the Soul Whispers Arts studio. Her passion is helping folks make connections between creativity and personal spirituality. Deb previously taught a class focused on food and
faith at the Annual Recreation Workshop at Montreat. She is excited about guiding our discussions
about the theology of the table as we cook and share meals together.
This year we will head to the beach, with time to walk along
the water, relax on the oceanfront deck or take a dip in the
private pool. This retreat is designed to remind us that God
speaks to us during the pauses of our lives; when we “retreat,”
we are honoring the God-given gift of Sabbath.
Registration begins February 1, and you may register online at or
through paper forms available in the church office. Cost for the retreat includes lodging
for two nights, private bath, meals and retreat materials: $150 per person for one King,
two people or $220 per person for two Queens, two people. Scholarships are available.
Please contact Kate Fiedler Boswell at or (919) 929-2102, ext. 130.
Join us for a fabulous weekend on the beach!
S e s s io n D i g e s t
At the January Session meeting, we:
 listened to a devotion by Chip Sudderth based on 1 Corinthians 12—our spiritual gifts and how we are all different
members of the body with different skills. He encouraged the new Session members to listen and learn and develop their
talents for their role in the church body;
 approved the baptism of David Sanford, the son of Bill and Katie Sanford, on February 8, 2015;
 approved the pruning of our magnolia tree. (It may look odd for a while, but this will ensure its continued good health!);
 listened to an explanation of UPC’s different financial accounts and current financial situation from Bob Dunham and
Jeffrey Hart (Administration Committee). Information on upcoming budget decisions (in February) was also presented;
 received a report from Stewardship (John Wilson). The 2015 Stewardship campaign has gone well—with good current
pledging results to date. The Committee (and Session) hopes to receive more pledges to help fund the 2015 budget;
 approved purchasing new air compressors and an extended warranty for the large HVAC chiller unit to be funded from
the General Reserve Account;
 received a report from Bob Dunham that the Chapel Hill Town Council has approved our special use permit and the
rezoning needed for our expansion project;
 received a report from Susan Ross (Global Outreach) indicating $3000 from their 2015 budget would be sent to the
Medical Benevolence Foundation immediately to assist with the Ebola crisis in Africa;
 received the 2013 Audit from Bernard Robinson & Co. and discussed the additional assistance needed in the financial
office; and
 listened to many plans for upcoming events: Vacation Bible School (Nancy Myer), the 2015 Women’s Retreat (Kate
Fiedler Boswell), and Second Sunday Lunches (Patty Baum, Congregational Life).
~Mary Ellen Olson, Clerk of Session
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The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
P r e sby t e r i a n C a mp u s M in i st r y
2 0 1 5 M o n tr e a t C o l le g e C o n f e r e n c e
What an inspiring time together at Montreat’s annual
College Conference this past month! PCM housed
over 30 of its own students as nearly 1000 college
students from around the country gathered to be a
part of this year’s theme, “Peace Bound.”
We are looking forward to a full spring semester of
Thursday night programs, retreats, worship leadership, small groups, the spring break community immersion trip to Colorado and a capstone trip with
our Lilly Endowment-funded small group, “Guide
my Feet,” to the Olympic Peninsula.
As always, thank you for welcoming our students!
~ John Rogers, Associate Pastor for Campus Ministry
Presbyterian Campus Ministry (PCM) offers programming for undergraduate, graduate
and professional students and welcomes new participants at any time. The programming
is supported by the outreach of University Presbyterian Church. For more information,
visit the Website at or contact John Rogers at
C o n ta c t I n fo r m a tio n fo r t h e S ta f f a t
Un iv e r s i ty P r e s by te r ia n C h u r c h
Program Staff:
Administrative Staff:
Robert E. Dunham, Pastor; Ext. 111
Jeanette Schmidt, Office Manager; Ext; 129
Anna Pinckney Straight, Associate Pastor; Ext. 112
Jennifer Johnson, Publications Coordinator; Ext. 113
John Rogers, Associate Pastor for Campus Ministry; Ext. 119
Kaitlin Dunn, Administrative Assistant; Ext. 110
Kate Fiedler Boswell, Associate Pastor for Adult Ministries; Ext. 130
Katharine Yager, Financial Administrator, Ext. 117
Thomas Brown, Minister of Music; Ext. 131
Dennis Dallke, Property Manager; Ext. 115
Kim McNeill, Staff Associate for Youth Ministries; Ext. 114
Rob Kurtz, Sexton; Ext. 115
Nancy Myer, Staff Associate for Children’s Ministries; Ext. 125
Ellen Parker, Director of University Presbyterian Preschool; Ext. 124
Beth Auman Visser, Youth and Children’s Choir Director; Ext. 118
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The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
L o c a l O u t r e a ch N ews :
H o u s in g fo r N ew H o p e T h a n k s U P C
Housing for New Hope has worked for over 20 years to prevent and
end homelessness by providing access to housing, healthcare and integrated services in the Triangle. Over the holidays, Executive Director
Gretchen Senez sent this thank you note and the list below to tell UPC
what our 2014 donations accomplished. We are pleased to support their
ongoing work in our community.
To learn more about what Housing for New Hope does and how you
can be involved, visit
~ Mary Arnold, Local Outreach
During 2014, the staff and volunteers at Housing for New Hope:
 Moved ten families home ($5700);
 Prevented 630 people from experiencing homelessness;
 Purchased ten beds for formerly homeless families to have a
place to lay their heads in their new homes ($1140);
 Covered the moving truck and provided furniture for a homeless
individual or family moving home ($500);
 Moved 19 chronically homeless individuals from the streets to
 Provided transportation to 33 mental health appointments for
our residents in permanent supportive housing ($157);
 Provided eight outreach kits filled with toiletries, food, and
Housing for New Hope’s contact information to the chronically homeless living on the street ($50); and
 Moved 24 families, built three picnic tables, created a community garden, and created a supportive community environ-
ment for our residents.
L ea r n Mo r e A b o u t Lo c al an d G lo b a l O u t r ea ch
The Global Outreach Committee coordinates the mission and outreach work we do with partners around the world and works
to educate the congregation about the lives of people in other nations. To learn more, contact Carolyn Karpinos UPC has a long tradition of extensive local
outreach, including work with the Inter-Faith Council, Habitat for Humanity, the CROP
Walk and more. If you would like to become a member of the Local Outreach Committee,
adding your voice and vision to the group, contact Bart Phillips at
You may also visit the “Outreach” page of the UPC Website ( to learn more,
or contact the Outreach Committee Chair, Susan Ross, at
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The Chimes
Volume LIX, No. 2
February 2015
Yo u n g A d u lt G ro u p a t U n ive r s i ty C h u r ch
Young Adult (YA) is a group at UPC for adults who are out of college and not in the Parents of
Young Presbyterians (PYPs). The group gathers for lunch after church on Sundays to enjoy
food and fellowship and meets once a month for dinner or a movie/game night.
If you would like to learn more about this group or if you would like to be added to their email
list, please contact the group’s coordinator, Chelsey McElwee, at
or contact the group’s staff liaison, Kate Fiedler Boswell, at
G e t to K n ow U P C S ta f f
Meet Emily Brawley. Emily is our Sunday sexton and does
many different types of jobs for the
church. She sets up equipment and
chairs for meetings and events. She
directs members and visitors on
Sundays. She helps keep the church
building clean, and she takes time
to chat with members and visitors
whenever she can. Emily helps ensure that UPC is always organized,
clean and friendly. This May, Emily
will be graduating with a B.A. in
English and Music from UNC Chapel Hill. She also has an
A.A. degree from a community college on the North Carolina
coast. She grew up on the Virginia coast and has a culinarygenius twin sister and a bubbly little sister. The sisters are all
very different, and Emily likes to joke that she’s the tormented
artist of the family. She’s a self-described music nerd, plays
classical guitar and classical clarinet, and is starting to learn to
play the piano. She also sings lead vocals for a UNC class
called Rock Lab where she plays classic rock hits and writes
songs with her peers. Emily loves art, too—she’s taking a
painting class at UNC—and hiking. In fact, when she’s not
sleeping, you’ll find Emily wearing a pair of men’s hiking
boots, ready to hit the trails at a moment’s notice!
Meet Brandon Shiflett, UPC’s Church Mouse. A Church
Mouse or Resident Security Person is
someone who lives inside the church,
making sure all is well and providing
safety and security to the church and
all the church’s property. Working as
the Church Mouse is Brandon’s main
duty, but he does other things, as
well. He helps the staff by printing all
the bulletins and announcements for
Sunday worship and by printing The
Chimes. He also ensures that everything is ready to welcome members and visitors to worship
each Sunday morning. Brandon is currently enrolled in community college at Nash Community College in Rocky Mount
studying to become a Physical Therapist Assistant, and he
works as a team leader at Chick-fil-A at University Mall in
Chapel Hill. Previously, Brandon was a calibration technician
for about five years and served in the United States Marine
Corps for five years of active duty. Brandon was born near
Richmond, Virginia.
Brandon told us why he enjoys being the Church Mouse for
UPC. He said, “The first reason is that the entire staff of UPC
has truly become like a second family to me. The second reason is that God has truly gifted me with the gift of service; that
Emily told us why she enjoys working at UPC. She said, “I
is one of the many platforms that God is using in my life to
love to fix things and it feels good really good to know I can
display His grace, love, mercy, character and most importantly
help people. A couple of weeks ago I found a churchthe Gospel, and I think working at UPC truly utilizes this gramember’s earring and was able to give it back to her. Just little cious gift God has given me. Lastly, I enjoy being a part of the
things like that make me feel like I’m making some sort of
great team with Dennis and Rob that keep UPC in awesome
difference. I’m thankful to be a part of such a dedicated team condition, as well as safe and secure so that everyone who
that often works behind-the-scenes. Pastor Dunham, Rob, and comes to UPC can worship the one true God unhindered! I
Dennis are wonderful. They taught me all I know. Of course, I pray that by God having me here I can truly serve Him but
don’t have room to list all of the wonderful people who help
also be here and serve every person that makes up the body of
out at UPC. If you see them around, thank them!”
Christ here at UPC.”
The most important thing that Emily has learned from her
Everyone at UPC loves working with Brandon. He’s been an
time working at UPC is that God is everywhere. It’s so great to excellent addition to our staff!
Page 11
have you on staff, Emily!
We w e l c o m e a l l
f a c u l t y, s t u d e n t s,
n e w c o m e rs
v i s i t o rs .
University Presbyterian Church is affiliated with The Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.) and is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. On Sunday
mornings, worship services are held at 8:30 and 11:00 and Sunday
School for all ages at 9:45 a.m. Children of all ages are welcomed and
cherished by this congregation. Childcare for infants through kindergarteners is provided on Sunday mornings by our paid sitters and
parent volunteers.
University Presbyterian Church
209 East Franklin Street
P.O. Box 509
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Non Profit Org.
Permit No. 78
U.S. Postage Paid
Chapel Hill, NC
Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 The Chimes News le t t e r
The Sanctuary is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces
are available, and a parking assistant will be available to help you out
of your car. Assistive hearing devices and large-print bulletins and
hymnals are available during worship. Office hours: Monday—Friday
8:30-4:30. Call (919) 929-2102 for more information. Learn more
about our programs from the church Website ( and
Facebook page (
L o c a l O u t r e a ch N ews :
A n n o u n c in g t h e U P C Bo o k D r ive !
Attention, all University Presbyterian Church families: We need your new and gently used children’s books!
We will be running a book drive from February 15 to March 1.
The books we collect will be donated to Book Harvest, a Triangle nonprofit that collects children’s books and provides them to children in
need. Book Harvest has given more than 170,000 donated books to lowincome children throughout the Triangle.
We know from recent studies that the single biggest predictor of academic success is the presence of books in the home. Yet many children in the Triangle do not own a single book.
Together, we can help all our kids succeed in school and in life—simply
by giving them books! Let’s each take some time to clear our cluttered
shelves of books our kids have outgrown so that we may give those books
a second life with a child who needs them. We need books for all ages,
especially board books and picture books for the youngest readers.
Watch for the book collection bins at the Henderson Street entrance, in Room 228 and in the Parlor from Sunday, February 15, until Sunday, March 1—and please help us fill them!
To volunteer with our book drive or to learn more, please contact UPC Local Outreach Committee Chair Bart Phillips at or Kaarin Huffman of the Adult Education Committee at
To learn more about Book Harvest, please visit their Website at